Obesity 2

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Survey of obesity

Survey Objective

This survey is based on weight loss product advertisements with a comprehensive, albeit
non scientific, review of the state of weight loss product and service advertising. The main
objective of survey is how the people reduce their weight by using different measures such
as, use of drugs or by daily exercise or by changing their life style so that risk of obesity and
its associated disease should be minimized.

x To find the major barrier for better management of weight.

x To find about the awareness for obesity among the public.
x To find the major sources of advertisements for the weight loss product.
x To find the safety measures implemented by consumer to control obesity.
x To find most commonly used weight loss product.
x To find out the major causes of obesity.
x To find out which categories of drugs are mostly used, it is Allopathic,
Homeopathy or Ayurvedic.
x To find out how many patient consult doctor before using weight loss
product for obesity control.
x To find out which type of advertised product is most commonly used by
x To find out what safety precaution doctor suggested to control obesity.
Survey of obesity

Survey Methodology

Participants were asked to share their honoest opinions and view points i.e.
what consumer thinks and why they feel as they do.
Three questionnaires were prepared:
1) Physician related.
2) Patient related.
3) Public related
Based on this various data was collected from 20doctor, 30 patients and about 60 people,
than interpretations were drawn using statistics techniques and result were concluded.

The following questions were asked to patient:-

Q.1what do you think is the major cause of your obesity?

Q.2 what are the Barriers for better management of obesity?
Q.3 what percent individuals suffering from obesity?
Q.4 Do you know the difference between obesity and underweight ?
Q.5 which treatment did you refers to Allopathy/Homeopathy/Ayurvedic?
Q. 6 What type of safety measures do you take to control obesity ?
Q. 7 Does psychology of the patients help in controlling the obesity ?
Q. 8 Do you use weight loss product to control your obesity?

The following questions were asked to Public:-

Q. 9 At what age group, people mostly affected by obesity?

Q. 10 what is the major source by which you get information of weight loss products For obesity
Q. 11 Which type of advertised product have you used to control obesity ?
Q. 12 Which is the most effective ways that you generally used to control your Obesity ?
Q. 13 Which type of therapy is mostly used by the people for the management of Obesity ?
Q. 14 Does the people satisfied by the performance of the weight loss product which are used to
control obesity ?
Q. 15 Do you have any knowledge about safety and side effects of different antiobese drugs?
Survey of obesity

Q. 16 How many people know about different heath risk condition associated with obesity?

The following questions were asked to Doctor:-

Q. 17 In how many cases, the patient consult the doctor before using the weight loss Product for
obesity control?
Q. 18 What are the activities suggested by the doctor, which are implemented to Control obesity
Q. 19 What is the major source of information for doctor about the weight loss Product?
Q. 20 Does the doctor felt that patients support the efforts to improve nutritional Quality of diet
to reduce fat or caloric content?
Q. 21 Does the advertisement for weight loss product were found to be Motivating according to
Q. 22 What is the body mass index for the management of overweight and obesity?
Q. 23 How body mass index is associated with risk of other disease?
Q.24 How many patients comes to the doctor for surgery?

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