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Many people thinks that students should be allowed to used mobile phones at school.

To what extent
do you agree or disagree?

Recent years have witnessed such an increasing popularity of cell phones among teenagers that
numerous people cling to the belief that students should have the imprimatur of these devices at
school. Viết lại thesis, nói rõ đồng ý hay k đồng ý, và ở mức nào vì ng ta đâu hỏi con về ads và disads

I strongly believe that the merits and the demerits are in equal measures since while smartphones serve
as a potent learning tool in this digital era they bring about several potential pitfalls.

Theo đó cách diễn giải phía dưới cũng phải sửa lại theo cách con sửa câu thesis

First and foremost, in terms of education, mobile phones provide students with answers for any
questions that aid them to gain a deep insight into any subjects. For instance, cellular phones’ help to
collect data, investigate or do research may increase the students’ speed and breadth of knowledge in
and beyond the classroom. Moreover, students can be opposed to myriads of sources of information
that keep them updated as the textbooks’ information may be old and inaccurate. Additionally, that
homework and assignments can be submitted online results in getting instantaneous feedback and
marks. Secondly, if teachers grant students to bring mobile phones onto the school campus, they will be
able to reach their parents when problems crop up. Mobile phones aid students in staying in touch with
adults in order to avoid being unable to contact a parent and receive assistance in case of emergency.

However, phones should be restricted in the classrooms for several reasons. Firstly, using mobile phones
at school allows students to commit acts of bullying. For instance, pupils will probably make calls or send
texts on school premises when they should be working or studying, leading to cyberbullying such as
using social networking sites to bully fellow pupils, posting pictures of their teachers on YouTube, and so
on. Some recent research shows that access to phones at schools enables students to send harassing or
threatening messages. The next reason why phones are discouraged in terms of their use within the
classroom is that they can be appropriately incorporated into the learning environment. Specifically,
smartphones may be extremely distracting and may put students off their stride during the lessons.

In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of cell phones among students have been discussed

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