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TESTING AND ADJUSTING INSPECTION PROCEDURES FOR DIODE INSPECTION PROCEDURES FOR DIODE % Check an assembled-type diode (8 pins) and sin- 3) Determine if a specific diade is good or no gle diode (2 pins) in the following manner. ‘good with the indicated value. % The continuity direction of an assembled-type di- + No change in the indicated value: No ade is as shown in the diagram below. continuity (defective) % ‘The continuity direction of a single diode is ‘+ Change in the indicated value: Continui- ‘shown on the diode surface. ty established (normal) (Note) Note: A silicon diade shows value between 400 and 600. ' 1 ewe 10802 BLPOISES 2. When using analog type circuit tester 1) Switch the testing mode to resistance range. 2) Check the needle swing in case of the fol 1 lowing connections. j) Fut the red probe (+) of the test lead to the anode (P) and the black probe (—) to the cathode (N) of diode. it) Fut the red probe (+) of the test lead to the cathode (N) and the black probe (-) suveia67 to the anode (P) of code. 3) Determine if a specifc diode is good or no ‘geod by the way the needie swings. 4. When using digital type circuit tester 4) Swiich the testing mode to diode range and ‘confirm the indicated value. ® =Voltage of the battery inside is displayed: with conventional circuit testers. 2) Put the red probe (+) of the test lead to the anode (P) and the black probe (—) to the cathode (N) of diode, and confirm the dis- played value, 20-140 Ifthe needle swings in Case ). but does rot swing in Case ii: Normal (but the breadth of swing (Le. resistance value) ‘wil difer depending on a circuit tester type or a selected measurement range) + ifthe needle swings in either case of i) and ii): Defective (short-circuited inter- rally) + ifthe needle does nat swing in any case of i) and if): Defective (short-circuited in- ternally) PC300350(LC}-7 TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTL-MONITOR PANEL (SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTI-MONITOR/PANED = ,.522\| JIsil a5) serosa [1] Figure input switch 4 [6] Figure input switch 6 LAI Return switch [2] Figure input switch 2 [7] Figura input ewitch 7 LAI Upward move switch [5] Figure input switch 3 [8] Figure input switch 8 [V1 Downward move switch [4] Figure input switch 4 [9] Figure input switch 9 [¥/] Input confirmation switch [5] Figure input switch 5 [0] Figure input switch 0 PCs00RSO\LC}7 20-144 ® TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTI-MONITOR PANEL Monitor panel functions - conventional and special ‘The monitor panal is provided with conventional and special functions, and various kind of information are ‘shown in the mull-display. Display items consists of automatic display items that are preset in tha monitor panel and others that are shown by switch operations. 1. Conventional function: Operator's Menu ‘This is a function by which an operator can sat or show displays by switch operations. The display contents ‘are these which are normally shawn. 2. Special function: Service Menu ‘This is a function by which a service mechanic can set or show displays by special switch operations. The display contents are those which are not normally shown. It is mainly used for inspection, adjustment, trou ble-shooting or special setting of machines. ‘Operatar Mena Service Menu 1 [Function forinputing and setting password 76 [Function for menitoring [077 2 [Function for showing Komatsi’s logo 1 | Fumeton for fal-[Eletical aystern || Farction for machine inspection befor slaw ure history [02] | Mechanical system ing day's work 18 | Function for maintenance history [03] 4 | Function for showing machine manieance 75 | Funcion Tor maiionance mode change Tl | Function for showing precaution lems 7a | Fimalon for vocaring phone Ne St | Funston for confirming working made and ode wih key OW travel speed Function forint- TCanguage 7 | Function for display of ordinary Noms oy | tial value set