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Another / Other / One

Another + singular noun ใช้ เป็ น adj. ขยายนามเอกพจน์

รู ปพหูพจน์ของ another คือ

Some / any + others หรื อ some / any + more (some และ any ใช้ ตามกฎ)

 I don’t like this pen, please give me another one.

 I don’t like these pens, please give me some others.
 I don’t like this pen. Have you got another one?
 I don’t like these pens. Have you got any others?

ความหมายของ another
1. another = one more  I don’t like this dress. Can you lend me another / another
one / another dress?
2. another = a similar one  That writer thinks he’s another Shakespeare.
3. another = a different one  That plan didn’t work, we’ll try another method.

Complete each blank with ‘one’ or ‘ones’ .

1. This book is duller than the …………………. I read last week.

2. This first bus is full, so take care the second ………………….
3. Big houses need servants and good …………………. Are hard to find.
4. His son likes mathematics except when the problems are hard ………………….
5. Although the fish he caught were rather small …………………. The …………………. That got away was a
very large ………………….

Use ‘another’ and the word in brackets to make a new sentence and join two sentences to one with ‘and’.

1. There’s a double bed in the corner. (by the new window)

2. There’s a party at the hall. (in my house)
3. There’s a girl sitting in the bar. (in the lounge)
4. There’ll be a meeting tomorrow. (next month)
5. There’s been an accident in front of the station.( at a cross-road )
6. There’s a YV set in my bedroom. (in the reading room)
7. There was a mistake at the top of the page. (at the bottom)
8. There’s a group of people outside the cinema. (outside the theatre)
9. There’s a very good film on this week. (next week)
10. There’s a train at 8 a.m. (11 a.m.)

Other, others
Others = other + plural noun = คนอืน่ อันอืน่ สิ่ งอืน่ ทีไ่ ม่ชีเ้ ฉพาะ ใช้พดู ถึงส่วนทีเ่ หลือจากการพูดครั้งแรกของสิ่ งของประเภทเดียวกัน

 Some students are playing, others / other students are studying.

จะใช้ คกู่ บั some + plural noun

Complete these sentences.

1. Some cars are fast, others are slow.

2. Some exercises are easy, …………………………. (difficult)
3. Some drinks are sweet, ………………………….(bitter)
4. Some students are bright, ………………………….(dull)
5. Some things are cheap, ………………………….(expensive)

The other, the others

The other = อีก 1 สิ่ ง ในจำนวน 2 สิ่ ง

 Mary held pen in one hand and a ruler in the other.
Rewrite these sentences.

1. Bellman has two hobbies. (collecting stamp and gardening)

One is collecting stamp, and the other is gardening.
2. I know two politicians. ( Nixon and Castro)
3. My father has two cars. (Alfa Romero and Mazda)
4. My friend has been to two countries.
5. Johnson plays two sports.
6. Miriam has read two books.
7. Helena met two old friends.
8. I had two drinks at the party.(whisky and brandy)
9. I’ll order two dishes. (steak and fried rice)
10. She reaches two classes. (M.1 and M.3)

The others = ทีเ่ หลืออีก หลายๆอัน ใช้คู่กบั some of the + plural noun
 Some of the girls reached school by 4 o’clock, but the others didn’t.

Rewrite these sentences.

1. Some of the books were interesting. The others were boring.

2. Some of the people were patient. ……………………………… (impatient)
3. Some of the guests are grateful. ……………………………… (un grateful)
4. Some of the rooms are convenient. ……………………………… (inconvenient)
5. Some of the speakers are pleasant. ……………………………… (unpleasant)

The other + plural noun

 There are ten keys, five are mine, the other keys are not.
 My other cousins live in France.

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