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COVID-19, the Lockdown, and Us

The pandemic in question has

changed the way we live. From

playing, learning, traveling to

shopping, and working,

everything has changed

dramatically. Schools are closed,

shops are shuttered, roadways,

airways, railways all seem to be

inactive, sports activities

canceled, student exams postponed, workplaces limiting personnel entry to critical staff only

while others are advised to work from home. What I see around me is everything has been

placed on lockdown.

Given the contagious nature of the pandemic, crowds are banned while distance

keeping is advisable. WHO has suggested keeping a social distance of at least one meter. It

implies avoiding public transport, curtailing contact with the general public, putting back

unnecessary travel plans, skipping shopping in crowded malls, working from home, and

whatnot. All this is adding to an altered lifestyle today and don’t know how drastic it’s going

to be and no one knows the end.

Every channel is talking about coronavirus outbreak and the fear and panic it has

brought about among the public. I believe fear spreads more than the virus itself. I’m

avoiding news on it, especially the news about the people who have been a casualty of the

outbreak. Every bit of news causes intensified anxiety that results in a new wave of panic

spreading through the crowd. It’s enough for me to learn about the extent to which I need to

be cautious.

I have been working from home for the past couple of days. Initially, we were

allowed to enter the workplace after a checkup of fever at the entry point. Suddenly, an

instant lockdown was ordered in the country. We were directed to work from home using a

VPN and other connectivity means. Working from home is, by no means, productive. For me,

ambiance means a lot. There is an enormous gap in the two settings – working at home and

working at the office. Work-from-home means you’ll be repeatedly interrupted. More to the

point, I don’t get timely resolutions of my connectivity complaints by IT people. Punctuality

is yet another concern when it comes to working at home. Last but not the least, a socially

isolated life is difficult like hell, let’s pray for its restoration.

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