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Delacroix, ExcMiddle and Sharei Faedrawolf, along with others who gave advice or critique
along the way.

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Cover Page:
“Hannibal Lecter”: Image by Helga Sable from ArtStation. Copyright-Free

Page 3:
“Mountain valley” from Pxfuel. Copyright-Free

Page 4:
“Prague”: Image by Felix Wolf from Pixabay. Copyright-Free.
“Montreal at Night” Photo by Michael Schaffler on Unsplash. Copyright-Free.
Tzimisce Clan Logo: Image obtained from the VtM Wiki (Tzimisce)

Page 6:
Dracula: Image from V20 Lore of the Clans, obtained from the VtM Wiki (Dracula)

Page 7:
Sabbat Logo: Image obtained from the VtM Wiki (Sabbat)
Anarch Logo: Image obtained from the VtM Wiki (Anarchs)
Camarilla Logo: Image obtained from the VtM Wiki (Camarilla)

Page 8:
Man with scroll and heart: Photo by Laura Dewilde on Unsplash. Copyright-Free.

Page 9:
Castle at Night: Image by Elias Sch. from Pixabay. Copyright-Free.

Page 14:
Moth: Image by Josch13 from Pixabay. Copyright-Free

Page 16:
“Lamia Drasküll”: Image by Dana Marki from Pinterest. Copyright-Free

Page 19:
Swarm: (Art by J.K. Drummond) Art from the special edition of Deadhouse Gates by Steven
Erikson. a D’ivers

Tzimisce................................... 4
Who are the Tzimisce? ....................... 6
Tzimisce Allegiances ......................... 6
Tzimisce Archetypes .......................... 7
Disciplines .......................................... 9
Bane ...................................................... 9
Clan Compulsion ............................. 11
New Powers ...................................... 11
Protean............................................ 11
Level 1 .............................................. 11
Malleable Visage.......................... 11
Sadistic Surgery ........................... 12
Level 2 .............................................. 12
Feral Weapons ............................. 12
Level 3 .............................................. 12
Fleshcraft ...................................... 12
Level 5 .............................................. 13
War Form ..................................... 13
War Form Traits List ............... 13
Animalism ..................................... 14
Level 2 .............................................. 14
Primal Beasts ................................ 14
Level 4 .............................................. 14
Natural Network ......................... 14
Auspex ............................................ 15
Level 3 .............................................. 15
Animal Courier ............................ 15

APPENDIX I ......................... 16
APPENDIX II ........................ 18
APPENDIX III....................... 20
Martin Obertus had seen it all, from vampires being impaled and burned, to a Nosferatu’s twisted
biology, to women of his Master’s Clan fused together – willingly. Despite all of this, he couldn’t help
but marvel at his reflection, where his beard had grown back after the day’s rest.
‘’ Terrible, isn’t it?’’ his Sire’s voice interjected from the doorway. ‘’Reversion. Staticity. An often
overlooked part of our curse, wouldn’t you think?’’ She walked towards him.
‘’Inconvenient maybe, but I-‘’
She cupped his face delicately in one hand, while rubbing her fingers over his chin with the other,
similar to a mother scrubbing dirt off a child’s face. ‘’Don’t worry, I’ve got it’’ she softly said. ‘’Our
blood has found ways around that inconvenience. Lucky you.’’
Those few final words brought the question back to the fore of his mind, something that Camilla saw
in his eyes, judging by her cocked eyebrow. ‘’Why lucky me though?’’ he muttered. When offered, he
had accepted the Embrace right away. He’d been afraid to question, afraid to ask. What if vocalizing
it made them reconsider? What if it made them regret? Instead, Camilla didn’t react, and merely
continued scrubbing away his facial hair in a more permanent solution.

‘’Well, why do you think?’’ she retorted.

‘’Well the Obertus family has bee- Ouch!’’ he recoiled briefly, but Camilla grabbed his chin again.

