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Supplier rea

Supplier Name :

SPOC (Single point of Contact) Person Name :-

Designation :-

Mobile Number :-

Email ID :-

Check Item
1. Management
1.1 Has isolation room been made in the plant with Hazmat Suit etc.?

1.2 Has your organization defined protocol to be followed in case of

Covid -19 Case? (Y/N)

1.3 Have you defined Guidleines to handle other employees in close

proximity/hotspot? (Y/N)
1.4 % of employees contacted by Guardians to confirm location and
proximity to hot spot (requiring quarantine before joining the
organization)? (%)

1.5 % of employees (including contractuals and company transport driver

/ assistant and also including Family members) being monitored by
Guardian w.r.t. health condition and temperature record and Covid-19
symptoms of fever / cough etc (Kushal Mangal App can be used) ? (%)

1.6 % of employees (including contractuals and company transport driver

/ assistant) have a thermometer at home ? (%)

1.7 % of employees having installed Aarogya Setu App related to Covid

monitoring? (%)
1.8 Is it communicated that visitors are prohibited ? (Y/N)

1.9 'If required in exceptional circumstances, permission should be

available from Plant Head / Sr. management along with 14 day OK
health record (Y/N)
1.10 Is education material on safety protocols (to be followed at home,
transportation, Entry/Exit to factory and at work) in local languages
available for education of employees? (Y/N)
2. People

2.1 Is the shift wise allocation assigned to maintain social distancing

requirement? (Gap between 2 working shifts to be min. 1 hour)? (Y/N)

2.2 % of employees who have been assigned duty roster and transport
mode? (%)
2.3 Non contact thermometer (for entry gate and for each bus) ?(Nos
2.4 Has bus driver & attendant been informed to record each other's
body temperature, before start of journey and report to designated
Company official ? (Y/N)

2.5 Has body temperature recording been started for driver & attendant
as per guidelines of 14 days requirement ? (Y/N)

2.6 Is the driver and attendant wearing full PPEs (mask, gloves, goggles)
? (Y/N)

2.7 Has shift wise attendance list been provided for boarding to the
driver & attendant? (Y/N)

2.8 In Car Pool Maximum 2 pax (5 seater vehicle) or 3 pax (7 seater

vehicle) in alternate seat positions for social distancing followed ? (Y/N)

2.9 Is area demarcated for Personal vehicle entering plant to stop for
temperature measurement and hand sanitization ? (Y/N)
2.10 Have you made alternate arrangement for all essential employees
coming by public transport ?(Y/N)
2.11 Number of essential employees who will continue to come by public
transport ? (Nos)
2.12 Is SOP of management approval available for entry of employee
coming by public transport ? (Y/N)
2.13 Has unique entry gate been designated for employees travelling by
public transport to ensure limited contact ? (Y/N)
2.14 Has SOP been made for addressing employees using public
transport found without mask/face covering reporting at entry gate ?
2.15 Is SOP available wrt any employee found at entry with fever or
without health record of 14 days ? (Y/N)
2.16 Is Mask Availability and Self-Declaration Health Form being
checked at Entry Gate ? (Y/N)
2.17 Are social distancing norms (min. 6 ft ) being followed between two
employees at entry / exit gates ? (Y/N)

2.18 Are entry and exit gates kept different considering requirement of
social distancing ? (Y/N)
2.19 Number of stations created for sanitizer spray on hands and body
temperature check ? (Nos)
Are the thermal guns being regularly calibrated and records maintained?

