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This agreement made this ___th day of _____________, 20____, between

_______________________, of legal age, Filipino, single (or, married to
__________________________________________________), residing at
______________________________________ with post-office address at
_____________________________________, hereinafter called the Lessor, and
_________________________________, likewise of legal age, Filipino, single (or married
to __________________________), a resident of ______________________ with postal
address at __________________________ hereinafter called the Lessee, witnesseth:

1. The Lessor shall and the Lessee shall accept a lease of

____________________ described as _________________________________ for the
term of __________ (__) years from the ___th day of _____________, 20____, at the
monthly (or any frequency desired) rent of _____________________ Pesos (Php
__________), Philippine currency, in equal monthly installments payable in advance on
the first day of each month, the first intallments to be paid on the ____th day of
___________, 20_____.

2. Such lease shall be in the form hereto attached and signed by the parties herein.

3. Expenses for the execution of the contract of lease shall be borne by (either
party or both in equal shares), and such execution shall take place on or before the ___th
day of _____________, 20___. Pending such execution this agreement shall not be
deemed to operate as a demise of said premises.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have subscribed their names this ___th day
of ______________, 20____, at ________________, Philippines.

_________________________________ __________________________
Lessor Lessee






_____________________________ ) SS.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of ___________________, this
___________________, personally appeared ______Affiant 1_________________
exhibiting to me his Passport No. _____________ issued on ________________ and set
to expire on _____________, and ____ Affiant 2____ exhibiting to me her Passport No.
_____________ issued on _____________ and set to expire on ________________ as
their competent evidence of identity bearing their photograph and signatures, who are
known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their own free act and voluntary act
and deed.

This instrument, consisting of (__) pages, including the page on which this
acknowledgment is written, has been signed on the left margin of each and every page
hereof by the concerned parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, at the place and date above-written.

ATTY __________________________________
Doc. No. 123 COMMISSION NO. _________________________
Page No. 69 NOTARY PUBLIC for _________________________
Book No. VII UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2007
Series of 2007 OFFICE: _________________________
ROLL NO. 00001
IBP Lifetime Roll No. 1234567 ; 01/07/07 ; LA UNION
MCLE COMPLIANCE No. __________; July 7, 2007

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