‘’Sorry, just evening out your jawline’’ she explained. Martin wasn`t convinced. ‘’We are not the
Giovanni. We don’t choose based on blood. No, what I saw in you was something else. Why did you
study chemistry in college?’’

‘’I wanted to learn how it all worked.’’ He answered, anticipating another jolt of pain that never
‘’You saw models, had questions. That led to change those models, to improve them. You were trying
to augment your knowledge.’’ She elaborated. ‘’Now why did you follow that up with med school?’’
‘’I wanted to help people.’’ He answered again, more confidently this time.
‘’You wanted to improve their lives, help the sick. Very noble, very human. ‘’You know not many
Clans would dare embrace a med student.’’ She confessed. ‘’Most would say that you have untapped
potential. That you should wait until they grow older. Well, we can make you older. We can let you
tap into that potential, even when dead.’’
Worry briefly flashed upon Martin’s eyes, causing Camilla to laugh in that particular way of hers.
‘’Don’t worry.’’ She reassured him. ‘’It’s only an example. We can make you younger too, taller,
stronger, we can improve your form just as you wanted to improve your mind, or the lives of all those
poor patients. One day, you’ll learn to do it yourself.’’
Martin relaxed again as Camilla washed her hands in the sink, her task completed.

‘’Do you still have that watch your father gave you?’’ she asked him.
He nodded in response.
‘’Hold onto it.’’ She instructed. ‘’It’ll ground you. It’s important for our Clan to remember where we
come from. To remember who you were until last night.’’
He knew what she was talking about. He had seen those Fiends, the Tzimisce who had lost most of
their humanity, making them twist their ambitions and bodies into twisted, monstrous forms.
‘’To be Tzimisce is to constantly change.’’ She concluded. ‘’But make sure that you never lose sight of
what is truly better or worse.’’

“Truth has no one shape, no one delved deep into mysticism and cults, pledging
their loyalty to something that can grant them
symbol. All eyes see it differently. All
the changes they seek. Younger Tzimisce have
tongues speak it differently. Nothing even founded tech companies that explode in
– nothing – exists unchanged forever. worth, delved into mechanics and machinery,
Not even we.” or cultivated themselves into public influencers
— The Dracon with an ever-changing, ever-improving Mask.
What it means to be Tzimisce is to embrace
change in a way no other Kindred truly ever
Who are the Tzimisce?
The Old Clan are a noble bloodline of
regal scholars, brutal warlords, pious artists and
heretical researchers, amongst many other Tzimisce Allegiances
forms. The only constant to be found in the
Clan is their ability to change, and their desire
to improve and overcome. To refine
themselves, shape the domains over which they
rule, or to ascend beyond their already undying
forms. The Tzimisce are a clan of Change and
Refinement, cursed- or perhaps blessed- to be
anchored to their former selves, thrown back
to the dirt from which they sought to rise.

The most notorious Tzimisce is

undoubtedly Count Dracula, and he represents
the old stock of the Old Clan to a tee. He is a
powerful voivode who rules over a swath of
land, who dictated the circumstances of his
own embrace, diablerized another to match his
Sire’s Potency, learned the secrets of Blood
Sorcery, and aspires to absorb a demon to
reach further and further heights of power.

Not all Tzimisce have the privilege of

royalty or an old castle to rule from however,
and most have differed on what it even means
to evolve or refine oneself. Some Tzimisce
have honed traditions of hospitality over
millennia, while others have moulded their very
flesh into a better tool or weapon. Some have
created living art, while others have mingled in
the gene pool of Revenant Families, trying to
create the perfect mortal line. Others have

