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Hi, my name is Eric Won and the space I’ll be talking about is my sister’s room.

As soon as you

walk in you’re going to see a twin sized bed with a big window and desk right by it. The desk is

an L shape that curves tangent to the corners of the right corner in her room. On the desk is

just a huge load of papers, books, school work, test prep books, and her laptop. The bed is

pointed away from the window so the sunlight that shines from outside doesn’t shine on her

eyes in the early morning part of the day. The desk is faced towards the walls. So, my sister is

addicted to her phone and my dad knows about it so he comes and checks in on her to remind

her to stop going on her phone too much. Because of this, she faces the wall opposite to the

door of her room so her body can hide the phone from the view of the person at the door. At

the end of the desk, she has this big mirror with drawers that’s filled with all her clothes. All her

makeup stuff is at the top of the drawers in front of the mirror. She attached a mirror to her

door so she can keep her fits in check. You know how it is. The room is always a bit cold, so

there’s a heater in there to keep it warm. The smell of the room is her perfume or whatever, so

everyone who walks in there for like a minute would leave the room smelling like her. We got

LED light bulbs, not the color changing one but the bright white ones, so it is always bright in

there. There is a ceiling fan in there but it’s just never used. This is pretty much my room. I

literally go here every day and just chill in there for most of the night or day. I always take her

bed as she sits by her desk doing schoolwork. I’m usually done with schoolwork when I’m in

there so I always just sit there on my phone and watch movies, text or call people, or play

games. It sounds like I don’t do anything in there but I actually do. So, what I do is I’m basically

a tutor to my sister. I help her with any math she needs help on. Math is her weak subject and

for me I’d say math is my strong subject, so I always lay on her bed on my phone till I’m called
for help. Because I’m just always there my sister and I have this unofficially said rule where I

have some control in her room. I feel like I got some sort of exclusive VIP pass in her room

because she doesn’t like it too much when other people are in there too long. It’s a pretty

private space with an exception of my presence which I guess is something I should be proud

about? The whole room is colored pink though. The pink makes it so everything in the room has

a slight hint of pink. For example, I sometime mistaken a notebook paper as if it is a light shade

of pink colored one. Well that’s pretty much what my space is. Thanks!

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