Evaluation of Endothelium

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26 Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol.

66 ■ March 2018

Original Article

Evaluation of Endothelial Dysfunction in Idiopathic Dilated

Cardiomyopathy Patients
Mukul Kumar1*, Yashpaul Sharma2, Ajay Bahl2

(e.g., hypertension, diabetes, smoking,

Abstract hypercholesterolemia and obesity)
have been associated with endothelial
Background: Endothelial dysfunction has early been characterized in ischemic
cell dysfunction. 4-6 Carotid intima-
cardiomyopathy patients. The study was aimed to study evaluation of endothelial
media thickness (IMT) is considered
dysfunction in idiopathic cardiomyopathy patients (DCM).
as a marker of early atherosclerosis, it
Methods: Thirty newly diagnosed patients (age >18 years) of DCM were enrolled predicts future risk of cardiovascular
in the study from cardiology OPD, PGIMER, Chandigarh from January 2011 to June disease, and it has been found to be
2012. Age-and sex-matched 30 healthy controls were also enrolled. Idiopathic DCM high in individuals with coronary heart
was diagnosed by presence of left ventricular dilatation and systolic dysfunction disease and myocardial infarction.
(LVEF<40%) on echocardiography in the absence of coronary artery disease, Whether it is related to cardiomyopathy,
hypertension or valvular disease. All patients underwent echocardiography and this needs evaluation. 7
coronary arteriography. Flow mediated dilation (FMD) and carotid intima media Several studies have used the
thickness (IMT) were compared between patients and controls. measurement of IMT at the common
Results: There was no significant difference in mean IMT between patients carotid artery, obtained by non-
(0.73±0.04 mm) and controls (0.747±0.03 mm) (P=0.18). There was significant i n va s i v e h i g h - r e s o l u t i o n B - m o d e
difference in left IMT in NHYA class (P=0.010). There was significant difference in ultrasonography. 8 An increased IMT
mean percentage of FMD (patients vs. controls; 4.37% vs. 8.35%; P=0.001) while of the carotid artery wall is considered
baseline FMD was different (patients vs. controls; 3.6 mm±0.26 mm vs. 3.72±0.32 to be an early atherosclerosis index;
evidences suggest an association
mm; P=0.13). There was no significant difference in percentage NMD (P=0.057)
between extra cranial carotid artery
and mean NMD (P=0.26) between patients and controls. There was no correlation
disease and incidence of coronary heart
between FMD and IMT.
disease. As endothelial dysfunction
Conclusion: Endothelial dysfunction occurs in IDC patients. Also, there is a and increased IMT are interrelated,
positive correlation with NHYA class; however, IMT is not affected in dilated indicative of different aspects of the
cardiomyopathy. atherosclerotic process, their early
detection could have strong implications
for cardiovascular prevention. Some
Introduction Arterial physiology has recently studies have already related endothelial
been studied using a non-invasive dysfunction and IMT in patients with

A n insult to vascular endothelium

is likely a preliminary event in
most vascular diseases. Endothelial
ultrasound technique, brachial artery
flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). 2 Nitric
oxide released from arterial endothelial
atherosclerosis or coronary artery
disease, but few data are available
in cardiomyopathy patients. The
dysfunction has been found to be cells mediates the dilatation response purpose of present study was to study
implicated in a number range of with increased blood flow. Brachial endothelial dysfunction in by FMD
diseases from diabetes mellitus and FMD response is also found to be and assessment of correlation between
essential hypertension, to vasospastic correlated with coronary endothelial endothelial dysfunction and carotid
conditions such as systemic sclerosis function as tested by invasive methods. intima media thickness in idiopathic
and primary Reynaud’s phenomenon. 1 Endothelial dysfunction results cardiomyopathy (DCM) patients.
Furthermore, it has been postulated that in the inability of a vessel to dilate
endothelial dysfunction is a precursor in response to endothelium-derived
Subjects and Methods
to atherosclerosis; indeed, it has been relaxing factors after physiological
identified in vivo in healthy individuals Thirty newly diagnosed patients (age
stimuli, like increases in blood flow >18 years) with idiopathic DCM were
exposed to various cardiovascular risk (an early characteristics of coronary
factors like cigarette smoking, obesity, enrolled in the study from Department
atherosclerosis). 3 Major risk factors of cardiology, Post Graduate Institute
increasing age etc. Cardiovascular for atherosclerotic vascular disease
disease (CVD) is currently a leading
cause of morbidity and mortality in
Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiology, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Govt. Medical College, Kangra at Tanda, Himachal Pradesh;
the Western world, a fact which has