Traditionally, the Voivodes of Clan The Ascendant
Tzimisce had been largely independent, and This Dragon seeks to build themselves
that holds true even in modern nights. After up and refine themselves to a new state of
the first Anarch Revolt however, members evolution. They gather ancient tomes of
of Clan Tzimisce were amongst the knowledge which they hoard like a dragon, and
founders of the Sabbat, and a large use it along with their own fleshcrafting
portion of the Clan remains heavily abilities to turn themselves into something
involved in that Sect. better than human, better than Kindred even.
Their haven is equipped with the best medical
Some members of the Old Clan have facilities and occult libraries in the entire
instead sought refuge amongst the Anarch country. Anyone trespassing on their turf is in
movement due in large part to the leeway the for quite the monstrous surprise.
Sect allows its members, and the lack of an
overarching command structure The Charity Worker
allows them to rule their domains This Tzimisce runs a soup kitchen for
without any interference. Some the homeless in a large city, and uses it to build
Anarchs remain wary of the up and improve the lives of the downtrodden.
Tzimisce, who are often known for They will not tolerate any Kindred feeding on
their hardline authoritative stances, but their herd, or any gang members selling them
there have been at least a few notable drugs or other contraband. These are her flock
Tzimisce Barons out there. and hers’ alone, and she will not let them get
into trouble.
A select few Tzimisce have joined the
Camarilla, although this is mostly an oddity The Misguided Doctor
given the Clan’s usual prominence amongst the This Fiend knows what it feels like to
Sabbat. These rare Tzimisce enjoy the stability hold somebody's guts in their hands, coated up
and structure of the Ivory Tower, and see a to the elbows in blood and shit as they
flawed yet beneficial system which can be fixed desperately attempt to sew the intestines back
and refined into something better. At least together. At some point, they simply stopped
one Tzimisce Prince is known to exist. She caring, desensitized to their pain. Looking into
rules over the domain of Tokyo and the eyes, hearing the horrified screeches as they
belongs to the sect, at least nominally. root around the insides started to sound like
the tinkering of a machine to their ears. Now
they grow more and more distant, seeing them
Tzimisce Archetypes as things to analyse rather than people to help.

The Landlord
This classic take on the Old Clan owns
an apartment building or trailer park, collecting
rent and providing for its inhabitants as best
they can. Their terms are fairly lax, but anyone
breaking them gets evicted. If anyone messes
with their tenants, this Tzimisce will not rest
until the problem is resolved, permanently.

Disciplines At the Storyteller’s Discretion, kindred from:

Animalism: A Tzimisce has multiple uses for • The Braovitch family may swap out
this Discipline. Traditionally, the mastery over Dominate for Potence.
animals allowed the Fiend to keep eyes all over
their domain, detecting intruders and • The Grimaldi may switch out Animalism
animalities. While security cameras may prove to Fortitude.
more reliable, having familiars to defend one’s
territory or demesne remains invaluable. • The Obertus might have Auspex in lieu of
Furthermore, the more mystically inclined Dominate.
Fiends can use Animalism to master their own
Beast, an important step in trying to evolve past • The Zantosa have been known to replace
vampirism and reduce the temptations it brings Animalism with Presence.
Note that the majority of Embraces from these
Dominate: The Old Clan has always been the families do not result in such shifts, and this
masters of their subjects and Dominate has remains an optional rule.
been a useful tool to ensure this. It can prevent
enemies from trespassing or force compliance
from the inhabitants of your domain. In
addition, some Fiends use their gifts to take The Tzimisce need for refinement and
unnatural forms, and this Discipline is useful to ever-changing advancement comes into
make witnesses forget the terrible things conflict with their dependency to feel
they’ve seen. grounded to their roots.

Traditionally, among Elders, this

Protean: The Voivodes have always been
connection was accomplished with the dirt of
focused on improvement and evolution, both
their birthplace or the graveyard in which the
for their demesnes and for themselves. Protean
Kindred underwent their Embrace, however,
allows one to elevate themselves and others to
modern fledglings and neonates have shifted
better physical forms, healing the wounded or
this connection to their Touchstones or other
improving on nature’s designs. Protean allows
the Tzimisce to play god, and what better way objects of importance.
to lord over their domain?
For each night a Tzimisce spends
without interacting in a meaningful way
Shifts in the Blood with one of their Touchstones, apply a
The Tzimisce have been known to penalty equal to Bane Severity to all of the
maintain Revenant Families, who after vampire’s dice pools.
generations of ghouldom and selective
breeding have begun to manifest ghoul-like
properties. Tzimisce Embraced from these [For alternative systems to
Revenant Families occasionally show shifts in human Touchstones, see Appendix I]
their Discipline affinities.

