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PD 1570 and its IRR


Engr. Edgar B. Aguilar II
Aeronautical Engineer No. 838
• Section 1. Title of the Decree. • Section 19. Certificate of Registration.
• Section 2. Objectives. • Section 20. Registration without examinations.
• Section 3. Creation of the Board. • Section 21. Temporary registration; issuance of
• Section 4. Qualifications of Board special permits.
Members. • Section 22. Refusal to issue certificate.
• Section 5. Term of Office. • Section 23. Suspension and revocation of
• Section 6. Removal of Member. certificate.
• Section 7. Powers and duties of the • Section 24. Reinstatement or replacement of
Board. certificate.
• Section 8. Procedure of investigation • Section 25. Seal and its use.
of violations. • Section 26. Posting certificates.
• Section 9. Compensation of Members. • Section 27. Meaning of practice of aeronautical
• Section 10. Conduct of Examinations. engineering.
• Section 11. Schedule of fees. • Section 28. Unlawful practice.
• Section 12. Annual report of the Board.• Section 29. Definitions.
• Section 13. Board of Examinations • Section 30. Enforcement of this Decree by
officers of the law.
• Section 14. Qualification for
examinations. • Section 31. Roster of aeronautical engineers.
• Section 15. Schedule of examinations. • Section 32. Integration of Aeronautical
Engineering Profession.
• Section 16. Scope of examinations.
• Section 33. Penalties for violations of this
• Section 17. Passing average.
• Section 18. Report of Ratings
• Section 34. Separability Clause.
• Section 35. Laws in conflict.
• Section 36. Effectivity.
• The need for a law that would regulate the practice of
aeronautical engineering as a profession was strongly
felt in the late 1960‟s when aeronautical engineering
and the jobs available for them had increased
• Through the efforts of the Society of Aerospace
Engineers of the Philippines (SAEP), Presidential
Decree No. 1570, otherwise known as the “Philippine
Aeronautical Decree” was enacted on June 11, 1978
by Pres. Ferdinand E.Marcos.
• Subsequently, the first Board of Aeronautical
Engineering was constituted on April 6, 1982 with
Brig. Gen. Recaredo R. Albano as Chairman and
Engrs. Timoteo A. Cordova, Jr. and Teofilo P. Alberto
as Members. It conducted its first licensure
examination in July 1983. Successful examinees took
their oath in November of the same year.
• The Society of Aerospace Engineers of the
Philippines (SAEP) was formed in 1950 by a group of
Aeronautical Engineering graduates (Class 1946)
from FEATI University headed by Dr. Gregorio Y.
Zara. The Society was established to professionalize,
promote and advance the aeronautical engineering
profession in the Philippines.
• The SAEP played a key role in the formulation and
passage of the Aeronautical Engineering Law which
was enacted on July 11, 1978. The SAEP
recommended to the Professional Regulation
Commission the first set of members of the Board of
Aeronautical Engineering. On March 1984, the SAEP
was renamed the Society of Aerospace Engineers of
the Philippines and was registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with the
new Articles of Incorporation and By Laws. It was
accredited by the PRC as the national professional
organization of aeronautical engineers on April 30,
THE PD 1570

Title and Objectives
In view of the continuous development in the field of
aeronautical science and the dynamic growth of civil
aviation, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the
Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the
Constitution, do hereby order and decree:

