Ielts Confirmation Raffles KG

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-TS Centre ID017 - IDP Kelapa Gading

IDP Education Pty. Ltd.

IELTS Confirmation
i1 l* n\ t:t \l'11:il ;: .h l\ !'. ::.i

Dcar ( andidate,
'l hank
1,ou lbr rcgistering lr-.ur IL L I'.s I'est at IDOl 7 - IDP Kela;ia- Gaeling.

Iriease llnd belou soinc inlprlrt.tlll ic/.iuii'cl't'lcllts about thc tcsl,:

l. [:or Standard II]L lS Test; prlcasc hine photo talucrr ancl frngcr scanned on thc test day. Do
Niit lirrget to bring 1,'or-rr original tD (K l'P/Passpr:rt) a-r sLtbntitted online.

2. The test will be conducted on the same day for Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

3. . IELTS Standurd ;Listening, Reading and Writing, Speaking tests ure at:
Ruffles Christiun School : Julun Gudins Pelunsi No. 1 Pegunssuun
Dua Kelupu Guding Jukurta Uturu
4. All Candidates must arrive at the test venue at 07.30am for registration . You will not be permitted to sit for
the test if you arrive late and your test fee will
not be refunded.

5. You must bring your ORIGINAL IDENTITY (KTP/PASSPORT), pencil HB, eraser and payment
receipt. Your original identity will be checked on the day of the test. You must present the
same identity (KTP/Pussport) document that you used when you registeredfor the test. You
will not be allowed to tuke the IELTS Test dyou Do Not bring your Originul Identity and No

6. On the test day, you will be under examinations; therefore piease dress properly; No short
pants, sandals and tank top are allowed.

7. NO personal belongings are allowed inside the examination room; all belongings must be
given-in at the registration desk.

8. YoLr are not pcrmittr--cito har-e hancl prhones or anv cicctronic der,'ices during the test. All
hancl plrones nrust bc si,ritchcd olt-and kept insicie \.ollr persolral bag.

9. I1'y.ou rvould like to transfer or canc:el the test" )oLl rlrust infoun us iu rvriting no later than
live (,5) weeks betbre the test datc"'l'ransl-er ol'tcst dales are alloll'ed ONCE ONLY. Candidates
rvho rvish to trallsl'cr 1cs1d;rlr:s n'itirin the fir,e (5)-u:eek period prior to tl're registered test dates
riill be trcateci as cancellatiru ancl rect'ive NO ltirFLJNI). Candidates lvho are absent on the test
da-v withor-rt giving prior u,ritten notice rvill lose their lirll tcsl1be" Ilou''ever- i1'the absence is
caused bf illness or scriolrs callses. the supporting clocunrent such as medical repofi. police
report. etc has to he provided uithin tivc (5) calendar davs to ltrl.T'S IDP stalf alier the test da1'.

I 0. IELTS Tests Results (1'RF '- Rcport ltorrl) carr bc cibtrincd 13 davs iriier rire test date at
For candidates outside o1'.lABOt)ti'lAtlilK area. resliils arc nr;rileri tt; ofliite tc-St venues on the I
candidate nrust show'the originai 1L) uhen taliins the TI{F. llrri it'the candirlale asks to take the'l'tlF
r-r-rust provide one of the options belou':
a). Original ID of an IELTS candidate. b). l'heAuthorizatiou l-ettcr(SLrrat Kuasa) and cripies of :::,,
ll I.lS candidates and TRljtakcr's Il)s.
11. You c,an check 1'our IELTS lirr LiKVI ancl Standard IIr.t-.1'S'l'cs1s llesuits uirlin.: b'v visiting tiie
n'e-bsite: rr*'*"irigr.r:i:urlil'riii---r-lcsil;,,i*i1:< Your llll.TS Rcsult is usuallt'aiailahic on-iine l3 cla1,.s
alier your test date.

12. The Candidate rvill receive onll'one (1) original TftF. I'ircrc *ili hc n(r i'cplacement ol
darnaged and lost certificates or certif-icates that hal'e been srrll to th* institution [r-v tire
canclidate. A candidate mav requcst adclitional 'l'RIis tc he -senl to an instituliorr anil it nrust lre
sent by iD0l7- IDP South.lakarta (lentre. l-hc i'ee [br crrch acliiitional ]'Ri: is III[{.25"000. Courier
lees will be charged fbr TR[:rs sent either uitirin lndiinesia or {}\,crseiis.

13. Please note that once the test is tlnished. the papers and ansu'ers sheets cannot be show'n
to the candidate. T'he candidate can onlr s,--e the rcsLrlts on thc]-RI: rir online.

14. Standard IELTSs can be re-markcd(Enquire on l?csult)" T'hr ci,uriliriillr lr:11 appl"v (ll1e or rlorc stctr,.)ns
of the IEL'fS Resuit to be remarliecl. -\pplicatiun tbr ii re-rrall.. is :;eirr tu Ii)P IEI 1'S Australia in N{elboume.
Marking is done by a Scniol lEL'fS l:xaurincr. i;or tlre rcclLrr:sts rnu:lt he rnacle no more than 6
rvceks afier the test date ancl thc oricinal I [i.F n'ir-rst be
Subrnitted to IDP South.lakarta(lDOl7r. The remarliing I'ec is Atil] 160. Pleasr: note that the Finquire on
Result (EoR) can take up to eight (8)
lreckstocomplete. Ifresultischangecl: ihccaniliilate iviil gctafirilrelnn,lri.\liil 1(r0"Ifthere
is rio chauge then thcre is no refiinil. Rcsultr clrrr onlv hc chungeii iri;r'.trr,is.

15. Befbre contpleting the re-uistratiorr. plea:r lrail illc fcr1i1....r1rr-i ('trr1.,itlirint trli \'()il1'
ml' account.

l8.Forrnoretipsaudtoolstohelp\'olrprepilrrthctcst.pbascrisit . '!'r--,r..:-.-,1.:r-iiiii:i.r{,111
IDP u,ould like to take this opportunily'to u,isir )'ou sr-lccrrs: in r,t-''ur ll:L.T-c'iest.
tU - r :r, "-

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Raffles Christian School

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