Fellow Bastien,
I’m afraid that you are finding yourself mistaken. While
certainly members of our Clan — like my contact, who is an
exceptional cobbler if I may add — have devoted the better part
of a lifetime in the art of fleshcrafting, if the intention was
inherently lost into the myriads of masks worn, then I believe
that the Fiends title — that the Sabbat have so graciously
assisted in branding us with — would truly represent us as a
whole. Indeed, the same means through which we cling to our
humanity makes also a medium for us to maintain our focus
through the constant waves of change that surround us. We are
the Clan of Shapers after all and every aspect of us, including
the Clan itself, has been refined to represent that.

Though perfection is ultimately unattainable, it exists

so that we may strive towards it. An effect of it, you can find
expressed in our hospitality as it is an aspect that is still,
granted slowly, being refined. What makes us able to determine
that the direction of our path has not been sullied, is via
that soil that Dracula is known to maintain. Although earth
it need not be, these are remnants of our past, mementos that
we diligently dedicate reveries to. Doesn’t that make it stop
sounding that much like a curse and instead more like a
blessing instead? In fact, I would recommend you to try that
as well. Before you depart to meet my contact, find some aspect
of your current self you wish to maintain.

As a final note, you are not the first Rose he had as a client
and the results truly speak for themselves. It is the least I
could do for your assistance in my personal entrance to the
Camarilla courts. Perhaps afterwards you might honor me with
your presence in my domain as Juliette. You may consider this
as an open invitation, of course.

— Your grateful Benedict

Clan Compulsion Level 1
Tzimisce: Refinement
Malleable Visage
The Tzimisce’s blood pushes them to improve
Amalgam: Dominate 1
or transform things, from their own flesh to
Using this power, a vampire can painlessly shape their
their domains and hospitality. Everything can
own appearance by manually shaping their flesh. This
be honed or improved upon.
can be done for cosmetic purposes, or for more tangible
uses, such as a disguise or for imitation.
The Tzimisce must score a critical at a roll
▪ Cost: 1 Rouse Check
in order to improve something, either ▪ Dice Pool: Dexterity + Protean
giving a bonus to an item or action, or ▪ System: The user makes an Dexterity +
improving a dicepool on themselves, Protean test; the Difficulty depends on the
someone or something else. Until they scope of the changes. Changing your eye
successfully improve something, they take and hair color and/or facial features is
a -2 penalty to all actions unrelated to
Difficulty 3, while changing your sex or
making something better than its current voice or imitating a specific individual
state. (after nights of study) is Difficulty 5. Trying
to imitate someone without study would be
New Powers even more difficult. This process takes 5
minutes of molding on a Win, or 1 minute
Protean on a Critical Win. A Bestial Failure
The Vicissitude part of Protean is a disfigures the face of the vampire,
visceral, messy and often shocking act for imposing a penalty or Flaw at the
those who witness it, as well as a painful and Storyteller’s discretion, for the rest of the
disturbing process for those who experience it. night.
Changes to appearance grant a +1 on
The Storyteller may decide to give the appropriate Social pools, +2 on a
Stains, Willpower damage or even Frenzy Critical Win.
checks to some of the participants as a result, Malleable Visage leaves tell-tale marks
usually based on the margin of failure or on the skin, which can be detected with a
success in some way. The Storyteller can Wits + Awareness roll against a Difficulty
require dots in Medicine when using these on equal to the user's Protean rating.
mortals to avoid hurting them badly. ▪ Duration: One night