• Section 1. Title of the Decree. This Decree shall be known as

the “Philippine Aeronautical Engineering Decree.”
• Section 2. Objectives. This Decree provides for and shall
(a) The standardization and regulation of aeronautical
(b) The examination for registration of aeronautical engineers;
(c) The supervision, control, and regulation of the practice of
aeronautical engineering in the Philippines.
Creation of the Board.
• There is hereby created under the
Professional Regulation Commission a Board
of Aeronautical Engineering, hereinafter
referred to as the Board, which shall be
composed of a Chairman and two members,
all to be appointed by the President of the
Philippines from among the registered
aeronautical engineers of recognized
standing in the Philippines upon
recommendation of the Commission which
shall exercise jurisdiction, general
supervision, and administrative control over
the Board in accordance with the powers
vested in it under existing laws.
Qualifications of Board Members.
• No person shall be appointed member of the Board of Aeronautical
Engineering unless at the time of his appointment, he possesses
the following qualifications:
(a) A citizen and resident of the Philippines;
(b) At least thirty-one years of age, and must be of good moral
(c) A holder of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical
(d) A registered aeronautical engineer under this Decree, with the
exception of the first group of appointees;
(e) Had been in active practice of aeronautical engineering or
teaching of subjects thereof for at least ten years;
(f) Not a member of the faculty of any university, college, institute, or
school where a regular course in aeronautical engineering is taught
or review classes conducted;
(g) Not financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any university,
college, institute, or school where a regular course in aeronautical
engineering is taught or review classes conducted; and
(h) Not an elective officer of any professional association or
organization of aeronautical engineering.
Term of Office.
• The Members of the Board shall hold office for a term of three
years from and after the date of their appointment: Provided,
however, That of the first appointees, to the Board, one shall serve
for a term of one year and shall automatically be the Chairman
thereof; one for two years and shall serve as Member during the
first year, then shall automatically be the Chairman in the
subsequent remaining year, and one for three years and shall serve
as Member for the first two years and shall then automatically be
the Chairman in the third year. Thereafter, chairmanship shall be
by seniority membership in the Board, serving first as Member for
the first two years, the Chairman in the third year.
• No Member of the Board shall serve for more than two (2)
successive complete terms and, in case of vacancy by reason of
death, resignation, or removal of an incumbent Member, the same
shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term of the previous
incumbent. Each Member of the Board shall qualify by taking the
proper oath of office before entering upon the performance of his
Removal of Member.
• Any member of the Board may, upon
recommendation of the Commission be
removed by the President of the Philippines
by reason of neglect of duty, incompetence,
commission or tolerance of irregularities in
the examinations, malpractices, or
unprofessional or unethical, immoral, or
dishonorable conduct, after having given the
opportunity to defend himself in a proper
administrative investigation to be conducted
by the Commission.
Powers and duties of the Board.
• Subject to review by the Commission, the Board is vested with
authority, conformably with the provisions of this Decree, to
• (a) Administer oaths or affirmations in connection with the
performance of its functions;
• (b) Issue, suspend or revoke certificates of registration for the
practice of aeronautical engineering for justifiable cause;
• (c) Study the conditions affecting the aeronautical engineering
profession in the Philippines, and exercise such powers as may be
necessary for the maintenance of good ethics, morality and
professional standards in the practice of aeronautical engineering,
and for this purpose, the Board may conduct inspection or visit to
determine compliance with this Decree and the rules and
regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, or as an aid in
formulating, amending, or revising policies of the Board;
• (d) Coordinate with the Commission in prescribing, amending, or
revising collegiate courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Aeronautical Engineering;
• (e) Determine and impose the essential requirements and
facilities, including the minimum number and qualifications
of the teaching personnel as well as the student-teacher
ratio of universities, colleges, institutes, or schools offering
courses in aeronautical engineering and for this purpose visit
and inspect the same. The Board may deny admission to the
license examinations graduates of universities, colleges,
institutes, or schools found deficient of the essential and
minimum requirements.
• Permits or authorization to offer or open aeronautical
engineering course shall be based upon the written
recommendation of the Board and the representative of the
Government entity concerned with the granting of school
permits or authorization.
• (f) Recommend or adopt from time to time and whenever
necessary, such measures as may be deemed proper for the
advancement of the profession in keeping with the progress
of the aeronautical industry;
• (g) Adopt and enforce a Code of Ethics for the
practice of aeronautical engineering, and to have
an official seal to authenticate its official
documents; and
• (h) Promulgate, subject to approval of the
Commission for their effectivity such rules and
regulations as may be necessary to carry out the
provisions of the Decree.
• The Code of Ethics and the rules and regulations
shall be published by the Board in the Official
Gazette and shall take effect fifteen days after
the publication.
Procedure of investigation of
• The Board shall investigate all violations of the provisions of this
Decree and the rules and regulations issued thereunder as may
come to its knowledge. For this purpose, the Board shall issue
subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to secure the appearance of
witnesses and the production of books, papers, documents, records
and any or all pertinent data as may be necessary in connection
with the charges presented to or any investigation pending before
the Board. Any member of the Board may administer oaths or
affirmations of witnesses appearing before it.
• The Board shall have the power to hold any person in contempt,
directly or indirectly, and impose appropriate penalties therefor.
• A person of misbehavior in the presence of, or so near the
Chairman or any Member of the Board as to obstruct or interrupt
the proceedings before the same, including disrespect toward said
officials, offensive personalities toward others, or refusal to be
sworn or to answer as a witness or to subscribe an affidavit or
deposition when lawfully required to do so, may be summarily
adjudged in direct contempt by said officials and punished by a fine
not exceeding P100.00.
• The person adjudged in direct contempt by the
Chairman of the Board or Member thereof may
appeal to the Commission and the execution of
the judgment shall be suspended pending the
resolution of the appeal.
• Indirect contempt shall be dealt with by the
Chairman or Member of the Board in the manner
prescribed by the Revised Rules of Court.
• All decisions of the Board shall be made en banc.
However, hearing and reception of evidence may
be conducted by the hearing officer or
professional regulations attorney of the
Compensation of Members.
• Each member of the Board shall receive a compensation of
not less than fifteen pesos for each applicant who shall take
the written board examinations, and ten pesos for each
certificate of registration to be issued to temporary
registrants as provided for under Section twenty-one of this
• Any registered aeronautical engineer in the service of any
branch of the government of the Philippines appointed as
Member of the Board shall receive the same compensation
herein provided, in addition to his regular compensation in
the government service. All authorized expenses of the
Board, including the compensation of the Members thereof,
shall be paid by the collecting and disbursing officer of the
Commission out of the commission out of the collection of
fees and such other charges fixed under this Decree.
Conduct of Examinations.
• The Commission and the Board shall
jointly conduct the written examinations
given by the Board in accordance with
this Decree and the rules and regulations
promulgated thereunder.
Schedule of fees.
• he following fees shall be collected by the Board from
any person dealing with it:
• (a) For the filing of application for written
examination P100.00
(b) For the issuance of certificate of registration to
successful examinees 50.00
(c) For the issuance of certificate of registration to
temporary registrants 250.00
(d) For registration without examinations 150.00
(e) For the issuance of special permit 30.00
(f) For the reinstatement of a revoked or suspend
certificate of registration as well as the replacement
of lost, destroyed or mutilated certificate of
registration 25.00
Annual report of the Board.
• The Board shall, within sixty days
following the end of each fiscal year,
submit to the Commission an annual
report on its activities during the fiscal
year just ended.
Board of Examinations.
• Unless otherwise specifically exempted
