Commercial Dispatch Eedition 12-13-20

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Sunday | December 13, 2020

hold virtual The Lost Child Club
classes first Candlelight event set for tonight to honor
the memories of departed children
week after
holiday break
Allison hopes by putting
10 days between New
Year’s, in-person
classes, district can
limit spread of COVID-19

Students at Lown-
des County School
District will attend
classes virtually
during the first week
back after holiday
break, Superinten-
dent Sam Allison told
the school board at Allison
its Friday meeting.
The break begins on Dec. 21, and
classes start back on Tuesday, Jan.
5. However, Allison said, students
will not actually return to campus
until Jan. 11. That way, he said, if
any students are exposed to or con-
tract COVID-19 during Christmas,
New Year’s or other holiday cele-
See LCSD, 3A

Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff

David and Pattie Little of Starkville lost their 18-year-old daughter, Lake, on July 6, 2019, in a plane crash in Ox-
ford. The Littles say they have relied on their Christian faith and reaching out to others who have lost children as
coping mechanisms since the tragic loss of their youngest child.
LCSD board
president, attorney ‘
ou see that life will become a thing made of holes. Absences.
Losses. Things that were there and are no longer. And you
leave masks off realize, too, that you have to grow around and between the
during school gaps, though you can put your hand out to where things were and feel
board meeting that tense, shining dullness of the space where the memories are.’
— Helen Macdonald, “H is for Hawk”
SLIM SMITH time membership in a club no one who left too soon.
At the end of a week that saw a ever wants to be a part of. Both the Littles and the Demp-
decrease in the number of students seys plan to participate, they said.

Tonight at 7 p.m., The Compas-
and staff who reported testing wight and June Dempsey sionate Friends, an international As candles are lit tonight at 7
positive for COVID-19 at Lowndes joined the club on Feb. non-profit organization dedicated p.m. local time, hundreds of thou-
County School District, Superin- 8. David and Pattie Little to hope and healing for parents sands of people commemorate and
tendent Sam Allison reported to the arrived on July 6, 2019. Betty Clyde who have lost a child, will conduct a honor the memory of all children
school board at Friday’s meeting Sharp has been in the club for 25 worldwide candle-lighting cere- who have passed away.
that he does not believe the virus years now. (Full disclosure: the mony. For the 24th year, the grief Now believed to be the largest
is spreading through classrooms reporter joined this club on Aug. 2, support group will unite family and mass candle lighting on the globe,
due to the use of plastic dividers be- 2019). friends around the globe in lighting the ceremony will create a virtual
tween students and a mask mandate They are but a few of the untold candles for one hour to honor the 24-hour wave of light as it moves
at all the schools. thousands of people who have paid memories of the sons, daughters, from time zone to time zone.
However, those restrictions dues of unspeakable grief for a life- brothers, sisters and grandchildren See THE LOST CHILD CLUB, 5A
were not in place in the boardroom,
where neither Board President Rob-

Starkville residents weigh in on sidewalk plan through city survey

City receives 500 responses in first week; survey to close at end of December The Parks and Recre-
ation department is con-
help city officials create
a master plan for future
BY TESS VRBIN man Sandra Sistrunk was said it has worked out for that’s what’s happened,” ducting a survey asking sidewalks, bike paths and serving her first term, the city. Sistrunk said. “This term, residents how often they other pedestrian infra-
city leaders wanted to “We continued to try it’s been surprising and use the city’s parks, side- structure.
About a decade ago, install “sidewalks to no- to build some with the refreshing to see neigh- walks and bicycle paths, Both the city and the
when Starkville May- where.” idea that they would, over borhoods and parts of how accessible they are Greater Starkville De-
or Lynn Spruill was the Spruill said she still time, knit together and town that are interested and what the city could velopment Partnership
city’s chief administrative thinks the concept was connect various parts of in having that connectiv- do to improve them. The posted links to the survey
officer and Ward 2 Alder- “foolish,” but Sistrunk the city, and it turns out ity.” data from the survey will See SURVEY, 3A


1 What dance move involves pointing one arm slightly up- Tuesday MEETINGS
ward while dropping one’s head into the crook of the other Dec. 15: Lowndes
elbow? and Dec. 22 County Board of Su-
2 What Down Under city in the southeast of Australia was ■ Holiday Fun pervisors meeting, 9
the birthplace of NBC Today co-host Savannah Guthrie? at 501: Bring a.m., Lowndes County
3 Which show lost Dan Stevens in a 2012 shocker when your lunch and Courthouse, facebook.
his character was run off the road by a milk truck in the enjoy sounds of
English countryside? com/LowndesCounty-
Olivia Dimino the season 11
4 What’s the last name of the candidate who lost France’s Mississippi/
Pre-K, Annunciation a.m.-1 p.m. at
presidential election to Emmanuel Macron, in 2017? Dec. 15: Columbus

61 Low 39 5 What creature did playwright Henrick Ibsen keep as a pet the Columbus
City Council, 5 p.m.,
High on his writing desk — a ferret, scorpion or piranha? Arts Council,
Municipal Complex,
Cloudy with p.m. rain 501 Main St.
Answers, 5B
Full forecast on Drinks, live
page 3A. music and
holiday fun Dec. 30: Lowndes

INSIDE provided. Free. County Board of Su-

pervisors meeting, 9
Music by: Dec.
Classifieds 4,5B Lifestyles 7,8A 15-Jace Ferraez; a.m., Lowndes County
Comics 7,8B Obituaries 4A Dec. 22-Suzuki Sasha Binder lives in West Courthouse, facebook.
Crossword 5B Opinions 6A Strings. 662- Point. She plays softball, com/LowndesCounty-
141st Year, No. 235 Dear Abby 3B Sports 1B 328-2787. basketball and soccer. Mississippi/


2A SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 The Dispatch •

Clay County family first in longterm 4-County

project to connect some members to internet
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT “We’re very excited about be- of Clay, Noxubee and Choctaw million to cooperatives through- connect in the months and years
ing the first customers and get- counties. 4-County members out the state to start connecting ahead. 4-County is entering a
4-County Electric Power As- ting the high speed internet,” previously voted to amend the members to broadband, the new area of service. But, like al-
sociation has provided its first Shannon said in the release. cooperative’s Certification of In- release says. Each cooperative ways, we’re prepared to deliver.”
family with broadband internet “We haven’t had good internet corporation so the co-op could can use up to $6 million, and Officials stressed in the
access, according to a 4-County
service for a long time, and provide members with internet 4-County is matching the grant press release that, because of
press release.
we’re really excited about get- access in addition to electric with $7 million of its own funds the specifications of the grant,
On Friday, Mary Shannon
and her family became the first ting it.” power. to begin connecting homes. not all members will be able to
customers of FASTnet, 4-Coun- The Friday event — which The project is funded through “This is a monumental day get broadband through FAST-
ty’s new subsidiary company, also saw a brief ceremony and a grant from Mississippi Elec- for 4-County and its members,” net initially.
when technicians connected the refreshments at the Shannons’ tric Cooperatives Broadband 4-County CEO Brian Clark said Members with questions
Shannons’ Clay County home home — is the beginning of COVID-19 Grant Program, es- in the release. “We’re really hap- can contact 4-County officials
with a high-speed broadband 4-County’s plan to connect tablished by the state Legisla- py for the Shannon family and at 800-431-1544 or via email at
signal. homes throughout rural parts ture in July, which is giving $65 for all those members we plan to

Supreme Court rejects Republican attack on Biden election victory

Trump had called lawsuit ‘the big one’ it “has not demonstrated
a judicially cognizable
the authority to turn away
lawsuits between states,
olution of the lawsuit.
Trump complained
Three Trump appoin-
tees sit on the high court.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS allowing Trump to serve interest in the manner in said they would have that “within a flash,” the In his push to get the
another four years in the which another State con- heard Texas’ complaint. lawsuit was “thrown out most recent of his nom-
WASHINGTON — White House. ducts its elections.” But they would not have and gone, without even inees, Justice Amy Co-
The Supreme Court has In a brief order, the Justices Samuel Alito done as Texas wanted — looking at the many rea- ney Barrett, confirmed
rejected a lawsuit backed court said Texas does and Clarence Thomas, setting aside those four sons it was brought. A quickly, Trump said she
by President Donald not have the legal right to who have said previously states’ 62 electoral votes Rigged Election, fight would be needed for any
Trump to overturn Joe sue those states because the court does not have for Biden — pending res- on!” post-election lawsuits.
Biden’s election victory,
ending a desperate at-
tempt to get legal issues
rejected by state and
federal judges before the
nation’s highest court and
subvert the will of voters.
Trump bemoaned
the decision late Friday,
tweeting: “The Supreme
Court really let us down.
No Wisdom, No Cour-
The high court’s or-
der earlier Friday was a
stark repudiation of a le-
gal claim that was widely
regarded as dubious, yet
embraced by the presi-
dent, 19 Republican state
attorneys general and 126
House Republicans.
Trump had insisted
the court would find the
“wisdom” and “courage”
to adopt his baseless posi-
tion that the election was
the product of widespread
fraud and should be over-
turned. But the nation’s
highest court emphatical-
ly disagreed.
Friday’s order marked
the second time this
week that the court had
rebuffed Republican re-
quests that it get involved
in the 2020 election out-
come and reject the vot-
ers’ choice, as expressed
in an election regarded
by both Republican and
Democratic officials as
free and fair. The justices
turned away an appeal
from Pennsylvania Re-
publicans on Tuesday.
On Monday, the Elec-
toral College meets to for-
mally elect Biden as the
next president.
Trump had called the
lawsuit filed by Texas
against Georgia, Mich-
igan, Pennsylvania and
Wisconsin “the big one”
that would end with the
Supreme Court undoing
Biden’s substantial Elec-
toral College majority and

Senate sends Trump

defense bill he has
vowed to veto

Senate on Friday approved
a wide-ranging defense
policy bill, sending it to
President Donald Trump,
despite his threat to veto
the bill because it does not
clamp down on big tech
companies he claims were
biased during the election.
The 84-13 vote mir-
rored an earlier, over-
whelming margin in the
House, suggesting that
both chambers have
enough votes to override a
potential veto.
The Senate vote had
been expected Thursday
but was delayed after Re-
publican Sen. Rand Paul
of Kentucky objected to
the measure, saying it
could limit Trump’s ability
to draw down U.S. troops
from Afghanistan and
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 3A

Continued from Page 1A
Dec. 4 on both Twitter and The survey has had group or demographic,” the Dollar General.” ey the city has set aside for
Facebook so residents can about 500 responses in Doherty said. Sidewalks are often sidewalks.
access and fill out the sur- the week since the city City officials have not used as necessary trans- The city’s goals for
vey. released it, to Spruill’s sur- yet looked at the respons- portation rather than just sidewalk and bike path
Starkville received a prise. es to the survey. recreation. Some areas re- improvements go hand-in-
grant of about $50,000, “I’m delighted that peo- ceive so many pedestrians hand with its street main-
part of the National Rec-
reation and Park Associ-
ple are interested enough,
are paying attention and
‘We’re trying to that a path has been worn
into the ground, such as
tenance and improvement
goals, Spruill and Doherty
ation’s 10-Minute Walk Spruill Sistrunk are willing to let us know bring the community the side of Highway 12 both said. City Engineer
Grant program, in Septem- The city had initially what they think,” Spruill together’ next to the westbound Edward Kemp presented a
ber 2019 to fund both the planned to conduct a more said. “That’s one of the Spruill said sidewalks lane outside Green Oaks, street maintenance policy
study and the master plan. in-depth study earlier this real successes of our walk- are one of the city’s top before the city put down a to the board in October,
The NRPA periodically ing paths and biking trails priorities, and Sistrunk sidewalk there last year. with the roads that receive
year, but the COVID-19
awards 10-Minute Walk and that sort of thing, that said she has seen foot traf- The board of alder- the most traffic set to re-
pandemic delayed it, Parks
Grant money to 10 com- people care and are start- fic increase significantly men will authorize Ala- ceive maintenance first.
and Recreation Executive
munities throughout the ing to notice and want to throughout the city over bama-based H&H Con- Doherty said the city
Director Brandon Doherty the past several years.
United States “in support talk about them and par- struction and Excavation, hopes to create more out-
of city planning and policy said. The NRPA offered ticipate in the planning.” “(The sidewalk) on via the consent agenda door opportunities for cit-
efforts that help increase Starkville an extension of Spruill and Doherty South Louisville Street, at Tuesday’s meeting, to izens in general.
access to high-quality, the time allowed to con- both said they hope for a south of Highway 12, extend a sidewalk on the “We’re trying to bring
close-to-home parks and duct the study and create couple hundred more re- I’m surprised constantly west side of Stark Road, the community together
public green space,” ac- the master plan, with a sponses. by how much it’s used,” north to the intersection with family and friends,
cording to the press re- deadline of March. The “We want to make sure Sistrunk said. “Everything with GT Thames Drive. and these types of things
lease announcing the 10 city will most likely close it’s a very wide spectrum from high school students, The $10,277 for the project are critical for the develop-
recipients that included the survey at the end of of responses so it’s not moms with babies and will come from bond mon- ment of the city,” he said.
Starkville. December, Doherty said. concentrated in one age people who have been to

Continued from Page 1A
ert Barksdale nor Board Attorney board’s Oct. 9 meeting during
Jeff Smith wore masks during the which Jeff Smith also didn’t wear his
public meeting, despite sitting with- mask. The Dispatch subsequently
in six feet of other board members, criticized Jeff Smith’s action with
the board secretary and Allison. a “thorn” in the Oct. 11 Roses and
Barksdale said he kept his mask Thorns section of the opinion page.
lowered while presiding over the Since October, Lowndes Coun-
public part of Friday’s meeting so ty has been added to a list of more
that meeting attendees could hear than 60 counties in the state under a
him. He said he wore it throughout mask mandate per an executive or-
Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff
the lengthy executive session that Lowndes County School District der by Gov. Tate Reeves, meaning
ended the meeting, during which Board President Robert Barksdale citizens are legally required to wear
the public was asked to leave the presides over the school board’s masks in public.
room so the board could discuss meeting at the district’s central Cases have been growing in
several student and personnel mat- offices Friday, while Board Attorney
Lowndes County — which has seen
ters. Jeff Smith sits next to him. Neither
Barksdale nor Smith wore masks more than 3,000 cases since the
“I just didn’t have one on when I
was up there talking, because peo- throughout the public meeting, start of the pandemic — and the
ple can’t understand what I say,” though Barksdale said he wore his state, which saw more than 2,000
Barksdale said. “... I wore my mask mask during the meeting’s execu- new cases a day on Dec. 3, Dec. 4
tive session and when he entered and Wednesday.
in and I took my mask off when I was and left the building. He said he
talking. When I was in executive Barksdale said “it possibly
left it off in the public part of the
session, I had a mask on, and when I could” be the board’s place to in-
meeting so attendees could hear
left I had a mask on.” him speak. struct others at public meetings to
Smith, however, walked into the wear their masks. He said he could
boardroom before the meeting start- He then put the mask in his pock- not say why Smith or anyone else
ed wearing a mask. As he walked to et and sat next to Allison through- did not wear a mask.
the board table, he took it off, saying out the entirety of the public meet- Other board members present,
he “brought this in case (Dispatch ing. as well as district personnel and
reporter) Slim Smith was here.” Slim Smith covered the school media present, all wore masks.

