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Dont have electricity?

They dont need, people are suckers of convinience. They think the more
convinient the better and they ended up throwing out whats truely good .
What do you do for light?
Candles and rapeseed oil
It is dark at night?
Noght is supposed to be dark
Have rice paddles and no tillers and harvesting machine?
Dont need such things we have cows and horses
Use for fuel?
Firewood, feel bad cutting down living trees, but there are enough dead ones “
few trees give as much heat as a whole forest” and coe dung make good fuel

As much as possible we try to live the natural way, like people did in the past. These
days people have forgotten theyre a part of nature too. They cant live without nature,
yet they meddle with it and destroy it, they always think they can create something
better especially scientist. They may be smart but so many of them are completely
deaf to the beathing of natures heart. They work so hard inventing things that make
people unhappy and then pat themselves on the back for it even worse, the vast
majority of people look at those idiotic inventions as if they were miracles and bow
down before them. They dont notice that nature is being lost and that theyre heading
to extinction. The most important things for human beings are clean air and clean
water and the trees and grass that [roduce them, but folk pollute everything, and its
list forever. The polluted air and water go on to pollute peoples hearts.

Children placing flower on the stone

An ailing traveler fell dead on that spot, they took pity and buried him where he
died, the rock kind of tombstone it became a custom until today, without knowing

Funeral a joyous occasion the lady being buried is 99 years old

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