from taking the written examinations as
provided for under Section twenty of this
Decree, all applicants for registration for
the practice of aeronautical engineering
shall first undergo the required written
technical examinations.
Qualification for examinations.
• Any person who shall apply for admission to take the written
examinations for aeronautical engineers shall establish to
the satisfaction of the Board that he has the following
• (a) At least twenty-one years of age;
• (b) A citizen of the Philippines or of a foreign country
qualified to take the examinations under existing laws;
• (c) He must be of good moral character and reputation;
• (d) A holder of the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Aeronautical Engineering from any institution of learning
recognized by the Government of the Philippines or of an
equivalent course offered in any institution of learning in a
foreign country subject to the provisions of existing laws;
• (e) Must not have been convicted of any crime involving
moral turpitude.
Schedule of examinations.
• Written examinations of candidates
desiring to practice aeronautical
engineering in the Philippines shall be
given by the Board once a year at a date
and place to be fixed by the Commission.
Scope of examinations.
• The examinations provided in this Decree shall
consist of written test which shall cover the
following subjects: Mathematics, Aerodynamics;
Aircraft Structures and Design; Powerplant
Theory and Practice; and Air laws and
Regulations, and such other related subjects as
the Board may deem necessary; Provided, That in
case of increase in the number of subjects, the
corresponding relative weight credited for every
subject shall be reduced accordingly and the
relative weights that may be deducted therefrom
shall be credited to the additional subject or
subjects; Provided, further, That the relative
weights that will be deducted shall always be
divisible exactly by five.
Passing average.
• In order that a candidate may be deemed
to have passed the examinations
successfully, he must have obtained a
general weighted average of seventy-five
per cent in all subjects, with no rating
below fifty per cent in any subject.
Subject to approval of the Commission,
the Board shall have the power to
prescribe, amend, or revise the subjects
and their corresponding relative weights.
Report of Ratings.
• Within ninety days after the last day of
the examinations or on such date as may
be determined by the Commission, the
Board shall submit its report on the
ratings obtained by each candidate to the
Commissioner of the Commission for
approval or other appropriate action. All
ratings shall be released at least seventy
days before the next examination period.
Certificate of Registration.
• All successful candidates in the written examinations shall
each be issued by the Board a certificate of registration as
aeronautical engineer upon payment of the required fee. The
certificate of registration, to be signed by the Members of
the Board and approved by the Commissioner shall bear the
full name of the registrant and the serial number of the
certificate, and shall be authenticated with the official seal
of the Board.
• The issuance of the certificate of registration by the Board
under this Decree shall be evidence that the person named
therein is entitled to all the rights and privileges of a
registered aeronautical engineer while it remains unrevoked
or unsuspended.
• Before commencing the practice of aeronautical engineering,
all registrants under this Decree shall be required to take
professional oaths before the Board or before any person
authorized to administer the same.
Registration without examinations.
• The Board may issue certificates of registration as aeronautical engineers
to the Members of the first Board and to any applicant for registration
without the necessity of taking the written examinations prescribed under
Section thirteen of this Decree: Provided, That
• (a) The Members of the first Board meet all the requirements prescribed
under Section four of this Decree and
• (b) The applicants for registration other than the Members of the first
Board, in addition to the requirements prescribed under Section fourteen
of this Decree, shall present evidence satisfactory to the Board showing
that on the date of approval of this Decree
• (1) he has at least five years of active practice in aeronautical engineering;
• (2) he shall indicate that he could be entrusted to perform or render
professional aeronautical engineering service.
• For purposes of this section, the teaching of aeronautical engineering in
any recognized university, college, institute, or school shall be considered
as active practice of aeronautical engineering: Provided, That the evidence
thereof shall be duly certified by the Registrar of the institution of learning
concerned and under oath.
Temporary registration; issuance of special
• Upon application and payment of the required
fee, and subject to approval of the Commission,
the following may be granted temporary
certificates of registration as aeronautical
engineer to practice aeronautical engineering in
the Philippines;
• (a) Aeronautical engineers from foreign countries
called for consultation or for a specific design,
construction or project, whose services in the
Philippines shall be limited only to such particular
work, and such engineers are legally or
technically qualified to practice aeronautical
engineering in their own country, and
• (b) Any person from foreign countries employed as technical officers or
professors in such specialized branches of aeronautical engineering as
may, in the judgment of the Commission be necessary and indispensable
for the country.
• Subject to approval of the Commission, the Board may issue a special
permit, renewable every year, to any person specified under this section
who shall file with it an application for the issuance of such permit,
accompanied by evidence or other proof satisfactory to the Board showing
that the applicant is competent to perform the service or activity for which
said permit is sought, and that the issuance of such permits will not
jeopardize the interests of any citizen of the Philippines duly registered as
aeronautical engineer under this Decree: Provided, That such permit shall
be subject to the rules and regulations of the Board, and may be
suspended, revoked, or reissued by the Board in the manner prescribed for
the suspension, revocation and reissuance of the certificate of registration.
• Nothing in this Decree shall be construed to prevent aeronautical
engineering students, apprentices and other persons employed or acting
as subordinates of, or undergoing training under a person holding a valid
certificate of registration, from performing any of the acts constituting the
practice of the said profession under the instruction, control and
supervision of their employer.
Refusal to issue certificate.
• The Board may refuse to issue certificate of
registration to any person convicted by a
court of competent jurisdiction of any
criminal offense involving moral turpitude,
or to any person guilty of unprofessional,
unethical, immoral or dishonorable conduct,
or to any person of unsound mind. In the
event of refusal to issue a certificate the
Board shall forthwith furnish the applicant a
written statement setting forth its reason or
reasons for such action, which statement
shall be incorporated in the records of the
Suspension and revocation of certificate.
• The Board shall have the power, after proper
notice, to reprimand an aeronautical engineer,
suspend, or revoke his certificate of registration
for any of the grounds enumerated in the next
proceeding section or by reason of malpractice,
incompetence and gross negligence of the
registered aeronautical engineer concerned, or by
reason of the use or perpetration of any fraud,
deceit, or false statement in obtaining such
certificate of registration, or refusal to join and to
remain a member of good standing of the
integrated professional organization of
aeronautical engineering which is accredited by
the Commission.
Reinstatement or replacement of
• After the expiration of two years from the
date of revocation or suspension of a
certificate of registration, the Board may,
in its discretion and for reason it may
deem meritorious, reinstate the validity
of a revoked or suspended certificate, or
issue a new one in lieu of the one
previously revoked upon payment of the
required fee.
Seal and its use.
• All aeronautical engineers shall obtain official seal of
a design prescribed by the Board, bearing the
registrant‟s name, the number of his registration
certificate, and the words; “Aeronautical Engineer.”
Plans, specifications, reports and such other
professional documents prepared by or executed
under the immediate supervision of, and issued by an
aeronautical engineer shall be stamped on every
sheet thereof with the official seal when filed with
government authorities, or when submitted or used
professionally during the life of the registrant‟s
• It shall be unlawful for anyone to affix his official seal
on any documents after his certificate of registration
has expired or has been revoked or suspended,
unless said certificate shall have been renewed,
reissued, or reinstated.
Posting certificates.
• The owner, manager or other person in-
charge of any aircraft or of firm, co-
partnership, corporation, or joint
corporation operating an aircraft shall
post or cause to be posted in any
conspicuous place within such station or
establishment the certificate of
registration of the aeronautical engineer
or engineers employed in such station or
Meaning of practice of aeronautical engineering.

