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/ACADEMIC YEAR 2019-2020/


Approved by Curriculum Committee


Mark: 75 points………………………………………………………………………………………...
Duration: 90 min
Approved by: Head of the FLD ________________ Gantsetseg. S /Doctor (Ph.D), Associate Professor/

A. Knowledge of Language: /Total mark: 40 points, 40 min/


Choose the correct one. /Mark: 20*1=20 points, 20 min/

1. What_______ Paul look like?

a) is
b) does
c) do
2. London is _______ than Athens.
a) expensive
b) the most expensive
c) more expensive
3. Kelly has been_______ aerobics for years.
a) playing
b) doing
c) going
4. Who is the player who _______ interviewed over there?
a) is being
b) is
c) should have
5. If it snows, _______ still drive to the coast?
a) will you
b) would you
c) have you
6. His book _______ next month.
a) will bring out
b) will be brought out
c) will be bring out
7. The Corrs, _______ new record has just come out, are performing in town tonight.
a) who
b) whose
c) which
8. The teacher asked Joe if he knew what _______.
a) the answer was
b) was the answer
c) is the answer
9. Let’s go to the cinema _______ 8 o’clock.
a) to
b) in
c) at
10. What would you do if there _______ an earthquake?
a) was
b) would be
c) could be
11. Do _______ of you have any money I can borrow?
a) both
b) either
c) neither
12. When I got home, the children had already _______to bed.
a) gone
b) went
c) going
13. Peter loves his cat, _______?
a) does he
b) doesn’t he
c) is he
14. There is a woman _______ handbag was stolen.
a) who’s
b) who is
c) whose
15. He has two brothers. One is tall and handsome and _______ is short and unattractive.
a) another
b) other
c) the other
16. Somebody_______ my cookies. There are none left.
a) has eaten
b) ate
c) has been eating
17. This book contains lots of _______on Charles Dickens.
a) informations
b) information
c) an information
18. The bag _______he is carrying is very heavy.
a) who
b) where
c) that
19. If global warming causes the ocean level to rise _______ world will suffer.
a) all
b) every
c) the whole
20. _______ is useful for your health.
a) Walking
b) Walk
c) To walk


Choose the correct answer. /Mark: 20*1=20 points, 20 min/

1. You can say something increased using words and phrases such as; _______.
a) rose dramatically, skyrocketed, peaked and went up
b) increased, plummeted, went up
c) declined, skyrocketed, grew, rose
2. _______ carries fees for returned checks.
a) Premium checking
b) Special checking
c) Basic checking
3. Operating margin minus taxes is_______.
a) gross margin
b) net margin
c) net income
4. There are many types of loans with varying _______.
a) terms
b) types
c) loans
5. Land is a/an _______ asset.
a) intangible
b) tangible
c) current
6. _______ is cash moving out of a company.
a) Inflow
b) Outflow
c) Flow
7. Cash flow statements only record transactions _______.
a) on credit
b) in cash
c) on cash
8. A business with multiple owners is _______.
a) a sole proprietorship
b) partnership
c) a and b
9. _______ is responsible for recording all transactions.
a) A teller
b) A bank manager
c) A loan expert
10. The financial statement that reports the portion of change in owner's equity resulting from revenues and
expenses during a specified time interval is the _______.
a) expense statements
b) cash flow statements
c) balance sheets
11. The petty cash fund is reserved _______small expenditures.
a) for
b) by
c) on
12. Depreciation is decrease _______an asset’s value due to age or use.
a) off
b) in
c) of
13. A cash budget is necessary _______small businesses.
a) to
b) at
c) for
14. A teller is responsible _______supervising a bank department.
a) from
b) for
c) on
15. Tax form is a document that people and corporations are required _______turn in to the government’s taxation
a) to
b) for
c) -
16. To fluctuate is to change _______.
a) frequency
b) frequently
c) frequent
17. Office rent, taxes and other _______expenses are included in fixed costs.
a) administrative
b) administration
c) administerial
18. He's a tax account-_______.
a) -ing
b) -ant
c) -er
19. The company has plans for expan-_______.
a) -sion
b) -ity
c) -ness
20. Dividing money between stocks and bonds is called asset_______.
a) allocative
b) allocate
c) allocation