g_| Function for adjusting display uminanca and ting and defaut | Usit contrast (06) “Atiachmant intalledINo ‘9 | Function for adjusting breaker and attach- tachment instaled siatersiiies “Adjustment of governor To | Furetion for confirming malnianance informa: lever stroke ton zp |Functon tor [Fuel pump absorbn torque 71 | Function for showing service meter reading adjustment [07] [RM at low idling 12 [Function for checking display LCD ‘Adjustment of oil flow to Function for showing occurrence of caution at a |F iter 7_| Function for showing users code Ne. {i | Function for showing service code No. and failure code No, 20-142 PC3OORS5O(LC}? TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTL-MONITOR PANEL Operation of Operator's Menu and Display (Outline) 1 This section infroduces only the cuttin ofthe op- trator’s menu. For details on the contents and operation steps of each menu, refer to the oper- ation and maintenance manual or the chapter of *STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION’ in this shop. manual. 1. Function for inputting and setting password When the engine starting switch is tumed ON, the password inputting display is shown. This digplay is shown only whan a password isragistered. 2. Function for showing KOMATSU logo When a password is inputted, or when the engine starting switch is turned ON, KOMATSU logo is shown for two seconds. 3. Function for machine inspection before starting day's work Following the KOMATSU logo, the display of machine inspection before starting day's work is shown for 2 seconds. 4. Function for machine maintenance Following the display of machine inspection before starting day's work, the maintenance mark appears for 30 seconds, if there is an oil f+ ter whose maintenance time is approaching or hhas just passed. This display appears only when the mainte ance function is set. PC300/350(LC)-7 ae 1] ea 05t6 20-143, ® TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTI-MONITOR PANEL 5. Function for showing precaution items there is any item of machine inspection before ‘starting day's work that indicates some abnor mality, a corresponding symbol mark is shown after the display of machine inspection before ‘larting day's work. 6. Function for confirming working mode and travel speed After the display of machine inspection before day's work, amplified symbol marks for working mode and travel speed are shown for two sac- ‘ands to urge an operator to confirm the setting. 7. Function for display of ordinary itams ‘The display of confirming working mode and travel speed is switched to this. display of ordi- nary items. + Ifthe working mode setting or travel speed sting is changed, or auto-decaleration or windshield wiper setting is activated while this in display, an amplified coresponding ‘symbol mark is shown for two seconds, %* In this display, @ symbol mark for prahaat monitor is shown only when preheating is carried out. & Function for adjusting display luminance and contrast Luminance as well as contrast of the display can be adjusted by operating the display adjusting ‘switch. 20-144 oO ear iost9 au 0820 exriost PC300350(LC}7 TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTL-MONITOR PANEL 9. Function for adjusting breaker and attach- ment flow rate (For machines equipped with breaker attachment) Whan a breaker or other attachments are used, hydraulic pump flow rate can be adjusted by operating the select switch. Note that the symbol mark and contents of display partially differ between the breaker and the other atlachments. 