• The practice of aeronautical engineering shall

constitute in holding out oneself as skilled in the
knowledge, science, and practice of aeronautical
engineering, and as qualified to render
professional services as an aeronautical engineer;
or offering or rendering, or both, on a fee basis or
otherwise, services such as planning, designing,
analyzing, constructing, assembling, installing,
altering or maintaining of aircraft structures,
power plants or accessories through scientific or
accepted engineering practice, or the teaching of
the same in any university, college, institute, or
school of learning duly recognized by the
Government of the Philippines.
• An aeronautical engineer shall be considered such in
the practice of his profession, if the nature and
character of his employment whether as an officer or
employee in a private enterprise or educational
institution involves decision-making requiring
professional knowledge in the science of aeronautical
engineering, and such employment or position
requires that the holder thereof must be an
aeronautical engineer; or if he holds or is appointed
to a position in the aeronautical engineering
occupational group in the government or in
government-owned or controlled corporations,
including those performing propriety functions,
where a civil service eligibility as an aeronautical
engineer is a prerequisite.
Unlawful practice
• It shall be unlawful for:
• (a) Any person who, without a valid certificate of
registration shall practice or offer to practice aeronautical
engineering as defined herein or any aspect thereof in the
Philippines; or to use the title “Aeronautical Engineer” or any
word, letter, figure, or sign whatsoever, tending to convey
the impression that he is an aeronautical engineer; or to
advertise or indicate in any manner that he is qualified to
perform the work of an aeronautical engineer; and
• (b) Any firm, company or corporation to engage in designing,
planning, construction, installation, alteration, manufacture
or marketing of any aircraft and its components, accessories,
instruments, equipment and supply without the certification,
supervision, or guidance of an aeronautical engineer.
• The following definitions, unless the context
otherwise requires, shall govern in the
application and construction of this Decree.
• (a) Commission The Professional Regulation
Commission created under Presidential Decree
No. 223 or subsequent decree.
• (b) Board The Board of Aeronautical Engineering
created under Section three of this Decree;
• (c) Aircraft Any contrivance now known or
hereafter to be used, invented or designated for
navigation of or flight in the air;
• (d) Aeronautical engineer is a bona fide holder of
a certificate of registration issued by the Board in
accordance with this Decree.
Enforcement of this Decree by officers of the law.

