English 225 Final Reflection

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Danny Hughes

Sarah Hughes

English 225

10 December 2020

Final Reflection

Throughout the year, this course has led me to write about topics I would not have
considered. The theme of internet culture and digital lives is becoming more and more
important in todays society with the increased use of technology. I find myself thinking about
digital culture in different ways than before. Before, I did not think very much of digital culture,
now I understand all the different perspectives that are taking place online through specifically
social media. I wrote two of my essays on social media, so I have gained a new understanding of
how social media effects people, and the way people act on social media.

Being a good digital citizen means being respectful and using your digital resources
wisely. Writing is very important in this. People can write very hurtful things on the internet and
hide behind their screens. That’s just one example of poor digital citizenship. I also think poor
digital citizenship can be not using all of your resources effectively. We live in a world where all
this research is just a click away. When people decide not to look up something important to
them and find research, they are putting themselves at a disadvantage.

The project that was most impactful for me was the open letter. Throughout the year,
we have been sharing personal experiences in our writing. We have also been using some
research in a few pieces. I liked this piece because I got to use my personal experiences and tie
that in with research that I found on my topic. This paper was a challenge to write, but that
makes it so much better when you finish the essay and feel good about it.

I am most proud of how I have grown as a writer through this class. I never really
enjoyed writing up until this year. Writing has always been hard for me and I would spend
hours just thinking of what to write and trying to get words on a page. Through this class, I got
more comfortable with my writing. I started to write more because writing became easier for
me. I started to enjoy my writing and I saw my writing improve because of this.

If I could travel back to the beginning of the year, I would tell myself to keep pushing
thorough and try my best because the writing will become easier when doing so. I would tell
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myself to write down a detailed outline for every essay for the year. This class was very fun
because I got to see myself grow as a writer.

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