10. Function for confirming maintenance infor- mation Detailed information on maintenance items (set time and elapse of time) can be confirmed and resetting after the confirmation is feasible by operating the maintenance switch. oe Use service Menu for setting or releasing maintenance items and setting maintenance time. 111. Function for showing service meter reading Only the sorvice motor reading can bo shown by the following switching operation, whan the engine starting switch is tumed OFF. + Switching operation: [ 9] + LA\] (synchro nized switching operation) 12. Function for checking display LCD Display of the Display LCD can be confirmed by the following switching operation in the display of inputting and setting password as wall as in the display of ordinary tems ‘Switching operation: [(] + [A] (synchro nized switching operation) %* Allthe LCD light up, turning the entire screen. white. If there is no showing in black, the dis- play is normal. %* This display retums to the immediately pre- ceding one, if making any ather switching operation. PC300/350(LC)-7 arise evPiee2s Whole screen is white suet 20-145, ® TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTI-MONITOR PANEL 413. Function for showing occurrence of caution item’ I any of the caution items occurs, the magnified corresponding symbol mark is shown for two ‘seconds and thereafter stays on the display as a ‘small symbol mark until itis dissolved. Sblayl dala ear i0se7 14. Function for showing users’ code No. When a trouble occurs on the machine, the user's code is automatically displayed depend- ing on the magnitude of the trouble to call atten- tion of the operator for a proper action. %* This display turns to the display of service cade and failure code, if operating the switch (Refer to Ita No. 15) dStall gl Jasll daLa + Relation between User Code and Action Directed to Operator Failed Systam Action Directed to Operator ‘Ordinary work may be resumed by tuming the emergency pump drive switch ON, but call for the inspection service immediately ‘Release the brake after turing emergency swing and parking brake switch ON. When applying the swing brake, operate the swing lack switch manually. The E03 | Swing Brake | wing brake may not be released depending on the nature of the trouble. In either case, cal for the inspection service immediately. “The governor control has become inoperable. Operata the governor control lever £05 | Governor manually. For fixing the lever at full throttle position, use a fixing bolt provided at the bracket. In this case, call for the inspection service immediately. sluser code JI ose azuo Hild dssall 8 So gl afoul alli 8 Las tba 9%) ball failure code Less! joy 9a 295 shally .. pactuall jo) sm 295 gully BRE PC-EPC Valve E02 PC-EPC Valve ajall Snail plac le Uns geg 2a, joyll [da E03, y25sail ala clay 98 MSne v9e9 am penal! agSgll Sad alli Je dite agg u9.5 £05 bel 20-146 PC300R50(LC}7 oO TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTL-MONITOR PANEL 15. Function for showing service code No. and failure code No. a If the following switching operation is made (a Pias4pieoe) while the users! code No. fe shown a phone 4 z symbol (f registered), phone numbers (if regis- £02 tered), service code No. and failure code No. are shown in tun. * Switching operation: [|v] (keep the switch: 8 . depressed) 1+ The following items are repeatedly displayed in order according te the operation of the switch. averos28 © Telephone symbol mark @ Telephone No. @ Service tode No. and failure code No. %* The telephone symbol mark and telephone No. are shawn only when they are registered in the monitor panel. For registration, correction and deletion of telephone No. use Service Menu. +k For details on the displayed service code No. and failure code No., refer to'the Table tor Service and Failure Cade Nos. auri9s30 parrosat (Say aldal Jagd! ye clas poy dala pSsll ge Coll JMS yo Us G93 ddyae agLtall PC3O0350(LC)-7 20-147 TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTI-MONITOR PANEL JUrcdly ayglLaall ail,ll Table fer Service and Failure Code Nos. F Sanice Code Fara Coe peel cont foncto| ——toaten | Prenanann i = Fie1fannormat stn tor ristory loaroxr|Fanurenistory Abnorm [Short circuit in wiper motor drive, normal rota- Windshield wiper motor (nar-| ~ keener P20 mal cation) Shon rout DHAAMAF... _ [Sher circuit in wiper motor drive, reverse rota [Windshield wiper motor | [asso 19S lovzexs| : Short cxcut ; TER [ Shor circuit h wandahleld washer Give JDVECKS|Windshield washer motor [Shodarour e° > 529 = [EttS|Abnormalty of windshield wiper in matien _[DV2OKA|Windstield wiser mater [Disconnection alu = Et6|Abnormalty of windshield wiper In retraction [OVZ0MA| Windshield wiper motor | Kfunesioning —}sIl ~~ 201/Shor circutin ravel interconnection solenoid fpwerke| evel terockingsolenaid Iho creut fill Ayala! [E03 E203|Shor aroun swing holding brake solenakd [OW/@5XB| Swing halding solenoid vaive|Shon exeun —_f!