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Subject/Grade: Lesson/Date: Time:

Math 4 Tues Dec 1/20 1220-120

Stage 1: Desired Results
Lesson This lesson will provide students with an “I do, we do, you do” style of practice working
Overview: through questions within a workbook. Students will also be split into two teams and have the
chance to play a fun math competition style game. All students will have the chance to answer
the questions using mini whiteboards, but only the two challengers will be able to win a point
for their team.
GOs: Students will: use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems
SOs: Students will: Represent, describe and extend patterns and relationships, using charts and
tables, to solve problems.
Learning Students will:
Objectives  Practice (B) their pattern skills (representing, describing, extending, skip counting, using
tables) (P) by working through a workbook involving patterns (M)
 Demonstrate (B) their understanding of describing and reproducing patterns (P) by playing
a 1v1 challenge game

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Review students workbooks after class Summative None
Assessment Mini whiteboards Assessment
Challenge game
Thumbs up thumbs down

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Print the workbooks Resources:
Lesson: Have the mini whiteboards ready to
hand out
Have the google slides ready to
Have the page open for
the workbook questions
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
1220- Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:
1230  This class always needs a body break in between classes – we will play
“would you rather” to get the class up and moving for a couple of
 Welcome in our guest – my teacher at university
 Review last class we did our experimenting with toothpicks and most of
us finished up with the last chapters workbook
 Ask the class if they would like to finish up the toothpick activity from
last class, if yes, allow for 10 extra minutes to do square patterns with
toothpicks. If no, move on to the next part.
 Review that we can use patterns to help us solve questions quickly
 Today we will start using our knowledge and skills with patterns to
answer real world questions
1230- Transition:
1235  Open up the google slides
 Show the new work booklet
Subject/Grade: Lesson/Date: Time:
 Make sure students names are on the first page
 Do not start any of the questions yet
 Pass out the work book
1235- Learning Activity 1: FA – review
1255  If students chose to continue the toothpick activity I will either take time students
out of this activity and bump it to tomorrow, or out of the game in workbooks
activity 2 – use judgement based on the class energy levels and overall
feeling towards math today.

We will be starting into the translating practice workbook

The questions will be on the projector and we will work through the
questions as a class
 We will try to use the “I do, we do, you do” technique. FA – thumbs up,
 Our goal will be to finish the following questions as a class before thumbs down
moving on:
 2-3, 5-13
 Its ok if we don’t finish to this point, we will get to it in the next class
 If we get to 13 quicker than anticipated, we can move on to these next
questions: 14-15, mixed review 1-5
1255- Transition:
1257  Collect the workbooks
 Hand out the mini whiteboards
 Set expectations for whiteboards
 No doodling, try your best to answer the questions, accuracy more
important than speed
1257- Learning Activity 2:
115  Set expectations for teams: FA – review the
 Positive encouragement, any negative talk and you will have to miss mini whiteboard
your turn to answer, we have to work together to help our teammates answers
 Using the projector and google slides we will have a 1v1 challenge style
game FA – use the
 We will split the class into 2 teams, split down the middle of the challenge game
classroom to assess students
 Use dojo to randomly select the first to challengers, then just rotate in a understanding
circle within the team for each new question
 All students will see the question on the projector
 All students will attempt the question using their mini whiteboards and
hold their boards up when they are finished
 Only the two challengers will be up at the front of the room using the
main white boards
 If the challengers are struggling with the question they may turn around
and seek the help of their teammates
 We will keep a tally of the teams points and each member of the winning
team will get a dojo point
115- Transition:
116  End the game
 Have students wipe the boards clean
 Flip them over so that they aren’t tempted to draw on them
Subject/Grade: Lesson/Date: Time:
116- Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
120  Review that we have learned how to describe a pattern using math
 We can reproduce a pattern
 And we can translate patterns
 Next class Miss French will be teaching us about diagramming patterns
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:

2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:

3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:

4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?

5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:

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