100 Alternate Magic Mishap Table For Forbidden Lands

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The idea behind this release is to replace the original D66 magic mishap table from
the original game with a wider selection of mishaps. While the original game provides
17 outcomes, this one provides 100 instead. It contains most of the original outcomes
but is complemented with at least 85 new ones. The table is based upon the D100
Table: Magical Mishaps by Hecatohedral monk. This table is also designed to be used
by the GM only – the player is not supposed to see it. We have found that this makes
for a more interesting thrill with mishaps.

Some of the mishaps create more interesting roleplaying elements and some are just
more destructive. It is possible for the magic user to completely change the
surroundings and even herself! A higher result is not necessarily more dangerous than
a low one. I would recommend that you adapt the mishap to fit your playstyle,
especially the ranges and duration of the mishaps.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at pelle@booru.net or drop me a line
on the forums – pellejones - or on the Year Zero Worlds Discord.

I hope you enjoy it! We sure have!

Per - with players

COVER ART This product was created under license. Forbidden Lands and
its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan AB.
Per Gradin
instagram.com/rip_danger This work contains material that is copyright © Fria Ligan
AB and/or other authors. Some artwork copyright William
ADAPTED FOR McAusland. Such material is used with permission under the
FORBIDDEN LANDS Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.

Per Holmström All other original material in this work is copyright © 2020 by
Per Holmström and published under the Community
Version 1.0. Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.



1 A dozen frightened doves erupt from the caster's hands, increasing her reputation!

2 A nearby inanimate object of the GM's choice gains the power of movement, superhuman intelligence, and
a deep hatred of the caster & caster's companions. This should not be immediately apparent -- the object
will bide its time and strike when it seems most likely to prevail.

3 A random NPC within SHORT distance gains a spark of the divine and may ascend to godhood and join her
god in their place in the stars at some point in the future, or after death.

4 A terrifying fountain of pure magical energy shoots out of the top of caster's head and into the atmosphere.
Nobody within the same map hex of caster can use spells, spell-like abilities, or magic items until the next

5 All animals and vermin within SHORT distance of caster are awakened and go crazy, creating chaos for half
an hour.

6 All containers near caster (especially caster's pockets, bags, etc.) tend to generate small, ill-tempered
animals at inopportune times, for a full two days.

7 All of caster's acquaintances, PC and NPC alike, must pass a WITS test (cannot be pushed) the next time they
see caster; on a failure, they permanently forget who caster is.

8 The spell overcharges! The power level is increased by one and it targets a random other target than the
intended target.

9 The spell overcharges! The power level is increased by two and it targets up to five random targets rather
than the intended target, within range of the spell. All targets take the full power effect of the spell.

10 All water caster touches turn to blood. This mishap stays in effect for a full day.

11 Any Small-, Medium-, or Large-sized, non-sapient, pregnant vertebrates caster passes within NEAR of, will
produce offspring that are half-[caster's species], obviously resemble caster, and have, D6+1 STRENGTH, D8
AGILITY, D6 WITS and D6 EMPATHY. This lasts for a day.

12 Anything caster comes in contact with ages at a rapid pace, screaming in pain, decaying and becoming
useless in short order. This lasts until the caster sees a child. That child will rapidly age to adult after which
magic mishap ends. A successful LORE roll by a magic user can help them understand this effect.

13 At night, all insects behave as though caster is emitting bright light. No actual light is visible. Caster is unable
to SLEEP until the effect is over. This will last for two nights.

14 Caster acquires a huge, visible, highly distinctive scar; caster distinctly remembers, with 100% certainty, that
said scar is the result of a fight with a dragon several years ago. Tell the caster this in secret and let the other
players notice the scar later.

15 Caster acquires a series of subtle tics and unusual compulsions that any experienced Rust priest will
recognize as classic signs of demonic possession. Caster is not actually possessed.

16 Caster acquires crippling phobia of, roll d12: (1) the moon; (2) buildings; (3) smooth pebbles; (4) gold; (5) the
secret plans of the digger-folk; (6) snails; (7) flowers; (8) the colour blue; (9) right angles; (10) religion;
(11) possible invasions from Churmog; (12) writing.



17 Caster acquires lycanthropy. At the full moon, caster becomes a, roll D12: (1) small dog; (2) small lizard; (3)
toad; (4) mule; (5) deer; (6) elk; (7) cat; (8) bear; (9) porcupine; (10) skunk; (11) fox; (12) platypus. Caster has no
control over the change; when under the effects of the full moon, GM takes control of character. The caster
keeps all knowledge and mental abilities.