• It shall be the duty of all duly constituted

law enforcing officers of the National
Government, or of any of its agencies or
instrumentalities to enforce the
provisions of this Decree and to prosecute
any person violating the same.
Roster of aeronautical engineers.
• A roster showing the names, the addresses and
places of business, and the names and addresses
of the employers, if they are so employed, shall
be prepared by the Commission at least once a
year. Copies of this roster shall be sent to the
President, the Secretary of Public Works,
Transportation and Communications, the Director
of Civil Aviation, the Director of Public Works, the
Secretary of Public Highways, the Commissioner
of Customs, any person or corporation operating
and maintaining aircrafts, and such other
bureaus, government entities or agencies as may
be deemed necessary, and to the public upon
Integration of Aeronautical Engineering
• The Commission shall adopt rules to
effect the integration of aeronautical
engineering under such conditions as it
shall see fit in order to raise the
standards of the profession and enable it
to discharge its public responsibilities
more effectively.
Penalties for violations of this Decree.
• The penalty of imprisonment ranging from six months to six
years and a fine ranging from two thousand pesos to six
thousand pesos, or both such imprisonment and fine, in the
discretion of the court, shall be imposed upon:
• (a) Any person who shall practice aeronautical engineering
in the Philippines as herein defined, without holding a valid
certificate of registration issued by the Board;
• (b) Any person who shall give any false or fraudulent
statement to the Board or to the Commission, or both to
obtain a certificate of registration as aeronautical engineer;
• (c) Any person who shall assume, use, or advertise as
aeronautical engineer, or append to his name, letters or
words tending to convey the impression that he is a
registered aeronautical engineer when in fact he is not duly
registered with the Board as such.
• (d) Any person who shall present or use as his own
certificate of registration issued to another under this
• (e) Any person who shall present or use a revoked or
suspended certificate of registration as aeronautical
• (f) Any aeronautical engineer, or any person on his behalf,
who shall stamp or seal any document with his seal as such
after his certificate of registration has expired or has been
suspended or revoked;
• (g) Any aeronautical engineer who shall sign his name, affix
his seal, or use any other method of signature on plans,
technical description, or other documents prepared by or
under another aeronautical engineer‟s supervision, unless
the name is prepared in such a manner as to clearly indicate
the part or parts of such work actually performed by the
• (h) Any person, except the aeronautical engineer in charge,
who shall sign for any branch of the aeronautical work, or
any function or engineering practice not actually performed
by him;
• (i) Any registered aeronautical engineer who
shall refuse to surrender to the Board as
suspended or revoked certificate of
registration or special permit;
• (j) Any person who shall commit or attempt
to commit any fraud for the purpose of
obtaining a certificate of registration as
aeronautical engineer, or aid in so doing,
• (k) Any person who, with or without
consideration, misrepresent that he can fix
the results of the licensure examinations for
the practice of aeronautical engineering;
Separability Clause
• If any provision of this Decree or any
portion thereof is declared
unconstitutional by any competent court,
the other provisions thereof shall not be
affected thereby.

• All laws decree, executive orders, rules or

regulations, or parts thereof, in conflict
with the provisions of this Decree are
hereby repealed, amended or modified
• This Decree shall take effect immediately.
• Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day
of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen
hundred and seventy-eight.
PD1570: Philippine Aeronautical Engineering Decree

• Section 1 Definition of Terms. Aeronautical Engineering
• Section 2 Seal of the Board of • Section 1. Nature and Scope of
Aeronautical Engineering. Practice.
• Section 3 Seal of the • Section 2. Sevices of
Aeronautical Engineering. Aeronautical Engineers.
• ARTICLE II Registration of • ARTICLE IV Code of
Aeronautical Engineers Professional Ethics
• Section 1. Registration with • ARTICLE V Miscellaneous
Examination. Provisions
• Section 2. Proof of qualification • Section 1. Records of the Board.
for Examination
• Section 2. Annual Report.
• Section 3. Scope of Examination.
• Section 3. Roster of Aeronautical
• Section 4. Amendment.
• Section 5. Effectivity.
• Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 7
(g) and (h) of Presidential Decree No.
1570, otherwise known as the “Philippine
Aeronautical Engineering Decree”
approved on June 11, 1978, the following
Rules & Regulations including the Code of
Professionals Ethics are hereby adopted.
Definition of Terms.
• In the application and interpretation of
PD 1570 and these Rules and
Regulations, the Board of Aeronautical
engineering shall be guided by the
following definitions.