Sadistic Surgery Level 3
Amalgam: Auspex 1 Fleshcraft
By coating his hands in his own Blood and assessing Amalgam: Dominate 2
the damage with Heightened Senses (See Core p. Requires: Malleable Visage or Sadistic Surgery
249) , the vampire can perform gruesome and painful By touching a willing or restrained target, their skin,
surgery, bending bones back into place and squeezing flesh and bone becomes malleable, allowing the user to
wounds shut with their own gory hands. work them like clay. Tools can be grafted into limbs,
▪ Cost: One or Two Rouse Checks muscle may be shifted around and even nerves can be
▪ Dice Pool: Intelligence + Protean stretched or shrunk. The versatility and practicality of
▪ System: The user does a Rouse Check and this power is limited only by the vampire’s imagination
makes a Intelligence + Protean test at and skill.
Difficulty 3 on a restrained target (even ▪ Cost: 2 Rouse Checks
willing patients will squirm too much ▪ Dice Pool: Resolve + Protean
otherwise). On a successful roll, the ▪ System: Following a Rouse Check, the
surgeon may heal an amount of Superficial vampire touches their victim (usually
(vampires) or Aggravated (mortals & thin- restrained) and rolls Resolve + Protean
bloods) Health Damage up to their Protean against Difficulty 3. On a Win the player
rating. may redistribute and swap the target’s
On a Critical, the user may do a Attributes or grant Modifications. Other
second Rouse check to remove a Crippling effects may be possible at the Storyteller’s
Injury and heal an additional point of discretion, requiring the user to match a
Aggravated Health Damage. Difficulty that they deem appropriate.
A Bestial Failure or Messy Critical
disfigures the target, imposing a penalty or
Flaw at Storyteller’s discretion, for the rest
of the night (or permanent for a Mortal).
Any use of this power counts as
one step towards a Blood bond since the
surgeon’s blood has contact with the
subject’s innards.
▪ Duration: Permanent.

Level 2
Feral Weapons
The vampire can modify its body to produce natural
weapons of monstrous proportions. This usually takes
the form of fingernails extending into wicked talons
but can also come in other forms such as fangs
elongating into veritable daggers, as from a gigantic
serpent. For the Tzimisce this usually takes the form
of bone spurs and similar unnatural weapons.