18 Caster and everyone within SHORT distance are shrunk to 1/100th of their current size. The shrinkage is instant,
but the growth is slow. The effect stays for a full day, and the growth back to normal size takes a quarter day.

19 Caster appears faceless for the next D12 days.

20 Caster can make one wish, however, player has exactly ten out-of-game seconds to formulate said wish
and say it aloud. Starting now. GM is encouraged to twist the wish as much as possible. If caster does not
make a wish, then the wish passes to the nearest sapient creature who opposes the caster.

21 Caster can no longer perceive sunlight. This effect lasts for two days.

22 Caster develops an obsession with constructing, then inhabiting, a vast underground complex.

23 Caster develops intense fear of the light, almost as if she is a goblin.

24 Caster forgets the last 24 hours. Everything she has done the last day is forgotten.

25 Caster forgets the next 24 hours. Everything she does is will be forgotten within a minute or two.

26 Caster freezes in place, stares straight up, and screams at the top of their lungs. This behaviour continues,
without so much as a pause for breath, for the next 24 hours. The volume steadily increases this entire time;
it is audible up to LONG distance; people standing too close will be temporarily deafened.

27 Caster mutates! Roll once on the Limb table from the Monster Generator p.31 (see Legends and Adventurers,
GM may reroll at their discretion).

28 Caster mutates! Roll once on the Head table from the Monster Generator p.32 (see Legends and Adventurers,
GM may reroll at their discretion).

29 Caster mutates! Roll once on the Armor table from the Monster Generator p.32 (see Legends and
Adventurers, GM may reroll at their discretion).

30 Caster starts making loud and strange noises whenever she casts magic. This auditory feedback makes it
very difficult for the caster to secretly cast magic.

31 Caster gains three ranks in LORE (Things Man Was Not Meant to Know!). Whenever any player rolls a LORE
check, caster must roll LORE and gain bizarre insights into the workings of the world that the GM is
encouraged to make as insane as possible while still being related to the other Lore check being made. If the
player gets four or more $, they take D6 WITS damage; if this breaks them, they permanently lose 1 point of

32 Small lose stones near caster seem to reorganize themselves in mystical patterns when the caster stays in
one place longer than a quarter hour, effectively leaving a trail for others to follow. These patterns might not
be visible to caster at first.

33 Caster gains the tendency to involuntarily befriend bees, which follow caster around and bring caster pollen.



34 The magic rips open a rift to another dimension, and a demon pulls the caster over to the other side. Time to
make a new character. The old character will come back as an NPC after D66 days but will be … changed.

35 Caster grows dozens of extra teeth; only some of them are actually in the caster's mouth.

36 Caster is immune to magic, whether harmful or beneficial. This will eventually wear off after D6 days. Do not
tell the player that this effect is temporary.

37 Caster is now covered in tattooed script; a level 3 spell of the GM's choice can be cast (once) by reading the
caster's skin. The power level of the spell equals the amount of WP spent by the person reading the spell. Said
spell is as prone to magic mishaps as any other. In order to understand the script, a PC needs to pass a LORE
check. Anyone can do this to try to cast the spell.

38 Caster is plagued by constant ominous events: any journey they set out on starts on a gloomy, rainy day; the
mournful croaking of ravens comes from virtually every tree they pass; livestock give birth to two-headed
young whenever caster is in town; blood-red comets regularly seen in sky; etc.

39 Caster loses sense of direction. They cannot tell left from right, east from west, thisaway from thataway. If
they travel without accompaniment, they will inevitably get hopelessly lost. This includes literally any journey
that takes them out of sight of their starting point.

40 Caster loses sense of smell. This is temporary, but do not tell the players. The caster will regain their sense of
smell the first time they are in a situation in which lacking said sense would be an advantage.

41 Caster loses the ability to perceive distance. Whenever they try to determine how far away an item is, how
deep a hole is, etc., the GM should give them a random inaccurate number.

42 Caster must pass a Demanding (-1) WITS roll whenever they enter a village or other population centre to
suppress horrific murderous compulsions.

43 Caster no longer has a head, but somehow still functions normally (maybe they eat through their neck?)
Everybody the caster knows believes they have always been like this. In time the head grows back, slowly.

44 Caster no longer has a name. Nobody, including caster, can remember caster's previous name; any new
name given to caster is promptly forgotten in the same manner.