Continued from Page 1A
brations and gatherings, number than just after will help keep cases out Gov. Tate Reeves. Cas-
they will not immediately Thanksgiving. of the building,” he told es have been growing in
return to school and be Allison reiterated that the board. “The thing Lowndes County, which
around teachers and oth- he doesn’t believe the vi- about it, and I was on has seen more than 3,000
er students. rus is spreading through (State Health Officer) Dr. cases since the start of
“It just gives us a good classrooms. He said there (Thomas) Dobbs’ call this the pandemic, and the
10 days between the New are plastic dividers be- morning, and you hear state, which saw more
Year’s (holiday and the tween students, that staff across the state, we’re than 2,000 new cases a
start of school),” Allison and students are all re- not seeing close contacts day on Dec. 3, Dec. 4 and
told The Dispatch Friday quired to wear masks and in the classroom. There Wednesday.
after the board meeting. that there is at least four are some cases, but for
LCSD has seen an un- feet of distance between the most part those peo-
usually high number of students. ple that are close contact
students and staff con- In answer to a question in the classroom, it’s not
tract the virus, with 37 from board member Jane spreading, because we’re
cases reported the week Kilgore, he said the virtu- wearing masks in the
after Thanksgiving. Al- al classes would include classroom.”
lison told board mem- students in pre-K and He also told the board
bers that he believes the self-contained special ed- the district changed its
majority of those cases ucation classrooms. quarantine policies from
were from people getting One of the frustrations 14 days to 10 days after
together after Thanks- for Allison has been the exposure to COVID-19,
giving and said several of number of students who per a change of guidelines
the staff and students who never tested positive who from the Mississippi State
tested positive did not still had to be quarantined Department of Health,
even return to campus be- because of exposure to the which followed a change
fore getting their results. virus. He said he hopes by in guidelines from the
This past week, Alli- putting a 10-day buffer Centers for Disease Con-
son reported, there had between holidays and the trol and Prevention.
been 22 positive cases in start of in-person classes, Lowndes County is one
the district reported as of the district will limit the of more than 60 counties
the start of Friday’s board number of students who throughout the state that
meeting at 12:30 p.m. have to be quarantined. is under a mask mandate
— a significantly lower “We’re hoping that that per an executive order by

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Sun. Mon.
Major — 12:36a
Minor 7:16a 8:23a
Major 12:06p 1:06p
Minor 5:51 6:43p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
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4A SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 The Dispatch •

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Peel Funeral Home of arrangements. Northington Markam lings, Helen Culpepper at Cornerstone Wor-
OBITUARY POLICY and Crematory, Col- Mrs. Dean was and the late Grady of Maben, Jessie John- ship Center. Lowndes
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
lege Street location is born May 12, 1935, in Burleson. He attend- son of South Fulton, Funeral Home of Co-
service times, are provided in charge of arrange- Friendship, Alabama, ed New Hope School Tennessee, Frank John- lumbus is in charge of
free of charge. Extended obit- ments. to the late Jackson Lo- and was a graduate of son of Trenton, Tennes- arrangements.
uaries with a photograph, de- Mrs. Adair was born renzo and Ina Wilkins Caldwell and MUW. He see, Walter Johnson of Mr. Handley was
tailed biographical information June 5, 1923, to the late Shelton. was formerly employed Jackson, Tennessee, Le- born Sept. 30, 1961, in
and other details families may J.E. Sanders and Pearl In addition to her with Mississippi State roy Johnson of Verona Columbus, to Barbara
wish to include, are available and Eddie Johnson of
Loftis Sanders. She parents, she was pre- University. Sue Peacock Hand-
for a fee. Obituaries must be
submitted through funeral
was a member of First ceded in death by her In addition to his Humboldt Tennessee; ley and the late Carl
homes unless the deceased’s United Presbyterian husband, Harlan Bruce mother, he is sur- and 24 grandchildren. Dean Handley. He was
body has been donated to Church. Dean; and siblings, Bir- vived by his children, formerly employed as
science. If the deceased’s In addition to her teen Edwards, Mozelle Amanda Burleson of Mary Colvin the owner and operator
body was donated to science, parents, she was pre- Langston, Edna Plym- Hattiesburg and Grady COLUMBUS — of Precision Frame
the family must provide official ceded in death by her an, Betty Dean, Inelle Clay of New Hope; and Mary Colvin, 92, died and Body and attended
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form
husband, Elton Adair; McGee, Alvin Shelton, brother, Terry Burleson Dec. 11, 2020, at the Cornerstone Worship
provided by The Commercial and siblings, Arnett Bobby Shelton, Shorty of North Carolina. Windsor Place. Center.
Dispatch. Free notices must Sanders and Irma Shelton, Joe Shelton, Arrangements are In addition to his
be submitted to the newspa- Sanders. Eugene Shelton and Willie Johnson incomplete and will be father, he was preceded
per no later than 3 p.m. the She is survived by Roland Shelton. STARKVILLE — announced by Carter’s in death by his sister,
day prior for publication Tues- her children, Mike She is survived by Willie Earl Johnson, 76, Funeral Services of Bonnie York; and one
day through Friday; no later
Adair, Pat Adair and her children, Dianne died Dec. Columbus. grandchild.
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the
Sunday edition; and no later Scott Adair; eight Lacey, Deborah Pugh, 6, 2020, in In addition to his
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday grandchildren; and Darleane Spain and Tupelo. Christopher Handley mother; he is survived
edition. Incomplete notices three great-grandchil- Cindy Corbett. Grave- STEENS — Christo- by his wife, Gina Han-
must be received no later dren. Pallbearers will be side pher Handley, 59, died dley; daughter, Kristy
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Memorials may be Johnny Dean, Jona- services Dec. 11, 2020. Sansing; brother, Ray
through Friday editions. Paid made to the Trinity
notices must be finalized by 3
than Gann, David Hill, will be at Funeral services will Handley; and one
p.m. for inclusion the next day
Healthcare Family Hayes Plyman, Dale 11 a.m. be at 2 p.m. Saturday, grandchild.
Monday through Thursday; and Group, 230 Airline Shelton and Allan Ott. Monday, Johnson

Elma Turner
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday Road, Columbus, MS, in Josey
and Monday publication. For 39702. Mary Elizabeth Creek Cemetery. Visi-
more information, call 662-
Campbell tation is from 2-5 p.m.
Mavis Egger COLUMBUS — today, at West Memo- Elma Jean Turner, 75, of
SULLIGENT, Ala. Mary Elizabeth Camp- rial Funeral Home. Steens, MS passed away
Lawson McDavid — Mavis Jean Egger, bell, 83, died Dec. 11, West Memorial Funeral Thursday, December 10, 2020,
LOWNDES COUN- 76, died Dec. 8, 2020, at peacefully at her residence.
2020, at Baptist Memo- Home of Starkville is
TY — Lawson McDa- North Mississippi Med- A graveside service will be
rial Hospital-Golden in charge of arrange-
vid, 38, died Dec. 3, ical Center of Tupelo. Sunday, December 13, 2020,
2020. Triangle. ments.
Funeral services A private family He is survived by his at 1:30 PM at Providence
Graveside services were at 2 p.m. Saturday, Methodist Cemetery, Maben,
are at 1 p.m. today, service will be held. wife, Verlene Johnson;
at Union Chapel Baptist Memorial Gunter Peel children, Vicky White MS with Morris James
in Beulah Grove Full Church, with B.J. Mills officiating and Lowndes
Gospel Baptist Church Funeral Home and Cre- Wallick, Ronald Walter,
officiating. Burial fol- matory, College Street Rona Ann Walter, Ora Funeral Home Columbus, MS
of Artesia, with Annie lowed in New Prospect directing. A visitation will be held 30 minutes
Hines-Goode offici- location is in charge of Ware, Walter Collins
Cemetery. Visitation and Charles Walter; before service.
ating. Van Hoose and arrangements.
was from 12:30 p.m. stepchildren, Keis- Mrs. Turner was born on July 25, 1945, in Pell
Steele Funeral Services Mrs. Campbell was
until time of service. ha Warren, Sharron City, AL to the late Buster and Stella Brown.
of Tuscaloosa, Alabama born Sept. 23, 1937,in
Otts Funeral Home of Jordan, Likim Jordan, She graduated from Leeds High School in 1963.
is in charge of arrange- Columbus, to the late
Sulligent was in charge Mrs. Turner retired after 30 years of real estate
ments. David and Thelma LaMarcus Jordan and
of arrangements. in Columbus, MS. Mrs. Turner was married to
Mr. McDavid was Perkins Steger. She was Derrick Jordan; sib-
Mrs. Egger was born Kyrk Turner for over 56 years. She enjoyed being
born July 27, 1982, in formerly employed as a
Dec. 27, 1946, in Lamar a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. Her favorite
Artesia, to L.C. McDa- homemaker.
County, Alabama, to times were spent a Lake Lorgan Martin with
vid and the late Shef- In addition to her
the late Clifton East- family and friends.
ford Jean McDavid. parents, she was pre-
mand and Mary Lou In addition to her parents, Mrs. Turner is
In addition to his ceded in death by her preceded in death by her sisters, Betty Maxwell
Seaborn. She was a son Steve Allen Camp-
father, he was preceded graduate of Sulligent and Joan Overstreet.
in death by his sister, bell. Mrs. Turner is survived by her husband, Kyrk
High School and was She is survived by
Yotashia Bailey. formerly employed with Turner, JR.; daughters, Tami (Rodger) Jinks of
her husband, Kenneth Columbus, MS and Tina (David) Berryhill of
First State Bank. She Campbell, Sr.; children,
Nelda Bozeman was a member of Union Thelma Christine
Hamilton, MS; grandchildren, Devi (J.P) Moon,
SULLIGENT, Ala. — Chapel Baptist Church. Josh and Brett Perry, James Allen Williamson,
Nelda Lois Bozeman, Kemp of Hamilton and Zakk (Michelle) Berryhill, Nikk Berryhill,
In addition to her Kenneth Campbell Jr.
83, died Dec. 9, 2020, at parents, she was of Caledonia; sister, Anne Adair Courtney (Blaine) Melancon, Katie and Jacob
her residence. preceded in death by Graveside Services: Berryhill; great-grandchildren, Kara, Lucas,
Funeral services Linda Gerhart of Foley, Sunday, Dec. 13 • 2 PM and Kahlan Berryhill, John Turner Moon, and
her son, Christopher Alabama; and three Friendship Cemetery
were at 11 a.m. Satur- Egger; and sister, Linda College St. Location Connor Berryhill.
day, at Otts Funeral grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Zakk Berryhill, Nikk
Home, with Arnold She is survived by Charlie Upton Berryhill, Jacob Berryhill, Josh Perry, Brett
Sheets and Edward her husband, Johnny Gerry Burleson Incomplete Perry and James Allen Williamson.
Puckett officiating. Lee Egger; children, COLUMBUS —Ger- 2nd Ave. N. Location Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s
Visitation was one Sharon Johnson and ry Burleson, 50, died Research Hospital 501 St. Jude Place Memphis,
hour prior to services. Dec. 8, 2020 at Baptist Mary Elizabeth TN 38105.
Deloris Barns both of
Otts Funeral Home of Sulligent; five grand- Memorial Hospi- Campbell Compliments of
Sulligent was in charge children; and one tal-Golden Triangle. Incomplete
College St. Location
Lowndes Funeral Home
of arrangements. A private family ser-
Mrs. Bozeman was vice will be held. Lown-

Sue Stock
born Oct. 26, 1937, in des Funeral Home of
Tishomingo, to the late Royal Mayfield Columbus is in charge
James Monroe Phillips COLUMBUS — of arrangements.
and Lilly Mae Knight. Royal R. Mayfield, 61, Mr. Burleson was
died Dec. 10, 2020, at Sue Barron Watson Stock,
She attended Mary D. born Dec. 18, 1969, in 92, died peacefully, surrounded
Bradford High School Baptist Memorial Hos- Columbus, to Doris
pital-Golden Triangle. with the love of her devoted
and was formerly family and steadfast caregivers,
employed with OMC Arrangements are
incomplete and will be at her home in The Orchard in
Boats. Ridgeland, MS on Tuesday,
In addition to her announced by Carter’s
Funeral Services of November 24, 2020.
parents, she was pre- She was born on November
ceded in death by her Columbus.
6, 1928. She attended Crystal
sister. Springs High School and
She is survived by Sally Authier graduated from Randolph-Macon Woman’s
her husband, James COLUMBUS — Sara
College in Lynchburg, VA where she was awarded
J. Bozeman; children, Virginia “Sally” Auth-
a Phi Beta Kappa Key. After graduation she
Janie Johnson of Man- ier, 84, died Dec. 12,
worked briefly as a reporter on The Lexington
tachie, Judy Starling 2020, at her residence. Advertiser in Lexington, MS where she met
of Panama City Beach, Arrangements are her husband, Henri P. Watson, Jr. They lived
Florida, Brenda Hed- incomplete and will be in Lexington sixteen years before moving to
rick of Fulton, Linda announced by Memori- Jackson, MS with their four children. In Jackson,
Stegall of Indiana, al Gunter Peel Funeral Sue earned her Master’s Degree in English
Sherry Bozeman of Home and Crematory, Literature from Mississippi College.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Second Avenue North Sue was a member of the Gallery League, the
Pam Sheffield of Pana- location. Symphony League, and the Great Books Study
ma City Beach, Florida, Club. She was a faithful communicant of St.
Lisa Stegall Pugh of Doris Dean Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral in Jackson, MS.
Nettleton, Bethanie MILLPORT, Ala. — In 1982, Sue married George Stock who
McAbee of Hamilton, Doris Nadine Dean, 85, farmed near Hollandale. They lived in Greenville
Bobby Stegall of Fulton died Dec. 11, 2020, at where Sue was an enthusiastic member of the
and Keith Bozeman North Mississippi Med- Garden Horticulture Committee and taught an
of Bedford, Texas; 21 ical Center of Hamilton, adult Sunday school class along with her friend,
grandchildren; and 12 Alabama. Jo Ann Nye.
great-grandchildren. A private family Sue later moved back home to Jackson. She is
service will be at 11 preceded in death by her parents, James Nelson
Anne Adair a.m. Monday, at Dow- Barron and Mary Newton Barron.
COLUMBUS — dle Funeral Home, Survivors include son, Phillip Watson of
Anne S. Adair, 97, died with Luke Bozeman West Chester, PA; son, Jim Watson and his
Dec. 10, 2020, at Baptist and Larry Shelton wife Carol Bibler of Kalispell, MT; daughter,
Memorial Hospital officiating. Graveside Virginia Watson Griffee and her husband Mark
Golden-Triangle. services for family and of Memphis, TN; son, Paul Watson and his wife
Graveside services friends will follow in Vanessa of Madison, MS; five grandchildren;
will be at 2 p.m. today, Macedonia Cemetery. step-son, Christopher Watson of Ridgeland,
in Friendship Ceme- Dowdle Funeral Home MS; and her brother, John Barron and his wife
tery. Memorial Gunter of Millport is in charge Meredith of Columbus, MS.
A Memorial Service will be held at a later
date at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral.
Arrangements are in the care of Sebrell Funeral
Paid Obituary - Sebrell Funeral Home
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 5A