• a. Commission – The Professional

Regulation Commission created under DP
223 as amended by PD 657.
• b. Board – The Board of Aeronautical
engineering created under PD 1570.
• c. Aircraft – Any contrivance now known or hereafter
invented, used, or designed for navigation of or flight
in the air (Section 29 of PD 1570). Such contrivance
or device can be powered or non-powered flying
machine that is lighter-than-air (Balloon, dirigible),
or heavier-than-air with fixed wing (airplane, glider),
or heavier-than-air with rotary wing (Helicopter, auto
gyro). This contrivance can also be winged or finned
weapon system (missile, bomb) or any other device
that is designed to operate fully or partly in air and
whose motion and flight path is influence or
determined by the combined effects of forces and
moments created by its mass, its power system, and
the air, or by its mass and the air if non powered. A
spacecraft designed for operation in the outer space,
can be treated as an aircraft while operating in
transit within the limits of the earth‟s atmosphere.
• d. Aircraft Structures – Those parts of an
aircraft comprising of what is collectively
known as the airframe which is the
framework of the aircraft supports all
other components including the forces
acting on the aircraft. The landing gear
assembly and the engine mount are
considered parts of the aircraft
• e. Powerplant – Sometimes referred to in
these Rules as Engine or
Power/Propulsion system. That part of an
aircraft which generates power mainly to
produce the force or thrust necessary to
cause the aircraft to move horizontally, or
to be lifted, or both a small fraction of the
power generated by the power plant is
used to drive aircraft accessories and
equipment, a propeller or a rotary wing is
not part of the powerplant.
• f. Aircraft Components – All parts which comprise the basic
aircraft. These consist of aircraft structures, powerplant,
instruments, control system, fuel system, accessories, equipment
and others.

• g. Aerodynamics - The science that deals with the study of the air
in motion and the forces and moments created on bodies moving
relative to the air in. Aerodynamic theories/principles in general
govern the flight of heavier-than-air aircraft which is vertically
supported in flight by an aerodynamic force „lift‟ created on its
fixed or rotary wing. A light-than-air aircraft, whose bulk consists
mainly of one or more bags/compartments filled with gas that is
lighter-than-air is lifted by a „buoyant force” (not an aerodynamic
force) equal to the weight of the displace air, during horizontal and
maneuvering flights of these two (2) types of aircraft, the resisting
aerodynamic force “drag” created on each aircraft is overcome by
the propulsive force “thrust” which may be generated by a power
system discharging a high-velocity exhaust gas (jet) or driving a
propeller or a tilted rotary wing, or combination of a jet and a
• h. Aeronautical engineering – The science and
technology dealing with study of the
theories/principles of flight and basic engineering
science and the application of these
theories/principles to the research and development,
manufacture, operation, maintenance, repair and
modification of aircraft and its
components.Aeronautical engineering Practice – The
act of rendering or offering to render professional
services in aeronautical engineering in the form of
direct work participation, consultancy, supervision, or
management, with or without fee, salary or any other
kind of compensation, the professionals services as
enumerated in Section 27 and 28 (b) of PD 1570 can
be grouped into four (4) major activity areas ;
• Research and Development – Basic and applied research in fluid mechanics (study of
gases and liquids at rest and motion) particularly on data acquisition and analysis;
formulation of plants, specifications, standards, technique and procedures: preparation of
project feasibility study; design and construction of test equipment and aircraft tooling;
and other research activities leading to or resulting in the development of new or
improved aircraft and/or its components.
• Manufacture of Aircraft – The planning design, analysis, construction/fabrication, sub-
assembly, test and evaluation of aircraft structures, powerplant, and other aircraft
components; final assembly of aircraft; pre-flight inspection and test; and aircraft
performance data collection/monitoring and evaluation during aircraft production
airworthiness flight test.
• Aircraft Operation or Maintenance – The operation of aircraft or the maintenance, repair
and modification/alteration of aircraft structures, powerplant and other aircraft
components. Operation here is concerned with pre-flight and post-flight checks, and
functional test of aircraft and its components. Operation also includes the release of
aircraft for flight, monitoring of aircraft performance, and other activities performed on
the group and in flight to ensure aircraft airworthiness and flight safety, except piloting
(directing and controlling) aircraft in flight , which function strictly belongs to the pilot.
Marketing or selling of aircraft and/or its components, which require thorough technical
knowledge of aircraft /components specifications, performance, maintenance, repair and
other pertinent information shall likewise be considered professional aeronautical
engineering service.
• Education and training – The teaching of the theories/principles and/or application of
any one or more of the activities in the preceding items (1),(2) and (3) leading to a
collegiate course in aeronautical engineering in any education institution recognized by
the Government of the Philippines.
• j. Aeronautical engineer – A person who is
bonafide holder of a certificate of
registration issued by the board in
accordance with PD 1570.
• k. Other Aeronautical Terms – Aeronautical
terms whose definitions are included in this
Section shall be understood to convey the
meaning given to them by other local
aviation laws, rules and regulations or by
international conventions adhered to by the
government of the Philippines if no
definitions of such terms are locally
Seal of the Board of Aeronautical

