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SECTION 019300




A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary

Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section Includes: The general requirements that apply to implementation of building

information model, BIM.


A. Building Information Model: A digital representation consisting of digital building information

coordinated and compiled into an object orientated, parametric, database representation of the
facility from which views and data can be extracted to generate information

B. BIM Integrator: Single-point of control over the BIM model, all modeling information and

C. Level of Development. The Level(s) of Development (LOD) describes the level of

completeness to which a Model is developed.

D. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC): A common data classification system that makes it
possible to hold and exchange relevant data between different software applications. The data
comprises interdisciplinary building and life cycle information. It is registered by ISO as ISO/PAS

E. C.O.B.I.E: Construction Operations Building Information Exchange

F. As-Built Documents: As-built documents are the collection of paper drawings or electronic
drawings that the contractor produces to record changes that have been made to the contract
documents during the construction phase.

G. As-Built Model: BIM Models that have been updated throughout the construction process
with the Contractor’s as built information.

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A. BIM Execution Plan: Submitted prior to building the BIM model shall, at a minimum, consist of
the following;

1. BIM team

a. Identify Contributors and Users.

b. Describe a collaborative team structure. One in which team members are either contractually
obligated or have agreed to work in a cohesive fashion and will provide each other with data
that will allow all BIM Model contributors to perform their work.

c. Provide a plan describing integration of interrelated Composite BIM model, created by

different members of the Contractor team, and how information between their differing software
platforms will be exchanged.

d. List of all model contributors and what elements of the model they will provide.

2. Define the Model

a. Provide a process for the successful integration of BIM on the project.

b. Establish standards and file formats to promote interoperability across the project.

c. Provide common definitions for terms.

d. Outline of 3D, 4D and 5D information to be contained in the model

e. Define sharing of information between project team, data interoperability, digital

data protocols, the specific IFC compliant software and hardware to be used by

project team members for the creation of various elements of the BIM models,

f. Define clear protocols for determining which member(s) of the project team will

have the ability to create, modify, and/or use various elements of the model.

g. Define levels of security for access and modifying the BIM Model. Define level of

access for Model contributors and users.

h. Provide internationally accepted and Employer agreed to, IFC Exchange

Requirement documents describing information that needs to be present in an

exchange and sharing of data.

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3. BIM Model

a. Location of the central, shared repository for the electronic BIM Model.

b. Describe the process and reporting of regularly scheduled quality checks of the model.

c. Describe process for updating the model and clash detection after each update.

d. Define Model origin, coordinate system, and units.

e. Identify Periodic Procedures to maintain the security and health of the BIM Models.

f. Describe the web based access and how model contributors and users will access it.

4. BIM Management

a. Process the contractor will use to confirm that the design intent is correctly

interpreted prior to procurement of materials and performance of construction.

b. Describe process for transfer of ownership of the model to the Employer at Take Over.

c. Describe frequency and information that will be contained in regular reporting the

status and progress of the BIM Model.

d. Describe an Employer’s BIM training program describing course material.

B. BIM Integrator Qualifications

1. Provide BIM Integrator qualifications

C. Clash Detection Reports

1. Provide a navigable 3D model for viewing clashes.

2. Submit clash reports in a standardized format.


A. Provide the following at project completion

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1. BIM Models

2. BIM Archive

3. Training materials


A. BIM Integrator Qualifications: A firm experienced in creating and managing BIM models of

content and extent to that indicated for this Project, and whose work has resulted in BIM as an

Integrated Project Delivery and with a record of successful BIM model performance.



A. Model Standards. The Model shall be developed in accordance with the following standards:

1. National Building Information Model Standards (NBIMS).

2. Software applications to be IFC compliant with the ability to read and/or write *.ifc files.

3. Provide IFC Exchange Requirement documents describing information that needs to be

present in an exchange/sharing of data prior to building the BIM model.


A. The Contractor shall clearly include in his Contract Programme development and completion

each stage of BIM modeling to ensure that the BIM model is fully utilized for the coordination/

clash detection of works, preparation of shop drawings, construction activities and tracking


B. Develop a BIM model or a series of BIM models to perform the following Levels of


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1. Level 1 - Site Logistics:

a. The Model’s function is to plan and manage logistics, construction sequence and

operations of the site throughout all phases of the contract.

b. Model Content Requirements.

1) Model Elements are modeled as generalized systems or assemblies with

approximate quantities, size, shape, location, and orientation. Nongeometric

information may also be attached to Model Elements.

c. The model shall show at a minimum the following;

1) Construction facilities and temporary controls

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2) Major construction equipment, as applicable, such as; cranes, concrete

plants, etc

3) Site logistics such as; site security, safety warning and barriers, lay down,

storage and staging areas

4) Removal of existing construction such as revetment wall

d. Model will be used at a minimum to plan, manage and coordinate the following;

1) Construction facilities and temporary controls

2) Worker facilities

3) Dewatering

4) Erosion control

5) Logistics

6) Staging areas

7) Storage areas

8) Access

9) Hoarding

10) Affection plan

11) Site signs

12) Site security

13) Operations

14) Overhead hoisting operations, locations, motion and path studies

15) Risk analysis / safety procedure planning

16) Permanent utilities

17) Temporary utilities

18) Landscape

19) Irrigation

20) Demolition

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C. Level 2 - Construction Sequencing

1. The models function is to plan, manage logistics, construction sequence and operations

of the building construction of the structure, core and shell.