The Lost Child Club

Continued from Page 1A
don’t have to explain
‘When one anything. You get it. You
person is missing understand it in a way
the whole world that people who have
seems empty.’ never gone through it
— Pat Schweibert,
“Tear Soup: A Recipe
for Healing After
Loss” ‘There was no
sudden, striking,
It’s been 11 months
and emotional
since Dwight Dempsey of Courtesy photo/Dempsey Family
transition. Like the
Starkville lost the elder of Dylan Dempsey, his mom June Dempsey, father Dwight warming of a room
his two sons, Dylan, to an Dempsey and brother Dalton Dempsey pause for a or the coming of
accidental death. He was photo during one of Dalton’s track meets at Missis-
only 22 years old. sippi College last year. Dylan Dempsey, 22, died Feb. daylight. When
There are times when 8. Tonight, the Dempseys will be among thousands of you first notice (the
people worldwide who will participate in a candle-light-
the emotions are as pow-
ing ceremony to honor the memories of children who changes) they have
erful, as raw and over- have passed away. already been going
whelming as they were on
that life-altering February the community. “A lot of people don’t
on for some time.’
day. “I’ve felt closer to the feel comfortable,” David — C.S. Lewis, about
“Yesterday was one Lord than I ever have,” said. “Some are scared how grief changes
of those days,” Dempsey David said. “I’ve en- to mention her name or over time, in “A Grief
said Friday. “My son grossed myself in scrip- tell a story they remem- Observed”
was on my mind so bad. tures, seeking answers ber about Lake. But
You cry when a leaf falls. and comfort and seeking that’s exactly what we
There’s no reason. It just God’s grace.” want to hear. Make us Few can know the
happens.” Likewise, the support laugh. Share a memory. grief of loss much better
It’s been almost a year from the community has Don’t be afraid.” than Sharp, who’s lost
and a half since Lake been essential in their Dempsey said there is five family members.
Little, 18, died in a plane journey. something almost like a “When something
crash in Oxford. “The community has paralysis when encoun- like this happens, you’re
“I talk to her all the just been amazing,” Pattie tering people at times. going to think, ‘How
time,” said Pattie Little, said. “It may be someone “You can see the ex- can life have meaning?’’’
her mom, who lives in just dropping by to visit pression on their faces,” Sharp said. “I asked that
Starkville. “I’ll be going a little while, a card or a he said. “They are want- question myself. When
through the house and message. I can’t tell you ing to say something, but my son died, he was
see her picture and find how many times things they are afraid to upset 29 years old. He had a
myself talking to her. I’ll like that have happened you. But we want people son who was less than 2
ask her opinion about just at the moment I need- to acknowledge it. Don’t years old, and his wife
something I’m thinking ed it.” avoid it. Sometimes, all was pregnant. I had been
about doing, just some It’s much the same you need to do is give a
small thing. I know she’s widowed, and I knew she
with the Dempseys. hug. That opens the door
not here, but I feel her needed all the love and
“There are two things for us. We may feel like
presence.” support she could get.
that have helped the talking about it. There
Sharp, who lives in Co- That gave me a purpose.
most,” Dempsey said. are times that’s what we
lumbus, lost her 29-year- need. Other times, it’s I knew what I had to do
“One of them has been all
old son Dudley Hutchin- the friends we have. The just that little acknowl- was to be strong for her.”
son 25 years ago. day they found out about edgement and that’s all Sharp said what
“It’s always with you, Dylan, our driveway was that’s needed.” remains, all these years
no matter how long it’s full of people. It wasn’t just later, are the memories.
been,” she those first couple of days, “I’m 80 now, and I can
said. “I’ve either. It was constant. tell you that memories
lost two Both June and I have had ‘Shared joy is a are what life is made of,”
husbands so much support. double joy; shared she said. “Losing a child,
and two that’s the worst kind
“The other thing has sorrow is half of pain. It takes time,
stepsons, been David and Pattie,”
too. Losing he added. “They’ve been
sorrow.’ years, but someday,
a child is wonderful through this —Swedish Proverb what you will have are
something Sharp whole thing. It’s still fresh memories, wonderful
you just with them, and they’ve memories.”
don’t get guided and helped us so Both families say that
over, but you can get much. David is so good the most special com-
through it.” about sending a verse or a forts come from people
Twenty-one years ago, passage that almost every who have had that
Dempsey also lost his time seems to deal with shared experience and
19-year-old sister to lupus. what I’m going through that sharing their own
Even as he struggled right at that moment.” grief is therapeutic for
with the pain of that loss, them as well.
he remembers vividly The Littles are not
the effect it had on his only members of the
parents. ‘I see people, as club — they are active
“After seeing what my they approach me, members.
parents went through, “Really, it’s what gives
I always said to myself, trying to make me the most joy now,”
‘Man, I hope I don’t have up their minds Pattie Little said.
to go through that. I don’t whether they’ll ‘say “We’ve had so many
think I can do it,’” he said. something about people reach out to
“Now, here I am.” us, so if we can help
The question for the it’ or not. I hate if someone else going
Littles and Dempseys and they do, and if they through what we’ve gone
so many others: How? don’t.’ through, we want to do
“You’re going to grieve — C.S. Lewis, it,” she added. “When
your child the rest of your “A Grief Observed” you’re new to it, you’re
life,” said David Little, just lost. We understand
who serves as Starkville that and it’s helped us,
Ward 3 alderman. “I In the months since the too, just to be there sup-
figured that out pretty deaths of their children, porting them, sharing
quick.” the Littles and the Demp- what we know.”
Even so, David and Pat- seys have noticed that it Dempsey agreed.
tie believe they’ve made is sometimes difficult for “When you help
progress over the past friends to know how to somebody who is going
year and a half, something approach them. through the same thing
they attribute to a combi- Their advice: Don’t be you’re going through,
nation of relying on their reluctant to bring up the it helps you both,”
faith and the support of subject. Dempsey said. “You
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Small-town boys
One of the plea- Mack said he’d becoming an ace in one day. A
sures of living near identified more To the east, the reddish-gold light of the month later he shot down four
downtown is the than 30 species in planes in one day.
variety of options the cemetery. “Not waning sun imprinted the shadow of the old Later in life, Yeager bristled
the walker has just bad for this time of at questions about “having the
outside his or her year.” graffiti-covered bridge onto the wall of trees right stuff,” the implication be-
front door, i.e. The
Riverwalk and/or
After visiting
with Paul, I turned
clinging to the bank. ing his ability was something
he was born with.
soccer park, MUW west toward the “All I know,” Yeager said, “is
campus, Friendship trestle. There are I’d been thinking about an- ones with the pretty girls and I worked my tail off learning
Cemetery. And so it other trestles in our other “one-of-a-kind” country clean hands. how to fly and worked hard at
was Tuesday after- area, but “the tres- boy, who died last week, one As time would show, his it all the way. If there is such a
noon I set out in the Birney Imes tle” is the railroad who had a childhood similar to savant-like sense of the capa- thing as the right stuff in pilot-
general direction of crossing just below the one Billy describes. bilities of the machine he was ing, then it is experience. The
the river. Carrier Lodge. By the time he was 6, flying and his coolness under secret to my success was that
On this day, catty-corner to Billy Hairston beautifully according to his obituary in pressure eminently qualified somehow I always managed to
the old Marble Works building evokes this setting in a piece the New York Times, Chuck him for the job. live to fly another day.”
on South Fourth Street, Linda he wrote for “Catfish Alley” Yeager was roaming the hills Yeager shipped out to En- Ten minutes after leaving
Harris was stringing up Christ- magazine about his explora- of his native West Virginia gland in 1943 and not long af- Paul, I was standing on Billy’s
mas lights in her front yard. tions with James, a boyhood shooting rabbits and squirrels ter was shot down over France. trestle above the middle pier.
Linda’s son, Monta (pro- friend who lived here beside for his family’s dinner table. With the help of the French The surface of the river was
nounced “Montay”), a boxer, the river. Yeager, who died at 97, resistance, a wounded Yeager smooth as a mirror, its current
used to have a speed bag in “We knew the fields and was the first pilot to break the assisting a fellow aviator, also barely perceptible in the water
the back and it wasn’t uncom- forests, the swamps and sound barrier, a deed celebrat- wounded, hiked over the Pyre- below. To the east, the red-
mon to pass by and hear the sloughs, the gravel bars. We ed in the movie of Tom Wolfe’s nees into neutral Spain. dish-gold light of the waning
rat-a-tat-tat of his leather bag. crossed the railroad trestle book “The Right Stuff.” Yea- Ordinarily, downed pilots sun imprinted the shadow of
Monta now lives out Highway with no more concern than if ger, as it happens, was a hero were not allowed back into the old graffiti-covered bridge
69 and still teaches boxing, his it had been a city sidewalk. We several times over. combat, but Yeager persisted, onto the wall of trees clinging
mother said. sat on the middle pier and shot Straight out of high school, all the way up the chain of to the bank.
On South Second Street at bottles and sticks with our .22s he enlisted in the Air Force command to Supreme Allied A faint breeze, seemingly
the railroad tracks ornithol- while trains rumbled by above where he was made a mechan- Commander Dwight Eisen- without direction, whispered
ogist Paul Mack, binoculars us. … ic. Despite having thrown up hower. through the leaves of the
around his neck, was headed “James and me, and the Riv- on his first flight in an airplane, On Oct. 12, 1944, Yeager, white-barked sycamores.
home after making his daily er, we were a ‘one-of-a-kind,’ a Yeager applied to become a pi- leading three fighter squad- Birney Imes (birney@
birding circuit of Friendship unique confluence in time and lot. As he later wrote, because rons over Bremen, Germany, is the former
Cemetery. space. We won’t be back.” he noticed the pilots were the shot down five German planes publisher of The Dispatch.