—'b!! = _E200|Shor circultin merge/dhide solenoid [OW20K| Merge solenoid valve [Shortexeut—fyx4}z0, = F206] ser eieutin 2-stage ret slenalc pWeowe/-segertefeclered vave [shon-eeut | ~ F-oefsnerccummeaveraseecrmmngeaenae | foreaKa) orl 2 AEs 699 Shar creat [F| rasa Tanal jalfunctioni regsure Jotseonnection a travel interlocking sotenold Jowarka|T#=ve! Interlocking solenald [hy onnaetion ta jor = E214[Dlsconnection in merge/divide solenoai [EWY0KA]Merge solenoid valve Disconnection 1! = F2t5|Olsconnection in 2-stage reef solenoid PWKOKA|?-stage relief solenoid valve [Disconnection - Ete{oiconnecton navel peed sng solenoid wana] Tove siting solen9 Jo connection i Rencontox | 3 - feria tno foazsuals_ner Irae neces! | 2 sslecing sonal | 3 — E2ta|Dieconnection in S_NET sional JOAZSKA|S_NET [Disconnection = F222 |Sher elouktin LS-EPC solenoid [DXEOKE|LS-ERC solenoid vale [Short out = F223Dieconnection in LS-EPG solenokd JOXEOKA|LS-EPC aclenoid valve [Disconnection — 224] Abnormality in F pump pressure sensor T_ Fzas|annormalty in R pump pressure sensor PHPSWAlR pup pressure sensor |NMatfuncsioning - faelAtocrmaty presi sensor power source DaasKP|aovemor pump conkoter [LOwenna eu = 2ST [abmormaliy m engine revoluion sanaor __|DUEZIAA| Engine revoliion sensor | Matfunesoning F228 Sher ciroutin ATT reture switching relay | DYS6KE [ATT awiching relay Short exout [E02 E252] Shon erouln PC-EPC solenoid [oXAOKS| TVG solenoid valve Shon crew [E03 F239] Disconnection mn PC-EPC solenoid [BxAOKA/TVC sclanoid valve [isconnecson = E238)Disconnection in ATT return switching relay [DIS6KA [ATT switching relay Disconnection - E2a|snor ercutin ATT fow rate gusting EPC Joxeexe|ATT few rate trotting EPC Thor czcut - Ee[oicornecton in AT fow nee aching EPC loxeaca]ATT flow rete trotting EPC |. commacion Incoret onli rary daa bazaK oneie merry ‘(BRAY = _F30%|Shor ciroutin engine stop solenoid relay |DVASKB |Engine stop solenoid relay [Shon creult [bower ce eodack ~ foto reer sanz [Sovemor nat ironing BSyoll des Juad plac Pld 28 ShyeS O94 -£206 Yao F03/E203 ..clygall allixy yolsdl ale yall plaso slsol alyjgS 8 all gl Janda, 20-148 PC300R50(LC}7 oO TESTING AND ADJUSTING SPEGIAL FUNCTION OF MULTLMONITOR PANEL ig Serica Code Falls Code # shoal core fseno] — tccaion | Paros [$E 3 4 [eos 908|Annormalty m theta potentiometer OKTOKE [Taetie petentemeter ——[Matnetaning |= = 514)Disconnection in engine stop sclenoid relay | DYaSKA [Engine stop solenoid relay [Disconnection | § — 6375|Short ciroul in battery relay output DHYOKB [Battery relay [Short circuit s = 2116|Annormaiity in governor motor stop-out DY10Ka |Governor motor [out etconror__| B [EBS 317[Oisconnection in both governor motors A and B | DY 10KA [Governor motor Dscomecion | § [Eos telson creut n both aovemar mators A and & [DY0X6 [Governor motor [Shar circuit = fonelEngine high idling out of rate "ROOGNT [Engine | (Overunning — fender ett on ter so ea = Kone|A® ceanar cooged |AATONX [Air Gleaner element [clogging a" frone{enerana ‘voltage abnormally low [aBooxe [anemator Insufficient § charging i ~ fionefengie passe atom ow asazclencine ot [Cuersssuan] None ngine oil oval abnormally ow [BGBAZK [Engine al Oil ievel lonred } = Fione|Engine cooing water overheated [gS Engine costngwair ——[Oreteaing | Cootng waier ~ fer cl cynic Tone) para cl ovetheniea [BGHANS [ryaracic om [Overheating = flenfasositon eater nara azo hia [Au-ubricaton system 00% | aunction ot This