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Uvodna (Einführung):

1. – European Association for Gestalt Therapy

2. Berger J. (1980). Geštalt terapija. U J. Berger (ur.), Treći roditelj, Novi pravci grupne
psihoterapije (pp. 113-135). Beograd: Nolit.
3. Bucay, J. (2007): Ispričat ću ti priču. Fraktura, Zagreb.
4. Rainwather, J.(1986): Budite sebi psihoterapeut: Nolit, Beograd.
5. Polster, E. (1994): Život svakog čovjeka je vrijedan romana: Esotheria, Beograd.
Za prvu godinu (für das erste Ausbildungsjahr)
1. Barlow A.R. (1981). Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt Psychology, Gestalt-Antecedent  Influence
or Historical Accident. The   Gestalt Journal, 4 (2),
2. Brooks C.V.W. (1986). Sensory Awareness, The Rediscovery of Experiencing Through
Workshops With Charlotte Selver. NY: Felix Morrow.
3. Buber M. (1990). Ti i ja. Beograd: Biblioteka Pana Dušickog.
4. Butollo W. (2003). Geštalt terapija. U M. Biro i W. Butollo (ur.),Klinička  psihologija (pp.
286-295). Novi Sad: Katedra za Kliničku psihologiju, LMU i Futura , Novi Sad.
5. Ferenczi S. i Rank O. (1986). Development of Psychoanalysis. International  Universities
Press Inc.
6. Feder B. (2005). Gestalt Group Therapy: An Interactive Approach. Gestalt, 9 (2)
7. Friedlaender S. (1918). Schopferische Indifferenz. Munchen: Georg Muller.
8. Ginger S. i Ginger A. (2000). Gestalt Therapy Groups: Why? Gestalt, 4 (1),
9. Heidegger M. (1985). Bitak i vrijeme. Zagreb: Naprijed.
10.Hartmann-Kottek, L. (2007). Gestalttherapie: Springer, Berlin.
11.Holdrege C. (1999). Seeing Things Right-side Up: The Implications of Kurt Goldstein¨s
Holism, online article,
12.Kostić N. (1980). Kako se neuroza shvaća u geštalt terapiji. U M. Ignjatović (ur.), Novi
pravci grupne psihoterapije (pp. 59-63). Beograd: Avalske sveske.
13.Kostić N. (1990). Geštalt terapija. U J. Berger i sur. (ur.), Klinička psihologija (pp.  614-
627). Beograd: Naučna knjiga.
14.Miller,A.(1995.). Drama djetinjstva. Zagreb: Educa.
15.Perls F. (1981). Geštaltistički pristup psihoterapiji. Beograd: Nolit.
16.Simkin J.S. (1974). Gestalt Therapy Mini-lectures. California: Celestial Arts, Millbrae.
17.Smuts J.C. (1926). Holism and Evolution. Highland, NY: Gestalt Journal Press.
18.Stevens J.O. (1997). Moć svesnosti. Beograd: Esotheria.
19.Yontef G.M. (1979). Gestalt Therapy: Clinical Phenomenology. The Gestal Journal, 11 (1),
Za drugu godinu (für das zweite Ausbildungsjahr):
1. Crocker S.F. (2000). “I-Thou” and Its Role in Gestalt Therapy. Gestalt, 4 (2),
2. Chopic E.J. i Paul M. (2005). Izliječite svoju samoću, naučite ljubav i cjelovitost  kroz svoje
unutarnje dijete. Zagreb: Mozaik Knjiga.
3. Clarksion P. (1999). Gestalt Counselling in Action. London: SAGE Publications.
4. Crocker S., Brownel P., Stemberger G., Gunther S., Just B., Sen A. i Wolfert R.  (2001).
Field and Boundary. Gestalt, 5 (2)
5. Daniels V. (2000). Fritz Perls and Gestalt Therapy.
6. Daniels V. (2004). The Working Corner: Dimensions of Dialogue. Gestalt, 8 (1)
7. Enright J.B. (1970). An Introduction to Gestalt Tehniques. U J. Fagan i I. Shepherd (ur.),
Gestalt Therapy Now (pp. 107-124). NY: Science and Behaviour Books.
