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Energy Conversion and Management 168 (2018) 98–106

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Biomass fast pyrolysis in screw reactors: Prediction of spent coffee grounds T

bio-oil production through a monodimensional model

Fábio Codignole Luz, Stefano Cordiner, Alessandro Manni , Vincenzo Mulone, Vittorio Rocco
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy


Keywords: In the context of renewable sources exploitation, the thermochemical conversion of biomass may give a sig-
Fast pyrolysis nificant contribution to the flexible and programmable production of electric and thermal power. From this
Distributed activation energy model perspective, the biomass fast pyrolysis conversion process is more than a promising technology but only few
Screw reactor models have been developed so far to describe the behavior of a screw reactor system. This paper is thus focused
Spent coffee grounds
on numerical modeling of a shaftless screw fast pyrolyzer with special attention on the residence time dis-
Residence time distribution
tribution and the definition of the kinetic framework, as well as the heat and mass transfer phenomena re-
presentation. A steady-state model with constant wall temperature has been developed to generate temperature
profile and conversion patterns along the reactor. Residence Time Distribution evaluation has been developed as
well to take into account non-ideal mass conveying characteristics of the proposed reactor design. The reaction
framework, considering the conductive, convective and radiative heat transfer mechanisms, is based on a 4
parallel Distributed Activation Energy Model. The structure includes the three major biomass pseudo-component
occurring in the biomass thermal degradation, namely cellulose hemicellulose and lignin, together with the
moisture evaporation process. The numerical results are compared with results collected experimentally from
the fast pyrolysis of spent coffee grounds in a lab-scale screw reactor. Numerical temperature profiles for both
the gas and solid phase are in good agreement with the experimental ones. The peak bio-oil production has been
observed in the range of 500 °C. The results also show a strong dependence of results on wall temperature and
gas-solid heating rate.

1. Introduction processes [9] improves the energy density characteristics of the fuel.
However, the strong dependence of the performances of these processes
The sustainability of the current energy model as well as its vul- from feedstock characteristics [10] and conversion technology design
nerability to environmental changes are currently considered critical aspects [11], makes the design process and then the cost effectiveness
issues for human development. The planning of effective policies for of the entire system rather challenging. Thus the analysis of detailed
carbon mitigation strategies towards sustainable energy conversion information collected from small to full scale experiments, such as those
schemes are then required that need to be supported by energy-eco- reported in the available literature are valuable to this aim. As an ex-
nomic-environmental simulation models to assess their economic ef- ample in [12,9], t∗∗he performances of laboratory scale processes for
fectiveness [1] in the medium and long term [2]. The use of agricultural pyrolysis of biomass residuals is reported assessing the potential of this
residuals has emerged as a viable option [3] to support low carbon technology. Moreover, new concepts of integrated systems for biofuels
policies and to meet both electric and thermal energy demands with production are currently under deep investigation [13]. In parallel, the
limited CO2 emissions [4] within the framework of the new distributed availability of modeling tools is of utmost importance to lead the de-
generation paradigm [5]. However, the rather low energy volumetric velopment of these technologies. In the last decades, numerical models
content of biomass is a serious shortcoming for this energy source, for wastes [14] and biomass conversion with advanced methods based
especially when compared with traditional fossil fuels, that affects the on three-dimensional modeling [15], have proved their usefulness to
handling, storage and transportation phases of the energy production describe, among other processes, torrefaction [16], gasification [17],
process [6]. The intermediate conversion of solid biomass into liquid or fixed bed systems [18] and pyrolysis [19].
gaseous products through biochemical [7,8] or thermochemical Pyrolysis of agricultural residues and urban wastes has proved to be

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (F. Codignole Luz), (S. Cordiner), (A. Manni), (V. Mulone), (V. Rocco).