• There shall be a seal to be used by the Board authenticate

its official documents. This seal which shall be circular in
shape with maximum diameter of 48 millimeters (1-7/8
inches) shall bear a design consisting of an airplane wing
section with shock waves attached to its leading and
trailing edges (leading edge at the right). Near the leading
edge of the wing section is an atom having four (4)
orbiting electrons the airplane wing section here
represents an aircraft. The atom as a whole symbolizes
engineering activity with its four (4) orbiting electrons
signifying the four (4) major activity / areas in the
practice of aeronautical engineering, these shock waves,
which are normally created about a body moving in air
speeds way above the speed of flight condition symbolic of
the fact that aeronautical engineering is a dynamic and
progressive profession. Between the two (2) concentric
circles along the circumference of the seal shall be
inscribed the words “Professional Regulation Commission”
and Board of Aeronautical Engineering” at the upper and
the lower portion of the circumference respectively.
Seal of the Aeronautical Engineering.

• A seal shall likewise be used by a registered

aeronautical engineer to authenticate all
official documents in the pursuit of his
profession. Except for the inscriptions on
the seal in the preceding section, the seal of
the aeronautical engineer shall have the
same basic design, meaning, and size as
that of the Board. The words “Aeronautical
Engineer” shall be inscribed on the upper
portion of the circumference of the seal
with the words “Philippines” on the lower
portion of the circumference. Slight below
the center of the seal shall be printed
horizontally the full name of the engineer.
His corresponding registration number shall
also appear in a horizontal line above his
PD 1570 – Implementing rules and Regulations

Registration with Examination
• Unless exempted from taking the
licensure examination under Section 20
of PD 1570, all applicants for registration
for the practice of aeronautical
engineering shall be required to take and
pass the said examination conducted
jointly by the Commission and the Board
once a year at a date and place to be set
by the Commission.
Proof of qualification for Examination
• he application for examination shall be supported by
evidence showing that the applicant possesses all the
qualifications prescribed in Section 14 of PD 1570.
Every applicant shall submit with his application the
following supporting papers:
• a. Copy of the transcript of the scholastic records,
duly authenticated, showing completion of the
prescribed curriculum leading to the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering from
any local institution of learning recognized by the
government of the Philippines, or completion of an
equivalent course offered in any institution of
learning in a foreign country. The Board shall deny
admission to examination graduated of aeronautical
engineering courses found deficient of the essential
subjects given in the licensure examination.
• b. If the applicant is a foreigner, proof of reciprocity
between the Republic of the Philippines and the state
or country of which he is a subject. Proof of
reciprocity may be copy of pertinent laws, rules and
regulations of his country, duly authenticated and
proved by any means sanctioned by the Philippines
laws or jurisprudence, or any other documentary
evidence confirmed by the Department of Foreign
Affairs of the Philippines, showing that his country‟s
existing laws, rules and regulations allows citizens of
the Philippines to practice aeronautical engineering
on the same basis as, with the same privilege
accorded to, and under the same rules and
regulations governing the subjects of citizens of the
foreign state or country.
Scope of Examination.

• The examination shall consist of written test

which shall cover the following subjects with
their corresponding relative weights.
• a. Aerodynamics – 25%
• b. Aircraft Structures and Design – 20%
• c. Aircraft Powerplant – 20%
• d. Aircraft Construction, Repair and Modification –
• e. Engineering Economics & Management, Laws &
Ethics – 10%
• f. Mathematics – 10%
• Fundamentals of Low-speed and High-
speed Aerodynamics; Application of
Aerodynamics to Fixed/Rotary wing
aircraft configurations, Performance,
Stability, and Control; Wind tunnels and
Aircraft Structures and Design
• Aircraft Design Fundamentals; Structural
Loading Conditions; Structural Analysis
and Design of Airframe Components;
Landing Gears, Engine mounts, and other
Structural parts; Non-structural
components design
Aircraft Powerplant
• Thermodynamics & Powerplant Design &
Operation Fundamentals with
Applications to Internal Combustion
Engines, Reciprocating Engines, Aircraft
Gas Turbines, Pulsejet and Ramjet,
Rocket Propulsion Systems, and other
Aircraft Power Systems
Aircraft, Construction, Repair & Modification