[For full mechanics, see page 270 of V5


Each Modification counts as +1 user (at least cosmetically). They choose
bonus or penalty to a Skill’s dicepool or to one Physical Attribute at 5, another at 4
Weapons or Armor rules (VtM 5e p. 304) and finally one at 2. In addition, they must
and violates the Masquerade. On a Critical choose two Special Traits that reflect their
Win, it instead counts as a +2 bonus and form’s particular features from the War
remains subtle when not in use. The Form Traits List.
Difficulty is raised by one for every existing ▪ Duration: One scene unless ended
modification or upgrade, becoming voluntarily before that.
increasingly risky the more features are
crammed into one person. Additionally, War Form Traits List
the Storyteller may increase the difficulty if Massive: This form is a hulking mass, up to
the modification requires a study/research. the size of a small car. It gains 3 extra Health
On a Total or Bestial Failure, the boxes and +2 to Close Combat Damage, but
victim loses the Modification and/or Called Shots against it are made at no penalty
receives a penalty on the rolls related to it given the size of the target. It also has problems
at the Storyteller’s discretion. squeezing through doors and smaller spaces,
The user of this power can work on requiring a test at Storyteller’s discretion.
themselves with a +1 to the Difficulty.
Anyone with Malleable Visage or
Ranged: You have a powerful ranged attack
Sadistic Surgery might assist with the roll as
such as acid spit, launcheable spikes, directed
per Teamwork rules (VtM 5e p.122)
shriek, etc. This counts as a thrown weapon
▪ Duration: Permanent unless undone with
with a +1 modifier to damage and deals non-
another use of this power. For the
halved Superficial Damage to mortals and
purposes of removing Modifications they
Kindred alike.
count as Crippling Injuries.
Strong grip: You have tentacles, extra limbs,
Level 5 tail, a strong bite or even spikes that allow you
War Form to grapple more easily. You gain +2 to
Requires: Feral Weapons Grappling while on this form and Bite attacks
At the epitome of Protean, the user can take on the form gain a +1 bonus instead of the usual penalty.
of monstrous and mythical creatures unlike the world
has ever seen. Few powers are as Masquerade-shattering, Winged: You have wings or other means of
and even fewer are this devastating hoisting yourself into the air. Unless you are
▪ Cost: 2 Rouse Checks
using the Weight of a Feather power you
▪ System: No test is required. The
cannot actually fly, but you are able to glide
transformation takes one turn, during from a vantage point. Additionally, you can
which the user may take no other actions. swoop into Close Combat from up to 15
Upon transformation, the vampire gains meters and still attack.
the Physical Attributes, senses, special
traits associated with their War Form, as
well as its natural limitations. Damage dealt Fluid: You are made of an ever-changing
in this form is Aggravated to mortals. The liquid or can contort yourself in unnatural ways,
vampire can use other Disciplines while in allowing you to fit in the smallest of spaces,
this form, at the Storyteller’s discretion. even under a door. You are also immune to
When a player first chooses this grapples or restraints. The Storyteller might
power, they must build their own unique allow the use of Brawl with Dexterity for
War Form, each of which is unique to the certain attacks done in this form. Cannot be
taken with Massive.
▪ Cost: Free (for famulus); One Rouse
Humanoid: Your War Form is still human Check (for other animals)
enough to be able to use weapons and tools via ▪ System: The vampire can choose to extend
humanlike hands or other precise appendages. some of their Protean powers to animals
affected by their Animalism. Any animal
Stealthy: You have chameleon skin, psychic thus imbued gains Feral Weapons. Using
abilities, or some other way to hide your this power on their famulus is free and
presence. You gain +2 to Stealth checks while automatic. To imbue other animals besides
in this form. Additionally, you can move at their famulus, the user must make a Rouse
running speed while in stealth. Check and roll a test of Stamina +
Animalism (Difficulty 3). The user can
fortify one animal per point of margin.
Horrid: You look terrifying, even by War
▪ Duration: One Scene
Form standards. You gain a +2 to all
Intimidation rolls. Additionally, on a Critical
Win involving Intimidation, witnesses must Level 4
roll a Willpower test against Difficulty 4 to Natural Network
avoid fleeing (mortal) or Terror Frenzy Amalgam: Dominate 1
(Kindred). Requires: Feral Whispers
The vampire uses the animals as a security network,
Delirium: You exude a neurotoxin, magic aura, watching for intruders or searching for specific
or something else that makes it difficult for individuals.
mortals to remember you. Human witnesses ▪ Cost: Free or One Rouse Check
must roll Intelligence + Resolve against a ▪ Dice Pool: Wits + Animalism
Difficulty of 4. If they Fail, they will ▪ System: Add half your Animalism
misremember or rationalize the scene in which (rounded up) to your Domain’s Portillon.
they saw you when they next wake up. Intruders must pass a Stealth or Animal
Ken test against your Animalism rating to
enter your Haven unnoticed. A failure on
Other: Different or variant traits may be
these rolls means that a witnessing animal
possible at Storyteller’s discretion.
is compelled to notify you of the intruders
through the use of Feral Whispers. You are
[For examples, see Appendix II] notified at the end of the Scene unless they
find a quicker way.

Level 2
Primal Beasts
Amalgam: Protean 2
The user shares a small portion of their unnatural
shapeshifting with the animals they influence. Teeming
swarms and great beasts alike exhibit natural weapons
of monstrous proportions, reminiscent of those
prehistoric animals or even bone spurs and similar
unnatural weapons found in certain mythos.