Roses and thorns Watercolor Memories

A rose to Main Street Colum- pur-
bus for making sure a cancelled chased
Christmas event doesn’t go entire- a watercol-
ly for naught. Main Street Direc- or at the
tor Barbara Bigelow announced Colum-
that shoppers in downtown bus Arts
Columbus have an opportunity to win one of Council’s
two grand prizes totaling $1,000 in gift certif- gift shop at
icates. It starts with picking up a “Passport to the Rosenz-
Whoville” at any of 16 participating downtown weig Arts
businesses. The passport project was originally Center.
to be part of a Dec. 4 “Grinch Fest in Whoville” It was of Rufus Ward
event. The fest, however, was canceled due to the gullies
rising COVID-19 concerns. We applaud Main at Allison’s Wells by the late Dr.
Street’s efforts to encourage residents to do Mary Evelyn Stringer, a long-time
their shopping in our locally-owned downtown art professor at MUW. Allison’s
businesses. Wells was an old resort located
nine miles north of Canton which
A rose to 4-County Electric was established in the 1870s and
Power Association for its decision burned in 1963. From 1948 until
to allow public access to its wifi 1963, every late spring, summer,
hotspot from its parking lot on and early fall there were gath-
South Frontage Road just east the erings of the Allison Art Colony
Highway 793 (airport) exit. For which usually included MSCW
those without access to high-speed internet, es- (MUW) art department faculty
pecially students, access through 4-County pro- and students.
vides an important service. The decision comes The art colony’s beginnings
after 4-County announced its plans to provide were described by Hosford La-
broadband service to its 48,000-plus customers timer Fontaine in “Allison’s Wells,
in September. 4-County CEO Brian Clark said The Last Mississippi Spa”: “The
4-County hopes to extend the free access to birth of The Allison Art Colony
other areas as well. We applaud 4-County for its was in 1948 when Leigh Latimer
decision to share this important resource with was walking in the rose garden
the public. with John and Hosford Fontaine
and Mildred and Karl Wolf, and
A thorn to District 1 Supervi- Leigh exclaimed ‘Wouldn’t this be
sor Harry Sanders who attended a grand place for an art colony’.”
the Dec. 7 supervisors meeting So began the Allison Art Colony
despite being aware that he may which within a few years under the
have been exposed to COVID-19 leadership of noted Jackson artist
from fellow supervisor John Karl Wolfe, gained a national repu-
Holliman. Sanders had lunch with Holliman on tation and in 1949 was the subject
Friday prior to the meeting. Holliman tested of a Sunday feature in the New
positive for the coronavirus Saturday and did York Times. Courtesy photo
not attend Monday’s meeting. Sanders said he The colony included faculty and “Clay Monolith” a watercolor painted during the 1950s by the late Dr Mary
did not feel compelled to stay away from the students from colleges across the Evelyn Stringer, a long time MUW art professor and former instructor at the
meeting because both men wore masks and south including the University of Allison Art Colony. Many a game of capture the flag was once played in the
maintained six-feet of social distancing during Florida, Newcomb College, LSU, gullies around that monolith.
the lunch. It is important to remember, howev- Washington University, Georgia taine wrote that Hudson, Stringer, located just across Way Road from
er, that both measures are precautions and do Tech, Ole Miss, the W and a num- Summer, and the students who the old resort site. A popular camp
not prevent transmission of the virus. At a time ber of others. came with them “brought fresh- game was “capture the flag” and
when the virus is eclipsing records for numbers A real “moving force” when ness and gaiety” to the colony. for many years it was played in the
of cases and deaths, this was not a chance worth the colony was beginning was (The Art and Design Department gullies.
taking. Sanders should have either skipped the Dr. Ralph Hudson, the head of building on the W campus was I recognized the “Clay Mono-
meeting or participated via phone, something MSCW’s Art and Design Depart- designed by Hudson in 1960 and lith” of Dr. Stringer’s painting as a
many local governments have been doing since ment. For about 12 years, art is now Summer Hall and the Ralph pinnacle deep in the gullies around
the pandemic started. Now is not the time to be students from the W attended Hudson Art Gallery.) whose base a flag had sometime
lax on guarding against the virus. Allison Art Colony weekends un- When I saw the watercolor by been placed during a rousing game
der Hudson and faculty members Dr. Stringer, I immediately rec- of capture the flag. It is not only a
Mary Evelyn Stringer and Eugenia ognized it as being the gullies at beautiful watercolor but brought
Summer. According to Hudson al- Allison’s Wells. Behind the site back grand memories of sum-
Voice of the People most 200 W art students attended where Allison’s Wells once stood is mers of 25 years ago. The gullies
We encourage you to share your opinion with read-
ers of The Dispatch. sessions of the Allison Art Colony. a series of deep gullies. They run gradually became overgrown with
Submit your letter to The Dispatch by: The contribution of the W along the north facing high ground vegetation and the game moved to
E-mail: instructors to the art colony was overlooking the Big Black River better locations, but memories of
Mail: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 more than just teaching. Stringer bottom. A picturesque scene, they the gullies remain.
In person: 516 Main St., Columbus, or 101 S. and Summer served as mentors to became the subject of drawings The gallery gift shop at the
Lafayette St., No. 16, Starkville. the students and often contributed and paintings by artists at the art Rosenzweig Arts Center has many
All letters must be signed by the author and must paintings to colony fund raisers. In colony. fascinating and beautiful works by
include town of residence and a telephone number 1954, noted colony artists Karl and My memories of the gullies, local artists and craftsmen for sale.
for verification purposes. We request the tone of Mildred Wolfe, Caroline Compton, which are located on the property It is well worth a Christmas shop-
your letters be constructive and respectful and the
Andrew Bucci, Marie Hull, and the of the Episcopal Diocese of Mis- ping visit there. Who knows, you
length be limited to 450 words. We reserve the
right to edit letters for clarity, grammar and length. W’s Mary Evelyn Stringer gave sissippi, have nothing to do with might even stumble across your
While commentary on national issues is always paintings that were the grand door the art colony. For over 20 years own memories brought back to life
welcome, we limit candidate endorsements to one prizes at the art colony’s “Artists I served on the staff of Episcopal by a local artist.
per letter-writer. and Models Fancy Ball.” Mrs. Fon- Camp Bratton-Green which is Rufus Ward is a local historian.
MSU will delay
Jan Swoope: 328-2471

start of classes A grassroots

from Jan. 6
until Jan. 11
iting an abundance of
caution, Mississippi State
University announced that
the start of Spring 2021 semester
classes will be slightly postponed
from Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, to
Monday, Jan. 11, 2021, as MSU
continues to monitor the impacts
of COVID-19 on public health and
“As we’ve repeatedly said, our
primary responsibility is to safe-
guard our students, faculty, and
staff during this health crisis,” said
MSU Executive Vice President
and Provost David R. Shaw. “At
this juncture, as COVID-19 is now
a growing threat in Mississippi,
this course of action is prudent and
provides us the best opportunity
to make the transitions necessary
to most effectively balance our ed-
ucational responsibilities as well.
We know that with New Year’s Eve
celebrations there is the possibility
of additional exposures and infec-
tions; this delay will allow time for
infections to run their course prior
to students’ return to campus.”
This action is in keeping with
guidance received from the Missis-
sippi Board of Trustees of Institu-
tions of Higher Learning, the U.S. Tess Vribin/Dispatch Staff
Centers for Disease Control and Ashton Hayes, right, walks into a photo of a photo of the Clements family of New Hope — from left, Bridges, Jodi,
Prevention, and the Mississippi Gaines and Justin — taken by Darian Brown, second from left, on Thursday at a Christmas lights display outside
State Department of Health. the New Hope Community Center. Ashton, 3, is the daughter of Anna Douglas Brown, left.
Classes are scheduled to
resume on Monday, Jan. 11, but
MSU will continue to monitor
this situation in the coming days.
Community volunteers start growing
Students, faculty, staff and their
families should monitor the website, MSU social
a new tradition in New Hope
media accounts and their email for BY JAN SWOOPE
updated information.
In the Spring Semester 2021,

MSU will revert to the attendance honda Dye got the electrician’s
policy outlined in AOP 12.09. call Monday evening. Every-
However, recognizing the potential thing necessary to power up
for more absences due to illness, if a Christmas display she and fellow
a student is experiencing COVID volunteers had erected outside the
symptoms or is in quarantine, New Hope Community Center was
requiring at least two consecutive completed. She didn’t waste any time.
absences, the student must provide Dye and her husband, Richard, drove
documentation from either the the short distance to the site. She
Dean of Students or the Longest flipped the switch, then felt a relieved
Student Health Center. thrill as all the LED lights and spots
Updates are available at https:// came on, illuminating the scene before her. A 40-foot-long shimmer-
article/2020/02/msu-monitor- ing “tunnel” of arches glowed. The
ing-coronavirus. Questions can 10-foot Christmas tree twinkled with
be addressed to custserv@opa. multi-colored bulbs. Two friendly inflatable polar bears filled with air.
The nearby open-air pavilion dripped
with icicle lights. And at the center of
it all, a nativity scene.
After taking in the sight for a
while, the Dyes turned to go home,
MSU Libraries receives leaving the display lit for all to see.
“That first night after we turned
Janice Cleary Sheet it on, we were walk-
ing to the car and a
Music Collection, zumba class was just
getting out nearby,”
becomes one of recalled Dye. Unseen
by the participants, she
largest sheet music overheard the group’s
oohs, aahs and happy
repositories in the U.S. Courtesy photo
During a Dec. 5 workday to put up a Christmas display at the New
“Just listening to it,
Hope Community Center, Jessica Tackett and Rhonda Dye look over a
MSU OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS spruce tree newly planted by the Lowndes Recreation Department. The I thought this is almost like a Secret
Santa thing. This is cool.”

fast-growing evergreen will be part of what is expected to become an
ississippi State University annual holiday attraction. See NEW HOPE, 8A
Libraries is significantly
expanding its printed mu-
sic resources and becoming one of
the largest sheet music repositories
in the country with the donation
of the Janice Cleary Sheet Music

Looking back at a ‘natural’ Christmas

A resident of Omaha, Nebraska,
Cleary assembled one of the largest
sheet music collections in the Unit-

ed States, spanning over 175 years
and containing nearly 50,000 pieces ounds worse staring sullenly they were originals. Among spiky round sweetgum balls,
featuring a wide variety of compos- than it was, into hand-held the different creations were long thin trumpet creeper
ers including George Gershwin, but while screens, thumbs hard-tack flour-and-salt cook- seed pods, little wild gourds,
Eubie Blake, Charles L. Johnson, making natu- being their only ie ornaments and garlands of pecans, acorns, pine cones,
Cole Porter, Henry Mancini, Jerry ralistic holiday moving parts. chains made from glued rings colorful bits of lichens, shiny
Herman and Andrew Lloyd Webber. decorations from Making our of colorful strips of craft green magnolia leaves with
For many years, MSU has pos- garden gleanings own Christmas paper. their furry brown backs, and
sessed the Charles H. Templeton I took off a minor tree decorations Did I mention this was way carefully-snipped bits of holly
Sr. Sheet Music Collection with part of my face. was a boring-day before the internet, when we and berries.
over 20,000 sheets of show tunes, Started out activity put into only got a handful of black- Like Rumpelstiltskin
ragtime and popular music dated as a nostalgic play by my mom, and-white TV channels? weaving golden garments
as early as the 1860s. Like the late throwback to the Felder Rushing who worked tire- Mom would have us forage from common straw, we
Templeton, Cleary especially loves not-so-glorious lessly at keeping for whatever materials we coaxed those materials into
the ragtime genre. days of my youth, four restless could scavenge from both our ornaments using rough jute
“Adding a collection of this attempting something like kids occupied during wintry yard and across the street string, craft paint, fast-dry-
magnitude and significance to the anyone with one too many holidays. What we made in my great-grandmother’s ing white glue, and, in those
See MUSIC COLLECTION, 8A kids bouncing off the walls or weren’t great, mind you, but naturalistic garden. Think See FELDER, 8A
8A SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 The Dispatch •

New Hope
Continued from Page 7A
Mission accomplished year with help from the
for the community community, so people
members who decided can come see it and get
everyone needed a dose in the Christmas spirit.”
of cheer in a season that Dye has returned to
was losing its Christmas the display many nights
parades, parties and since Monday, often
pageants to a global sitting in her vehicle in
pandemic. the parking lot, enjoying
“Usually our church seeing others smile.
has a Christmas expe- “Once there were like
rience, six teenagers; they were
something Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff taking pictures, doing
for families Aubree Jordan, 7, and Abel Snyder, 2, of New Hope play Tik Tok and just having a
to bring in a winter display after a socially distant tree lighting blast, and I’ve seen other
the kids to, on Thursday at the New Hope Community Center.
families come out and
but due to held Thursday evening, Robert and MaryAnn take family pictures. ...
COVID-19 complete with hot choc- Benton of Military It’s amazing. Words can’t
regulations, olate and refreshments, Hardware, who donated describe how happy it
we weren’t Tackett Dye, Tackett and a band or provided materials at makes me to see people
able to put of other volunteers got cost, Chad Weldon and happy. This was a labor
that on,” said volunteer the job done, first coordi- Chris Weathers of Wel- of love.”
Jessica Tackett. She and nating with the Lowndes don Electric, Kevin Conn Editor’s note: The
Dye both attend New Recreation Department with Conn Construction, display at the New Home
Journey Church in New for permission to put the Rexel Southern Electric, Community Center at
Hope. “We still wanted display up at the walking New Journey Church and 381 Stadium Road will be
to do something for the track at the community other volunteers who illuminated every night
community to be able to center. Recreation Man- contributed skills and through at least New
enjoy, something to bring ager Roger Short was time. Year’s Eve.
people together, but in a quickly on board. “All these people
safe manner.” “I said I would love donated to this project,
When Dye suggested for them to do it,” Short and without them we
an outdoor attraction, the said. “A could not have made this
brainstorming began. group came possible,” Tackett said.
“It just took some to me and The vision is that the
people saying this is what wanted to display will become larg-
we want to do, and we’re start doing er every year and be an
going to make it happen,” a tradition.” anticipated annual event.
Tackett said. “And if Short even Dye noted, “We want
Rhonda gets something arranged to get the community
on her mind, she’s going for a 10-foot Short involved. My vision is
to make sure it’s going to Arizona maybe next year others
get done.” spruce tree to be planted will want to add to it — it
Dye remarked, “I re- for the purpose. could be the Y, or the
alized a bunch of things “It’s a fast-growing Boys and Girls Club, a
were being canceled, and evergreen; it’ll be a great school group, or maybe
we wanted people to be Christmas tree. It’ll grow a family who wants to set
able to enjoy a little bit of and be there for them up something.”
Christmas, not to have to use every year,” said “We started this and
2020 be a complete wash. Short. hope in years to come to
So much has been taken In addition to Short grow it year after year,”
away.” and the Recreation De- added Tackett. “This is
Between mid-No- partment, the coalition just a start. We want to
vember and the official making the first annual have more lights and
opening of the display display a reality included more inflatables each

Continued from Page 7A
pre-environmental days, green gumdrops. Cheesy,
colorful glitter. I suspect sure; but ... yeah.
some of that glitter is still I made little trees and
floating around. stars from twigs, wove
Anyway, during last mini-wreaths from vines
week’s MPB radio broad- and berries, sprinkled
cast I was reminiscing glitter over Elmer’s Glue
during this abundance of designs squeezed onto
spare time about delving magnolia leaves, and
into recreating some of hot glue gunned acorns,
the craftsy holiday décor tiny pinecones and frilly
from my childhood. I lichens onto everything.
was enthralled with a It was that latter trick
cute ornament made by Felder Rushing/Courtesy photo that led to my accident.
Shelly Battista, a Master You might be surprised Not-so-funnily, my inex-
Gardener friend from at the ornaments you can perience with a hot glue
Crystal Springs — a long, fashion from nature’s gifts. gun led me to acciden-
skinny Santa face painted and risking my health tally get clear molten
on a dried okra pod. Said trekking to a hobby store glop on a finger, which I
I’d love to make some for supplies. instinctively stuck in my
myself, and fished aloud First thing up was mouth to cool off. And it
for more ideas. something my kids and stuck to my procheilon
During the broadcast I I put together one year — that little fleshy bump
received a listener’s email for holiday presents, a some of us have on the
with a photo of her favor- “gourdian angel” made bottom middle of our up-
ite homemade creations from a pair of angel wings per lip. Which promptly
which were other-worldly cut from thin tin with tabs stuck fast onto my glued
stars made from sweet- inserted into slits oppo- fingertip.
gum balls with toothpicks site each other in a dried I couldn’t sip hot coffee
glued into the seed holes, gourd. Later I built a gum- for days, but could still
spray painted, then dust- ball tree from a twiggy smile at my retro-rustic
ed with glitter. branch off a thorny shrub creations.
Inspired, I set about — in my case a hardy Felder Rushing is a
making some nature-craft citrus tree, but a twiggy Mississippi author, colum-
things along these lines, crape myrtle branch nist, and host of the Gestalt
which involved a lot of would work — and Gardener on MPB Think
suspicious-looking walk- stood it up in a clay Radio. Email gardening
ing around the neighbor- pot, and festooned the questions to rushing-
hood looking for fodder, stickers with red and