Available online 05 May 2018

0196-8904/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Codignole Luz et al. Energy Conversion and Management 168 (2018) 98–106

Nomenclature Χ thickness of gas film, –

ΔH specific heat of reaction, J/kg
A cross section, m2
C generic normalized species concentration, – BC Boundary Condition
Cp specific heat, J/kg⋅K DAEM Distributed Activation Energy Model
D cylinder diameter, m DEM Discrete Element Modeling
De equivalent cylinder diameter, m MOL Method Of Lines
E emissive power, W/m2 ODE Ordinary Differential Equation
F mass flux, view factor, kg/s, – RTD Residence Time distribution
h heat transfer coefficient, W/m2⋅K SCG Spent Coffee Grounds
H enthalpy, J/kg
HR Heating Rate, K/s Subscripts and superscripts
J radiosity, W/m2
K reaction rate constant, s−1 ab activated biomass
k thermal conductivity, W/m⋅K add added
L reactor length, m amb room environment
m mass, kg a-ua added per unit area
n screw run per second, – a-ul added per unit length
Npart numbers of particles, – ax axial
p atmospheric pressure, Pa b biomass
Pe Peclet number, – c char
pitch screw pitch, m cb covered bed
PM molecular weight, g/mol cd conductive coefficient
Q heat flux, W cv convective coefficient
q̇ unit length heat flux, W/m cw covered wall
R* ideal gas constant, J/K⋅mol eb exposed bed
Re Reynolds number, – ew exposed wall
t time, s exc exchange
T temperature, K g gas, gaseous phase, generic gas species
V velocity, m/s i solid velocity index
w mass% biomass fraction, – j cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin fractions
x char mass fraction, – k generic species index
y char fraction in whole solid bed, – m moisture
z axial coordinate, m N nitrogen
α screw angle, rad R radiative coefficient
ε char and biomass porosity, – reac reaction
∊ emissivity, – s solid
σ standard deviation, dimensionless reactor coordinate, J/ sup supplied
mol, – t tar
Ρ density, kg/m3 Tot total
Φ moisture mass% into wet biomass, – vb virgin biomass
Φ solid bed angle, rad w water, wall
τ transmissivity, dimensionless reactor time, –, – z axial coordinate

an effective process to this aim. Pyrolysis involves rapid feed heating up The fast pyrolysis process has been considered for residual mate-
with limited oxygen. Products can be classified into three main ones: rials, such as biomass [21] and wastes [20]. A number of fast pyrolysis
bio-liquids, biochar and syngas. The proportion of the three compo- models, focused on the improvement of bio-oil production parameters,
nents depends on the specific pyrolysis technique and on reaction has been developed so far and is available in the literature. Reviews of
parameters [20]. Slow heating processes give maximum char yield with the models are available in [22,23], wit∗∗h special regard in the latter
moderate amounts of tar by-products, while greater liquid yields can be to the production of liquid biofuels. Most of these models are focused on
obtained with high heating rates and short reaction times. The process the analysis of the characteristic effects related to the optimization of
is considered slow if the heating time, required to reach the pyrolysis operating parameters, such as biomass and inert flows, maximum
temperature, is longer than the characteristic pyrolysis reaction time temperature and heating rate [24], and are strongly connected to the
(< 3 s). The fast pyrolysis process is considered whenever the main particular device. In this scenario, this paper aims at describing the
target is the production of a liquid bio-fuel. The most important para- detailed operation of a screw reactor, which is a technology that pre-
meters of the process for the liquid yield are the following: sents some advantages in terms of flexibility. In the paper, the fast
pyrolysis process in the reactor is represented by means of a numerical
• High heating rate (100–500 K/s) and heat transfer characteristics model. Few models have been developed so far in the literature to
• Reaction temperature in the range 425–600 °C describe a screw reactor based system designed for biomass fast pyr-
• Short vapor residence time (< 3 s) olysis; recently a specific dimensional analysis for such systems has
• Rapid product gas quenching been proposed in [25]. In the present paper, the choice of the mono-
dimensional modeling approach has been considered reliable enough to