At any time, you may forgo this
surveillance to instead compel the animals
of the city to find a specific target by doing
a Rouse Check. This also requires you to
succeed on a Wits + Animalism roll against
a Difficulty of 3 if they are in your Domain,
or 5 if they are in the same city. Finding
them takes between one Scene and one
Night depending on the subject's
precautions and security (Storyteller’s
discretion). The animals in question will be
able to guide you to the person’s location.
While all of the animals in your
domain are compelled with this power,
they are not loyal. If someone else with an
overlapping domain uses this power, they
will serve both you and them without
▪ Duration: Passive. One scene or one night

Level 3
Animal Courier
Amalgam: Animalism 1
Thanks to a deeper understanding, the vampire’s
perception becomes attuned with the minds of the
animals they command, allowing them to communicate
without words. Practitioners of this power are known
for imprinting mental messages that the animals can
later deliver.
▪ Cost: One Rouse Check
▪ System: The vampire is able to create a
telepathic link with the animals under the
effect of their Animalism powers. Mental
images, short bits of sound, or even smells
can be transferred in this fashion. In
addition, the vampire may do a Rouse
Check to imprint the animal with a mental
message, which the animal can deliver to
specific individuals or after certain
conditions decided by the user. The animal
carries this imprint until the conditions are
met or dies. This does not automatically
allow two-way communication.
▪ Duration: Passive

Anchors, an alternative to Touchstones

Anchors are items, places or religious

rituals from the mortal life of the Kindred.
These serve as type of Touchstone, and thus
must be linked to a Conviction, can be used
for the Tzimisce’s Clan Bane, etc.
The intention here is to have a more
“time consuming” option as opposed to a
more fragile, unpredictable Human
The vampire has to devote some time
each night (at least one Scene) with the
Anchor while lost in a reverie about their
mortal life. Failing to do so counts as having
acted against the Conviction represented by
that Anchor and risk Stains at Storyteller
discretion just like with regular Touchstones.

Unable to reverie due to theft +1
Physical inability to interact with +1
Failing to reverie due to time +2
Forgetting to reverie +3

Repeated failures shatter the

connection with the Anchor. Usually an
Anchor is introduced via a Memoriam which
is also the means by which they can be
reconnected once destroyed. The Storyteller
and player should discuss the Anchor to avoid
it being too easy or time consuming.

Example War Forms

The Direwolf The Naga

Preferred by Gangrel, this War Form Preferred by the Church of Set, this War
emulates the aspect of the Crinos of the form resembles a humanoid covered in
Garou. Usually complemented with their scales with a long tail instead of legs.
Fortitude and Animalism for packs, the Usually complemented with Presence or
Direwolf serves as the frontline during a Dominate, this aspect is rooted in the
physical confrontation. mythos of the Lamia, equally beautiful and
▪ Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, terrifying.
Stamina 5 ▪ Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4,
▪ Special: Massive, Horrid or Delirium Stamina 2
▪ Special: Humanoid, Strong grip or Fluid
The Abomination
Alien and eldritch, this War Form The Chiropteran Marauder
resembles a monster from the Lovecraftian Also known as the Bat of War or
mythos. Incomprehensible and terrifying, Monstrous Bat, this form resembles a
this aspect is complemented well with human sized bat. Armed with launchable
Presence or Dominate and its main use is spikes, a directed sonic scream or
to play with the minds of mortals. camouflaging skin, the Chiropteran
▪ Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Marauder excels at ambushes or extended
Stamina 2 battles and is usually complemented with
▪ Special: Delirium, Horrid or Strong Grip Obfuscate or Auspex.
▪ Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5,
Stamina 2
▪ Special: Winged, Ranged or Stealthy

The Blood Form

Have you ever wanted to be a pool of
sentient blood? Now it’s your chance! With
the amazing Blood Form you can soak
everyone around you with gore outcome! It
is sometimes used with Potence to better
choke people from within or leap, and
Celerity to climb up vertical surfaces.
▪ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5,
Stamina 4
▪ Special: Fluid, Ranged or Strong grip