8. Fagan J. i Shepherd I.L. (1970). Gestalt Therapy Now, Theory Techniques  Applications.
NY: Science and Behaviour Books.
9. Fagan J. (1970). The Tasks of the Therapist. U J. Fagan i I. Shepherd (ur.), Gestalt  Therapy
Now (pp. 88-106). NY: Science and Behaviour Books.
10.Greenwald J.A. (1976a).The Ground Rules in Gestalt Therapy. U C. Hatcher i P.  Himelstein
(ur.), The Handbook of Gestalt Therapy (267-280). NY: Jason  Aronson Inc.
11.Gregory S. (2001). Elsa Gindler: Lost Gestalt Ancestor. British Gestalt Journal, 10 (2),
12.Hatcher C. i Himelstein P. (1976). The Handbook of Gestalt Therapy. NY: Jason  Aronson
13.Harris J.B. (1996). The Gestalt Contact Cycle. Manchester Gestalt Centre,
14.Jacobs L. (1989). Dialogue in Gestalt Theory and Therapy. The Gestalt Journal,  12 (1), 1-
15.Levitsky A. i Perls F. (1970). The Rules and Games of Gestalt Therapy. U J.  Fagan i I.
Shepherd (ur.), Gestalt Therapy Now (pp. 140-149). NY: Science and Behaviour Books.
16.Prels F., Hefferline R. and Goodman P. (1951). Gestalt Therapy: Excitement  and Growth in
the Human Personality. NY: Julian Press.
17.Polster E. i Polster M. (1973). Gestalt Therapy Integrated, Contours of Theory and Practice.
NY: Brunner/Mazel.
18.Philippson P. (1996). Dialogue and Experiment. Manchester Gestalt Centre,
19.Riemann, F.(2005): Temeljni oblici straha: Naklada Slap, Jastrebarsko.
20.Yontef G. (2005). The Relational Attitude in Gestalt Therapy Theory and Practice. Gestalt, 9
21.Zinker J. (1977). Creative Process in Gestalt Therapy. NY: Brunner/Mazel.
Za treću godinu (für das dritte Ausbildungsjahr):
1. Beisser A.R. (1970). The Paradoxal Theory of Change. U J. Fagan i I. Shepherd (ur.), Gestalt
Therapy Now (pp. 77-80). NY: Science and Behaviour Books.
2. Daniels V. (2002). Claudio Naranjo on Categories of Intervention. Gestalt, 6 (3)
3. Harris J.B. (2001). Working with Anger. Manchester Gestalt Centre,
4. Johnson S.M. (1994). Character Styles. NY: Norton.
5. Joyce P. i Sills C. (2001). Gestalt Counselling and Psychotherapy. London: SAGE.
6. Kempler W. (1994). Načela obiteljske gestalt terapije. Zagreb:Alinea.
7. Kepner, J. (1987). Body Process: A Gestalt Approach to Working with the Body
psychotherapy. Gardner Press, N:Y:
8. Juul J. (2002). Razgovori s obiteljima: perspektive i procesi. Zagreb: Alinea.
9. Oaklander V. (1982). The Relationship of Gestalt Therapy to Children.The  Gestalt Journal,
1, 64-74.
10.Oaklander V. (1987). Prozori u svet naše dece, gestalt terapeutski pristup deci i
adolescentima. Beograd: Nolit.
11.Oaklender V. (1997). The Terapeutic Process with Children and Adolescents.  Gestalt
Review, 1, 292-317.
12.Perls F. (1947). Ego, hunger and aggression. NY: Vintage Books.
13.Perls F. (1969). Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. Utah: Bantam Books.
14.Racker H. (2001). Transference and Counter-Transference. International Universities Press.
15.Wheeler G. (1998). A Gestalt developmental model. British Gestalt Journal, 7 (2), 115-125.