F. Codignole Luz et al. Energy Conversion and Management 168 (2018) 98–106

describe this system since variations in concentration mostly take place with different distribution functions, such as Gaussian or Logistic; re-
in the axial direction. Continuous reactors present non-ideal flow action rates have been then numerically integrated into MATLAB
characteristics, giving variations in terms of actual residence time oc- through the Simpson’s 1/3rd rule. In order to take into account the
curring due to stratification or undesired back mixing. This behavior moisture evaporation, another parallel reaction has been further added
results in a variable residence time for the biomass particles, which can to the basic model. The whole scheme is summarized in Fig. 2.
be effectively described with a probabilistic approach. As the accuracy
in predicting the residence time distribution is a key aspect to model the 2.2. Residence time distribution modeling: evaluation of the axial dispersion
heat and mass transfer processes reliably, an axial dispersion model is effects
proposed in this paper that is considered to evaluate such phenomena
parameters by means of a three-dimensional discrete element model. The conversion mechanism into reactors does not depend only on
Special focus is also given to the definition of the chemical kinetics the thermochemical parameters and the average residence time, but
framework, and of the mass and heat transfer processes including also on the RTD. This depends on secondary patterns in the flow above
conduction, convection and radiation mechanisms by means of a rotary the average field. Particles in the reactor are in fact subject to two main
kiln approach [26]. The simple model here proposed aims at under- transport mechanisms: convection moving the biomass along the re-
standing the impact of the variation of the operating conditions men- actor, and another one depending on the particle dimension depending
tioned on the most significant system performance parameters. on secondary mixing processes over the radial and axial directions, and
The paper is then organized as follows: firstly an overview of the that can be described with a diffusion law. In fact, as reported in the
experimental setup and related pyrolysis modeling is presented; then, literature [30–33], in a reactor the solid phase trajectories do not co-
evaluations of the Residence Time Distribution (RTD), and of the en- incide with the flow ones, so that residence time is not homogeneous.
ergy and mass transfer are discussed. Finally, experimental results are The RTD of granular material may then assume very different dis-
presented and then used to both validate the numerical model and tribution shapes, such as mono or multi modal peaked, depending on
perform a parametric analysis by varying the main design and operating the conveying system geometry and operating conditions (such as rpm).
2.2.1. The Fokker-Plank equation
2. Numerical methodology Starting from the general whole mass balance equation, the problem
may be reduced to an equation to be solved numerically (Eq. (1)):
The approach here proposed consists of the definition of a model,
∂Ck →
characterizing the different aspects of each sub model, whose results + ∇ ·(Ck Vk ) = ∇ ·[D∇ (Ck )] + Cks ̇
∂t (1)
are compared with the experimental data collected in a test rig that is

described at the end of this section. Once validated, the model can be where Ck is the concentration of a generic k-th species, Vk the local
used to provide a deeper knowledge of the inner behavior inside the velocity, Cks ̇ the chemical source term, while D is the mixing diffusion
reactor in terms of fluid dynamic, thermal, or chemical response. A coefficient. Since the screw velocity is high (1 rps) for fast pyrolysis, the
simplified scheme of the screw reactor is here reported in Fig. 1. mixing process over the radial direction can be considered perfect so
that only the axial term Dax can be considered leading to Eq. (2):
2.1. Chemical kinetics framework
∂Ck → ∂2Ck ∂C
= Dax ∇ ·∇Ck−∇ ·(Ck Vk ) + Cks ̇ = Dax −Vz k + Cks ̇
∂t ∂z 2 ∂z (2)
To estimate the optimal design parameters, reaction rates and
transport phenomena characterization are required. The common ap- in which the average axial velocity Vz has been considered in the
proach used to study the system kinetics is to use small samples sizing convective term. A granular flow modeling occurring in the experi-
(with a limited inertia, and with homogeneous inner temperature dis- mental reactor, has been faced in [34] by means of a tridimensional
tribution) and heating rates as close as possible to the full scale system. Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) approach, so that a cold RTD has
In the literature, a number of kinetic mechanisms have been already been evaluated and here used for the model calibration instead of ex-
proposed consisting of one or two step reactions [27]. In this work, a perimental data. Based on the hypothesis of cold flow in the DEM ap-
Distributed Activation Energy Model (DEAM) [28] has been considered proach, the reaction term can be avoided from the complete form of Eq.
to have a better characterization of the reaction kinetics. The kinetic (1), leading to:
framework implemented is based upon the model proposed by Miller
∂Ck 1 ∂2Ck ∂Ck
and Bellan [29] where the energy required to activate the chemical = −
∂τ Peax ∂σ 2 ∂σ (3)
reactions of the three macro-components, namely, cellulose hemi-
cellulose and lignin, is taken into account. The evaluation of kinetic where Peax = Vz L/ Dax is the axial Peclet number while σ and τ are the
constants has been implemented by means of the DAEM model along dimensionless reactor coordinate and time defined as σ = z / L and

Fig. 1. Screw reactor simplified scheme.

