Materi Diskusi 4

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Materi Diskusi 4

Setelah mempelajari Topik yang berjudul ‘GDP’ dan juga menonton video dengan
topik yang sama, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:
1. Please define GDP using your own description!
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the final value and service produced from various
production units in a country's territory within a certain time period to measure the
welfare of a country.

2. How can GDP be used as a measure to tell the welfare of a country?

A country's economy is usually considered "healthy" if the unemployment rate is low
and wages increase, because the business sector needs more workers to keep pace
with economic growth.
However, if GDP growth is too fast, the central bank will most likely raise interest
rates to keep pace with inflation - in other words rising prices for goods and services.
This could mean that the costs (interest) needed for vehicle and housing loans will
also be higher.
In turn, the business sector will also feel the impact, where there will be increased
costs for capital loans and / or paying workers' salaries / wages. Conversely, if the
GPD slows down, or the terms are negative, it will also trigger fears of a recession
that could result in an increase in layoffs and declining business income and public

3. Indonesia’s GDP is now the highest in South East Asia. How can the
government manage the growth of our GDP for the improvement of standard of
living of our people?

In an effort to achieve these targets, the government determines the stages that can be
carried out. The following stages:

1. Infrastructure development
If an infrastructure in a country is weak, it means that the country's economy is
inefficient. Because of its impact, logistics costs are high. In the end, the company's
competitiveness is weak. Infrastructure development and economic development have
a reciprocal relationship. Infrastructure development has led to economic expansion
through a multiplier effect. These reasons make the government, boost the government.

2. The builder of the processing industry based on raw materials

Industrial growth in the country is the main key to improving the economy. Therefore, it
is very important for the government to spur industry that uses local materials. In this
way, it can suppress imports and prevent trade balance deficits.
3. Development of the service industry
The service industry has great potential to boost Indonesia's economic growth. This
sector can contribute to increasing national GDP, job creation, and poverty reduction.
The service sector is able to become the main source of economic growth in Indonesia
through various service industries, such as tourism, logistics, creative, and

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