Music collection
Continued from Page 7A
library will not only great- couldn’t read a stitch of come,” said Cunetto. He
ly expand the holdings of music but enjoyed the way said the Cleary collection
the library but also the her collection brought will be housed in Mitchell
type of research that can people together to per- Memorial Library’s Spe-
be conducted here,” said form, listen to and enjoy cial Collections.
MSU Libraries Associate pieces found therein. She Cleary’s love for rag-
Dean Stephen Cunetto. also wanted to be sure time began when her late
“This collection will be her collection would be husband John took her to
used for years to come shared by as many people the movie “Alexander’s
by musicologists, artists as possible into perpetu- Ragtime Band.” Years
interested in sheet music ity,” he said. later, the Clearys heard
covers and those studying Barnhart’s encourage- touring Robert Darch,
the influences music has ment to the family was nicknamed “Ragtime
on society.” due to his knowledge Bob,” play his ragtime
Internationally of the care and effort special at a local hotel
renowned pianist, rag- the university gives to lounge in Omaha, Ne-
time entertainer and preserving and providing braska. Darch, a native of
seven-year Templeton access to its holdings. southwest Missouri, was
Ragtime and Jazz Festi- MSU has received much an original ragtime musi-
val artistic director Jeff recognition for preserv- cian who helped estab-
Barnhart encouraged the ing physical pieces of the lish one of the country’s
Cleary family to donate Templeton Collection and first ragtime festivals.
their extensive collection making them available Cleary discussed sheet
to MSU after Cleary’s son digitally. music with Darch, and he
Jim reached out seeking a “Mrs. Cleary did a encouraged her to start a
new home for it. fantastic job of preserving collection.
As Barnhart recounts, the collection, and we For more on MSU
“Janice Cleary, who is still look forward to exploring Libraries collections, visit
with us at the age of 95, it more in the days to

Hodge: Anemic offense holds Bulldogs back from upset

STARKVILLE — In the last two con- The first half was reserved for kick-
tests previous to Saturday’s matchup ers only, with both teams combining
with Auburn, Mississippi State built a bit to go 2 of 15 on third down en route to
of goodwill from its fanbase by playing three combined field goals. Auburn’s of-
exciting, tightly contested games while fense was such a mess it saw a running
shorthanded back run into a receiver on a play when
against Ole Miss the guard is pulling, Bo Nix scrambling
and Georgia, for his life every play because the offen-
even if both were sive line couldn’t block anybody and so
losing efforts. much misdirection it almost looks like
That narra- the offense itself was confused. Nix also
tive tried to sur- didn’t complete a single pass in the third
vive for a third quarter, either.
straight game, as Nevertheless, MSU couldn’t take
MSU coach Mike advantage of an opposing signal caller
Leach said the who finished with 125 passing yards on
Bulldogs were Garrick Hodge 32 attempts. Leach, an offensive-mind-
below the 53- ed coach, saw his air raid limited to less
man threshold than 300 total yards for the fifth time in
once again following his team’s 24-10 nine games and averaged a paltry 3.6
loss to Auburn. Alas, even in what was yards per play.
a one-possession game for most of the His team will finish the regular sea- Photo by Jared Thomas
night, fans in Davis Wade Stadium and son with no more than three wins. Freshman wide receiver Jaden Walley (31) was a rare bright spot for the Bulldogs
those watching on TV would probably In his postgame interview, Leach again in Saturday’s game against Auburn. The D’Iberville High School product caught
tell you they watched paint dry. eight passes against the Tigers to set the freshman single-season receiving record
See HODGE, 3B at Mississippi State. Walley eclipsed Mardye McDole’s mark Saturday.


Arnett keeps
proving worth
for Dawgs Tiger tamed: Auburn downs Mississippi
State on senior night in Starkville

Zach Arnett stepped off
the sideline and flexed
toward his oncoming de-
Having stopped Au-
burn on one of its two
fourth-down attempts in
Saturday’s 24-10 loss to
the Tigers in Starkville
midway through the
second quarter, Arnett’s
energy along the MSU
bench in that split sec-
ond and throughout the
contest offered a further
glimpse into the Bull-
dogs’ gruff-talking defen-
sive coordinator whose
unit continues to over-
“This is a bold state-
ment, but he’s probably
the best defensive coor-
dinator I’ve had,” senior
linebacker Erroll Thomp-
son said of Arnett.
On paper, Saturday
stood to be a coming out
party of sorts for long

Stewart scores
32, but MSU
men fall to
Dayton in 2OT
BY GARRICK HODGE Todd Van Emst/AU Athletics Auburn’s Colby Wooden (25) brings down Mississippi State quarterback Will Rogers (2) during Saturday’s game at Davis Wade Stadium.

A career-high 32 BY BEN PORTNOY quarterback Will Rogers was it found production in freshman back. Following another Bigs- forced to scramble side to side receiver Jaden Walley. Walley, by 24-yard rush — part of his
points from D.J. Stewart
and an acrobatic play by or step up in the pocket as the who broke Mardye McDole’s 26-carry, 192-yard night — Bo
STARKVILLE — For nearly dismal offensive line play of single-game freshman receiv- Nix shook an MSU defender out
Iverson Molinar at the
50 minutes Saturday, Mississip- weeks past returned. When ing record in the Egg Bowl two of his shoes and scampered into
end of regulation weren’t
pi State defensive coordinator Rogers was able to find time, weeks ago, snatched McDole’s the end zone for the night’s final
enough for Mississippi
Zach Arnett’s unit held firm Geor’quarius Spivey, Cameron freshman single-season receiv- score.
State to leave Atlanta
against an Auburn offense that
with a statement victory Gardner and the revolving door ing record against the Tigers as “Me personally, I think it’s
converted just five of 16 on third
over Dayton on Saturday. of Bulldog receivers not named he caught eight passes for 100 just a hat tip to them,” senior line-
downs on the night.
In a tightly contested Jaden Walley mistimed jumps, yards. backer Erroll Thompson said of
But facing third-and-16 from
affair on a neutral court, cut too slowly out of their breaks After trading four field goals how Bigsby was able to find so
the MSU 32-yard line, ma-
the Bulldogs made 9 of 22 or just flat out dropped balls that and one miss by MSU kicker many holes. “I feel like they did
ligned Tiger quarterback Bo
free throws for a putrid would’ve given MSU a sem- Brandon Ruiz, Nix’s pass to Wil- a lot of great things, schemed up
Nix snapped the Bulldog de-
charity stripe shooting blance of rhythm. liams gave Auburn the big play it a lot of great things.”
fense like a toothpick as he hit
percentage of 40 percent And then there were the pen- had misfired on throughout Sat- Following a two-point conver-
Seth Williams over the top for
that proved to be the alties. Auburn and MSU com- urday’s contest and a 13-point sion connection between Nix
a game-clinching touchdown
difference in their 85-82 bined for 10 flags — including lead with 10:03 remaining. and Ze’Vian Capers to push the
in the front right corner of the
double-overtime loss to two unsportsmanlike conduct With the door seemingly final margin to 14 points, Wil-
north end zone at Davis Wade
the Flyers. fouls, a kick-catch interference slammed shut, Bulldog fresh- liams danced around the back
Stadium to give Auburn a 24-10
“It’s gut-wrenching and a roughing the kicker call man receiver Lideatrick “Tulu” edge of the south end zone trad-
win in Starkville.
to lose shooting 9-for-22 — and 125 yards in the game’s Griffin barked back with a ing verbal jabs with the MSU
“We’ve just got to make the
from the foul line,” MSU opening half. speedy 65-yard kickoff return fans gathered in the lower level
plays that are expected of us,”
coach Ben Howland said Tiger defensive back Ladari- to set up MSU at the Auburn 30- boxes at the foot of Scott Field.
junior receiver Austin Wil-
in a postgame interview. us Tennison also saw one of the yard line. Following two incom- For a team that showed fight
liams said. “The regular plays,
“Three of them were on more egregious hits of the night pletions and a heady 13-yard in near misses against Georgia
you don’t have to do anything
the front end of a one- initially called targeting over- scramble on third down, Rogers and Ole Miss in recent weeks,
extraordinary. We had some
and-one. Any time you turned, much to the chagrin of found Williams wide open over Leach’s squad fell short of the
opportunities tonight. We just
miss the front end of a those inside Davis Wade Stadi- the middle to bring the Bull- necessary bite needed Satur-
need to click better and execute
one-and-one, that’s two um and the keyboard cowboys dogs back within six. day.
— each person on the field, me
points you’re missing out watching from home. As MSU pulled back within “I’m sure Will’s got a couple
included, everyone.”
on.” “If you give me $10,000, I’ll striking distance, Auburn run- throws he’d like to have over
After two weeks of relative
After Dayton made a
offensive aptitude against No. give you the best explanation ning back Tank Bigsby blud- again,” he said. “Some of those
pair of free throws with
9 Georgia and Ole Miss, MSU in your entire life,” head coach geoned the Bulldog defensive were a combination of protec-
5 seconds left in regula-
promptly fell back to earth in Mike Leach said in jest post- front on back-to-back runs of tion and routes clearing and
tion to take a two-point
Saturday’s first half. game. 15 yards — the latter of which things like that. We’ve just got
lead, Molinar went coast
Snap after snap during the For what MSU lacked in true he dragged a gaggle of maroon to fight through it and improve
See BASKETBALL, 3B opening 30 minutes, freshman offensive consistency Saturday, and white clad defenders on his as a team.”
2B SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 The Dispatch •

Columbus girls hold off Starkville; Jackets boys beat Falcons

BY THEO DEROSA to put together more good to Myles and a 3-ball by day CALEDONIA — Jarvis field Academy 39-38 on quality effort when you go Kylan Baggett pushed WEST POINT — The Leigh hit two free throws Saturday in Flowood.
out and try to score.” Starkville’s lead to six, Oak Hill Academy girls with 1.5 seconds to go, The Vols rebounded
STARKVILLE — In A stout Columbus de- and a late and-one by were edged 47-44 by Indi- giving the Caledonia boys from a 33-18 deficit to out-
the closing minutes of Fri- fense made that plenty dif- Keyvon Pearson solidi- anola Academy on Friday a 45-43 win over South score the Hawks 21-5 in
day’s game at Starkville ficult Friday. The Falcons fied the outcome. in West Point. Pontotoc at home Friday. the fourth quarter.
High School, Columbus kept their hands out on Myles, seeing playing Mary Beth Briggs Leigh was the Cava- Jawon Yarbrough had
girls basketball coach defense per their coach’s time in the frontcourt led the Raiders with 16 liers’ leading scorer with 13 points for Starkville
Yvonne Hairston cast instruction, tightened up with Jamarvious Phillips points. Sara Nash and 20 points as Caledonia Academy.
a glimpse at the score- on shooters and kept Ford and Jacob Reese both Carley Wooten each improved to 1-1 in district
board. out of the paint. In doing out Friday, impressed in scored 12. play. Prep Girls Soccer
Hairston took stock so, they forced several his time on the floor. He Oak Hill’s next game is The Cavs will play at Tupelo 3, Caledonia 0,
of the Yellow Jackets’ turnovers that led to fast- finished with 13 points to Thursday at home against Itawamba Agricultural on Friday
growing second-half foul break layups as part of a lead the Jackets. Central Holmes Chris- Tuesday in Fulton.
count, of the dwindling 25-5 Columbus run. “I think he was really tian. Prep Boys Soccer
time left. She issued her “That was big for us,” prepared for it,” Townsel Oak Hill Academy 47, Starkville 4, South Pa-
instructions to her team: Jackson said of the take- said. “He’s getting better South Pontotoc 62, Indianola Academy 24, nola 1, Friday
continue getting to the aways. “That just comes and better as he plays, Caledonia 31, Friday Friday STARKVILLE — The
basket, draw whistles and with being aggressive stronger and stronger as WEST POINT — The Starkville boys soccer
“stick” as many foul shots and in control.” he plays.” Prep Boys Basket- Oak Hill boys beat Indi- team beat South Pano-
as possible. Columbus — playing The sophomore even ball anola 47-24 in Friday’s la 4-1 in Friday’s home
Senior point guard DJ with a full roster for the tried to throw down a Starkville 73, Brandon home game. match.
Jackson and the Falcons first time this season slam dunk early in the 67, 4 OT Cameron Dill had 19 Dominique Bush had
listened. thanks to injuries and contest to the astonish- BRANDON — It took points and eight rebounds a hat trick for the Yellow
Jackson made all 13 COVID-19 contact trac- ment of the home bench. four overtimes, but the for the Raiders. Jackets, and Ethan Pull-
of her attempts from the ing — hosts West Lown- “At the beginning, Starkville boys beat Bran- iam added a goal.
charity stripe, including des on Tuesday. They’ll when he tried to dunk it, don 73-67 in quadruple Starkville Academy 39, Starkville’s next match
eight in the fourth quar- go into the contest with that surprised us,” Town- overtime in Saturday’s Hartfield Academy 38 is Tuesday at Kosciusko.
ter, as Columbus (5-2) the momentum of Fri- sel said. “That’s the first road game. FLOWOOD — The
fended off a late Starkville day’s rivalry win. time we’ve seen that.” Eric Green had 30 Starkville Academy boys Grenada 7, Columbus
comeback for a 49-40 road “It was good for us to Young, Pearson and points for the Yellow Jack- came back to beat Hart- 0, Friday
win on Friday night. just step up,” Hairston Green each had 10 points ets.
“It was just a good said. for Starkville. Blake Bur-
feeling,” Hairston said. nett led Columbus with 18 New Hope 71, Corinth
“When the pressure was
on, they made their free Starkville boys 52, points, and Willie Young 56
added 11. BIGGERSVILLE —
throws.” Columbus 43 Falcons coach Phil- The New Hope boys beat
Jackson, who finished After Starkville High
lip Morris said his team Corinth 71-56 on Satur-
with 23 points, said her School sophomore Makhi
Myles missed his second delivered an “OK perfor- day at the BIGG Classic at
clutch performance from mance” without key con- Biggersville High School.
the stripe “lifted a big straight free throw in the
fourth quarter Friday, tributors Tre Dismuke Caleb Parr led the Tro-
weight” off her shoulders
Jackets teammate Coltie (strained MCL) and jans with 20 points. Eric
in addition to giving the
Young outjumped Colum- Ethan Conner. Columbus Caldwell had 19, LJ Hack-
Falcons a big road win.
bus senior Steve Turner held Starkville to just one man had 12, Ty Crowell
But with the heavy em-
and tapped in a putback made 3-pointer on what had 10, and Jorden Ed-
phasis Columbus’ guards
layup. Townsel called “no tell- wards had nine.
place on making their foul
Young then raced back ing” how many attempts.
shots, Jackson had no dif-
to the other end of the “We were down two New Hope 75, Amory
ficulty Friday.
floor and leapt to block starters, but I think with 51, Friday
“I’m just able to get up
Turner’s attempt at a the guys we had, we did a NEW HOPE — The
there and knock it down
layup of his own. good job,” Morris said. Trojans also used a big
every time I’m on the
In just two posses- first half to beat Amory
line,” she said.
Her ability to do so was sions, the Starkville Other scores 75-51 in Friday’s home
senior had embodied — Prep Girls Basket- game.
critical in a game in which
albeit in reverse order — ball The Trojans led the
Starkville (3-2) made a
what his team strives to Starkville 46, Brandon Panthers 47-23 at the half
furious fourth-quarter
do every game, the three 40 en route to the big win.
comeback. Trailing by 14
words written in black BRANDON — The Hackman led New
points to begin the period,
stencil lettering on the Starkville girls beat Bran- Hope with 22 points. Parr
the Yellow Jackets cut the
back of their gray warm- don 46-40 in Saturday’s had 14, Edwards had 12,
lead to 43-40 on a layup
up T-shirts: DEFEND road game. and Carson Latham had
from Louisiana-Monroe
AND REBOUND. Amaya Ford had 20 nine.
commit Amaya Ford with
exactly a minute left. But “We did just that to- points and six rebounds
after a timeout, Jackson night: defending and for the Jackets. Caledonia 45, South
was fouled and made rebounding,” Starkville Starkville will next Pontotoc 43, Friday
both free throws, and assistant Ed Townsel said play Friday at the Tupelo
Starkville’s Jada Odneal after the Jackets (6-0) fin- Classic.
missed a 3-pointer. The ished off a 52-43 win over
Jackets never scored the Falcons (4-3). Amory 48, New Hope
again. Starkville, ranked No. 46, OT, Friday
Still, Starkville coach 1 in the state by Max- NEW HOPE — The
Kristie Williams said, her Preps, hardly played a New Hope girls lost to
team’s late-game perfor- pretty game Friday but Amory 48-46 in overtime
mance was encouraging locked down on defense in Friday’s home game.
for its contests to come, in order to secure the vic- Reed McGlothin had
including a quick turn- tory. 15 points to lead the Tro-
around Saturday against “We couldn’t make jans. Anna Prince had 13,
Brandon. The Jackets shots,” Townsel said. and Taylor Brownlee had
won that game 46-40. “We couldn’t make free eight.
“Fourth quarter, we throws. But the good New Hope’s next game
looked like a brand new thing is, we guarded the is at home Friday against
team, but we didn’t do it whole game. … That’s Itawamba Agricultural.
the first three quarters,” what won us the game to-
Williams said. night.” Hartfield Academy 56,
After Ford scored The Jackets pulled Starkville Academy 39
eight of Starkville’s first away from the Falcons FLOWOOD — The
10 points to pace the Jack- in the fourth quarter af- Starkville Academy girls
ets to a 15-10 lead eight ter leading just 36-35 were defeated 56-39 by
minutes in, the home through three. Young Hartfield Academy in Sat-
team suddenly went cold. said Starkville was well urday’s road game.
Starkville scored just aware it wasn’t playing Lillee Alpe scored 12
eight points in the next up to potential and that points for the Volunteers.
two quarters, including a something had to change. Starkville Academy’s
mere three in the second “We just had to pick up next game is Tuesday
period. our game and play harder against Winston Acade-
“You can’t win games in the second half,” Young my.
when you only score said.
three points in a quarter,” An alley-oop from se- Indianola Academy 47,
Williams said. “You have nior guard Eric Green Oak Hill Academy 44, Fri-
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 3B

