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Behaviors That Will Make You a Better Leader

When I was midway through my business degree, I learned that leadership is an art.

Learning leadership can significantly impact business success. It just requires daily practice

and constant thoughts. Here are a few behavioral qualities that a person must have to be a

better leader.

First and foremost, a good

leader needs to be consistent in his/her

actions alongside a positive mindset. A

true leader never gives up even (s)he is

confronted with the most difficult

times. It is imperative to have an

enthusiastic attitude that underpins

motivation for followers. Second,

being passionate about one’s vision and mission and definitely pursuing the strategies to

achieve the corresponding targets indicates better leadership quality. In other words, true

leaders worship their vision and love doing what it takes to get there. The third related

behavior that a better leader must display is becoming a role model for the followers. That is

if a leader longs for his team to exhibit particular behaviors, (s)he must practice and stick to

the desired behaviors first. For example, late working hours can’t be made possible unless a

boss sits and works for late hours (Walter, 2015).

The fourth quality of a better leader and the most important I believe is the openness

to change. Real leaders are always open and adaptable to change and never mind listening to

new ideas. They tend to take along people with a like mind focused on preset goals. Good

leaders not only constantly communicate the broader vision to their underlings but also listen

to the ideas flowing bottom-up. Finally, avoiding indecision is something that justly defines a

better leader. A leader has to be present-minded and must make decisions right away. Making

decisions, right or wrong, is a good habit that is preferred by genuine leaders over the terror

of indecisiveness (Saade & Saade, 2016).

For me, the five behaviors described above viz. positive mindset, passion, leading by

example, adapting to change and decisiveness are all must-have leadership traits. Leaders

with these very qualities will have one day imparted them to their team members because true

leadership implies taking others along. Likewise, followers with clear goals and strong

passion will definitely go with their leader. It is just that the leader must lead by example.

Saade, W., & Saade, W. (2016, February 15). The Terror of Indecision.

Walter, E. (2015, December 11). 12 Leadership Behaviors That Build Team Trust.


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