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BEED 3 – H (3)




A.TYLER’S RATIONAL -Provide a logical sequence of - Some find the selection of

LINEAR MODEL curriculum element objectives from the three
possible sources ambiguous
-Provide curriculum developer and considered it as a
with a clear direction for the weakness but others find it to
development process be strength of the model as
-This involves active
participation of learners which -This might be time
is parallel to the engaging consuming in constructing
potentials of Filipino learners. behavioral objectives when in
Philippines setting.

B.TABA’S - It answers the question of - It may not appeal to

GRASSROOTS ambiguity in selecting the curriculum developers who
RATIONAL MODEL objectives in Tyler's model by prefer to consider the more
diagnosing the needs of the global aspects of the
learners first. As well as curriculum before proceeding
diagnosing the society and to specifics.
subject matter
- Lots of learning facilities in
- It also emphasizes the need the Philippines are with
to organize the content and diverse learners such as
the learning experiences. below average, average and
advanced students are fused
and thus this model might be
difficult for those that cannot
easily cope up with lessons
like those non-gifted students
to grasp everything.

C.STANDARDS-BASED - The use of benchmarks to - Standardized tests, also

CURRICULUM improve, refine, and validate known as high-stakes tests,
DEVELOPMENT curriculum standards in an have been the norm here at
MODEL equally good practice in Philippines for assessing
curriculum development. achievement since early in
the standards-based
-Its relevance and applicability education movement. These
in any educational institution tests, often conducted online,
developing curriculum are generally disliked by
standards for various courses teachers and students.
especially here in the
Philippines. -Some of its curriculum
projects was neglected here
in the Philippines due to its
top down approach in
developing the curriculum.

D.UNDERSTANDING - It assesses the student's - Little flexibility to adjust

BY DESIGN MODEL ability before planning for the learning for differentiation.
(UBD) appropriate materials and
activities. It enables students - Planning can be time
to have a better understanding consuming for teacher.
of the lesson.
- Limited opportunity for
- It allows introduction of new student investigation since
teaching methods. It gives here in the Philippines you
room for adjustments of the have to go to a process and
teaching styles for the enough budget to continue
students to achieve the do an investigation.
desired learning outcomes.

- Many pertinent factors are

considered before designing
the curriculum. It carefully
determines student's ability
that teaching will be effective
and a good student learning is

E.SYSTEMATIC -Collect data that will be used -It could be time consuming.
DESIGN MODEL to improve instructional A lot of thought and work
materials and to expand the must go into his design
effectiveness of the instruction process, so this model would
for a larger number of not be beneficial if a teacher
learners. does not have much time for
instructional design.
- Develop activities to help
achieve the objectives. These - This model does not
activities include how the account for variables. For
information will be example, a teacher could use
preserved ,how learners will this model to design an
practice what is being learned, instructional unit, implement
and how learners will be it, and revise it for the next
tested. school year. However, the
teacher will have a new
group of students next year
who bring in different
preconceived notions and
prior knowledge. Thus, what
may have worked before
may not work this time
around or vice versa.

F.MURRAY PRINT -It's a very practical model that - Lack of emphasis on the
MODEL FOR can be apply here in the construction and use of
CURRICULUM Philippines because this objectives.
DEVELOPMENT model can be used in any
level of curriculum
-It assumes that all teachers
development. Could be in and developers understand
local, college wide, or national.
curriculum theory and
elements and that it lacks
- Inclusion of instructional reflection of reality.
evaluation, monitoring, and
feedback system.


A.AUDREY NICHOLLS & -This model emphasizes on -This can be time

HOWARD NICHOLLS FOR the situational analysis consuming, as situational
CURRICULUM such as this model is analysis is a long time
DEVELOPMENT flexible, less rigid, more process and difficult to
relevant and incorporates maintain logical sequential
new information into the analysis.
curriculum that can be
surely useful in Philippine
setting. - Many curriculum workers
are used to develop
- This model views curricula following a linear
curriculum elements as model. Example here in the
interrelated and Philippines, the curriculum
interdependent. development follows a top-
down approach where
many curricular decisions
are made in the national
level. The goals and
contents of the curriculum
are set by the state.

B.WHEELER’S -This model sets the school

- It seems that this model to
CURRICULUM objectives as a final step in
lack a procedure between
DEVELOPMENT MODEL as well as the first. It clearly
organizing and integrating
calls for the setting up of
learning experience content
objectives. and evaluation. This
procedure is the execution
- This has a feedback of this integrated content.
mechanism, so it provides
students with ways to - The objective includes
measure their progress or behavioral characteristics.
accuracy. Behavioral objectives have
some limitations on

C.THE CONTEXTUAL -It provides a framework for - The framework has not
FILTERS MODEL OF understanding teachers been commonly used in
COURSE PLANNING decisions higher
about the design and education.
enactment of educational
experiences. - This factor did not
unilaterally dictate faculty
-Teaching and learning and behaviors but were
experiences as an instead filtered by features
instructor would of the organizational
largely drive decisions context that
about the structure and ultimately determined how
content of a a course was designed and
course. taught
(stark, 2000).

A.WALKER’S MODEL OF -Input is given by the -The process for

CURRICULUM curriculum developers, deliberation can be time
DEVELOPMENT target group, other consuming and resource
stakeholders in the intensive, and can be result
development of the in curriculum products that
curriculum, and empowers may not be consistent and
especially teachers, as aligned internally.
valuable contributors.
- Consensus is often hard
- It is claimed by the to achieve when developing
proponents of these models curriculum at national or
that they are the regional level.
realistic way of handling
curriculum development.
Also parties are given
ample of opportunity to

B.SKILBECK’S - It is more comprehensive - Perceive and felt

CURRICULUM framework, which can problems and shortcoming
DEVELOPMENT MODEL encompass in existing
either the process model or curriculum.
the objective model
depending on - It does not presuppose a
which aspects of the linear progression through
curriculum are being its
designed. components. Teachers can
begin at any stage and
- It views such design as a activities
means hereby teachers can develop concurrently.
modify and
transform pupil experience
through providing insights
cultural values,
interpretative frameworks
and symbolic

C.EISNER’S ARTISTIC - This model caters for the - It can also be a challenge
APPROACH TO students’ individual because it requires great
CURRICULUM preferences and expertise
DEVELOPMENT differences, by not being and it can be a very
biased towards the student expensive exercise for
who is academically gifted schools to engage
only but also to those gifted such expert service.
in the arts.
- The model can be very
- It assist the teacher on cumbersome and strenuous
what strategies to employ for the
to teach his or teachers who are already
her pupils effectively burdened with over
,parents on how to help enrolment.
their children in
education .

D. PAWILEN'S MODEL - It could help in creating a -This model should be

FOR DEVELOPING curriculum development closely aligned with how the
CURRICULUM model for the department of education
development of a transition develops various curricula.
program curriculum in the
Philippines. - The curriculum
development model for the
- This model necessitates transition program
the need for support from curriculum should follow a
professionals and other key logic process that describes
people in the community in the
order necessary tasks that
for the individual with teachers and administrators
special needs to attain can follow.
independent living.

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