Bulldog Bullets: MSU can’t muster enough offense to get past Auburn
BY GARRICK HODGE Bullets, The Commercial combined field goals. sistently faltered in pass tinues for wide receiver signal caller all night. Just Dispatch will bring you Yuck. At least the score protection. Jaden Walley, who broke didn’t work out.
an instant reaction blog of wasn’t 3-2. — Nix did not com- a single season MSU re- — Tank Bigsby saved
STARKVILLE — Well, Mississippi State football — Let’s start with Au- plete a single pass in the cord for most receiving Auburn. The running
$21 million reasons might games posted immediate- burn. I think I understand third quarter. He missed yards in a freshman sea- back thrashed MSU’s de-
have saved Gus Malz-
ly after the final gun filled the fans’ angst over Mal- wide open receivers left son (562 and counting). fense for 192 yards on 26
ahn’s job even if Auburn
with short observations zahn now because good and right. He finished The previous record was carries.
lost to Mississippi State
and commentary. lord Auburn’s offense was 15 of 32 for 125 yards. held by Mardye McDole, — Marquiss Spencer
To the Bulldog Bullets: a mess. We’ve got run- His performance was who had 510 yards in sure spent a long time lay-
But an MSU offensive
— A senior day when ning backs running into begging the Bulldogs to 1977. ing on the field following
performance that inspired
nobody made damn sure there’s one more home receivers when the guard beat the Tigers, and they — Mike Leach burned his injury. Ten MSU staff-
to preserve the oft-ma- game left. Odd, but not is pulling, Bo Nix scram- couldn’t do it. a timeout early in the ers surrounded him. Both
ligned Tigers’ coach in a even in the top 100 things bling for his life every — If Auburn wasn’t third quarter only to miss MSU and Auburn players
24-10 loss at Davis Wade out of place in 2020. play because the offensive called for targeting after a field goal. took a knee on the field as
Stadium. — This game had line can’t block anybody, that hit on Jo’quavious — I actually liked the an eerie silence hushed
Considering Bo Nix more chippiness to it than and so much misdirection Marks, I don’t know what blitz call from Zach Ar- Davis Wade. Eventual-
and Auburn’s offense the Egg Bowl. With the it almost looks like the of- targeting is anymore. nett on what was eventu- ly, he had to be carried
were putrid for three amount of dumb penalties fense itself is confused. — MSU didn’t get a ally Auburn’s touchdown off on a backboard. Sure
quarters, MSU players from both sides, there’s — MSU’s offense single first down until to Seth Williams on third- hope everything is alright
will wake up tomorrow going to be a lot of un- wasn’t any better. Au- a minute left in the first and-long. At that point, there.
thinking what could have happy coaches doing film burn defensive backs quarter. the score was 9-3 with the — And then of all
been for a third straight breakdown tomorrow. shut down almost every — For as much heat Tigers on the edge of field things, Spencer, the
game. Instead, the Bull- — Both teams offen- attempted checkdown as the secondary has tak- goal range. Nix hadn’t player lying motion-
dogs will try to salvage sively in the first half: 2 to the running back, en most of the season, demonstrated any ability less on the field for an
their season finale against of 15 on third down com- Geor’quarius Spivey MSU’s defensive backs to convert deep passes ac- uncomfortable amount
Missouri. bined. A paltry 78 total dropped what could have showed up for most of Sat- curately, and the defense of time, was called for
As always, for those yards for MSU with 2.8 been a touchdown pass, urday. had gotten consistent targeting on that play.
who are new to Bulldog yards per play. Three and the offensive line con- — A nice season con- pressure on the Auburn What can you do?

Continued from Page 1B
said nobody expected the cauldron of Gus Malz- eo circulated on social the Bulldogs for three Eventually, the 6-foot-4, first half.
Bulldogs to play Auburn ahn’s future at Auburn media after the game that quarters just looked 300-pound defensive end “If you give me
this close at the start of for what seems like the showed Malzahn danc- gassed. had to be carried off on a $10,000, I’ll give you the
the season. Probably a third straight year, af- ing in celebration in the Probably the biggest backboard. But so far, so best explanation you’ve
fair point. But those same ter turning in another locker room following the positive of the night re- good. heard in your entire life,”
would-be fortune tellers disappointing season win, which, sadly, was sulted in the early diag- “(He’s) moving Leach said of the over-
would probably also pre- (in Tigers fan’s eyes, at probably one of the more nosis of Marquiss Spen- around, looks very posi- turned call. Even guys
dict MSU beat Arkansas least). Even though $21 agile moves anyone affili- cer, who made fans at tive,” Leach said regard- who get paid $5 million
by double digits and that million reasons may have ated with either program Davis Wade hold their ing Spencer postgame. a year like to avoid fines,
Auburn wouldn’t get ab- kept Malzahn in place if made all night. collective breath when To add insult to (liter- too.
solutely humiliated by Al- the Tigers lost Saturday, Of course, there were he laid motionless on the al) injury, officials called MSU will attempt to
abama in the Iron Bowl. dropped passes, poor pro- positives. Zach Arnett’s field for an uncomfortable Spencer, the dude laying salvage something be-
Point being: Things tection and consistently defense held up relative- amount of time after sus- on his back on the field, sides moral victories in
change. thwarted checkdown at- ly well for the most part taining an injury. Both for a targeting penalty. its season finale against
Most of the talk lead- tempts made darn sure until getting beat deep in MSU and Auburn players This after what looked to Missouri next week. But
ing up to the game was he stayed in place for at the fourth quarter when took a knee on the field be a textbook targeting it’s going to need its of-
around the bubbling least another year. A vid- the unit that had carried in support of Spencer. call was overturned in the fense to perform better.

Continued from Page 1B
maligned Auburn quar- mage as the Bulldog was initially called tar- 11 of his final 14 passes. he’d given any thought to learn from those guys
terback Bo Nix. A five- linebacking corps led by geting but was later re- “I think he’s done a tre- to what his future plans is incredibly invaluable.”
star recruit and top-35 senior Erroll Thompson versed. mendous job,” Leach said might look like. But like Whether Arnett re-
recruit according to the and sophomore Aaron “If you give me of Arnett. “I think our de- most coaches annually mains in Starkville be-
247 Sports composite Brule danced all through $10,000, I’ll give you fense continues to grow, asked the “What’s next?” yond this year remains
rankings, Nix has been the Tiger backfield. On the best explanation in as well.” question, he largely
to be seen and given his
anything but consistent the back end, sophomore your entire life,” MSU Entering Saturday, dodged it. Arnett spoke
work this fall, as mag-
through his first season safeties Shawn Preston head coach Mike Leach MSU sat No. 54 nation- on the Southern hospital-
and change on The Plains. and Collin brought earth- quipped postgame. ally in total defense — a ity he’s received and how nified Saturday night,
But boasting a talented quaking hits with each While the Bulldogs nearly 20-spot jump from appreciative he was of others will be hot on his
receiver trio in Anthony ensuing snap, daring re- faded down the stretch in last season under the his neighbors welcoming trail. But for the time
Schwartz, Eli Stove and ceivers to run in their air Saturday’s contest — a fa- direction of Bob Shoop. him to the community. being, he’s giving MSU
Seth Williams and facing space so as to afford them tigue Leach attributed to For Arnett, the marked “I’ve absolutely loved chances in games when
a depleted MSU second- a chest full of shoulder being below the “national improvement is sure to it here,” he said. “First of its high-flying air raid of-
ary, Nix, at least on paper, pads. limit,” likely in reference bring other suitors. all I get to work with an fense falls to Earth.
had a chance to make Duncan delivered per- to his COVID-19 affected Speaking with the absolutely fantastic head “He comes in; he puts
things happen downfield haps the most crushing scholarship numbers — media during his week- coach who’s a future Hall the time in,” Thompson
Saturday in Starkville. blow of the night as he the Bulldog defense gave ly availability, Arnett, of Famer, obviously. So
said. “He won’t tell you
Instead, Arnett’s flattened an Auburn re- MSU chances when it who was nominated as for a young coach to get
that, but he really puts in
shorthanded bunch gave ceiver minutes after Ti- needed it most. It held Au- a finalist for the Broyles to learn from (Leach)
Nix all sorts of fits. Play ger defensive back Ladar- burn to just five of 16 on Award honoring the top and the other guys on the work and the time in
after play, the former all- ius Tennison delivered a third down, allowed just assistant coach in college the staff who’ve had a lot behind the scenes. We’re
world prospect retreated seemingly egregious hit 165 yards through the football earlier this week, more years experience really just feeding off of
as far as 25 yards back on MSU running back first three quarters and was asked about his fu- and a lot more knowl- him, and we’re kind of
behind the line of scrim- Jo’quavious Marks that forced Nix to misfire on ture at MSU and whether edge — the opportunity like the finished product.”

Continued from Page 1B
to coast and utilized a screen set by Abdul Ado, at- sists. floor, made 8 of 22 from long range and converted 19
tacking the rim while falling down and converting the “D.J. was phenomenal,” Howland said. “He just did of 26 free throws. The Flyers struggled with ball pro-
game-tying layup, sending the contest into overtime. so many good things for us offensively.” tection, committing 17 turnovers throughout the after-
At the end of the first overtime, Molinar had a chance Tolu Smith, who played most of the second half with
noon. Jalen Crutcher led Dayton with 23 points, while
to be the hero again but could only watch as his 15-foot four fouls, was the only other Bulldog in double figures
game-winning attempt clanked off the rim. (13), while he also grabbed seven rebounds. Ibi Watson contributed 21.
Stewart finished 13 of 22 from the field in his career The Bulldogs shot 45.3 percent from the field and 5 MSU is back in action against Central Arkansas at 7
day while Molinar chipped in 20 points and seven as- of 17 beyond the arc. Dayton shot 52.7 percent from the p.m. Wednesday at Humphrey Coliseum.