F. Codignole Luz et al. Energy Conversion and Management 168 (2018) 98–106

Fig. 2. Kinetic framework.

τ = Vz t / L , respectively. This equation is very useful to represent the has been implemented through the definition of a framework pre-
dependence of the axial distribution on convection if compared with viously developed by the authors [35] under the following main as-
diffusion by means of the axial Peclet number. Eq. (3), also known as sumptions:
the Fokker-Plank equation, given the dependence on time and axial
coordinate is a well-known parabolic-hyperbolic (diffusion-convection) (1) Solid and gas phases are radially well mixed and therefore Tg and Ts
partial differential equation that can be solved by different numerical temperatures depend only on z coordinate.
methods. In this case, the Method Of Lines (MOL) has been considered. (2) Variable solid particle sizings.
(3) Gas phase behavior assumed as a perfect gas.
2.2.2. Solution method (4) DAEM kinetics framework based on Miller and Bellan framework
Spatial derivatives have been discretized by a first order forward [29].
Euler method and the consequent Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)
system has been solved with the ODE15s. The number of grid points 2.3.1. Mass conservation equation
and tolerances have been setup in order to keep the Courant number According to Fig. 4, species k enters the control volume at position z
lower than unity to assure numerical stability. Danckwerts mixed with mass flow rate Fk. The mass flow rate of species k would change
Boundary Conditions (BC) have been used. The tracer injection has according to the reaction rate kk. The mass balance over the control
been faced with a Dirac delta function by means of a unitary pulse input volume for all the species written in the differential form can thus be
at the beginning of the simulation at the spatial coordinate zero. A evaluated as:
rather high number of grid points has been used, i.e. 1500, assuring grid nv
∂Fw,i ∂Fm,i
∂Fvb,j,i ∂Fab,j,i ∂Fc,j,i ∂Fg,j,i ∂Ft ,j,i
independence. A parametric analysis on the Peax (and consequently on ∑ + + ∑ + + + +
∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z
Dax since the product Vz L is fixed) ranging initially from 50 to 1000 has i=1 j=1
then been conducted. The minimum difference among the three-di- kk Fk
= ∑ ± =0
mensional DEM and convection-diffusion equation has been reached k=1 Vk (4)
with an axial Peclet number value of Peax = 357 and thus an axial
dispersion coefficient Dax ≅ 1·10−5 m2/s with an R2 = 0.985 indicating a that is obtained by summing all the species mass balance equations. In
good correlation. Eq. (4), the nv species velocities are evaluated according to the RTD.
The diffusion coefficient value highlights then a non-negligible ef- The subscripts vb, ab, w, m, c, g, and t represent virgin biomass, acti-
fect of the axial diffusion mechanism. Such an effect stresses the im- vated biomass, water, moisture, char, gas and tar, respectively. The
portance of considering the contribution of a RTD analysis. Once a products and the biomass terms are considered, according to the kinetic
continuous distribution has been evaluated, as reported in Fig. 3, the framework, grouped into cellulose hemicellulose and lignin (j index).
curve E(t) that is the RTD function, can be used as input for the heat and The gaseous phase velocity, that is shared by all the gaseous species and
mass transfer analysis. It is finally worth highlighting that the cold considered as ideal, can be simply derived by the total area
distribution has been assumed valid for the whole conversion process.

2.3. Reactor modeling

Heat transfer represents an important aspect for the design of fast

pyrolysis reactors, mainly to represent chemical kinetics accurately. In
comparison with other types, screw conveyors have unique features in
terms of heat transfer mechanisms, which can be considered similar to
rotary kilns (except for the time depth penetration), and thus the same
approach reported in [26] is used in this paper. Screw speed in fact,
similarly to kilns rotation speed, has a strong influence on heat transfer
coefficients, especially between the wall and the solid bed. The con-
servation and balance of heat Q and mass transfer Freac can be re-
presented schematically in Fig. 4, considering mass flux F of species k,
enthalpy H and velocity V, including reactants, products and inert
species (see nomenclature for details). Fig. 3. Diffusion equation solution over Numerical three-dimensional DEM
Once the RTD has been evaluated, heat and mass transfer modeling data.