B. Language Application: /Total mark: 35 points, 50 min/


Choose the correct translation. /Mark: 20*1=20 points, 20 min/

1. We couldn't reply because there was no return address.

a) Буцах хаяг байхгүй байсан тул бид хариу өгч чадаагүй.
b) Хаяг байхгүй байсан тул хариулах болоогүй.
c) Буцах хаяг байхгүй тул тэрээр хариулахгүй.
2. He apologized for interrupting his colleague’s speech.
a) Тэр эрэгтэйн хамтрагч ярьж байхад нь саад хийв.
b) Тэрээр найзынхаа яриаг тасалдуулдагтаа уучлалт гуйж байна.
c) Тэрээр хамтрагчийнхаа яриаг тасалж байгаадаа уучлал хүсэв.
3. I always study in the library as there are too many distractions at home.
a) Гэрт анхаарал сарниулах зүйл их байдаг тул би номын санд байнга хичээлээ хийдэг.
b) Номын санд анхаарал сарниулах зүйл их байдаг тул би гэртээ байнга сурдаг.
c) Гэр анхаарал сарниулах зүйл шиг байдаг тул би номын санд суудаг.
4. There was a dramatic increase in the price of meat.
a) Махны үнэ огцом өссөн.
b) Махны үнэ тогтмол өссөн.
c) Махны үнэ огцом өссөөр байна.
5. The annual financial statement showed that operating profits dropped from £27.9 million to £26.5 million.
a) Санхүүгийн жилийн тайлангаас харахад үйл ажиллагааны ашиг 27.9 –өөс 26.5 мянган хүртэл
b) Тайлангаас харахад үйл ажиллагааны ашиг 26.5 сая фунт стерлингээс 27.9 сая фунт стерлинг
хүртэл буурчээ.
c) Үйл ажиллагааны ашиг 27.9 –өөс 26.5 сая фунт стерлинг хүртэл буурсныг санхүүгийн жилийн
тайлан харууллаа.
6. A direct cost is a price that can be directly tied to the production of specific goods or services.
a) Шууд бус зардал гэдэг нь бараа бүтээгдэхүүн, үйлчилгээг үйлдвэрлэхтэй холбоотой үнэ юм.
b) Шууд зардал гэдэг нь тодорхой бараа бүтээгдэхүүн, үйлчилгээг үйлдвэрлэхтэй шууд
холбоотой үнэ юм.
c) Шууд зардал гэдэг нь үйлчилгээг үзүүлэхтэй холбоотой шууд үнэ юм.
7. Another type of accounting fraud takes place when a company does not record its expenses. 
a) Компани нягтлан бодох бүртгэлийн зардлаа бүртгээгүй тохиолдол бий болсоор байна.
b) Нягтлан бодох бүртгэлийн орлогоо бүртгээгүй тохиолдолд бий болдог.
c) Нягтлан бодох бүртгэлийн залилангийн өөр нэг хэлбэр нь компани зардлаа бүртгээгүй үед
8. Tax accounting focuses solely on those transactions that affect an entity's tax burden, and how those items
relate to tax calculation.
a) Татварын нягтлан бодох бүртгэл нь зөвхөн аж ахуйн нэгжийн татварын дарамтанд нөлөөлж
буй ажил гүйлгээ болон тэдгээр зүйлүүд нь татварын тооцоололтой хэрхэн уялдаатай байгааг
анхаарч үздэг.
b) Татварын нягтлан бодох бүртгэл нь гүйлгээ болон татварын зохистой тооцоотой уялдаатай
c) Татварын нягтлан бодох бүртгэл нь аж ахуйн нэгжийн татварт нөлөөлж буй гүйлгээ болон
эдгээр зүйлүүд нь татварын зохистой тооцоотой хэрхэн уялдаатай байгааг чухалчилна.
9. There are three main types of investments: stocks, bonds and cash equivalents. 
a) Хөрөнгө оруулалтын хоёр үндсэн төрөл байдаг: хувьцаа, үнэт цаас буюу бэлэн мөнгөний
b) Хөрөнгө оруулалтын гурван үндсэн төрөл байдаг: хувьцаа, үнэт цаас, мөнгөтэй адилтгах зүйлс.
c) Хөрөнгө оруулалтын гурван төрөл байдаг: хувьцаа, бонд, бэлэн мөнгө.
10. This is an insurance policy that buys funds which are invested on the stock market.
a) Энэ нь хөрөнгийн зах зээл дээр хөрөнгө оруулдаг хөрөнгийг худалдаж авах даатгалын гэрээ
b) Энэ нь хөрөнгө худалдах даатгалын бодлого юм.
c) Энэ бол хувьцаанд оруулсан хөрөнгийг худалдаж авах даатгалын бодлого юм.
11. Манай оронд хүмүүс хоорондоо мэндлэхдээ ихэвчлэн гар барьдаг.
a) In my country the most people shaking hands when they greet each other.
b) In my country people mostly shake hands when they greet each other.
c) In my country people don’t shake hands when they greet each other.
