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Eric Won

MP2 (week 5 entry)

English 182 K

I felt a bit overwhelmed this week. Midterms, projects, and the election this week was
very burdening. I had to start projects but couldn’t start them because I needed to prepare and
study for midterms. However, with elections, I was busy worrying about what was going to
happen. The timing of this week wasn’t the most ideal. I had to worry about midterms and
projects, but also had to keep an eye for this “civil war” rumor that kept going around. I knew it
wasn’t going to happen, but if I’m remembering correctly, Seattle was towards Biden for the
election and during the early part of the vote counting, trump had the lead. So, I was a bit
worried that though there may be no “civil war” there will be some sort of riot or chaos of
unleashed anger. I live on campus, and I literally have locked myself in, which I should because
with Covid-19 and social distancing. I didn’t even leave for grocery shopping or food. I just ate
what I had in the fridge and had many cup-noodles this week. Honestly, I would have gone out,
but my parents were so worried, and to give them reassurance, I went with the “better safe
than sorry” route. My midterm went okay. I definitely could have done better, but again I think
it was just because of so much that was going on in my head. Like, I kept blanking out during
the midterm. Biden has won the election which I believe means Seattle won’t go chaotic. The
weekend is near, and I think this weekend will consist of much stress and work to catch up on. I
think right now, I just need to hear the words of reassurance. Just a bit ago, I was talking with a
friend late at night, and I don’t remember how we got to the conversation, but she told me that
I was one of two people she genuinely believed could follow through and achieve this certain
career that I wanted to get. Usually, my friends and parents say this a lot. Though this is great,
the meaning of it is lost little by little to me. The friend I was talking to is very blunt and
observant, so hearing her say that about what she thinks of how I will do was very surprisingly
meaningful for me. I think it also got to me more because the other person she mentioned was
someone I knew that is insanely bright and is studying at an Ivy school. I think just some words
of encouragement can really help someone out like how it did for me.

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