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1.What are the characteristics of a queuing system? [Nov 2014]

The theory which we study about the waiting lines is called as queuing theory.
Example: (i) Patients waiting in a queue in a hospital for treatment

(ii) Components of a machine waiting to be assembled

(iii)Cars in a mechanic sop to be repaired

(iv) Many trucks waiting to unload their cargo
(i) Balking (ii) Reneging (iii) Jockeying (iv) Priority

2. Write down the formulae for

P0 and Pn in a poisson queue system in the steady state.
n n
      
Pn    P0    1  
2014]       

3. Write down the Little’s formulae that holds good for all Poisson queue for
a)Infinite Capacity b) Finite capacity [April 2015, 2016]

Infinite Capacity:
Ls  Ws
Lq  Wq
Ws  Wq 
By definition, 

Ws  Wq 
X by  : 

Ls  Lq 

Finite Capacity:

Ls  Lq 

Wq  Lq

Ws  Ls

4. In ( M / M /1) : ( / FIFO) model, find the average number of customers in the queue and
the system if   8 per hr and   12 per hr . [April 2016]
( M / M /1) : ( / FIFO) is Model 1

Ls 
 

12  8

Average no. of customer in the system s  2 customers
Average No. of customer in the queue
2 82
Lq  
 (    ) 12(12  8)
Lq  1.333 customers
5. Write down the formulae for ( M / M /1) : ( / FIFO) [April 2015]

Ws 
Solution: The waiting time of customer in the system  
 
Wq  (or ) Wq 
The waiting time of customer in the queue  (   1)  (1   )

Probability that the waiting time of a customer in the queue

  (   )t
P(w  t )  e


1.The customers arrive at a one-man barber shop according to a poisson process with mean
interval arrival time of 20 minutes. Customers spend an average of 15 minutes in the
barbers’s chair. If an hour is used as unit of time, then
(i) What is the probability that a customer need not wait for a hair cut?
(ii) What is expected number of customers in the barber shop and in the queue?
(iii) How much time can a customer expect to spend in the barber shop?
(iv) Find the average time that the customer spend in the queue.
(v) what is the probability that there will be more than 3 customers in the system?
[Nov 2011,2014]

This problem is of model ( M / M / I ) : ( / FIFO)

If the arrival is poisson with rate  then the inter arrival is exponential with mean 
1 1
 20   
Given  20 per minute
1 1
 15   
 15 per minute
(i) The probability that a customer need not wait for a hair cut
 15 5
P0  1   1    0.25
i.e. The system is idle  20 20
1 1
Ws    60minutes
   1  1
The average waiting time in the system 15 20
(ii) The expected number of customers in the barber shop and in the queue
Ls   ws   60  3
20 customers
(iii)Expected waiting time in the system s
W  60minutes
(iv) The average time that the customer spend in the queue
Wq  Ws   60  15  45 min

(v) The probability that there will be more than 3 customers in the system
 P  N  k     
4 4
    15 
 P  N  3   P  N  4         0.3164
    20 
2.Arrivals at a telephone booth are considered to be poisson with an average time 12
minutes between one arrival and the next. The length of telephone call is assumed to be
distributed exponentially with mean 4 minutes.
(i) Find the average number of persons waiting in the system?
(ii)what is the probability that a person arriving at the booth has to wait in the queue?
(iii) Also estimate the fraction of the day when phone will be in use.
(iv) What is the probability that it will take more than 10 minutes for person to wait and
complete his call?
(v) The telephone department will install a second booth when convinced that an arrival
would expect to wait at least 3 minutes for the phone. By how much should the flow of
arrivals increase in order to justify a second booth? [Nov 2015]

This problem is of model ( M / M / I ) : ( / FIFO)
If the arrival is poisson with rate  then the inter arrival is exponential with mean 
 12    12
Given  per minute
1 1
4  
 4 per minute
 1 2
P0  1   1 
 3 3
 1 1
  
The probability that a customer wait  3 3
The probability that a customer need not wait
 1 2
P0  1   1  
i.e. The system is idle  3 3
1 1
Ws    60minutes
   1  1
The average waiting time in the system 15 20
(ii) The expected number of customers in the barber shop and in the queue
Ls   ws   60  3
20 customers
W  60minutes
(iii)Expected waiting time in the system s
(iv) The average time that the customer spend in the queue
Wq  Ws   60  15  45 min

(v) The probability that there will be more than 3 customers in the system
 P  N  k     
4 4
    15 
 P  N  3   P  N  4         0.3164
    20 
3.An automatic car wash facility operates with only one bay. Cars arrive according to a
poisson distribution with a mean of 4 cars per hour and may wait in the facility’s parking
lot if the bay is busy. If the service time for all cars is constant and equal to 10 minutes,
determine (i) Mean number of customers in the system
(ii) Mean number of customers in the Queue
(iii) Mean waiting time of a customers in the system
(iv) Mean waiting time of a customers in the Queue [Nov 2015]