16.Whitfield C.L. (1997). Tješiti dijete u nama, otkriti svoje pravo ja. Zagreb: VBZ
17.Yontef G.M. (1993). Awareness, Dialogue and Process: Essays on Gestalt Therapy. NY: The
Gestalt Journal Press.
Za četvrtu godinu (für das vierte Ausbildungsjahr):
1. Američka psihijatrijska udruga (1996). Dijagnostički i statistički priručnik za duševne
poremećaje – četvrto izdanje (DSM-IV). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.
2. Bowman C. i Brownwll P. (2000). Prelude to Contemporary Gestalt Therapy.  Gestalt, 4 (3)
3. Brentano F. (1924-28). Psychologie vom Empirischen Standpunkt, 3 vol.  Leipzig:  Meiner
4. Butollo, W., Krüsmann, M. & Hagl, M. (2000). Život nakon traume. O psihoterapijskom
postupanju sa uzasom. Zenica, BiH: Dom Stampe.
5. Conte V. (1999). Work with a Seriously Disturbed Patient in Gestalt Therapy: The Evolution
of a Terapeutic Relationship. Gestalt, 3 (2),
6. Cohen A. i Daniels V. (2001). Review of Literature: Responses to „Empirical and
Hermenautic Approaches to Phenomenological Research in Psychology, A  Comparison“.
Gestalt, 5 (2)
7. Delisle G. (1999). Personality Disorders: A Gestalt Therapy Perspective.
Cleveland: Gestalt Institute of Cleveland Press.
8. Greenberg E. (2002). Love, Admiration or Safety: A System of Gestalt Diagnosis of
Borderline, Narcissistic and Shizoid Adaptations that Focuses on What Is Figure for the
Client. Gestalt, 6 (3)
9. Horney K. (1945). Our Inner Conflicts. NY: Norton.
10.Horney K. (1950). Neurosis and Human Growth. NY: Norton.
11.Keleman, S. (2004). Emocionalna anatomija: Erudita, Zagreb
12.Lowen A. (1988). Bioenergetika. Beograd: Nolit.
13.Naranjo C. (1976). Expressive Techniques. U C. Hatcher i P. Himelstein (ur.),  The
Handbook of Gestalt Therapy (281-305). NY: Jason Aronson Inc.
14.Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (1999). Klasifikacija mentalnih poremećaja i poremećaja
ponašanja: Klinički opisi i dijagnostičke smjernice – Deseta revizija (MKB-10). Zagreb:
Medicinska naklada.
15.Shepherd I.L. (1970). Limitations and Cautions in the Gestalt Approach. U J. Fagan i I.
Shepherd (ur.), Gestalt Therapy Now (pp. 234-328). NY: Science and Behavior Books.
16.Reich W. (1945). Character Analysis: Principles and Tehniques for  Psychoanalysis in
Practice and Training. NY: Simon and Schuster.
17.Rhyne J. (1970). The Gestalt Art Experience. U J. Fagan i I. Shepherd (ur.),  Gestalt Therapy
Now (pp. 274-384). NY: Science and Behavior Books.
18.Rhyne J. (1976). The Gestalt Approach to Experience, Art and Art Therapy. U   C. Hatcher i
P. Himelstein (ur.), The Handbook of Gestalt Therapy (477-492). NY: Jason Aronson Inc.
19.Yalom, I. (1980). Existential Psychotherapy. Basic Books, N:Y.
Dodatna preporučena literatura
•  Frank M. Staemmler: Aggression, Time and Understanding –  Contributions to the
Evolution of gestalt therapy; Gestalt press 2009.
• Jean Marie Robine: Self- a polyphony og Contemporary gestalt therapist; Lexprimerie –
2016, France.
• Bud Feder and Ruth Ronall: Beyond the hot seat – gestalt approaches to group; The gestalt
journal press, 1980, 1994.
• Miriam Taylor: Trauma Therapy and clinical practice, neuroscience, gestalt and body; Open
university press, 2014.