45 Caster receives one year of someone else's memories and is certain that the memories is her own.

46 Caster no longer derive nutrition from cooked food. She must eat raw and bloody meat or vegetables to

47 Caster sees strange figures out of the corner of their eye at random inopportune moments.

48 Caster spontaneously gains the ability to understand, but not speak, the language of birds.

49 Caster suddenly acquires a telepathic link with a random demon from Churmog. The demon might not enjoy
this and may perhaps try to get to Ravenland to hunt down and kill the caster.

50 Caster suddenly acquires a telepathic link with a random NPC; odds are this is someone caster has never
met before and who was previously of only peripheral relevance to the campaign at most. The bad news is
that it is now literally impossible for the caster to successfully keep a secret; the good news is that, if the
mind-linked NPC runs off to sell important information to the villains, the caster will know about it.



51 Caster swaps minds with target for a day. If there is no target, caster swaps minds with whoever is closest.

52 Caster vanishes from existence; reappears D6 days later. Upon her return, the spell goes off as normal.

53 All metal items within LONG distance are instantly teleported into the nearest building. If there are no
buildings nearby, the items arrange themselves in a large cylindrical shape and then collapse to the ground.

54 Caster ages one category. If she is already old, she must permanently lose one random attribute point or die
a terrible death as her skin dries and her hair and nails grow rapidly. All who witness this is stricken with fear.
Make an attack with two Base Dice.

55 Caster's mind is forced into a random weapon or jewellery on or near caster; they can communicate in a
manner appropriate to an intelligent magical item. Caster's body is alive but mindless; must be fed and
cared for if party wants to preserve it. This will last until the item is destroyed or the effect is dispelled with
the same power level as the spell that misfired. A Hard (-2) LORE check can reveal this information.

56 Caster's skin detaches messily, dealing damage to caster equal to half caster's STRENGTH -- then animates
as an undead entity intent on party's death. The caster will grow new skin within a day.

57 Caster's tongue bursts into flame, causing incredible pain on the caster before it is completely reduced to
ash. Roll an attack with six Base Die. Caster can no longer speak intelligibly or cast spells that needs verbal
components until healed. When by the spell Mend Wounds, the tongue grows back as a stump. The caster
has a lisp and trouble speaking but can still make herself understood.

58 Every so often, the caster will hear someone's hidden thoughts instead of what they are actually saying. The
caster cannot tell when this is happening.

59 Everybody within SHORT distance of the caster is teleported D6 kilometres in a random direction. Roll
separately for each person. This does not include the caster.

60 Gravity reverses for the caster, and only the caster, for the next three days. She slowly starts to fall towards
the sky.

61 For D6 days, any fire larger than a torch caster passes near becomes a small fire elemental with its own
agency. It will either hide in the fire or attack nearby people. It has D6 in STRENGTH and AGILITY and attacks
with six Base Dice, causing fire damage. If the attack hits, the person will catch fire and takes the same
amount of damage every round until they pass a MOVE check as a short action.

62 Henceforth, caster cannot help but answer all questions in excruciating, 100% truthful detail; caster also
inevitably blurts out any information the party is trying to keep under wraps.

63 Magical energies overwhelm caster's nervous system. Caster is blind, deaf, mute, and paralyzed for a quarter

64 Nothing happens, but all witnesses are convinced the spell worked perfectly.

65 Next time the caster is relaxed, a red mist starts pouring out of the casters mouth and nose. Slowly it will
condense into one Bloodling, attacking everyone it can, starting with any NPCs in the area.

66 Red mist gradually fills the entire area. Strange movement can be seen in denser parts of the mist. This is
Blood mist. Inside the mist are D6 Bloodlings, looking for people to devour and destroy.



67 Random items tend to appear in caster's belongings; eventually it will become clear that these items all link
caster to a variety of high-profile and especially heinous crimes.

68 The caster has difficulty perceiving things of a certain colour. Roll D8: (1) red; (2) blue; (3) yellow; (4) green; (5)
gold; (6) grey; (7) brown; (8) white. Whenever relevant, caster must make a Hard (-2) INSIGHT roll to perceive
the item's existence.

69 Caster becomes sickened by a certain liquid and will regurgitate it if consumed. Roll D6: (1) Water; (2) Wine;
(3) Mead; (4) Milk; (5) Cider; (6) Strong alcohol.

70 The caster's reflection gains sapience and the ability to travel between reflective surfaces at will. It has no
loyalty to the caster and may in fact never be seen again. The reflection is devious and evil.

71 The caster's shadow gains its own mind, agenda, and agency. This will not be immediately obvious; the
shadow may spend a lengthy period planning and biding its time before acting in any way. The shadow can
partially interact with living things, GM’s discretion.