F. Codignole Luz et al. Energy Conversion and Management 168 (2018) 98–106

n n
kk Fk,z ∂Tk
∑ Vk
ΔHk + ∑ Fk Cpk
= qȧ − ul
k=1 k=1 (6)

where H is the Fk mass flow specific heat of reaction, Cp the constant

pressure specific heat for the species k and q̇ the heat flow added per
unit length. The first term on the left-hand side represents the reactions
energy contribution, for which the kinetic, heat, and moisture eva-
poration process constants are evaluated according to [29,36,37]. As
already highlighted, since two phases are represented, at least two
equations must be solved to ensure the energy conservation. The first
one describes the energy flux related to the solid bed, including che-
mical reactions and energy exchange between the phases. The energy
Fig. 4. A control volume of the rotary kiln pyrolyzer.
balance over the solid bed can then be written as:

nv 3
conservation that in differential form is formulated as follows: ⎡ ⎤ ∂T
⎢∑ Fw,i Cpw + ∑ Fvb,j,i Cpb + Fab,j,i Cpb + Fc,j,i Cpc ⎥ s
n ∂z
⎡ ⎤ ⎣ i=1 j=1

∂ ⎢ ∑ Ak ⎥ nv 3 vn 3
⎣ k = 1 ⎦ = ∂ ⎛ FN ⎞ + 1 ⎡ 1 ∂Fw,i 1 ∂Fvb,j,i 1 ∂Fab,j,i ⎡ Fw,i km Fab,j,i k2,j Fab,j,i k3,j ⎤
∑ + ∑ + = −⎢∑ ΔHm + ∑ ΔH2 + ΔH3⎥ + qȧ − ul,s
Vi ⎢ ρw ∂z
⎜ ⎟
∂z ∂z ⎝ ρN Vg ⎠ i=1 j=1 ρb ∂z ρb ∂z Vi Vi Vi
⎣ ⎣ i=1 j=1

1 ∂Fc,j,i ⎤ ∂ ⎛ Fm,i ⎞ ∂ ⎛ Fg,j,i Ft ,j,i ⎞ + qė − ul (7)
+ + ⎟ + + =0
ρc ∂z ⎥

∂z ⎝ ρm Vg ⎠ ∂z ⎜ ρg Vg ρt Vg ⎟
⎦ ⎝ ⎠ (5) where q̇a − ul,s is the sum of unit length conductive and radiative heat flux
where Ak is the area associated with the species k and the term FN is for from wall to solid bed, and q̇e − ul the sum of convective and radiative
the sweeping nitrogen flow rate. This equation represents a constraint flux exchanged with the gas phase. For the reaction subscripts, refer to
for the whole mass conservation ensuring the total area conservation as the scheme reported in Fig. 2.
well. Given this equation, and then the gaseous phase velocity, the The last energy balance over the gas phase can be written similarly
momentum equation evaluation can be avoided. to the solid phase one. The energy balance over the gaseous phase can
be written as:
2.3.2. Energy conservation equation nv 3
The reactor, elaborating a multiphase flow, consists of two domains ⎡ ⎤ ∂Tg
⎢FN CpN + ∑ Fm,i Cpm + ∑ Fg,j,i Cpg + Ft ,j,i Cpt ⎥
that should be solved by means of two coupled energy balance equa- i=1 j=1 ∂z
⎣ ⎦
tions: one for the solid phase and one for the gaseous one. Moreover, nv 3
⎡ ∂Fm,i ∂Fg,j,i ∂Ft ,j,i ⎤
reaction energy contributions must be taken into account as well. + ⎢∑ Cpm + ∑ Cpg + Cpt⎥ (Tg−Ts )
Firstly, energy balance over the control volume can be evaluated ac- ∂z ∂ z ∂z
⎣ i=1 j=1

cording to Fig. 4. At steady state it can be calculated as follows in Eq. nv 3
Ft ,j,i k 4
(6), which is the global formulation of the energy balance equation over = −∑ ∑ ΔH4 + qȧ − ul,g −qė − ul
i=1 j=1 Vg (8)
the whole control volume:

Fig. 5. equivalent electric circuit.