• Dave Mann: Gestalt therapy- 100 key points and techniques ; Routledge, 2011
•  Phil Joyce amd Charlote Sills: Skills in gestalt Counselling and Psychotherapy; Series
editor Francesca Inskipp, SAGE publications 2010;
• Lynne Jacobs and Rich Hycner: Relational approaches in gestalt therapy; Gestalt press,
Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2008.
• James I Kepner: Body process- a gestalt approach to working with the body in
psychotherapy; Gestalt press, 1999.
• Robert G. Lee , Gordon Wheeler: The voice of shame – silence and connection in
psychotherapy; Gestalt press publication 2006, 2008.
• Serge Ginger: Gestalt therapy – the art of contact; Karnac 2007;
• Ansel L. Woldt, Sarah M. Toman; Gestalt therapy- history, theory and practice; SAGE
publications 2005.;
• Deborah Ullman and Gordon Wheeler: Co creatingthe field: Intention and practice in the age
of Complexity, The evolution of Gestalt Series Volume 1; Gestalt press 2009.;
• Gianni Francesetti, Michele Gecele and Jan Roubal: Gestalt therapy in clinical practice-
from psychopathology to the aestetheics of contact; Instituto di gestalt Italy, Gestalt therapy
book series, 2013.;
• Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Nancy Amendt-Lyon (auth.), Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb,
Nancy Amendt-Lyon (eds.)-Creative License_ The Art of Gestalt Therapy-Springer-Verlag
Wien (2003)
• James I Kepner: Healing Tasks Psychotherapy with Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse;
GestaltPress 1996;
•  George Wollants: Therapy of the Situation, SAGE Publications Ltd; 1 edition,2012.
• Gary Yontef :Awareness Dialogue & Process: Essays on Gestalt Therapy.  Highland, NY,
The Gestalt Journal Press 1993.
• Philip Brownel: Gestalt Therapy – A Guide to Contemporary Practice; 2010 Springer
Publishing Company;
• Robert G. Lee, Neil Harris : Relational Child, Relational Brain: Development and Therapy
in Childhood and Adolescence (Evolution of Gestalt), Gestalt Press; 2011.
• Rainette Eden Fantz : THE DREAMER AND THE DREAM – Essays and Reflections on
Gestalt Therapy; First published 1998 by GICPress; Published 2013 by Routledge.
• Talia Bar- Yoseph Levine: Gestalt therapy : advances in theory and practice ; First published
2012 by Routledge;
• Daniel Hill: Affect regulation theory – a clinical model; Norton, 2015.
• Američka psihijatrijska udruga: DSM – 5 – DIJAGNOSTIČKI I STATISTIČKI
•  M.Spagnuolo Lobb & Gianni Francesetti – Absence is the bridge between us – Gestalt
therapy perspective on depressive Experiences –  Instituto di Gestalt HCC Italysrl, Siracusa
Italy, 2015.
• Giles Delisle: Personality pathology- developmental Perspectives, KARNAC, 2011.
• Gilles Delisle:Object Relations in Gestalt Therapy, KARNAC 2013.
• Lawrence Jospehs: Carachter and self experience, Aronson, 1995.
•  Linda Hartley; Contemporary body Psychotherapy- the chiron approach, Routledge, 2009.
• Stephen M. Johnson: Carachter Styles, W. W. Norton & Company; 1994.
• Stephen M. Johnson: Humanizing the Narcissistic Style, W. W. Norton & Company,1987.
• Daniel Shaw : Traumatic Narcissism – relational systems of subjugation, Routlege, 2014.
