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Jesreel M.

Alegria Human Resource Management

BSE III-B Assessment Task 4

1. Of the parts of HR planning, which do you think is most difficult, and why? Which

would you enjoy the most, and why?

Recruiting and selecting the employees is the most difficult and enjoyable at the

same time. It is challenging hiring the right employees at the right positions. This is

because job applicants aren’t always truthful. In job applications, cover letters, resumes,

and interviews, applicants have plenty of opportunities to present themselves as they

want to be seen by potential employers. The problem is that who candidates are and

who they present themselves to be aren’t always the same.

As an HR manger, you will also struggle to find good hires because so many job

searchers lack certain basic skills, job experience and related education. But Skills,

experience, and education aren’t everything. Degrees from respected colleges, high

GPAs, impressive work experience, strong technical skills are the kinds that attract

employer attention. The problem is that an applicant can have all these ingredients and

still fall short as a hire. There’s an X-factor to a good employee that is tough to screen in

an interview. This will give you a hard time if you are an HR manager but it will be

satisfactory if you successfully find the best fit for the job. Because effective recruitment

will help your company achieves faster levels of growth. Your efficient recruitment and

selection of best employees will deliver higher-quality of works providing a competitive

advantage that directly impacts on the business performance.

2. Why is it important to plan your staffing before you start to hire people?

Your company can gain powerful competitive advantages if you plan your

staffing first. Using staffing plan in your hiring decisions and eventually employee

development can steadily increase employee productivity and efficiency by boosting their

competence. Seeking out innovative and creative employees, and giving them the tools

and training to grow can impact greatly to your organization. Staffing plans also ensure

that your company fully complies with laws on employee relations. Developing a plan to

hire a workforce in compliance with the law can save large amounts of hassle and

money from potential litigation.

3. What is the significance of training? Why do we need it in organizations?

Training is important for organizational development and success. It is fruitful to

both employers and employees of an organization. Training programs can have a huge

impact on a company. Like every other function in the company, it is focused on

producing tangible results for the business. An employee will become more efficient and

productive if he is trained well.

Every individual has some weaknesses and training will help them to strengthen

it. If weaknesses are addressed, it is obvious that an employee's performance improves.

Training will also amplify the current strength of an employee resulting to gaining new

skill sets. A company that invests in training and development tends to have satisfied

employees. However, the exercise has to be relevant to the employees and one from

which they can learn and take back something. An employee that attended the right

trainings needs lesser supervision and guidance. Training develops necessary skill sets

in employees and enables them to address task independently. This allows supervisors

and management to focus on more pressing areas.

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