F. Codignole Luz et al. Energy Conversion and Management 168 (2018) 98–106

where q̇a − ul,g represents the added unit length heat flux from exposed (NREL) method [39]. According to [29], the amount of extractive is
wall to gas phase through convection and radiation, and q̇e − ul the ex- summed with the hemicellulose pseudo-component for their similar
changed convective flux with the solid phase. The set of equations just response behavior in the fast pyrolysis process.
shown are solved with MATLAB by means of the ODE15s solver since
the problem is stiff in nature. The problem gives a 3. Analysis of results
[17n v + 4] × [17n v + 4] system, where n v is the number of sub-velocities
coming from the RTD evaluation. Furthermore, to solve the set of or- Numerical results of Spent Coffee Ground (SCG) fast pyrolysis are
dinary differential equations, initial conditions have been provided at here compared with the experimental ones in terms of product yields
z = 0 . To solve the ODE set, models about heat transfer are required to over the reactor length. In Fig. 6, the continuous lines represent the
close the problem. numerical results to be compared with the experimental ones (starred
lines) as collected at the reactor outlet; dashed lines indicates the wall
2.3.3. Heat transfer modeling simulation temperature. In Figs. 7 and 8, experimental-numerical
Given the geometry of the reactor, as schematized in Fig. 4, the temperature profiles and heat transfer mechanisms contributions are
thermal energy externally provided flows into the solid bed and then to reported. The main results obtained are summarized in Table 3.
the gas fraction across the exposed bed surface and through the covered
bed surface. At the exposed surface, the solid phase is heated by con- 3.1. Simulation parameters
vection and radiation while the bed covered region is heated mostly via
wall conduction. A heat transfer model can be represented by an Input and output parameters are given in Table 2. Biomass prop-
equivalent electric circuit as shown in Fig. 5. In this schematization erties are reported while other constants are better detailed in [35].
electric resistances represented by terms as 1/(hk Ak ) and voltage gen- Biomass, char, gas, tar and nitrogen Cp have been considered as tem-
erators connected with an earthing (zero potential) are used in analogy perature dependent [40] while water and moisture have been con-
with gas, solid and wall temperatures. The circuit red branches re- sidered constant. As already stated in the section describing the kinetics
present the radiative heat fluxes. of pyrolysis, the polymeric composition is a key aspect. For SCG, the
According to the energy balance, heat transfer terms are represented fractions of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are 7%, 34% and 59%
into the unit length thermal transmittance coefficients hk . Thus, the with an accuracy of ± 3% [38], respectively. According to the men-
heat transfer per unit length can be evaluated by means of the equations tioned framework, both the kinetic and related reaction energies are
reported in Table 1. taken from [29]. The reaction constants [36] and related conversion
In Table 1, hcd is the conductive heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K), enthalpies [29] have been used in the implemented heat and mass
hcv is the convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K) , and hr is the transfer framework.
radiative heat-transfer coefficient. Acw ,Aew ,Acb and Aeb are unit length
area evaluated for the covered wall, exposed wall, covered bed and
3.2. Discussion
exposed bed [35], respectively.
Differently from kiln reactors, in hcw − cb the time penetration depth
The numerical results are here compared in the following para-
has been modified according to the specific application. For the ex-
graphs with the experimental data for pyrolysis products and heat
planation of all symbols refer to the nomenclature.
transfer mechanisms, respectively.
2.4. Experimental setup
3.2.1. Pyrolysis products
The experimental setup, as reported with a simplified scheme in The numerical results reported in Fig. 6 with continuous lines are in
Fig. 1, is mainly composed of the following sub-systems: a feeder con- good agreement with the experimental results (dashed lines), especially
trolling the biomass flow rate, a tube reactor where the pyrolysis pro- in terms of temperature prediction for the maximum bio-oil yield
cess takes place and a recovery section where the products are collected (500 °C). It must be pointed out that by using simplified chemical re-
for analysis. The reactor, made of AISI 304 steel, consists of a tube with presentation, at the lowest temperature the biomass cannot be fully
an external diameter of 20 mm, internal 18 mm, and reaction zone of consumed by the whole thermochemical degradation process. In this
200 mm in which the screw, made of the same material, transports the case, the use of a DAEM framework is mandatory to predict accurately
biomass particles from the injection point to the char collector bucket.
The screw presents a shaftless shape; the use of such a geometry, rather Table 1
Heat transfer Equations.
than a classical one, allowed for optimizing the gaseous residence time
thus improving the bio oil yield. The temperature distribution inside the Heat transfer model equations
Wall to bed cd r
reactor is a key aspect affecting the fast evolution of the pyrolysis qȧ − ul,s = (hcw − cb A cw + hew − eb A eb )(Tw−Ts )
Exchanged cv r
process. Thus, three zones with increasing temperature can be identi- qė − ul = −(heb − g + heb − g ) A eb (Ts−Tg )
fied in the graphical abstract scheme in blue, red and orange, respec- Wall to gas cv
qȧ − ul,g = (hew r
− g + hew − g ) A ew (Tw−Tg )
tively. Two 1 kW resistors have been mounted to sustain the high
Conductive/Convective coefficients [26]
temperature profile in the reactor. The ring resistors are controlled with Covered wall- −1
D [(1 − y ) kb ρb Cpb + ykc ρc Cpc]·n·sinα cosα ⎞
different set-points in order to have an accurate control of the tem- cd ⎛χ p ⎞ + ⎜⎛2
covered bed hcw − cb = 1 ⎟