table is arranged in the sequence of Service Code No. ok In case there is no number assigned in the column of User Code No., ar in case "none" is described in the column of Code No. of Service Cade, the corresponding service cade or failure code is not shown in the dis- play of ordinary items, even if some abnormality occurs. itis recorded only in the failure history (either in elec- trical system or machanical system) of Service Menu. 1% History Classification indicates that a specific failura is classified as belonging to either alectrical system or mechanical systam, when itis recorded in Service Menu. 4 "E* atthe head of Code No. of Service Code means the following status of a specific failure. With "E*: The failura is yet to be dissolvad and continues. Without “E*: The failure has already been dissolved. B@BAZG= Ajaall cy} bee 216351 Stal jag PC300/350(LC)-7 20-149 ® TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTI-MONITOR PANEL Operation and Display of Service Menu 42.0 ))/9 des3J] dail5 Way of switching to Service Menu + When using Service Menu, change the display to ‘Service Menu display through the following spe- cial operation. 1) Confirmation of display Confirm that the display of ordinary items is ‘shown. + Changing to Service Menu cannot be made {from displays other than this. wer0s21 (3) Showing Service Menu display: “The display is changed to the intial display of ‘Service Manu program. Select an appropriate item from among the menu. Ne. ‘Service Mena 00 | Ratum (Termination of Service Menu 5. pall a7 | Manitoring Tall 02 | Abnormality Recordi. y.8)] OM pull 03 | Maintenance Record — OLwall OGhas prrosa2 04 [Maintenance Mode Chane oy] oU8i|y..8%5 05 [Phone Number Entry 06 [eee /Defaut aT bw | (service menu ava OF | Ack = I Aailall 7 00 Return = 2a seh . OL Mantter ing oe | a) ® 02 Abnormal ity Record al 84 93 falncananse esta 4) Termination of Service Menu function " v oe nation Menu fa Loxall JoaJly $3 SE me SN When terminating the initial display or any sub- 91>!) 9. 06 MmeE/Derauit sequent display of Service Menu, da that 3,5 ‘through any one of the following methods. A082 ys © Depress [9] switch. (This method may be used for terminating any display) @ _If"Retum" switch is chown, depress it. If "Return" menu is shown, call that menu and depress [¥/] switch laa gle SAS oS Loell Syl fp clyacll ay lll FY I gle baa 2 golagl Byyfall le tig claall le 25 9 yl Syulall [Big GISELECT 00 oll saad aaSlall yo sltall pounll pub gy Il SSE Joc ai 131 geLull Sagall gm LSU! yl ORY Stilo AEG 54 pants dalla pole yy) Jail lall 5 galoll wg pret Tg jg Sagal! elas 20-150 Kos! POSDOS50(LCLT ® TESTING AND ADJUSTING L FUNCTION OF MULTL-MONITOR PANEL 16. Function of monitoring [01] ‘The monitor pane! monitors signals from an assoriment of switches, sensors and actuators installed in various parts of the machine. Moni- tored information can be put in display or con- firmed on a real time basis through the following operations. 1) Selection of menu Select "01 Monitoring” in the initial display of Service Menu and depress | ¥'] switch. 2). Setting of monitoring itam Select or register an item to be monitored eee ‘Amonitoring item can be set in any number between the min. one to the max. four. (Da- pending upon the selected item, the max. umber is lass than four) o& In case of monitoring 1 to 3 items. move to the monitored information display through + Select Menu 999 and depress [v/] switch. ‘The display automatically moves to the dis- play of monitored information, when all of the ‘egistrable items have been duly registered. quired, reduce the selected itams to the 4 For details on the monitoring items, display unit, etc., refer to the Table for Monitoring ees. PC300/350(LC)-7 gl A gsS8 old Jaacall sla Jyssd Hi 9! Mi s! Li gsSd sojcoull depo ol EE Sblail pl ol . bated! Slay acc Sitceall ane Jods 9S Cure Spilagi il Unite sat al slyall de yall golbaall slat! Lule Gow ald Naps laxe! woMi de yu09 E Jodcs alls sls send dasdul dail gud Gl ate agi a., 3 2 to ete 153 es desl qo Jawoll god aaa slyil oye fast ot Nqd Abls Ld ginny 5yLo5! acd 06 aby! dass pgiiad de pally slovall Jaca! alli lade Woh aS legunll Ole bie Bs gall 133 8 yo 20-151 ® TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTI-MONITOR PANEL 3) Monitoring operation Call the monitoring information display and confirm the monitored information, while Monitoring ‘operating the machine. 