Professor, Department of Cardiology, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh;
provided a drive for the development of *
Corresponding Author
methods, facilitating in vivo evaluation Received: 23.12.2016; Accepted: 31.10.2017
of endothelial function. 1
Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol. 66 ■ March 2018 27

of Medical Education and Research, with patients in supine position at a Carotid Intima Media Thickness (IMT)
Chandigarh from January 2011 to room temperature of 22 to 25ºC after Our study found that there was no
June 2012. Age-and sex-matched 30 resting for 30 minutes. Transducer was significant difference (P=0.18) in mean
healthy controls (family members of the placed approximately 5 cm proximal to IMT between the patients (0.73±0.04
patients) were also enrolled. The study elbow joint at a fixed point for imaging mm) and the controls (0.747±0.03 mm)
was conducted following approval from brachial artery in the longitudinal (Table 2). Amongst patients, mean
Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC). plane. A segment with clear anterior IMT in right side was 0.74±0.04 mm
All the subjects were included in the and posterior intimal interfaces was (range 0.67-0.82 mm) and on left side
study after their consent. selected for continuous 2-D gray scale was 0.72±0.04 mm (range 0.7-0.8 mm).
Idiopathic DCM was diagnosed by imaging. Diameter measurement was Amongst controls, mean IMT in right
presence of left ventricular dilatation selected from one intimal surface to the side was 0.75±0.03 mm (range 0.7-0.8
and systolic dysfunction (LVEF<40%) other, measured at end diastole taking mm) and on left side was 0.74±0.03
on echocardiography in the absence of beginning of R wave on ECG interface. mm (range 0.7-0.8 mm). There was
coronary artery disease, hypertension Brachial artery flow was measured no sex-based significant difference
or valvular disease. Subjects with from the midpoint of the lumen using between in mean IMT (0.72±0.032 vs.
coronary artery disease, diabetes pulse Doppler. After taking baseline 0.70±0.171 female vs. male; P=0.551)
mellitus, cancer, hypercholesterolemia, measurements, blood pressure cuff in the DCM patients group. There was
concomitant infection, on sildenafil tied at forearm was inflated to about 50 significant difference in left IMT in
treatment, pregnancy, peripheral mmHg above systolic blood pressure. NHYA class (P=0.010).
va s c u l a r d i s e a s e , r e n a l f a i l u r e o r After 5 minutes of cuff inflation, the
Brachial Artery Flow Mediated
autoimmune disease, rheumatic heart cuff was deflated rapidly. For diameter
Dilatation and Nitroglycerin-mediated
disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, measurements, readings were taken
hypertensive heart disease, congenital every 15 second from 15 to 120 seconds
after cuff deflation and the greatest There was significant difference
heart disease, evidence of restrictive or
diameter was considered. in mean percentage of FMD (patients
constructive physiology, smoking, and
vs. controls; 4.37% vs. 8.35%; P=0.001)
alcohol intake >60 g/day were excluded Nitroglycerin-mediated Dilation (NMD)
while baseline FMD was different
from study. None of the subjects had After a 10-minute rest, 25 mg (patients vs. controls; 3.6 mm±0.26 mm
family history of ischemic heart disease, GTN (glyceryl trinitrate) was given vs. 3.72±0.32 mm; P=0.13). There was
history of smoking etc. sublingually and, after waiting for 3 no significant difference in percentage
Echocardiography minutes to achieve plateau response NMD (P=0.057) and mean NMD (P=0.26)
Echocardiography was performed to the drug, brachial artery images between patients and controls (Table 3).
for all the subjects and ejection were recorded for 1 minute. Both FMD
Relationship of FMD and IMT
fraction was calculated using modified and GTN responses were expressed
as percentage change, calculated as T h e r e wa s n e g a t i ve c o r r e l a t i o n
Simpsons method in apical 4 chamber
follows: between baseline FMD and NYHA class
view. Patients with ejection fraction
with correlation coefficient of -0.259
less than 40% were enrolled in study. Maximum brachial diameter -
(P=0.167) and no correlation FMD and
Normal value for EF was taken as baseline brachial diameter × 100%
IMT (P=0.185).
55-70%, end diastolic volume as 65-240 Baseline brachial diameter
ml, end systolic volume as 16-143 ml. 9 Discussion
Statistical Analysis
Coronary Arteriography
The data were presented as mean ± This study was conducted to know
The patients enrolled for the study SD or median as appropriate. Student about endothelial dysfunction in
underwent coronary arteriography t-test was used for normally distributed idiopathic DCM patients. The study
during the course of hospitalization. data. Pearson χ2 test or Fisher’s exact showed that mean age was similar in
S e l e c t i ve c o r o n a r y a r t e r i o g r a p h y test was used for analysis of categorical both the groups. Patient group had 20
of left and right coronary arteries variables with two categories. A P value males (66.7%) and 10 (33.3%) females
was performed and multiple of <0.05 was considered to indicate whereas control group had 16 (53.3%)
cineangiographic views were selected statistical significance. Correlation males and 14 (46.7%) females.
to delineate coronary artery anatomy. was presented as coefficient. A P value
Patients with normal coronaries were Most of the patients were in NYHA
of <0.05 was considered as statistical
included in the study. class I (50%) and class II (46.7%) and
significance. All calculations were
only 1 (3.3%) was in class III and none in
Brachial Artery Flow-Mediated p e r f o r m e d u s i n g S P S S ve r s i o n 1 5
class IV. Our study found no significant
Dilatation Measurement (Statistical Packages for the Social
d i f f e r e n c e i n m e a n I M T b e t we e n
F M D wa s m e a s u r e d f o r a l l t h e Sciences, Chicago, IL).
patients and controls. Badran et al have
patients using a non-invasive method shown significantly increased carotid
(ultrasound system), fitted with a
diameter and IMT were in ischemic
high frequency vascular transducer The subjects’ characteristics have cardiomyopathy in comparison to non
operated at 10 MHz. All vasodilator b ee n s u m m a ri z ed i n Ta b l e 1 . 5 0 % ischemic DCM and control (P < 0.001).10
drugs were withheld for at least 4 p a t i e n t s we r e i n N e w Yo r k H e a r t Shah et al 9 measured common IMT and
times their half-life period before the Association (NHYA) class I followed by showed no difference in IMT between
vascular studies. The measurement 46.6% patients in class II. There was no controls and patients with DCM,
was conducted after overnight fasting patient in NHYA class IV. however, increased in IHD patients;
28 Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol. 66 ■ March 2018