12. Би маш их ажилтай учраас заримдаа хэн нэгнийг ярьж дуусахаас өмнө яриагаа өндөрлөх шаардлагатай
a) Sometimes I need to end the conversation before someone has finished listening because I have too
much work to do.
b) Sometimes I might have to end a conversation before someone has finished talking because I have too
much work to do.
c) Sometimes I should have to end conversation before someone has finished reporting because I have
too much work to do.
13. Бүх хүн амрах хэрэгтэй. Чөлөөт цагаа зугаатай өнгөрөөх нь таны бизнесийн амжилтад эрч хүч өгдөг.
a) Everybody needs to relax. Enjoys your free time give you more energy for business success.
b) Everybody needs to relax. Enjoying your free time gives you more energy for business success.
c) Everybody needing to relax. Enjoyable your free time gave you more energy for business success.
14. Хортонс компани нь өндөр чанартай бүтээгдэхүүнүүдээ боломжийн үнээр санал болгодогоороо
a) Horton’s is the famous for cancer of high value products for excellent prices.
b) Horton’s is famous for offering high value products at excellent prices.
c) Horton’s is a famous offer high value for products in excellent prices.
15. Түр зуурын ажил нь ажил олгогч, ажилтан аль алинд нь богино хугацаанд ажиллах боломжтой
байдгаараа давуу талтай.
a) The main advantages of part time work for both the employer and the employment, is that you can
work for an average period of time.
b) The main advantages of temporary work for both the employer and the employee, is that you can
work for a short period of time.
c) The main advantages of overtime work for both the employer and the employs, is that you can work
for a long period of time.
16. Та дэлгүүрээр худалдаа хийх нь сонирхсон бүтээгдэхүүндээ хүрч, мэдрэх болон үүнийг туршиж үзэх ч
боломжтой юм.
a) When you shop in person you can touch and feel the product you are interested in, and possible try it
out too.
b) When you shop in person you can keep and feel the product you are interested in, and possible put it
out too.
c) When you shop in person you can handle and feel the product you are interested in, and possible get it
out too.
17. Имэйл нь бизнесийн хүрээнд багийн ажлын үр өгөөжийг дээшлүүлэхийн сацуу цаг мөнгөө хэмнэх
a) Email can improve the efficiency of teams working within business and it is also can save time and
b) Email can improve the fictions of teams working within businesses and it is also can save time and
c) Email can improve defections of teams working within business and it is also can saving time and
18. Хэрэв уулзалтад оролцож чадахааргүй бол уучлалт гуйх нь чухал.
a) It’s important that you have to send your apologies if you can’t attend at a meeting.
b) It’s important that you has to send your apologies if you can attend at a meeting.
c) It’s important that you have to send your apologies if you can’t cancel a meeting.
19. ДХБ нь хөгжиж буй улс орнуудад аж үйлдвэржсэн орнуудтай худалдаа эрхлэхэд нь дэмжлэг үзүүлдэг.
a) WTO supports developed countries establish trade with industrialized countries.
b) WTO supports developing countries establish trade with industrialized countries.
c) WTO supports develop countries establish trade with industrialized countries.
20. Хилийн чанадад бизнес эрхлэх гэж байгаа бол тухайн орны бизнесийн соёлыг сайн судлах нь зүйтэй.
a) If you conduct a business overcome, you will have to ensure different culture of a country.
b) If you conduct a business overhead, you will have to realize different culture of a country.
c) If you conduct a business overseas, you will have to realize different culture of a country.