2. Model Content Requirements.

a. Model Elements are modeled as constructed assemblies actual and accurate in

terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation. Non-geometric information

may also be attached to modeled elements.

3. Model existing in place construction, core and shell to include; all load bearing structure,

cladding and related envelope items. Model individual components to be displayed as

they are installed in order to represent real time construction progress.

4. Model will be used at a minimum to;

a. Extract and plan the activities for advance material procurement for next phases of


b. Time schedule validation

c. Simulate current construction progress

d. Plan construction operations and sequencing

e. Earned value check for structure, cladding and envelope

f. Images will be extracted for reporting purposes to the Employer

g. Risk analysis / safety procedure planning

h. Manage construction logistics

i. Design coordination

D. Level 3 - Clash detection

1. The models function is to provide multi-disciplinary coordination, clash detection and

extracts by identifying conflicts of the building’s systems and structure in order to

coordinate and resolve conflicts prior to construction.

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2. Model Content Requirements.

a. Model Elements are modeled as specific assemblies accurate in terms of quantity,

size, shape, location, and orientation. Non-geometric information will be attached to Model

3. Model existing in place construction, systems, core and shall at a minimum include;

a. Structure

b. Cladding and related envelope items

c. Duct work

d. Piping

e. Fire protection piping

f. Electrical trucking

g. Cable tray

h. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, vertical transportation, information

technology, security, security control room, audio / visual, projection and all other

rooms that contain Plant / equipment

i. Kitchens, kitchenettes and pantries

4. Generate standardized reports from the Model. Reports will include at a minimum;

a. Identify areas requiring coordination

b. Provide three dimensional images to explain the clash

c. Develop a response to the clash

d. Document the as built condition

e. Images will be extracted for reporting purposes to the employer

E. Level 4 - Interiors coordination

1. The models function is to coordinate and determine extent and precise location, prior to

installation, of all exposed construction, in all publicly accessible spaces.

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2. Model Content Requirements.

a. Model Elements are modeled as specific assemblies accurate in terms of quantity, size,
shape, location, and orientation. Non-geometric information will be attached to Model Elements.

3. Model to identify, show extent and dimension the following;

a. Floor, ceiling and wall finishes

b. All exposed, permanently mounted equipment

c. Signage

d. lighting

e. all exposed devises and equipment to include but not limited to the following;

1) Mechanical

2) Fire Alarm

3) Security

4) Plumbing

5) Electrical

6) Audio Visual

7) Fire Protection

4. Model will be used at a minimum to;

a. Coordinate, determine extent and precise location for exposed elements, prior to

installation of non-load bearing walls, ceilings, flooring, conduit, back boxes,

bracing and blocking.

5. Model output will consist of the following;

a. Reflected ceiling plans

b. Interior elevations

c. Finish floor plans

d. Direct viewing of the BIM model will be used for complex spaces such as lobbies and atriums

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e. Fly through, of each modeled space, for reporting to Employers Representative and Employer

f. Images will be extracted for reporting purposes to the Employers Representative and

F. Level 5 - As built

1. The models function is to document the as built condition and it will be handed over to the
Employer for their use in developing a Facility Management (FM) BIM Model.

2. Model Content Requirements.

a. Model Elements are modeled as specific assemblies accurate in terms of quantity, size,
shape, location, and orientation. Non-geometric information will be attached to Model Elements.

3. Model to identify, and provide an information database for the following;

a. The model will be a BIM representation of the completed project. It will be updated with the
progress of construction with as built information.

b. Specification, product data, maintenance schedules, operation and maintenance instructions

for all systems, devises and equipment that require inspection, maintenance and service.

c. Specification, product data and detailed maintenance instructions for all finishes.

d. Data base Inventory of all major equipment in the building

4. Model will be used at a minimum to;

a. As built record drawing capturing of the As-Built document’s annotation, comments, and

b. Handed over to the Employer for their use in developing a Facility Management (FM) BIM



A. The Contractor shall appoint the BIM Integrator who will undertake the requirements
identified in this specification. The BIM Integrator will produce the BIM Execution Plan for
approval by the Employer and subsequently manage the execution of the same.

B. The BIM Integrator shall:

1. Provide appropriate staff for the generation and maintenance of the BIM model.

2. Provide appropriate hardware, software and software licenses required for the generation and
maintenance of the BIM model.

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3. Provide BIM CAD operators who will manage and input to the Contractors BIM model on
behalf of the Employers Representative, the Employers Representative for Architecture and the
Employers Representative for Engineering. The Contractor will provide a sufficient number of
such personnel to work on behalf of the Employers Representatives and Assistants as
necessary to meet the fluctuating programme demands.

4. Incorporate all elements from subcontractors and suppliers as appropriate - either graphically,
non-graphically (by embedded information) or via links to 2D information.

