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tes} 3(0) Quality Function Deployment (QFD) ‘Sasadhar Bera, 1IM Ranchi Introduction ‘Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is customer driven approach which translates the customer needs (or voice of customer) into technical requirements such as design targets, manuiacturing process. prsmeters and major ‘quality assurance points throughout the product/service evelopment proc. It abso shows which design targets are more important to fenure customer satstacton, It helps 2 company to move towards provetive designing ‘quolty rather than racional inspection of product quality. $ Voice of Customer * Introduction. (QF was introduced by YoR Akao in Japan in 1966 and successuly 3ppted a the Mitsubishi Heavy industri Kobe Shipyard in 1972. 1 late eighties, many Japanese, American, and European companies have adopted FD to develop ther product/service. ‘FD uses a series of matrices, which lock tke "house" that eploy custemar input throughout desig, manutacturing, and service delivery Affeity diagram, tee diagram, matrix agram and matric ata analysis tools ae used in FD. Voice of Customer ‘A customer need is a description in customer's own words, ‘about the benef tobe full by the product or service. ‘The volee of customer i a hierarchical set of “customer ‘needs" where each need has 2 priory, Prlorty indicates importance of anced to the customer Developing product based on tho voles of the customer becomes a kay criterion in quality management. Voice of Customer —. ‘The three steps in the measurement and analysis of woice of ‘astomer as input in OFD are: (2) deativing customer needs, (2) structuring customer needs and (G) setting prions for customer needs. ‘dentifying customer needs: it's primary 2 qualtative research task. The three questions which we have heard ‘most often are: (1) Do focus group identify more customer needs? (2) How many people (or soups) must be Incerviewed? and (3) How many team members should analyse the data? _ Four-Phase Model of QFD Voice of Customer —. Structuring customer needs: CFO structures the customer ‘needs into a hierarchy of primary, secondary, and tertiary needs. ‘Primary needs, also known a5 strategic needs, ae the Sto 20 top-level needs. Each primary need is elaborated into 3 to 10 secondary needs. The tertiary needs, also known 35. ‘operational needs, provide detail so that engineering and RAD can develop engineering solutions that satisfy the secondary needs Setting priorities for customer needs: Some needs have bigherprirties for customers than other needs. The GF team uses these priorities to make decisions which balance the cost of fuliling a eustomar need. Four-Phase Model of QFD_ ‘The product development process has four phases. Each (phase sos marr data analy Introduction ‘Quality Function Deployment (QF) Is customer driven pprozch which translates the customer needs (or voice of Castor) Into technical requirements such as design {argets, manufacturing process parameters and_major ‘quality assurance points throughout the product/service evelopment process IR also shows which design targets are more important to censure customer satisfaction 'E helps 2 company to move towards proactive designing ‘quality rather than traditional inspection of product quality. ’ Voice of Customer 1 Introduction (GAD was introduced by Yop Akao in Japan in 1966 and successfully applied a the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Kebe Shipyard in 1372 In late eighties, many Japanese, American, and European comparies have adopted FD to develop theit roduc/sersce. CFD uses a series of matrices, which look like "house" that epioy custemar input throughout design, manufacturing fandzervice delvery. Affaity diagram, tee diagram, matrix dlagram and matrix data analysis tools are used in FO, Voice of Customer ‘Acstomer need is a description in customer's own words, about the benefit tobe fuliled bythe product or service ‘The voice of customer & 2 Rierarchical set of "customer needs" where each need hes » priority. Priority indicates tmportance ofa need tothe customer Developing product based on the voice of the customer becomes key criterion in quality management. Four-Phase Model of QFD 1 Phase: House of Quality (HOQ) In the fist phase, collected customer needs forthe product (or voice of customer) called WHATs and then to transform ‘these needs int technical requirements called HOWS. ‘The fist phase develops a matrix based on customer requirements, importance ‘ating of wach requirement, competing product evakation, tecnica ablity to meet tach requirement. The output of this phase is prertized technical requirements. This phase is 50 fundamental in product development that the corresponding Q/'D matrix is gen a special name called the House Of Quality (HOQ). Four-Phase Model of OFD 2 Phase: Process Planning The third phase examines the relationship between part characteristics and manufacturing process. In process planning. flow charts are prepared for manufacturing Processes and process parameters (or target values) are documented Four-Phase Model of QFD 12 Phase: Pats Deployment ‘he second phase transtorms the priced technical requirements into part characteristics, called Part Deployment. Pars are considered to be mest important te meeting customer needs. Parts Deployment requires ‘reatty and innovative team eas, Product concopts are ‘reated uring this phase and parts specification are ‘documented, Four-Phase Model of QFD 44° Phase: Production Planning In ast phase, the production and control plans are created to monitor the production process, msintenance schedules, and skits needed for operators. Also, in this phase decisions are made on the most