The Hulk
Sometimes called the Behemoth or the
Giant, this brute can tank hits and fight

back by wielding anything from Storyteller’s Variant of Fluid (example)
greatswords to uprooted lamp posts. It is You are also immune to grapples or
often used with Potence and Fortitude to restraints. The Storyteller might allow the
increase its already supernatural abilities. use of Brawl with Dexterity for certain
▪ Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, attacks done in this form. If splitting the
Stamina 5 swarm, the bigger group will always be
▪ Special: Massive, Humanoid or Strong directly controlled by the player, while the
Grip smaller ones will function controlled via
Animalism powers.
The Stalker
A skeletal nightmare with collapsible bones, For the purposes of combat, this
this lanky figure is perfect for creeping up form still needs to split its dice pool to
on others and ambushing them wherever attack several opponents and count as a
they may hide. Obfuscate to stay hidden or single entity when receiving damage
Celerity to blink around can definitely
augment it’s abilities.
▪ Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5,
Stamina 2
▪ Special: Fluid, Humanoid or Delirium

The Chameleon
Using active camouflage, this War Form is
perfectly suited for stealth ops and other
missions requiring discretion. It is often
paired with Obfuscate and Dominate to
infiltrate without anyone seeing or
remembering them.
▪ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5,
Stamina 4
▪ Special: Stealthy, Humanoid or Delirium

The Swarm
A flock of birds, bats or even a horde of
insects, this form excel in one thing,
overcoming the enemies with sheer
numbers. The vampire's body is
disaggregated into smaller forms, all of
them tied to a hive mind. Although still
impossible to control each of them
individually, practitioners of this form
usually employ Animalism to compensate
for it.
▪ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4,
Stamina 5
▪ Special: Other: (Fluid Variant, see below),
Stealthy or Winged

Cut Powers (Not included due to thematic issues)

Sacrosanctum (Dominate 3) rating on Auspex equal to the users dots.

Amalgam: Blood Sorcery 2 Using this power on their famulus is free
Often used by the rare Tzimisce and Tremere who know and automatic. To imbue other animals
it, this ability ensures that their guests reciprocate their besides their famulus, the user must make
Hospitality. Alternatively, it is occasionally used to a Rouse Check and roll a test of Stamina +
force prisoners to comply. Animalism (Difficulty 3). The user can
▪ Cost: One Rouse Check enlighten one animal per point of margin.
▪ Dice Pool: Charisma + Dominate vs ▪ Duration: One Scene
Composure + Resolve
▪ System: The vampire must feed the target Draught of Transfiguration (Protean
with their own Vitae, either willingly or by 4)
force (requires a test) while in the user’s The Blood of the vampire becomes saturated with the
Haven. This does not constitute a step power of Protean, conveying a part of that power to
towards a regular Blood Bond. anyone who drinks it.
Instead, the user must succeed on a ▪ Cost: One Rouse Check
Charisma + Dominate vs Composure + ▪ System: Drinking a Rouse Checks worth
Resolve test against the target. A Tremere of Blood directly from the user gifts the
with this power takes a penalty to this roll drinker with temporary Protean equal to
equal to their Bane Severity due to the half the Protean dots (rounded down) of
nature of their Bane. On a Win, the target the donor. The drinker gains the same
gains a temporary Blood Bond to the user powers as the donor’s, up to that level.
with a Bond Strength equal to the user’s ▪ Duration: One night; for vampires, until
Dominate rating. the next feeding or the vampire reaches
▪ Duration: Until the target leaves the Hunger
Haven, or the user takes any direct or
indirect hostile action against the subject
(attacking them, selling them out to their
enemies, etc).

Psychic Beasts (Animalism 3)

Amalgam: Auspex 2
The user shares a small portion of their unnatural
perception with the animals they influence. Teeming
swarms and great beasts alike exhibit extrasensorial
▪ Cost: Free (for famulus); One Rouse
Check (for other animals)
▪ System: The vampire can choose to extend
some of their Auspex powers to animals
affected by their Animalism. Any animal
thus imbued gains Sense the Unseen with a


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