• Elinor Greenberg, Ph.D.: Borderline, Narcissistic, and schizoid adaptations, the pursuit of
Love, Admiration and Safety, greenbroke press, 2016.;
• John E Waterston: Someones done something wrong-revenge, Hatered and Humility, 2017.;
• Patricia A. DeYoung: Understanding and treathing chronic shame- a
relational/Neurobiological Approach, routlege, 2015.;
• Raul Wachtel; Relational theory and practice of psychotherapy, The guilford press, 2008.;
• Talia Levine Bar-Yoseph: The Bridge- Dialoges across Cultures, third printing, 2016.;
• Gordon Wheeler and Lena Axelsson: Gestalt therapy, Theories of Psychotherapy Series,
• Peter H. Cole and Daisy Reese: New Directions in Gestalt Group Therapy-Relational
Ground, Authentic Self, Routledge, 2018.;
• Kenneth J. Gergen: Relational Being – beyond self and community, Oxford, 2009.;
• Gordon Wheeler: Beyond Individualism: Toward a New Understanding of Self,
Relationship, and Experience Gestalt press,2000.
• •   Ty Francis PhD and Malcolm Parlett PhD: CONTACT AND CONTEXT: New Directions
in Gestalt Coaching; First published 2016 by GestaltPress.
• •   Paul Barber: Facilitating change in groups and teams- a gestalt approach to mindfulness,
Libri publishing, 2012.
• •   Edwin C. Nevis; Organisational Consulting- a gestalt approach,A gestalt press 1987.
• •   Werner Gill Sabine Engelmann: Coaching peerspectiven, IGW Publicationen in der EHP,
• Gary Yontef, Ph.D., ABPP and Friedemann Schulz, M.A., MFT:Dialogic Relationship and
Creative Techniques:Are They on the Same Team?; Pacific Gestalt Institute; January, 2013
• Gary Yontef : The Relational Attitude in Gestalt Therapy Theory and Practice,  International
Gestalt Journal 2002, 25/1, 15-34
• Lynne Jacobs: Dialogue in Gestalt Theory and Therapy, 1989 (first published in: The Gestalt
Journal. v12,1, 1989).
•  Lynne  Jacobs Ph.D: Insights from Psychoanalytic Self Psychology  and
Gestalt Journal, v. 15, no. 2, Fall 1992.
• Donna M.Orange: Trauma, Dissociation, and the Loss of Complexity
• Lynne Jacobs: Critiquing Projection: Supporting Dialogue in a Post Cartesian
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practice. Routledge.
• Lynne Jacobs: That Which Enables:  Support as Complex and Contextually Emergent:
• Jacobs, L. (1996). Shame in the therapeutic dialogue The Voice of Shame: Silence and
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• Melnick, J. (2003). Countertransference and the Gestalt Approach. BGJ, 12(1), 40-48.
• Philippson, P. (2002). A Gestalt approach to transference. BGJ, 11(1).
• Staemmler, F.-M. (2011). The Now is not what it used to be . . . The meaning of time in
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• Leonne O ’ Shea: Sexuality: Old Struggles and New Challenges; Gestalt Review, 4(1):8–25,
• Linda Finlay and Ken Evans; Theoretical influences underpinning Relational Research;
• Friedemann Schulz: Relational Gestalt Therapy: Theoretical foundations and dialogical
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•  Gary Yontef: PSYCHOTHERAPY OF SCHIZOID PROCESS” ;Transactional Analysis
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• Frank-M. Staemmler: Dialogue and Interpretation in Gestalt Therapy: Making Sense
Together; www.
• Lynne Jacobs: Hopes, fears and meaning in enduring relational themes; Lynne Jacobs, 2016
• Lynne Jacobs, Ph.D. : The Therapist as ‘Other’- The Patient’s Search for
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• Lynne Jacobs, Ph. D: It’s Not Easy to Be a Field Theorist; Commentary on “Cartesian and
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• Friedemann Schulz, M.A., MFT;: Roots and Shoots of Gestalt Therapy Field  theory:
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•   Brigitte Biehl-Missal and Herbert Fitzek: Hidden Heritage: A Gestalt Theoretical Approach to the
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•   Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge :  The Self as an Instrument  A Cornerstone for the Future of OD; First
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•   Edvin C. NEVIS, Ph.D.; Gestalt Therapy and Organization Development A Historical
Perspective, 1930-1996; Gestalt Reoim, 1(2):11&130,1997

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