C. The BIM Integrator is responsible for creating, managing and turning over the BIM model
(which shall include the architectural and engineering elements) to the Employer. BIM Integrator
shall facilitate the establishment of protocols for the following:

1. Pre-model set up

a. Prepare BIM Execution Plan

b. Establish standards and methodology

c. Develop server requirements and storage capacity with the contractor and Employers

d. Establish interoperability requirements and resolve conflicts to ensure successful integration

for all BIM Model contributors

e. Verify BIM capabilities of the Contractor’s team

f. Develop processes for transferring and accessing Model files

g. Establish access rights

h. Prepare BIM protocols, establish Standards and BIM procedures for Contractor, Employer,
Employers Representative and Assistant contribution and access to models, their security &
stability and getting revisions incorporated

i. Create BIM file set-up and management

j. Provide a uniform Project Browser interface

k. Create work-sets

l. Provide template Files

m. Clearly define a protocol for file transfer and handling

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n. Establish and maintain a process for change documentation and communicating the change

o. Provide a method and format for identifying clashes, documenting, resolving and

revisions to the BIM model

p. Establish standards for, coordinate and ensure the quality of contributions to the BIM models
by other parties, including by the Employers Representative and the Contractor.

2. Model Management

a. Create, maintain and manage a single point central database that hosts all models and their
content in direct control of the BIM Integrator

b. Receive and manage the construction phase information provided by the contractor’s BIM

c. Enforce the BIM Execution plan

d. Enforce reliability of the BIM Model’s information so that it is an accurate representation of as

built construction

e. Regularly audit, integration and validate information to ensure BIM model is robust

f. Manage quality and quantity model information

g. Manage model updates

h. Provide clash detection

i. Ensure the Contractor delivered models has standardized properties.

j. Provide web based interface and a standardized tracking system to ensure

complete coordination for model updates, changes, revisions, clash detection

reports and BIM requests for information.

k. Establishing and maintain 24 hour 7 day a week model access by Contractor, Employer,
Employers Representative and Assistant across all time zones

l. Manage the health of the files and provide periodic file stability and integrity checks

m. Maintain a data base of all BIM elements, standards, families and 2D / 3D content

n. Coordinate submission and exchange of Models

o. Manage access rights

p. Facilitate extracts & exports

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3. Modeling

a. Set up Model according to the BIM Execution Plan

b. Create components not provided by others

c. Provide content, families & annotations as required for each Level of Development

d. Provide 2D drafting details

e. Establish, create and maintain drawing sheets & visibility settings

f. After review and approval incorporate all updates, change, revisions, clash detections and
BIM requests for information into the models.

g. Integrate Contractor models into the BIM model

h. Maintain model storage and security

i. Regularly back up Model and maintain back up in a secure and independent location from the
model storage

j. Collect incoming Models:

k. Log incoming Models

l. Validate that files are complete and usable and in compliance with applicable protocols

m. Maintain record copy of each file received

n. Collect Model files and make available for viewing

o. Perform clash detection in accordance with established protocols and issue periodic clash
detection reports

p. Maintain Model archives and backups

4. On Site Construction support Services

a. Provide a full time position and workstation in the contractor office to serve as the

communication link between the BIM integrator and the contractor. This position

will also support information extracts for the Employers Representative.

b. Attendance at site meetings

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c. Support Contractor’s, Employers Representative and Assistant access to viewing the BIM

5. Close out

a. Provide the BIM Management information, BIM Models, Archive and Training Materials to the
Employer at handover


A. Link individual BIM models together and check for clashes and coordination issues

B. Notify the Model Contributors when conflicts are found in the Model. The Model Integrator
shall act promptly to resolve the conflict.


A. Clash reports shall consist of the following;

1. Detailed description of the clash

2. Clear 3D view showing the Clash

3. Response / Instruction for resolving the clash

4. Location of Clash in the Project

5. Dates of Reporting and Resolution of Clash

6. Design disciplines and construction trades to which the clashing elements belong

7. Additional information in Plan and Section views that illustrate the clash

8. Latest Status of Clash

9. Unique ID to every Clash in the Project

10. Provide an audit trail of the identification, correspondence and resolution of the clash


A. Provide for and manage electronic archive.

1. Develop storage and retrieval requirements for electronic documents and data.

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2. Include a depository of record copies of transmitted and received electronic documents

3. Archive the Model at the end of each Level of Development phase. Archive as a record that
may not be altered for any reason.

4. Archive as a collection of individual Models as received from the Model Contributors.

5. Archive the combined BIM model(s).

6. Archive in a format suitable for archiving and viewing.


A. The Employer will retain ownership of all BIM models, in full, at all phases and levels of


A. Clash Detection and Progress Reports are to be submitted through the Electronic Project
Management system. Electronic form shall be completely filled according to the requirements of
the Electronic Project Management system.


A. Provide demonstration and training for the Employer’s Staff.

1. Provide 45 hours of training over a two week period. Training will follow the approved
program described in the BIM Execution Plan.


A. Contractor to supply Six (6) BIM software licenses


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