010 Engine speed 2000 r/min HOLD Ca) aes) 4) Monitored information halding function HA switch is depressed while monitoring, all the monitored information are put on hold. f [57] switch is depressed in this con- dition, information holding is released. 2000 r/min Monitoring ‘010 Engine speed HOLD oFF CH) eer) 5) Machine satting mode switching function If it becomes necessary to change sattings ‘of working mode, select mode, travel speed land auto-dacel while monitoring, depress To cioecine hak tno mu a: ‘confirmation display is shawn. ae + An illustration at right shows the display in A rave! Spe (Lp) mode and E mode. Symbol marks are par- auto veel CS) tially different in B mode. +k When a specific seiting is confirmed, de- ENTER?) press [¥ ] switch, then the display retums to that of monitaring +o Incase a specific setting has been changed while monitoring, the new setting is still maintained when returning from Service Menu to Operator's Menu after the monitor. ing is finished. 20-152 PC300R50(LC}7 oO TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTL-MONITOR PANEL Table for Monitoring Items Code tem to be monitored ees Remark 000 [Return (Not Gisplayed) Termination menu Execute 999 [Ta Display Screen (Not eplayes) — [EXCCU 002 | Conirelar Medel Seleet Figure (003 | Controller Model Select Figure O10 | Engine Speed Tinton [tp o71_|F Pump Pressure MPa_| kafom? [PSI O12 _[R Pump Pressure MPa_| kgfom? | PSI O13 _[PC-EPC Sol. Cur. mA | mA [mA O15 _[US-EPC Sel. Gur. mA [mA [mA O16 [2nd Eng. Speed Command a O17 | Service Sol. Curr ma [oma [ma Sang CNIOFF Travel ONIOFF Prossure Boom Lower ONIOFF Seiten 1 Boom Raise GNOFF [Arm Curt ONIOFF [Arm Dum ONIOFF Bucket Cur ONIOFF oz | Pressure Bucket Dump ‘ONOFF Switch 2 Sonica GNIOFF [Travel Steering ONIOFF Lever Sw. ONIOFF 022 | Switch Input [Swing Release Sec ONIOFF Swing Brake Sw. ONIOFF Travel Junction ONIOFF Swing Brake ONIOFF 023 | Solenoid vate 1 | Merge-divicor ONIOFF [a-staga Role? ONIOFF [Travel Speed ONIOFF O24 [Solenoid valve 2 [Service Retura ONIOFF Model Select 1 ONIOFF Model Select 2 GNIOFF 027 [Switch input2 [Model Select 3 ONIOFF Model Select 4 ONIOFF Model Soloct 5 ONIOFF 030_[ Foal Dial Val wv py 031 | Gow. Motor Potentio Val vv 032 [Battery Voliage vv 033 | Gow Motor Phase A Curr mA | mA [mA 034 [Gow Motor Phase & Curr. mA | mA [mA 035_| Battery Relay O/P Vel v [vv pv 036 [Switch Input 3 Key Switch ON/OFF Bail. Relay Or ‘ONIOFF 037 | controler Ouput [Eon me oN Oat [Engine Water Temperature cc | F 042 [Fuel Lever Sensor Vol vp vp PCsnaasO(LC}7 20-153, ® TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTI-MONITOR PANEL Code Unit (Default: ISO) We Ham to be monitored See Remark 043 _| Batlary Charge Val Vv Vv Vv 084 [Hydi. Gil Temperature °C. °c oF Key Switch ‘ONIOFF ‘Stat ‘ONIOFF Preheat ‘ON/OFF 945 [Monitor input 1 EEF SHOE Fad. level ONIOFF, Fiydr_ Ol Level ONIOFF ‘ircleaner ON/OFF Eng. Oi Press. ‘ONIOFF 046 Monitor input 2 [Eng. Oil Level. ‘ON/OFF ‘Spare ‘ONIOFF Baltery Charge ABN-NOR ‘Swing Brake Sw ONIOFE Buzzer cancel Sw “ONIOFF 049 | Moniter Input 3. [Window Limit Sw. ONIOFF W Limit Sw. ONOFF P Limit Sw. ‘ONIOFF 200__| Monitor Prog. Version Figure 201_[ Controller Prog. Version Figure % Select the most favorite display unit from among the prepared three kinds, (2. ISO, meter and inch. When ‘changing one display unit for another, refer to "Unit" in the initial value setting of Service Menu. %* Abbreviations, ABN and NOR, stand for the following conditions. ABN: Abnormal, NOR: Normal 4k I'cannot be monitored how the machine push-up solenoid valve works. 