2.20 Availability of prescribed PPE's for security and reception staff ?

(Masks, Gloves, Goggles, Cap, HAZMAT SUIT-optional) (%)

2.21 Has it been communicated to your employees that true information

about the health condition has to be given without any fear? (Y/N)

2.22 Does your organization have travel history & current location of
every employee? (Y/N)

2.23 If Y, How many people have gone to hometown ?(Nos)

2.24 How many people are currently located in hot spots/Containment
areas ?(Nos)
2.25 In case employees are using public transport , are guidelines made
that quarantine of 14 days is mandatory? (Y/N)
2.26 How many employees are currently located close to factory? (Nos)

2.27 Have the internal SOPs and checks been made that everybody
would wear Mask while entering the Company premises? ( Y/N)

2.28 How many masks are required per week, based on these SOPs?
3. Shop Floor,Incoming & Stores
3.1 Have you made arrangement to ensure minimum 6 feet distance in
all production areas? (Y/N)
3.2 Location of Hand sanitisers have been identified as per guidelines
and planned installation as per guidelines?(Y/N)

3.3 Have Hand sanitisers been installed as per plan?( Y/N)

3.4 Have you revised shift timing to ensure minimum 1 hour gap
between 2 shifts? (Time gap- in minutes)
3.5 Have you defined SOPs/ procedures that there would not be any
change of operator in a shift? (Y/N)

3.6 If any change is needed then work station would be sanitised? (Y/N)

3.7 Have you made SOPs that operator should not leave the work-
station and not move in shop-floor. Only Supervisor movement allowed?
3.8 Has SOP been made to ensure that work-stations, fixtures are
sanitised before every shift? ( Y/N)
3.9 Have SOPs been prepared for working in Inspection area to limit no
of persons on Inspection table at a time ? (Y/N)
3.10 Have you prepared SOPs/ Display in inspection area to do hand
sanitisation before using any inspection instrument ? (Y/N)
3.11 Whether SOPs prepared and Displayed that Forklifts/ Lifts/ Carriers
to be sanitised before every shift ? (Y/N)
3.12 Whether limited persons identified to operate Forklifts
/ Lifts and Roaster made for all shifts? (Y/N)
3.13 Have you revised shift timing to ensure minimum 1 hour gap
between two shifts? (Y/N)
3.14 Within a shift have you prepared line wise time plan for deployment
of manpower at work station/release of manpower after shift end to
maintain necessary Social distance?(Y/N)
3.15 Have you provided duly covered bins for disposal of used PPEs?
3.16 Have you prepared SOP along with necessary precautions to be
taken for Sanitisation of all human touch points like: Work stations,
switches, touch screens, Instruments in the shop floor before start of
each shift? (Y/N)
3.17 Has your supplier sanitised all the trucks before at entry in their
plant ?(Y/N)
3.18 Are you ensuring that past 14 days temperature records being
carried by driver (Use Format) ? (Y/N)
3.19 Are you ensuring that past 14 days temperature records being
carried by Co- driver (Use format) ? (Y/N)
3.20 Are you sanitising each truck at entry of your plant
3.21 Are you recording that all trucks are being sanitized before entry ?

3.22 Have you made SOP for sanitization of all incoming Material ? (Y/N)

3.23 Have you Sanitized all trolleys, Bins, Cartons, Cans Bottles
containing RM/RM Consumable/ BOPs after lock down ? (Y/N)

3.24 How Many Bins and Trolleys do you have ? (Nos)

3.25 Are you recording sanitisation of bins and trolleys is as per
schedule ? (Y/N)

3.26 Have you made SOP for sanitization of WIP/SFG/FG ? (Y/N)

3.27 Have you Sanitized all WIP/SFG/FG trolleys, Bins after lock down ?
3.28 Do you have a system for periodic sanitisation of bins and trolleys ?

3.29 Do you have a separate area for unsanitised trolleys ? (Y/N)

3.30 Have you made SOP for Out going trucks, material, driver and
codriver in you company ? (Y/N)
3.31 How Many trucks do you use in a day for Sunbeam Desptaches ?
3.32 Has the truck been sanitised before every despatch ? (Y/N) Bring
signed format
3.33 Do you have placed posters on the shop floor ? (Nos)

Reviewed and Approved By



Supplier readiness review sheet

Response Target Date Responsibility

Managing Director / CEO / Plant Head
Remarks / Attachments
Quality Head

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