⎝ kg ⎠ ⎝ pitch

perature profile inside the reactor. The experimental reactor set-points [35]
and reactor operating conditions are the same as reported in Table 2 for Exposed wall- cv 0.575 −0.292 kg
hew − g = (1.54Reg Res )
gas De
the reactor simulation. As introduced before, biomass pyrolysis gives in
Exposed bed-gas cv 0.535 0.341 −0.341 kg
general three different products: char, condensable vapors and gas. To heb − g = (0.46Reg Res η )
monitor the internal temperature variations along the reactor z axis, a Radiative coefficients [35]
moving thermocouple has been inserted into the reactor measuring the Exposed wall- r (Jw − Js )(τg Feb − ew )
hew − eb =
solid temperature. Samples of biomass feedstock have been character- exposed bed Tw − Ts

ized by means of ultimate (with a Vario MACRO cube), proximate Exposed bed-gas r (Js − Eg )(∊g Feb − g )
heb −g =
Ts − Tg
(measuring moisture, light gas and ash content with a LECO TGA 701)
Exposed wall- r (Jw − Eg )(∊g Few − g )
and polymeric components analysis [38]. The polymeric analysis has hew −g =
gas Tw − Tg
been done attending the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

F. Codignole Luz et al. Energy Conversion and Management 168 (2018) 98–106

Table 2
Reactor parameters and biomass properties: initial and boundary conditions.
Parameter Symbols Units Values

Biomass mass flow Fb kg/h 0.5

Average axial velocity Vz m/s 0.016
Internal pressure p Pa 101,315
Moisture%w Φ – 0.06
Nitrogen volumetric flow FN NL/min 0.5
Reactor diameter D m 0.02
Reactor length L m 0.25
Screw angle α deg 40
Screw pitch pitch m 0.025
First wall temperature Twall,1 °C 7
Second wall temperature Twall,2 °C 350
Third wall temperature Twall,3 °C 450; 500; 550
Biomass density ρb kg/m3 600
Biomass thermal conductivity [40] kb W/m⋅K 0.11
Char and biomass porosity ε – 0.65
Char density ρc kg/m3 350
Char thermal conductivity [40] kc W/m⋅K 0.071
Gas molecular weight PMg g/mol 20
Gas thermal conductivity [40] kg W/m⋅K 0.026
Initial particles diameter dp m 8.5 · 10−4
Kinematic viscosity [40] ν m2/s 4 · 10−6
Nitrogen molecular weight PMN g/mol 28
Tar molecular weight PMt g/mol 60
Solid and wall emissivity ∊s ,∊w – 0.8
Gas emissivity ∊g – 0.2
Gas transmissivity τg – 0.8
View factors [26] Fw – 1