Table 1: Subjects’ characteristics Table 3: FMD and NMD in patients and controls
DCM (n=30) Control (n=30) P value Category Patients Controls P value
Mean age (± SD) 48.37±10.82 49.2±9.27 0.75 Mean ± SD (Range) Mean ± SD (Range)
M:F 20:10 16:14 0.29 Baseline FMD 3.6±0.26 (3.19-4.12) 3.72±0.32 (3.22-4.45) 0.13
BMI (kg/m2) 21.36±1.46 21.39±1.48 0.94 FMD 15s 3.66±0.25 (3.22-4.2) 3.75±0.33 (3.27-4.47) 0.25
Mean PR (b/m) 74.3±3.98 75.2±4.3 0.4 FMD 30s 3.68±0.25 (3.27-4.26) 3.79±0.32 (3.31-4.5) 0.15
Mean SBP (mmHg) 125.7±8.27 127.57±7.52 0.36 FMD 45s 3.72±0.25 (3.3-4.3) 3.85±0.32 (3.4-4.6) 0.081
Mean DBP (mmHg) 75.83±4.19 76.13±3.71 0.77 FMD 60s 3.76±0.26 (3.3-4.3) 4.03±0.33 (3.5-4.8) 0.001
Table 2: Carotid IMT in patients and controls FMD 90s 3.75±0.26 (3.34-4.28) 3.97±0.33 (3.49-4.71) 0.006
Category Patients Controls P FMD 120s 3.73±0.26 (3.3-4.3) 3.91±0.32 (3.4-4.6) 0.024
Mean ± SD (Range) Mean ± SD (Range) value %age increase 4.37 8.35 0.001
Right CIMT 0.74±0.04 (0.67-0.82) 0.75±0.03(0.7-0.8) 0.18 NMD 4.15±0.3 (3.62-4.69) 4.24±0.33 (3.74-4.99) 0.26
Left CIMT 0.72±0.04(0.7-0.8) 0.74±0.03(0.7-0.8) 0.04 %age increase 15.2 14.18 0.057
Mean CIMT 0.73±0.04(0.68-0.83) 0.74±0.03(0.69-0.79) 0.08 FMD: Flow-Mediated Dilation; NMD: Nitroglycerin-Mediated Dilation
CIMT: Carotid Intima-Media Thickness with DCM; the results therefore should
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