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Summative Assessment - Performance Task Including GRASPS

Goal: ​In groups, create your own empire in any location and in any time from 1325 C.E.
to 1600 C.E. based on your knowledge of the Aztec, Incan, and Songhai empires.
Convince the class that you have the best idea for a survivable empire.

Role​: You are the leader of an empire in any time in the period of 1325 C.E. to 1600 C.E.
and in any location of your choosing.

Audience:​ The audience is your peers. They will be your subjects in your empire and you
must convince them as to why your empire is the most survivable and why they should
follow you.

Situation:​ You and your group need to create your own empire in any location of your
choosing, and in any time between 1325 and 1600. You must convince your classmates
that you have the best idea for an empire and possibly even convince them to join your

Product/Performance/Purpose:​ You need to create your own empire. You will include
the geographic location of your empire on a map, the religion, the type of leadership,
social class, and a government. You must also include the seven characteristics of an
empire that we discussed in class (and can be found in your guided note packet). You
may wish to include other unique characteristics of your empire, such as your plan for
food (will you hunt? What will you plant?), your education system (who will be
educated), and your relationship with foreign peoples (nomadic tribes or other
empires). You will present this information in front of your peers in a Google Slides
presentation. (Minimum of 8 slides. Maximum of 12). Everyone must participate in the
making of the slideshow and the presentation of the material.

Standards for Criteria and Success:

Your presentation should include…
1. A map representing the geographic location of your empire
2. The year in which your empire is taking place (must be between 1325 and 1600)
3. A description of your government, leadership, and social hierarchy (Who is at the
top? Why? Is it based on money? Education level?)
4. A unifying religion and a policy for other religions (will they be tolerated or will
everyone be forced to practice the same religion?)
5. The 7 characteristics of an empire (can be found in your guided note packet)
6. Any additional information that will make your empire survivable and enable you
to convince your classmates that this is the best empire

Your presentation will be graded individually based on your participation in your group
work and your participation during your presentation. It will also be graded based on
the completion of the requirements given to you for this project.

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