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Reaction paper to comfort women ww2

At the time of the WW2,  Women between 11 and 40 served as sex slaves. They
could be out playing, on errands, or even in the comforts of their own homes when
japanese soldiers would abduct them. Oftentimes, it is done when they are alone but it
is not rare for the japanese to raid villages and kill off all the men. Sometimes, these
abductions came as job offers... they were usually tricked and lied to by being told they
would be working as nursing assistants overseas or that they would be washing laundry
or working in factories. But instead, they were taken to Japanese military camps or
garrisons which were former wither municipal/provincial buildings, big private houses,
elementary/high school buildings, hospitals or churches. In a particular Church in
manila, every corner had a woman being raped by a japanese soldier at night. Their
period of confinement ranged from three days to more than a year. Each day, a woman
had to serve 20 to 50 soldiers. If they managed to escape and find their way home, they
would keep their shame a secret. When the war ended, the surviving victims had to go
on with their lives enduring the incurable physical and psychological wounds, as well as
the social stigma. They would be subjected to poor living conditions, broken family ties,
and cultural factors that valued chastity. They would be shamed for being defiled. The
years after, girls would be trained to be wary by being told that if they stayed out late,
they would be kidnapped by the Japanese soldiers.

From the primary sources, most importantly from the written testimony of Maria
Rosa Henson
Socially, the landscape was hell. The kidnapped women were subject to
servitude, as they were forced to become personal cleaners, cooks and to make things
worse sex slaves. It was an abuse mentally and physically to the women in that period.
Politically, despite the resilience of the Philippine Army, the government had no power
to condemn such an act at the time, seeing as the context is that we were overpowered
and over run with the Japanese Garrison, as they were shown to be dominant in military
might in that frame of time. Economically, The currency was slowly shifted towards the
yen. resources were scarce as we were to scrap whatever was accessible to the
needing Filipino. Furthermore,As the Japanese continued to assert themselves toward
the nation, they were also taking away some of our precious minerals to be made their

This activity helps us come to understand the importance of remembering these

atrocities and how they connect to similar incidents and sexual exploitation today. The
crime inflicted on the comfort women, including human trafficking and sexual slavery,
constitute one of the most serious human rights violations in world history. Estimates
vary as to how many women were involved, but most agree that hundreds of thousands
of women were victimized. We realize that learning about comfort women is important to
prevent the occurrence of another holocaust or system of sexual slavery. It is an
important history to remember, not only because of the cruelties involved in the comfort
women system, but also due to the survivors’ struggles, which have changed our view
of war and crimes against women. It is the duty of our global civil society to recognize
and give voice to those who suffered from inhumane crimes, to defend their human
rights, and to restore their dignity.

There is something beyond what was written in the books. When we were in high
school, our teacher only taught us how the Japanese invaded the Philippines and
maltreated its people. We were deprived of the information about these women who
were sexually assaulted by the Japanese military. Neither it was written in our textbooks
nor it was discussed by our history teachers.

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