Dear Abby

EAR ABBY: I’m writing DEAR THINKING: Why am I DEAR ABBY: My 29-year-old daughter just life. What can I do to get them to move toward
because I’m torn. My moth- thinking you omitted an import- moved out on her own from the bedroom she the future? -- CARING DAD IN NEW JERSEY
er-in-law recently retired ant paragraph (or two) from your has occupied since she was 7 months old and DEAR DAD: You are certainly free to have
and wants to gift stocks to all of letter? The one describing your into a nice place. She has been dating “Ben” the discussion with your daughter, but as much
her grandchildren. However, my husband’s troubled relationship for five years. She has helped Ben and stuck as you love her, this is not your journey. It’s
husband refuses to accept them with his mother. That relationship by him. Despite the fact that Ben doesn’t have hers and Ben’s. Don’t be a back-seat driver.
on behalf of our son. We also should be separate from hers with a degree, my daughter has helped him improve They are enjoying the present, and the future
didn’t deposit her wedding and her grandchild. his potential, and he now has licenses and will take care of itself.
baby shower gifts to us. (Both She was generous with her gets well-paying jobs.
were checks.) We just kept them wedding and shower gifts. (The When he met my daughter, he lived with his
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren,
because I felt it was the right checks should probably be de- mom. My daughter gave him the push to get
thing to do. also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded
stroyed at this late date because his own place and helped him decorate. Ben is
However, in this case, I ap- by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear
they can no longer be cashed.) eight years older than she is and has a 9-year-
preciate and would gladly accept As to the gift of stocks she wants old daughter from a previous relationship, Abby at or P.O. Box 69440,
the stocks. Her gift would pay for to give your son, I see no rational whom my daughter gets along with. Los Angeles, CA 90069.
my son’s higher education. My reason why they shouldn’t be I guess because parents have expectations To receive a collection of Abby’s most
husband feels we can’t accept Dear Abby accepted, acknowledged and for their kids, I thought by now there would memorable -- and most frequently requested --
everything he’s given. I think saved to be used for the purpose have been some sort of talk about their future. poems and essays, send your name and mailing
he’s being stubborn, not thinking for which they are intended. Your husband’s She and Ben are still together, but I don’t know address, plus check or money order for $8 (U.S.
about his son and letting his ego get in the stance on this is irrational and will serve no if this relationship is headed anywhere. I like funds) to: Dear Abby -- Keepers Booklet, P.O. Box
way. What do you think about this? -- THINKING purpose other than to penalize the boy -- and him, and I have a great relationship with my 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. Shipping
OF THE FUTURE both of you. daughter. I don’t want to intrude on her private and handling are included in the price.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. 13). TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You with information, and let it soak in. a different mind takes over — a cre- situations that are not quite right
Your efforts will be joined. Mentors, look to the ending before you even Make people wait for your answer. ative state that allows you to operate for you. What would you do if money
teammates, timing and luck will play start a thing. If you see potential, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A person’s at higher levels of the task. weren’t part of the equation? Is there
their part to catapult your project to you’ll proceed with the end always in true character is often revealed in SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). It a way or degree to which you can do
success. Because you nurture your mind, to some degree. That part of how they face adversity, and in how is human nature to covet what is that with your current finances?
relationship with all those entities, your brain magnetized to the destina- well they work with others and adapt elusive. You’ve been on both sides AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
you remain in the graces of the fates. tion will be your guiding light. as necessary. If you want to learn of it. Today you’ve the chance to be Don’t discount the strategy of doing
You can afford to take risks in the GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The a lot about a person quickly, move a little mysterious to someone — to nothing. It is sometimes the best
name of justice, truth and beauty. tendency is to take one true fact and furniture together. create the space that will cause them
available move, and certainly better
May brings a windfall. Libra and Scor- extend it to encompass an entire VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Innate to fantasize about you.
than expending purposeless energy
pio adore you. Your lucky numbers body of information that may not be traits aren’t a prison. You’ll work on SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
are: 10, 4, 44, 37 and 49. true at all. It will be worthwhile to molding a quality you were born with The enemy of learning is pride. The or wearing yourself out with situa-
ARIES (March 21-April 19). The take on and dissolve your bias, as into a form that is more useful and other culprit is an aversion to loss tions in flux. Wait until things settle.
lesser of two evils is still evil. Add to assumptions could cause a crucial applicable to the person you want to that holds one back from trying and PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
the lineup of comparatives. Throw miss. be and the life you want to live. risking failure. Keep your ego out of it If you are bringing out someone’s
in a saintly option and an intellectu- CANCER (June 22-July 22). The LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Prac- and you’ll turn mistakes into lessons competitive nature, take a different
al one. Don’t pigeonhole your own secret to wisdom will be patience. Re- tice until you get so good at a thing and, ultimately, victories. tactic. It is easier to deal with people
personality by only allowing yourself active decisions have a good chance that it comes automatically to you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). who feel they are already winning.
certain offerings. of being wrong or shortsighted. Sit Once your mind and body are in sync, The hope of fast money is a lure into They’ll have fewer defenses.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI spaces in which to store per- If any person wishes

COUNTY OF LOWNDES sonal property:
to request a hearing

WHEREAS, the following ten-



to object to the issu-
ance of this permit a
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
ants entered into leases with
HOUSES for storage space in
request for a hearing
must be made in writ-
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
which to store personal prop- DEWAYNE JONES F1723 ing and received by
erty and
SOPHIE WASHINGTON K2204 the Department of
To place ads starting at only $12,
WHEREAS, default has been
made in the payment of rent WHEREAS, default has been Revenue within (15) call 662-328-2424 or visit
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- made in the payment of the fifteen days from the
HOUSES pursuant to said rent and RENT-A-SPACE pursu-
Leases is authorized to sell the ant to said lease is authorized first date this notice THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 n 4B
personal property to satisfy the to sell the personal property to was published.
past due and any other satisfy the past due rent and
charges owed to it by the fol- any other charges owed to it.
lowing tenants.
Legal Notices Legal Notices
Requests shall be
Booze Legal Notices Apts For Rent: Other Apts For Rent: Other
NOW THEREFORE, notice is
sent to:
LEGALS Rentals
NOW THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that RENT-A-
hereby given that FRIENDLY
SPACE will offer for sale, and
will sell at auction to the
Chief Council, Legal The Military Square
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- highest bidder and best bidder Division Apartments are now
accepting applicants!
Call us: 662-328-2424 tion to the highest bidder for
cash all personal property in
for cash all personal property
in the storage. Said property
Department of Reven- Ads starting at $25 We have 1, 2, and 3
storage units leased by the fol- located at RENT- A- SPACE 406 ue bedroom units available.
Legal Notices lowing tenants at FRIENDLY WILKINS WISE RD COLUMBUS, P.O. Box 22828 Apts For Rent: North All apartments are newly
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 4504 MS will be sold at 9:00 AM on remodeled, and include:
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Highway 69 South, Columbus, JANUARY 8, 2021. Jackson, MS 39225 FOX RUN APARTMENTS New Washer/Dryer, New
COUNTY OF LOWNDES MS. Auctions will begin at 8:30 Refrigerator, New A/C Unit!
A.M. on the 8th day January, Title to the personal property to 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
NOTICE OF SALE A.D. 2021 at 308 Shoney be sold is believed to be good, Date of First Publica- $595−$645 monthly.
We also offer rent
Drive, Columbus, MS and will but at such sale, RENT-A- Military discount, pet area,
WHEREAS, the following ten- continue to all FRIENDLY CITY SPACE will convey only such tion: 12/11/2020 pet friendly, and furnished discounts for:
ants entered into leases with MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in title as is vested in it pursuant corporate apts. −Active Military
FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- the following sequence: 903 to its leases and as allowed 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL −Veterans
HOUSES for storage space in Alabama Street, Columbus, under Mississippi Code Annot- This the 9th day of GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. −Seniors
which to store personal prop- MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- ated Section 85-7-121 et seq. December, 2020. ON SITE MAINTENANCE. Call us at: 662−205−0005
erty and bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 (Supp1988).
South, Columbus, MS. All auc- ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
WHEREAS, default has been tions are with reserve and
therefore all units can be with-
DECEMBER 7, 2020.
made in the payment of rent
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- drawn from the sale at any 12/11/2020 & Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
HOUSES pursuant to said time by the auctioneer/man- RENT-A-SPACE 12/13/2020
Leases is authorized to sell the ager. By: MANAGER
personal property to satisfy the Apts For Rent: West
Title to the personal property to PUBLISH: 12/13/2020
past due and any other Have a rental property?

charges owed to it by the fol- be sold is believed to be good,
lowing tenants. but at such sale, FRIENDLY
Read local. List it here for fast results.

NOW THEREFORE, notice is convey only such title as is ves-
hereby given that FRIENDLY ted in it pursuant to its lease NOTICE OF SALE
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- with the following and its al-
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- lowed under Mississippi Code WHEREAS, the following ten- All notices must be Apartments & Houses Medical / Dental
tion to the highest bidder for Annotated Section 85-7-121 et ants entered into leases with
cash all personal property in
storage units leased by the fol-
HOUSES for storage space in
emailed to 1 Bedrooms
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY Stacy Norris – H64 which to store personal prop- classifieds@ 2 Bedroooms
Alabama St. Columbus, MS. Angela Johnstone – H7 3 Bedrooms
Auctions will begin at 8:30 WHEREAS, default has been
A.M. on the 8th day of January, Barbara Johnson – H24 made in the payment of rent Furnished & Unfurnished
A.D. 2021 at 308 Shoney and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE-
Drive, Columbus, MS and will
continue to all FRIENDLY CITY
Dewayne Edward Roby – H55 HOUSES pursuant to said
Leases is authorized to sell the 1, 2, & 3 Baths
MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in Shawnta Ross – H44 personal property to satisfy the Lease, Deposit
& Credit Check
the following sequence: 903 past due and any other
Alabama Street, Columbus, WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on charges owed to it by the fol-
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- this the 10th day of December, lowing tenants.
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69
South, Columbus, MS. All auc-
tions are with reserve and
A.D. 2020.

NOW THEREFORE, notice is
hereby given that FRIENDLY
therefore all units can be with- MINI-WAREHOUSES CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of-
drawn from the sale at any By: C.H.L. fer for sale, and will sell at auc- Call us: 662-328-2424
time by the auctioneer/man- tion to the highest bidder for
ager. Publish: 12/13, 12/20 & cash all personal property in Education
Title to the personal property to
12/27/2020 storage units leased by the fol-
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY
It’s a classified
be sold is believed to be good, State of Mississippi CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 308
but at such sale, FRIENDLY
County of Lowndes Shoney Drive Columbus, MS,
at 8:30 am on the 8th day of
Columbus Christian
convey only such title as is ves- Notice of Sale
ted in it pursuant to its lease
January, A.D. 2021 and will
continue to all FRIENDLY CITY
Academy is seeking a Head
of School for the 2021-
We tell readers
with the following and its al-
lowed under Mississippi Code
WHEREAS the following ten-
ants entered into a lease with
MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in
the following sequence: 903
Alabama Street, Columbus,
2022 school year. Colum-
bus Christian Academy is what they need
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et RENT-A-SPACE for storage
seq (Supp 1988). spaces in which to store per-
sonal property:
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum-
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69
an accredited, private K-
12 preparatory school to know to buy
Shaterrica Payne Moody –
South, Columbus, MS. All auc-
tions are with reserve and
(preschool through grade
12) serving Christian famil- what they need.
therefore all units can be with- ies in the Golden Triangle
Cetericka Walker – E247 ROB WINTER C4014 drawn from the sale at any area since 1978. The can-
time by the auctioneer/man- Medical / Dental
ager. didate must have a strong
Jennifer Overpeck – E226 WHEREAS, default has been
made in the payment of the understanding of biblical in-
Courtney Harrison – E477 rent and RENT-A-SPACE pursu- Title to the personal property to tegration and the Christian
ant to said lease is authorized be sold is believed to be good, school ministry. A minim-
Monica Edwards – E253 to sell the personal property to but at such sale, FRIENDLY um Master's degree in Edu-
satisfy the past due rent and CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will cational Leadership (or
Johnny Cockrell – E15 any other charges owed to it. convey only such title as is ves- equivalent) is required. Two
ted in it pursuant to its lease
with the following and its al- or more years of adminis-
this the 10th day of December, hereby given that RENT-A- lowed under Mississippi Code trative experience is pre-
A.D. 2020. SPACE will offer for sale, and Annotated Section 85-7-121 et ferred, but not required. In-
will sell at auction to the seq (Supp 1988). terested parties should ap-
FRIENDLY CITY highest bidder and best bidder ply online at: www.colum-
MINI-WAREHOUSES for cash all personal property AJ Budgins – N155, N212 The on-
By: C.H.L. in the storage. Said property line application can be ac-
located at RENT- A- SPACE Tyqunia Skequria Kidd – N152
cessed by clicking “About”
Publish: 12/13, 12/20 & 2193 LAKE LOWNDES RD
12/27/2020 COLUMBUS, MS will be sold at Camaryn Barry – N40 and clicking the “Job Open-
10:00 AM on JANUARY 8, ings” link.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 2021. Susan Mackay – N11, N62
COUNTY OF LOWNDES General Help Wanted
Title to the personal property to Derek Wallace – N127
NOTICE OF SALE be sold is believed to be good,
but at such sale, RENT-A- Van T. Shelton – N126 Tombigbee River Valley
WHEREAS, the following ten- SPACE will convey only such Executive Director Position
ants entered into leases with title as is vested in it pursuant Jessica Ramirez – N145
FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- to its leases and as allowed Tupelo District Office
HOUSES for storage space in under Mississippi Code Annot- WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
which to store personal prop- ated Section 85-7-121 et seq. this the 10th day of December, Applicants should have a
erty and (Supp1988). A.D. 2020.
Masters Degree from an
WHEREAS, default has been experience consisting of 5
made in the payment of rent DECEMBER 7, 2020. MINI-WAREHOUSES
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- By: C.H.L. years work experience in a
HOUSES pursuant to said RENT-A-SPACE related field or industry OR
Leases is authorized to sell the By: MANAGER Publish: 12/13, 12/20 & a Bachelor's Degree from
personal property to satisfy the 12/27/2020 an accredited university
past due and any other PUBLISH: 12/13/2020 AND experience consisting
charges owed to it by the fol- Booze Legal Notices of 6 years work in a re-
lowing tenants. State of Mississippi lated industry.
County of Lowndes I, Ledrico Isaac, in-
NOW THEREFORE, notice is
hereby given that FRIENDLY Notice of Sale
tend to make applica- A qualified candidate that
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- tion for a change in possesses adequate mana-
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- WHEREAS the following ten- gerial work experience but
tion to the highest bidder for ants entered into a lease with
location of: an On- lack some educational re-
cash all personal property in RENT A SPACE for storage Premise retailer's per- quirements, will remain the
storage units leased by the fol- spaces in which to store per- right of the Districts Board
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY sonal property: mit Under the provi- of Directors to amend the
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 44 sions of the local Op- required educational quali-
Beatty Road, Columbus, MS. JONATHAN BURGESS 54
Auctions will begin at 8:30 tion Alcoholic Bever- fications.
A.M. on the 8th day of January, WHEREAS, default has been age Control Laws, Application deadline
A.D. 2021 at 308 Shoney made in the payment of the
Drive, Columbus, MS and will rent and RENT A SPACE pursu- Section 67-1-1, et. December 18, 2020
continue to all FRIENDLY CITY ant to said lease is authorized seq., Mississippi
MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in to sell the personal property to Paper Applications must be
the following sequence: 903 satisfy the past due rent and Code of 1972. received prior to December
Alabama Street, Columbus, any other charges owed to it. 18, 2020.
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum-
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 NOW THEREFORE, notice is If granted a change Apply to TRVWMD
South, Columbus, MS. All auc- hereby given that RENT A
tions are with reserve and SPACE will offer for sale, and
from Ledrico Isaac do- ATTN: Jack Savely
therefore all units can be with- will sell at auction to the ing business as Yo' P.O. Box 238
drawn from the sale at any highest bidder and best bidder Pontotoc, MS 38863
time by the auctioneer/man- for cash all personal property
Bar LLC, who is now or
ager. in the storage. Said property operating at 1920-2
located at RENT A SPACE 3431
Title to the personal property to HWY 12 EAST STEENS, MS Hwy 45 N., Colum- The Mississippi School for
be sold is believed to be good, 39766 will be sold at 9:30 AM bus, MS, I propose to Mathematics and Science
but at such sale, FRIENDLY on JANUARY 8, 2021.
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will operate under the is accepting applications
for the position of Head
convey only such title as is ves- Title to the personal property to
ted in it pursuant to its lease
tradename of Yo' Bar Tennis Coach. This is a
be sold is believed to be good,
with the following and its al- but at such sale, RENT A LLC at 3500 Bluecutt part-time position. Please
lowed under Mississippi Code SPACE will convey only such Rd., Lowndes of contact Nesia Foote at
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et title as is vested in it pursuant or
seq (Supp 1988). to its leases and as allowed Columbus, MS 662-329-7766 for details
Jonathan Ensz – B10
under Mississippi Code Annot-
ated Section 85-7-121 et seq.
39705. about the position.