• Aircraft Materials and Processes; Methods

and Techniques in Repair and
Modification in accordance with Civil
Airworthiness Regulations;
Manufacturing/Production Processes and
Quality Assurance
Engineering Economics & Management, Laws
& Ethics
• Principles of Economics and Management
as applied to the Aviation Industry; Laws;
Rules and Regulations governing the
Practice of Aeronautical Engineering to
include PD 1570, Rules and Regulations
with Code of Professional Ethics of the
Board of Aeronautical Engineering and
• Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytic
Geometry, Calculus and Different
Equations with Aeronautical Applications
Proof of Qualifications for Exemption from
• The application for registration without
examination shall be supported by
evidence indicating that the applicant
possesses all the qualifications prescribed
in Sections 14 and 20 of PD 1570. Every
application shall include the following
supporting papers:
• a. Supporting paper(s) in Section 2 of
Article II of these Rules and Regulations.
• b. Certification of Aeronautical Engineering Practice acquired by the applicant at
least five (5) years as of June 11, 1970, which shall be issued and signed under
oath by the employer/Department Head confirmed or by the Registrar/ any
authorized official of an educational institution from whom said practice was
acquired. This certification shall include the applicant‟s full name, position(s)
during employment period, duties and responsibilities, actual work performed,
subjects taught by semester if teaching, and inclusive dates of employment, and
also the employer‟s full name, address and line of business. If self-employed,
the applicant shall submit a certification signed under oath by at least two (2)
from among his client(s), colleague(s), or partner(s) in business in which
aeronautical engineering practice is being attested. This certification shall
contain the applicants full names, addresses, and the line of business of the
attesting persons.

• c. Certification of Proficiency which shall be issued and signed under oath by his
employer or immediate superior, preferably member of good standing of the
recognized professional organization of aeronautical engineers of the
Philippines, and shall indicate that the applicant could be entrusted to perform
or render professional aeronautical engineering service. If self-employed, the
applicant shall sign under oath and submit a documented report on a design,
device, or project of aeronautical engineering value which made, or a technical
paper or report, project of feasibility study, treaties, thesis on any aeronautical
engineering subject which he authored.
PD 1570 – Implementing rules and Regulations


Nature and Scope of Practice.
• The practice of Aeronautical Engineering
shall be in accordance with the definitions
in Section 27 of PD 1570 and Article I of
these Rules and Regulations and the Code
of Professional Ethics.
Services of Aeronautical Engineers.
• All firms, corporations, offices, education, institution and
agencies, whether government or private, whose activities in
part or in full involve the operation of one (1) or more
aircraft or the practice of aeronautical engineering shall
employ the services of aeronautical engineers. Planning,
design, operation, management or maintenance of airports
and their related facilities, except those activities that
belong to other professions regulated by the Commission,
shall require professional aeronautical engineering services.
Department/division/unit heads and deputy/assistant heads
of organizations who are directly involved in the decision-
making or in the implementation of aeronautical engineering
matters shall be registered aeronautical engineers.
Organizations referred to in the foregoing statement shall
include government civilian agencies, government
owned/controlled corporations, educational institutions, and
private firms engage in activities fully or partly involving the
practice of aeronautical engineering.
ARTICLE V Miscellaneous Provisions
• Section 1. Records of the Board. All records of the Board to
include resolutions, minutes of meetings and deliberations,
records or administrative proceedings and investigations,
examination papers, and other official documents shall be
kept as part of the records of the Commission.
• Section 2. Annual Report. Within sixty (60) days following
the end of each calendar year, the Board shall submit to the
Commission on Annual Report on its activities including
appropriate recommendations.
• Section 3. Roster of Aeronautical Engineers. There shall be a
roster of aeronautical engineers showing their names,
addresses, and places of practice. To keep the roster
updated, every registered aeronautical engineer will report
to the Board any change in address and place of practice,
and the name(s) of person(s) authorized by him to receive
notices, communications, and other papers from the
commission or the Board.
• Section 4. Amendment. Any section of these
Rules and Regulations may be amended by the
Board, subject to the approval of the Commission,
as the need for such amendment arises.
• Section 5. Effectivity. These Rules and
Regulations including the Code of Professional
Ethics, when approved by the Commission, shall
take shall take effect fifteen (15) days following
the date of their publication in the Official
• Adopted by the Board of Aeronautical Engineering
at the Metropolitan Manila, Philippines, this 23rd
day of September, 1982.
• Recaredo R. Albano
• Acting Chairman
• Timoteo A. Cordova, Jr.
• Acting Member
• Teofilo P. Alberto
• Acting Member
• Approved and promulgated as the Rules
and Regulations of the Board of
Aeronautical Engineering this 12th day of
October, 1982

• Eric C. Nubla
• Commissioner
• Numeriano G. Tanopo, Jr.
• Associate Commissioner
• Domiciano C. Natividad
• Associate Commissioner

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