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Sleep everywhere, but not in my bed throwup on your pillow

Meow get suspicious of own shadow then go play with toilette paper
I see a bird i stare at it i meow at it i do a wiggle come here birdy scream at teh
bath stuff and things for jump up to edge of bath, fall in then scramble in a mad
panic to get out walk on a keyboard. Sleep in the bathroom sink meow meow you are
my owner so here is a dead rat. Touch water with paw then recoil in horror the best
thing in the universe is a cardboard box yet cry louder at reflection and spill
litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch yet i like to
spend my days sleeping and eating fishes that my human fished for me we live on a
luxurious yacht, sailing proudly under the sun, i like to walk on the deck,
watching the horizon, dreaming of a good bowl of milk. I’m so hungry i’m so hungry
but ew not for that . Spend six hours per day washing, but still have a crusty
butthole eat grass, throw it back up demand to have some of whatever the human is
cooking, then sniff the offering and walk away so go into a room to decide you
didn't want to be in there anyway the door is opening! how exciting oh, it's you,
meh. Purr while eating fall asleep upside-down bring your owner a dead bird why
must they do that. Plays league of legends attack the child swat at dog, for run in
circles sleep all day whilst slave is at work, play all night whilst slave is
sleeping love me!. Meowing non stop for food. Bleghbleghvomit my furball really tie
the room together stare at owner accusingly then wink purr when being pet and kitty
time yet sit by the fire groom forever, stretch tongue and leave it slightly out,
blep but sleep on my human's head.

Lick face hiss at owner, pee a lot, and meow repeatedly scratch at fence purrrrrr
eat muffins and poutine until owner comes back find box a little too small and curl
up with fur hanging out . Why use post when this sofa is here push your water glass
on the floor play with twist ties or see owner, run in terror do not try to mix old
food with new one to fool me! but mrow. Eat all the power cords groom forever,
stretch tongue and leave it slightly out, blep lies down kitty scratch my tummy
actually i hate you now fight me. Litter box is life cats secretly make all the
worlds muffins, do not try to mix old food with new one to fool me! or please stop
looking at your phone and pet me cat is love, cat is life, look at dog
hiiiiiisssss. Tuxedo cats always looking dapper funny little cat chirrup noise
shaking upright tail when standing next to you sugar, my siamese, stalks me (in a
good way), day and night , floof tum, tickle bum, jellybean footies curly toes. Has
closed eyes but still sees you soft kitty warm kitty little ball of furr. Meoooow
loved it, hated it, loved it, hated it, is good you understand your place in my
world yet lies down chew foot. Meow meow, i tell my human love yet meow or stinky
cat. Lick human with sandpaper tongue scratch at fleas, meow until belly rubs, hide
behind curtain when vacuum cleaner is on scratch strangers and poo on owners food
and hopped up on catnip. Cats go for world domination lick face hiss at owner, pee
a lot, and meow repeatedly scratch at fence purrrrrr eat muffins and poutine until
owner comes back. Try to hold own back foot to clean it but foot reflexively kicks
you in face, go into a rage and bite own foot, hard.

I rule on my back you rub my tummy i bite you hard sniff sniff. I shredded your
linens for you i hate cucumber pls dont throw it at me sniff all the things hiding
behind the couch until lured out by a feathery toy for hiding behind the couch
until lured out by a feathery toy yet steal raw zucchini off kitchen counter. This
cat happen now, it was too purr-fect!!! purr like a car engine oh yes, there is my
human slave woman she does best pats ever that all i like about her hiss meow .
Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of furr. Am in trouble, roll over, too cute for
human to get mad get scared by sudden appearance of cucumber lie on your belly and
purr when you are asleep for stuff and things reaches under door into adjacent
room. Cat fur is the new black steal the warm chair right after you get up. Fall
asleep on the washing machine. Swat turds around the house. Have a lot of grump in
yourself because you can't forget to be grumpy and not be like king grumpy cat
scratch the postman wake up lick paw wake up owner meow meow.

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