Service Directory
Margaret Slaughter – B37
The name, title, and
Damon Cruse – B41 DECEMBER 7, 2020. address of the owner
Tansley Mason – B45 RENT A SPACE of the above named
By: MANAGER business are:
this the 10th day of December, PUBLISH: 12/13/2020
A.D. 2020. Ledrico Isaac Promote your small business starting at only $25
State of Mississippi Sole Owner
FRIENDLY CITY County of Lowndes Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
By: C.H.L.
2609 Niles Road
Notice of Sale
Publish: 12/13, 12/20 & Bucket truck & stump LAWN SERVICE
WHEREAS the following ten- 39705 removal. Free est. Mowing, cleanup, tree
ants entered into a lease with
RENT-A-SPACE for storage Serving Columbus cutting, landscaping,
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI spaces in which to store per- If any person wishes since 1987. Senior sodding & bush hogging.
COUNTY OF LOWNDES sonal property: citizen disc. Call Alvin @ 662−356−6525
to request a hearing 242−0324/241−4447
NOTICE OF SALE GREG BLAUGH C1012 to object to the issu- "We’ll go out on a limb for Lawn Care / Landscaping
WHEREAS, the following ten- NYA ASHANTE SYKES C1208 ance of this permit a you!"
ants entered into leases with
request for a hearing **HOLIDAY SPECIAL** TERRA CARE
HOUSES for storage space in must be made in writ- 4 ROOMS − $100
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor Phone: 662−549−1878
which to store personal prop- DEWAYNE JONES F1723 1 Room − $50
erty and
ing and received by 2 Room − $70 electrical, minor plumbing, Landscaping, Property
insulation, painting, demo− Clean Up, Plant Care,
SOPHIE WASHINGTON K2204 the Department of 3 Rooms − $90
lition, gutters cleaned, Bush Hogging,
WHEREAS, default has been
made in the payment of rent WHEREAS, default has been Revenue within (15) Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars
DAVID’S CARPET & pressure washing, land− Herbicide Spraying
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- made in the payment of the fifteen days from the UPHOLSTERY scaping, cleanup work.
HOUSES pursuant to said rent and RENT-A-SPACE pursu- 662−242−3608. Painting & Papering
Leases is authorized to sell the ant to said lease is authorized first date this notice CLEANING
Call for more info!
personal property to satisfy the to sell the personal property to was published. 662−722−1758 SULLIVAN’S PAINT
past due and any other satisfy the past due rent and Don’t have time SERVICE
charges owed to it by the fol- any other charges owed to it. Are you a painter? to cut your lawn?
lowing tenants. Requests shall be Advertise here!
Special Prices.
NOW THEREFORE, notice is
sent to: Find help here! Interior & Exterior Painting.
NOW THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that RENT-A- 662−435−6528
hereby given that FRIENDLY SPACE will offer for sale, and
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- will sell at auction to the
Chief Council, Legal
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 5B

Houses For Sale: Other Lost & Found Pets


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level increases from
column and each 9 5 3 1 6 8 2 4 7
the Classifieds.
Repairs, cleaning, refin−
ishing, scopes mounted & Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 12/11

zeroed, handmade knives.

Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North the same number only once. The difficulty level
of West Point, turn right on increases from Monday to Sunday.
Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
left on Darracott Rd, will
see sign, 2.5mi ahead
shop on left.

Did you
know ?
The Dispatch is the
last family-owned
newspaper in the state.

Apts For Rent: Other Mobile Homes for Sale

2019 Clayton Mobile Home
Brand new, never lived in.
RENTALS Fully furnished, perfect for
TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS an older couple or person.
Attached front porch with
1 BEDROOM roof. May have to be
moved unless lease is
2 BEDROOMS approved by land owner.
3 BEDROOMS $40,000. 828−674−8659

© The Dispatch

AND Garage Sales ACROSS
Two free signs 1 Fall quaff
662-329-2323 Estate Sales
6 Butler’s love
11 Love, to Luigi
2411 HWY 45 N 12 Disconcerted
COLUMBUS, MS New Hope Estate Sale 13 Bowler’s
174 Virgie Drive challenge
Columbus, MS 39702
Houses For Rent: North Fri. Dec. 11, 9am−4pm 14 Candle sight
Sat. Dec. 12, 9−4 15 Farm ma-
COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. Sun. Dec. 13, 1pm−4
Mon. Dec. 14, 9am−1
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
Selling contents of 17 Gloss spot
bath townhouses. $650 to
$750. 662−549−9555. house, bedroom suites, 18 Imitating
Ask for Glenn or text. dining room suite,
curios, TV’s,
19 Most spooky
bookcases, Cub Cadet 22 Laugh sound
Mobile Homes for Rent riding mower, 23 Sports spots
12’ x 20’ storage
building, shop full of
24 Adhere
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.
tools, fishing 25 Show up
$650 dep + $650/mo. No
pets, quiet area. Leave full collectibles, windmill, 27 Blue 3 Buck 27 Tar
outdoor décor, 30 Sewing
name & message,
Christmas décor, 4 Pennsylvania 28 Haul in
power tools, hand tools, machine part city 29 Speakers’
ladies clothes, linens, 31 Pitcher’s stat 5 Fell back stands
kitchen items, 32 Do something
swings, washer & dryer. 6 Not running 30 Mediation
RENT A CAMPER! Hundreds of items. 33 Game trip 7 Movie com- events
Utilities & cable included,
Just off of Old Yorkville 35 Intense beam puter 34 Flight cost
Road. Photos @ 38 Breaks, in a
from $145/wk − $535/mo 8 Flowery shrub 36 Time of
Columbus & County School Stewart’s Antiques & way 9 Negligent planning
locations. 662−242−7653
or 601−940−1397.
Estate Sales 39 Scoundrel 10 Skilled 37 Spectrum end
Benny Shelton 40 Clear
Columbus, MS 16 Soaps
662−251−1515 41 Completely 20 Brought to life
full again
Real Estate 42 Cars’ scars
21 Squid’s squirt
24 Spring site
Ads starting at $25
Merchandise 1 Algiers section
2 Gazelle’s
25 Secret stuff
26 Watched
Lots & Acreage cousin Rover
Ads starting at $12
1.75 ACRE LOTS Good/
Bad Credit Options. Good General Merchandise
credit as low as 20% down,
$499/mo. Eaton Land,
Looking for goods
Pre moving sale: Table, 4
662−361−7711. chairs, china cabinet Oak
$650. Twin bed complete
or services?
Find it in the
$50. Night stand $20.
Dresser $25. Rocker $25.
Approx. 7 acres located 2 bar stools $40. Old trunk
between Dale Road and $40. Cedar wardrobe $30.
Buck Egger Road. Access Chest of drawers $25.
off either road. $30,000.
Serious inquiries only.

Buy. Sell. Discover. In the Classifieds section.

On the web: • Or call: 662-328-2424
6B SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 The Dispatch •

Wait on the Lord
ometimes upset over the way pecting His promised strength God to choose the best time waiting for us to stop trying to
when we pray evil people prosper to help us rise above life’s dis- to change our circumstances. make things happen ourselves
to God con- in their wicked tractions and difficulties. Even Then, we can be like Job and and wait on Him. For He knows
cerning a situation, schemes against us. the strongest people get tired say, “All the days of my ap- what’s best for us. “Therefore
He will answer us Instead, we should sometimes, but God’s power pointed time will I wait, till my the Lord will wait, that He may
right away. Then rest in the Lord and and strength never stops. So change come.” (Job 14:14) KJV. be gracious to you; And there-
there are times wait patiently for the next time we feel like we While we’re waiting on fore He will be exalted, that He
when we pray, He Him to deal with can’t make another step, we the Lord we need to be very may have mercy on you. For
tells us to wait. them. By doing have to remember God will careful that we keep His ways. the Lord is a God of justice;
Waiting is one of this we won’t let renew our strength. “But they When we do this, God prom- Blessed are all those who wait
the hardest thing anger, resentment that wait upon the Lord shall ises to exalt us to inherit the for Him.” (Isaiah 30:18) NKJV
for us to do, but Sherry Ivy or hatred build up renew their strength; they shall land. He also assures us that Minister Sherry Ivy is a
God will strengthen in us. “Be still in mount up with wings as eagles; the wicked will be destroyed Minister of The New Providence
our hearts as we wait for the the presence of the Lord, and they shall run, and not be wea- and we will see it. “Wait on the M. B. Church (Healing & Yoke
answer. “Wait on the Lord: be wait patiently for him to act. ry; and they shall walk, and not Lord, and keep his way, and he Destroying Ministry) in Macon
of good courage, and he shall Don’t worry about evil people faint.” (Isaiah 30:31) KJV shall exalt thee to inherit the Mississippi, under the lead-
strengthen thine heart: wait, who prosper or fret about their It’s difficult to wait on the land: when the wicked are cut ership of her husband, Pastor
I say, on the Lord.” (Psalm wicked schemes.” (Psalm 37:7) Lord when we want change off, thou shalt see it” Willie J. Ivy Sr. You can contact
27:14) KJV NLT right away. Nevertheless, we So be encouraged today and her via email at minsivy@
We should not fret or get Waiting upon the Lord is ex- have to be patient and allow always remember: The Lord is

For our complete church directory listing, visit us online at

Due to local restrictions, churches likely have modified service types and hours. Please contact a church before attending a service.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is F eatured C hurch

“There is Liberty”
Ke nne th Mo ntg o m ery
Proudly serving our community 716 Second Ave. N. • Columbus, MS • 662-328-4432
for over 30 years 903 College St. • Columbus, MS • 662-328-2354

2500 Military Road Suite 1

Columbus, MS
Don West, Broker/Owner

9 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m., Priesthood & Relief Society 11 a.m., Youth Activities Wednesday
6 p.m. Bishop Eric Smith. 662-328-3179.

If you would like your church to be the featured church of the week,
submit a photo by emailing it to
Photos should be horizontal and high quality.
Specializing in industrial accounts The Dispatch will publish photos at no charge as space permits.
662-328-8176 973 Island Rd. 1-800-759-8570

R Free Estimates
LER OO 1721 Hwy 45 N
EE FIN Licensed
& Insured Columbus, MS
W H INC. G ®

COMMERCIAL 662.848.0919
“A Family Business Since 1946” RESIDENTIAL Monday-Saturday 10am-8pm
662-328-3625 • 662-328-7612 In Style. In Reach. Sunday 1pm-5pm

Support Our Community Churches When Caring Counts... SHELTON’S TOWING, INC. TRINITY PLACE
by advertising here.
Call Beth, Mary Jane,
or Luther to
24 Hour Towing Offering independent living apartments, personal
care/assisted living suites, and a skilled nursing home
schedule your ad. FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY 1024 Gardner Blvd. 300 Airline Road • Columbus, MS • 327-6716
328-2424 1131 Lehmberg Rd., Columbus • 662-328-1808 328-8277 “Our Bottom Line Is People”

Hunting • Fishing
Northeast Exterminating Working Or Stepping Out — We Have A Complete
Line Of Clothing For You And Your Family
If it Jimmy Linley • Richard Linley
Oktibbeha County Co-Op
crawls, Columbus
Check Out Our Boot & Cap Section
call... 662-329-9992 201 Pollard Rd., Starkville

BRISLIN, INC. Insurance Services:

Sales • Service • Installation Shelton Cleaners Personal
Auto Insurance Agency
Residential • Commercial • Industrial Home GEORGE F. YOUNG
Since 1956 3189 Hwy 45 N. • 328-5421 Commercial Office-662.570.1688 Final Expense Cell-662.251.3563
1702 6th St. N. • 328-5361
4051 Military Road • 662-328-5814 1205 Gardner Blvd.,Columbus, MS

Michael Bogue & Employees
Lake Norris Rd. 328-6555


Hwy. 45 Alt. N., West Point n 662-494-4344 Hwy. 182, Starkville n 662-546-4201 1120 Gardner Blvd. • 328-5776

Jarrett’s Towing This ad space can be yours

Wrecker Service for only $10 per week.
5209 N. Hwy 182 E. • Columbus, MS 39702
329-2447 We unlock Telephone: 662-327-1467 Call today 328-2424
If no answer 251-2448 cars P.O. Box 1278 • 1616 7th Ave. S., Columbus, MS 39703 to schedule your ad.

If you need to change your church’s online listing or would like to add
your church information, call 328-2424 or email changes to
The Dispatch • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 7B

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8B SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020 The Dispatch •


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