20-154 PC300/350(LC)-7 TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTL-MONITOR PANEL 17. Function for Abnormality Record [02] ‘The monitor panel records failures that occurred ines in the past after classifying Service Menu 0/9 ‘the electric system and those in the mechanical system. Information on. go Return them can be displayed through the following & 02 Abrormal ty Becora operation. G3 Maintenance Record YF Od Malatentoe ue Gantt 5 Phone Mumer Entry 06 AMEE/DeTaUIE 1) Selection of manu Select 02 Abnormality Record in the initial display of Service Menu and depress [v] switch. (eg) 2) Selection of Submenu Select an appropriate item fram Submenu in the Abnormality Record display and depress. Apnarmal ity Record [v1 switch. ‘ = ay =a 09 Return am A OL Electrical systens oo Oe (termination of Abnormality Record) ¥ 04 wochanieal systens OF [Electrical System 02 [Mechanical Systems saect [0 WM rwe02730 3) Information shown in display of Abnormality Record in the electrical system OY ©: The numerator expresses sequence of failure occurrence, counting from the Electrical systems latest one. The denominator expresses OF ectbbe Sel Disc the total number of a specific failure Loe east pAZsKG 30h recorded. | ‘model Select ban aterm! te @: Service Code ©: Abnormality Cade No. (system in 4 dig- its and phenomenon in 2 digits) ar powwraun (A) RETURN, ©: Time elapsed since the occurrence of the first failure swat : Contents of failure Refer to “Table for Service Code and Ab- normality Code” in Operator's Menu. 4) Information shown in ceplay of Faure His- O~{uoonanicat svg tary in the rsotanical ays, at a Record No, 7 Em. ofS. sa Contents of Aznermalty o-] a Firat Abnormality Cade No. (system in 4 dig- 103 enn inter OverteatBBECHS its and phenomenon in 2 digits) gth First 14h ©: Total number of occurrence ©: Service meter reading at the inl ar emnrteon [G77 RETIN 1+ Roler to Tale for Service Code and Ab- normality Gode* in Operator's Menu. Ano: Tweaz rat PCs00RSO\LC}7 20-155 ® TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTI-MONITOR PANEL '5), Rosotting Electrical Systoms * =Resetting Electrical Systems (deletion) is possible only with the electrical sys- tom. Tho failure history in tha mechani- cca system cannot be raset. + For resetting any specific or all informa tion in the Eloctrical Systomes, follow tho ‘operation explained below. ji) Through the following switch operation, call the raseting display in tha cisplay of Electrical Systems. + Switch operation: [/.] #1] ~ 2] = B] + This is the same switch operation in changing the display to Service Menu. ji) Operate the switch, following the instruc. tions shown in the resetting display. +* When resting specific information only, call the display of that specific information and reset it with either LA] switch or [7] switch. +* When resting all the information, 2 display of any information will do. 20-156 oO 1/2299 OXADK PC-EPC Sal. Disc. 2/2, £217 DASE 30n de Section storms ity Oh avratcieam (7) HETIK ‘Tarozta0 wr i9so2 Electrical systems 1/2 239 DXAOKA * on reset CO) est 2) No.[00) ] PC300350(LC}7 TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘SPECIAL FUNCTION OF MULTL-MONITOR PANEL 118, Function for Maintenance Record [03] ‘The monitor panel records information on the maintenance of filters and oils. The stored infor- Service wenu ava mation can be displayed thraugh the following ‘switch operation. Return Monitoring Aprorea| ity Record Maintenance Record Abinteonoe aos Chane Phone Nummer Entry Amgz/Derauit 1) Selection of manu Select 03 Maintenance Record in Service Menu and deprass [7 ] switch. [5] cogoc0e lg] sseeee 2) Information to be displayed ©: Name of oils and fiters @: Times of replacement to date ©: Service moter reading at the latest os rain on OR PE replanenne 1 Enaiae OL mt 2 east Filter 03 fuel filter 8 Fler Walntenance ReC0rd BOOLOOH ‘aw Pous/a0n PCs00RSO\LC}7 20-157 ®

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