1. Complete the letter by filling the gaps with a word from the box below. /Mark: 10*0.5=5 points, 10 min/

a) Sincerely, b) I am writing to, c) dear, d) consider, e) My internship, f) knowledge, g) review, h) position,

i) I look forward to, j) in the field)

April 17, 2015

Mr. Vincent Chua

Hiring Manager
Bank of the Philippines Islands (BPI)
12/F Ayala Life-FGU Center, Ayala Ave.
Makati City 1226

[[1]] ________ Ms. Julie,

[[2] ________express my interest for the [[3]] ________ of Accountant in your esteemed company.

Having recently obtained my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration majoring in Accountant in Finance
University of the Philippines, I wish to bring my knowledge, skills and commitment to excellence to your company’s
innovative environment.

As a Business Administration student, I’ve become equipped with the necessary [[4]] ________ that come with the
position including preparing financial statements, creation of business plans, as well as legal provisions.

[[5]] ________ at San Miguel Corporation also afforded me with the crucial experience to work with some of the best
professionals [[6]] ________.
For additional details regarding my qualification and expertise, please [[7]] ________ my attached resume.

Thank you for taking the time to [[8]] ________ this application and [[9]] ________hearing from you.

[[10]] ________,
Jessica Cruise

2. Complete the letter by filling the gaps with a word from the box below. /Mark: 10*0.5=5 points, 10 min/

a) Sirs, b) operate, c) please send, d) would find, e) Sandra Jones, f) for our goods, g) manufacture,

h) catalogue, i) supply samples, j) England

The Leather Shop
9 Green Street
[[1]] __________
Telephone 238759
Fax 565787
Telex 87695 LEATH
16 July 2019

Leather Products Inc.

3126 Western Highway

Dear [[2]] __________,

We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you [[3]] __________ a range of high-fashion
handbags in a variety of leathers.

We [[4]] __________ a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large, we obtain high prices [[5]]

Would you [[6]] __________me a copy of your handbag [[7]] __________ with details of your prices and payment

We [[8]] __________ it most helpful if you could also [[9]] __________of the various skins from which the handbags
are made.
Yours faithfully,
[[10]] __________

The graph below shows relative price changes for fresh fruits and vegetables, sugars and sweets, and
carbonated drinks between 1978 and 2009. Complete the answer by filling the gaps with a word from the list
below. /Mark: 10*0.5=5 points. 10 min/

a) periodic, b) steady, c) period, d) steadily, e) temporarily, f) by, g) remained, h) from, i) and, j) trend
The graph shows changes in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar and sweets, and carbonated drinks over a
thirty-year [[1]] _______ in the US between 1979 [[2]] _______ 2009. The graph also shows the general [[3]]
_______in the consumer price index during this time.

While the consumer price index showed a slow and [[4]] _______increase from 1979 to 2009, the same cannot be said
for the price of carbonated, or soft drinks. After rising briefly between 1979 and 1981, they  [[5]] _______ fairly
constant until 1999, when the price did begin to increase slowly.

In contrast, there was a marked difference in the price of fresh fruits and vegetables, which, despite [[6]] ______
fluctuations, rose [[7]] ______ throughout this period. In fact, fresh food prices only levelled out [[8]] _______
between 1990 and 1992 and again [[9]] _______ 2000 to 2001. However, [[10]] _______ 2008 the price had increased
by more than 300%.



Please fill out the answers below:

A. Theoretical Part: /Total mark: 40 points, 40 min/

Answer sheet /English grammar/ (20 points)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer sheet /Vocabulary/ (20 points)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

B. Skill Part: /Total mark: 35 points, 50 min/

Answer sheet /Translation/ (20 points)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Answer sheet /Writing a letter-1/ (5 points)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Answer sheet /Writing a letter-2/ (5 points)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Answer sheet /Describing a graph/ (5 points)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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