ricky process and ‘contingency plans are put in place to prevent flues. House of Quality House of Quality (HOQ) In theory the geal of 2 House-of Gualty i priontised technica! requirement and to specty target volue for ech ofthe technical requirements. The left wall of the HOO includes the customer requirements or needs, Te customer requirements contain the voice of the customer, or what the customer expects from the prduct. (On the Hight side of wall are the prioritized customer requirements, of planing meirs. Usted Wor ae customer ‘competitive evaluation, customer Importance rating of requirements, target valve, scale-up fector, ard sales point. House of Quality (HOQ) Structure of HO Ratticeip bere WHATS and HOW wma) i Plots Tcl Ropes House of Quality (HOQ) ‘The calling oF second Moor, of the house contains the technical requirements. Customer expectations (eustemer requrements| ae Wardisted into engneerng characteristics (technical reqremerts). Consistency of the prodect rowed through engineering churactersts. desian constraints, and parameters ‘The intarior walls ofthe house ae the relationships between ‘customer requirements and technical requirements. The oof (Of the house Is the interelaionship. between tecnica requirements. Traéeot's between simiar and/or conficting technical requirements ae iertied. The foundation of the house i the plored technical requirements: ems sch 22 technical benchmarking, degree of technical duty, and target values are sted HOQ: Identifying Customer Needs... Ts Ist of customer requirements is divided into a hierarchy ‘of primary secondary, and tertiary customer requirements ‘ecampie of customer noode oF fied vegetables a below Primary Needs Secondary Needs werary Needs Good taste i OQ: Identifying Customer Needs ‘step: identifying customer needs (WHATS) The fist step of HOG isto identify the customers of a product. Customer should be identiied according to the ‘ature of product and uses of the product. Ja thes step, the essence of customers needs and ‘expectations are cobected Available mathods fer collecting ‘astomer needs Include email survey, focus group, ‘indiwiduol interdew, listening and observing people's ‘comment in trade shows, customer feecbock, complaints, warranty date, and soles records. {an affinity diagram or tre diagram tools used to organize ‘and evaluate opinions, ideas and information. HOQ: Planning Matrix ‘stop2: Panning mate ‘The following steps are fotowed to develop the planning mate. ‘Step2a) Customer competitive evaluation ‘tep2b) Relative ranking of the customer needs ‘Stopze} Target value ‘tep2.6)_ Seale-up factor Step2.e)_ Sales point ‘top2#) Final weight of WHat HOQ: Technical Requirements ‘Step3: Identifying technical requicements (HOW) Tochmvcal roquroments are design charactoritiet that escribe in the language of the designer or engineer's requirements. The product development team or tochaiians icentify the tachneal requirements (HOME) by brainstorming sesions. Sometimes HOWs can be generated fiom current product standard Proper HOWS may be selected by creating » cause-and- ‘effect diagram that ensures that the HOWs ate the fist ‘order causes forthe WHATS. ‘An affeity diagram may also be used to organize the ‘stleeted HOWs HOG: Inter-relationship Between HOWs ‘Step5: Intereationship between HOWS ‘The root of the house of quality, called the correlation mattis, s used to identify any iter-relationship between ‘each of the technical requirements. The correlation matrix ‘isa Wiangular table attached tothe technical requirements. Different symbols are used to describe the strength of the Imterriavonshipe HOQ: Technical Relationship Between WHATS and HOWs ‘Step4: Technical relationship between WHATS and HOWS ‘The ‘elatonship. matiie of WHAT: versus HOWS a systematic means for identifying the degree of relationship [between each WHAT and each HOW. The purpose of the relationship matric is to show whether the final tochalcal requirements adequately address customer requirements. ‘This assessment 's usually based on expert experience, customer respontes, of contoled experiments and Is 3 vital step in the HOO process. HOA: Prioritize Technical Requirements ‘t0p6: Prinze technical requirements ‘The following steps are followed to develop pried tochnical requirement. Step6.2) Technical competitive evaluation ‘t0p6.b) Degre of technical ditficulty ‘Step6.c} Target vale Steps.) Final importance of HOW HOQ: Prioritize Technical Requirements .~. ‘Step6a: Technical competitive evaletion ‘The performance of company’s product and competitors ‘simiar products are evaluated on each tochnal requirement. The technical compettive evaluation is often Useful in uncovering gaps in engineering judgment. The ranking scale is used in each HOW Is same as used in customer competitive evaluation. Step6b: Degree of technical duly ‘The degree of technical dificult determines the ably of the company to implement the HOWS. The development team could estimate the dficuty level to achieve it ‘through engineering and cost analysis. Benefits and Issues of QFD HOO: Prioritize Technical Requirements —. Step: Tere! vlues A taet for 2 HOW represents aleve of performance on the HOW irequied forts product to be competitive the relevant mariets The takes should oso be set to be Feachable aconting fo the companys technica rescurces nd exiting product strength and weakness ‘Steps: Final importance of HOWs Final importance: 8, = fy: Welght assigned to relationship mathe Final weights of WHATS, =, 2, 4, : Technical dicuty of HOW, 1 = 1,2. Benefits of OFD Tangle benef Ancangibie benefits lower start-up cost and Improves customer production eye. Reduction n__ satisfaction

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