Description (6-8 Sentences Minimum)

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Using the articles you’ve read in Unit 5 as a guide and reference, choose one of the

following objects and write a 4 paragraph report (with bullet points).

Half Coffee Cup Student Desk Bathroom Sink Aquarium

You should structure your report as follows:

Description (6-8 sentences minimum)

Describe what it looks like and what it does.

Principles of Design (6-8 sentences minimum)

Analyze the object according to the design principles of functionality, usability, and
emotional response, identifying any problems you notice.

Principles of Ergonomics (6-8 sentences minimum)

Analyze the object according to the ergonomic principles of efficiency and human
comfort, identifying any problems you notice.

Recommendations (6-8 sentences minimum)

Give your opinion and recommendations about the object. Provide solutions to some of
the problems you identified in the body paragraphs. Present 4 recommendations for
the object using bullet points and include a noun clause and a conditional

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