This problem is of model ( M / M / I ) : ( / FIFO)

If the arrival is Poisson with rate  then the inter arrival is exponential with mean 

Given   4 cars per hour

1 1
 10    min per car
 10

  60  6 cars per hour
1 1 1
Ws   
(iii)The average waiting time in the system    64 2
Ls  Ws  4  2
(i) Mean number of customers in the system 2
1 1 1 1
Wq  Ws    
(iv) The average waiting time in the queue  2 6 3

1 4
Lq  Wq  4  
(ii) Mean number of customers in the queue 3 3

4. In the railway marshalling yardgoods trains arrive at a rate of 30 trains per day. Assume
that the inter arrival time follows exponential distribution and the service time
distribution is also exponential with an average of 36 minutes. Calculate the following (i)
The mean queue size(ii) the probability that the queue size is atleast 10(iii) if the output of
trains increases to an average of 33 per day, what will be the change in the above
quantities? [Nov 2012]


This problem is of model ( M / M / I ) : ( / FIFO)

  30 per day = per minute
Given 24  60
 trains/ minute
Service time is exponential with mean equal to 36 minutes.
1 1
 36 min    per min ute
 36
1 1 1
Ws     144
   1  1 43
(iii) The average waiting time in the system 36 48 144
Ls  Ws   144  3
(i) Mean number of customers in the system 48
Wq  Ws   144  36  108
(iv) The average waiting time in the queue 

Lq  Wq  108   2.25  2
(ii) Mean number of customers in the queue
5. A one-man barber shop can accommodate a maximum of 5 people at a time, 4 waiting
and 1 getting hair cut.Customers arrive following poisson distribution with an average of 5
per hour and service is rendered accotding to exponential distribution at an average rate of
15 minutes. (i) What is the percentage of idle time? (ii) Probability of a potential customer
turned away. (iii) Expected number of customers in the queue. (iv) Expected time spent in
the shop. [April 2015]

Since one-man shop with maximum capacity 5,
( M / M / I ) : ( K / FIFO)
It is ofthe model
  5 / hr
1 1 60
 15 / min    / min  / hr  4 / hr
 15 15

Capacity of the system k=5

 5
 1
 4
(i) p[ idle time]
 
 1 

 k 1
if   
 
Po  1   
 
 1
 if   
 k 1
 5
 1
 4  0.0888
Po   6
1   5 
  4 

(ii) p( a potential customer turned away) = P(N=5)

5 5
 5
P5    P0     0.0888  0.271
P(N=5)=  4
Expected number of customers in the System.
  
k 1

  k  1  

Ls  

 
k 1
 1      
1  
     
 
 5 5

  6  
 4  4   3.1317
Ls   
 1   5   1   5 

   4    
(iii)Expected number of customers in the queue.
' '
Lq  Ls  where  1  p0
 
 1  0.0888  0.9112

 '  0.9112    0.9112  4  3.6448
 Lq  Ls   3.1317  0.9112  2.22 customers

(iv) Expected time spent in the shop.
Ws  s'

Ws   0.8592hrs  0.8592  60  51.55 min

6. A super market has a single cashier. During peak hours, customer arrive at a rate of 20

per hour. The average number of customer that can be produce by the cashier is 24 hours.

Calculate (i) Find the average number of customers in the shop (ii) Find the average time a

customers spends in the system (iii) Find the average number of customers in the queue

(iv) what is the probability that the srever is idle.

This problem is of model ( M / M / I ) : ( / FIFO)
Given   20 per hour
Service time is exponential
  24 per hour
1 1 1
Ws    hrs
(iii) The average waiting time in the system      24  20 4
Ls  Ws   20  5
(i) Mean number of customers in the system 4
1 1 1 5
Wq  Ws     hrs
(iv) The average waiting time in the queue  4 24 24
Lq  Wq  20   0.20 hr
(ii) Mean number of customers in the queue
(v). The server is idle

P0  1 

20 1
P0  1  
24 6
7.In a city airport flights arrive at a rate of 24 flights per day. It is known that the interarrival time follows
an exponential distribution and the service time is also exponential distribution with an average of 30
minutes. Find

i) Find the average number of customers in the shop

(ii) Find the average time a customers spends in the system

(iii) Find the average number of customers in the queue

(iv) what is the probability that the srever is idle.

(v) Find the probability that the queue exceed 17. [April 2017]


This problem is of model ( M / M / I ) : ( / FIFO)

Given   24 per day =1/hr
Service time is exponential
1 60
  / min   2 per hour
30 30
1 1
Ws    1 hr
(iii) The average waiting time in the system      2 1
(i) Mean number of customers in the system
Ls  Ws  11  1
1 1 1
Wq  Ws   1   hrs
(iv) The average waiting time in the queue  2 2

1 1
Lq  Wq  1  hr
2 2
(ii) Mean number of customers in the queue
(v). The server is idle

P0  1 

1 1
P0  1  
2 2
(v). The queue exceeds 7
P  N  7      0.0039

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