72 The echoes of the spell's misfire garner the attention of a powerful demon, who will begin involving itself with
the caster's plans and the plot of the campaign in general.

73 The magical backlash causes caster to collapse into hundreds of still-living pieces (weather caster can still
communicate is up to the GM), If sewn back together, caster can continue living as normal -- however, a
Formidable (-3) CRAFTING roll and a HEALING roll is required to reassemble caster accurately and subtly.
If only one skill check passes, caster's patchwork nature is obvious to the casual observer. Even if both checks
succeed, anyone who sees the caster close-up in a well-lit environment can see the stitching.

74 The magical energies are channelled into pure destructive force; everybody within NEAR distance of the
caster takes X damage to STRENGTH, where X is the power level of the spell. Inanimate objects also take
damage. Roll for each object and person separately. The damage is non-typical in regards for critical injuries.

75 The magical energies warp the mind; the caster acquires an unexpected obsession or neurosis.

76 The magical energies warp the mind; the casters behaviour changes permanently. The GM decides the

77 The misfire attracts a demon from another dimension. The GM can create a demon randomly (see page 78
in the Gamemaster’s Guide) or create it herself. The demon appears within the next Quarter Day and will
create all kinds of trouble.

78 The most powerful being within three map hexes will begin seeing caster in their dreams every night. Caster
is not portrayed in a flattering manner. Defining “most powerful” and whether we're talking about political
power, magical power, or what, is up to the GM.

79 The mystic energies burn inside the caster's head, then escape through their eyes. After a brief pyrotechnic
display, caster's eyes permanently gain the appearance of hollow voids with distant embers burning within.
The caster can still see normally. Every now and then, the ember shoot sparks out from the hollow void.

80 The next lie the caster tells will spontaneously become true through immediate and retroactive alteration of
reality. The GM should not share this information with the players for obvious reasons.



81 The next time the caster is out of sight of the rest of the party, she spontaneously duplicates. If the caster is
a friendly person, the double is evil etc. It will however try to pass themselves off as the original.

82 One random object within ARM’S LENGTH from the caster is turned to gold. A second is turned to coal.

83 Temporal instability; everyone within SHORT distance of the caster (including caster) is sent D12 days into
the past. Whether this includes animals, items, etc. is up to the GM.

84 The caster attracts angry, stinging insects whenever travelling in an area where such things are common,
making it hard to sleep. PCs need to pass a SURVIVAL check when sleeping not to wake up.

85 The spell does not go off, instead the force of the magic breaks the bones in the casters body. Immediately
roll for a critical injury (blunt force).

86 The spell ravages the casters mind. Immediately roll for a critical injury (mental trauma).

87 The spell goes off as normal, but its effects are inexplicably contagious, and will gradually spread like a
disease to anyone exposed.

88 The spell has the exact opposite effect as expected.

89 The spell works perfectly, but any witnesses will be somewhat suspicious of the caster as she seems to be
evil. The GM should describe the spell effect in the most sinister manner possible. The casters Reputation is
increased by one.

90 The spell triggers a magical disease with a Virulence of 2D6. The vaster and everyone within ARM’S LENGTH
of her for the next Quarter Day are exposed to the contagion.

91 The spell works perfectly, but on the worst possible target in the immediate area.

92 The spell works perfectly but will go off again in exactly one day's time. If it is an area of effect spell, it goes
off at the same distance from the caster in the same direction; a targeted spell picks a target nearby; etc.

93 When caster is nearby, milk sours, animals fall ill, music becomes discordant, children scream and cry, etc.
This stays in effect for one day.

94 The magic hurts the casters body and she suffer 1 point of damage to STRENGTH.

95 The magic disturbs the casters sleep. She won’t be able to sleep for D6 days, which makes her SLEEPY.

96 The caster is overwhelmed by the power of her own magic and feel that people around her are mere ants
compared to her. She suffers 1 point of damage to EMPATHY.

97 The spell causes a dramatic change in weather in the local region. If it rains, everything dries out. Plants
wither and die, the well dries out etc. If it is hot and warm, rain or show falls in extreme amounts, all liquid that
is not in a living creature is frozen or perhaps the sky grows dark, thunder rages as rain drenches everything.
A local flood causes smaller buildings to collapse etc.

98 The magic makes the caster very HUNGRY or very THIRSTY.

99 This spell works fine; caster's next D6 spells provoke a roll on this table.

100 Roll twice and combine.


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Here is a small doodle for you - Per


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