the low temperature reactions activation (see the activated SCG content
evolution A-SCG). It has already been highlighted that the peak of bio-
oil production, as provided by the model, is obtained at intermediate
temperature. This can be reasonably attributed to the incomplete bio-
mass conversion at lower temperature for the first step reactions, while
at the higher temperature secondary reaction can take place enabling
the bio-oil cracking and increasing the secondary gas yield. The con-
tribution of the DAEM capability is evidently relevant. Since the reac-
tions start at a low temperature, the primary reactions from activated
biomass to char gas and tar have enough time to evolve completely,
while the secondary reactions tar to gas start to take place. Secondary
reactions are clearly evident in Fig. 6 at 550 °C as a variation of the
slope is evident clearly.

3.2.2. Heat transfer mechanism

Furthermore, temperature profiles and heating fluxes for the dif-
ferent mechanisms, for both gaseous products and solid bed are shown
in Figs. 7 and 8. In Fig. 7, the numerical temperature evolution along
the reactor length are compared with the experimental data in the re-
actor central area. The experimental data can be referred to the solid
phase temperature since the thermocouple gets in contact with the
biomass. In this case, Figs. 7 and 8 highlight a small overestimation of
the model in the central area with respect to the experimental data. This
fact could be due to a small underestimation of the conductive heat
transfer term. At low temperature, in fact, the conductive heat flux
gives the highest contribution, while convective heat transfer gets more
important by increasing gaseous velocity as a result of the greater tar,
gas production and moisture evaporation. In the reactor area char-
acterized by higher temperature, due to the high volatile matter pro- Fig. 6. Conversion profiles at 450 °C, 500 °C, 550 °C.
duction rate (mainly bio-oil as vapor), the velocity increases con-
sistently and thus the convection term gets higher value. The radiative
errors. The only exception is the production of gas and biochar at the
heat flux becomes dominant only at high temperatures.
temperature of 450 °C; syngas production is underestimated, while char
In Table 3, the discussed experimental and numerical results are
yield is overestimated by the same absolute error of about 4 points. This
compared. The biomass moisture content is incorporated into the tar
error at that temperature can be attributed to the evaluation of the
yield similarly to what happens in the real experimental testing activ-
kinetic constants K2 and K4; a non-Gaussian form of the distributed
ities. In general, the numerical results appear in good agreement with
activation curve could mitigate this issue. The external thermal power
the experimental data in terms of oil fraction evolution with limited

F. Codignole Luz et al. Energy Conversion and Management 168 (2018) 98–106

Fig. 8. Heat transfer mechanism profiles at 450 °C, 500 °C, 550 °C.
Fig. 7. Temperature profiles at 450 °C, 500 °C, 550 °C.

4. Conclusions

Qext requested both for the heating up and the endothermal reactions to Coffee is one of the most consumed agricultural products thus
occur can be evaluated at about 200 W for all the cases. This value is in producing a large amount of waste in the food sector. For this reason, in
line with the experimental result of 300 W that includes thermal losses this work, a monodimensional model for the fast pyrolysis SCG in a
of about 100 W. screw reactor has been developed and tested. Concerning the model,
RTD by means of a convection-diffusion equation has been solved with

F. Codignole Luz et al. Energy Conversion and Management 168 (2018) 98–106

Table 3
Comparison of experimental and numerical results.
Temp. Bio-Oil [w.%] Gas [w.%] Char [w.%] Unreacted (In Char)% Power supplied [W]

Exp. Model Error Exp. Model Error Exp. Model Error Model Qcd Qc Qsg Qext

450 °C 54.01 ± 0.23

53.33 −1.26 22.03 18.88 14.23 23.95 ± 0.20
27.79 16.03 6.24 157 35 14 192
500 °C 56.09 ± 0.22 56.58 +0.87 21.98 20.6 6.21 21.93 ± 0.19 22.82 4.06 1.66 170 45 14 215
550 °C 54.95 ± 0.24 54.15 −1.45 23.07 23.77 3.03 21.98 ± 0.18 22.08 0.45 0.58 181 56 14 237

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