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Teacher’s notes
Task 1
Both students are looking at six photos.
Prompt: Look at the photos of free time activities. Talk about how much you like or dislike each activity and how much time
you spend doing each one.
Supplementary questions
(Use these questions for further practice if necessary.)
Prompt: Now discuss these questions.
1 Is sport very popular in your country? Which sports are the most popular?
2 Do you read printed books and magazines, or do you read on a screen? (e.g. an e-reader, tablet or smartphone)
3 Do you prefer going shopping for clothes or food? Do you like shopping for clothes alone or with friends?
4 What is your favourite TV programme? What’s it about?

Task 2
Each student is looking at a different photo.
Prompt: Student A: Look at the photo and describe it to your partner. Who is this person and how did he get here? What do
you think happened to him just before this photo was taken?
Prompt: Student B: Look at the photo and describe it to your partner. Who is this person and how did he get here? What do
you think happened to him just before this photo was taken?
Further discussion questions
(Use these questions to open up the discussion.)
Prompt: Now discuss these questions.
1 What’s the longest journey you’ve ever been on? Did you enjoy it? Why?/Why not?
2 Can you drive a car? If yes, do you enjoy driving? Why?/Why not? If no, do you want to learn? Why?/Why not?
3 Where would you like to travel to in the future? Why?

Sample answers and mark schemes

Task 1
Can express opinions and attitudes in a simple way.

Student A and B dialogue

A So let’s have a look at the photos. Oh, there are some people playing football. I really enjoy doing that. I play in the school
team every weekend. So, I spend a lot of time doing that.
B Really? That’s brilliant. I don’t spend any time doing sport. I can’t stand it, actually, apart from walking! But I’m really keen
on music. I spend a lot of time, well, every day, listening to music. Look – here’s a photo of a girl listening to music and
walking. I listen to a lot of stuff – rock, classical. How about you? Do you like listening to music?
A Yes, I do, but mainly pop. I play it while I’m reading or playing a computer game. Like the people in these photos – I mean,
these girls here who are playing computer games. I play games too – but online with my friends. I sometimes stay up a bit
too late to finish the game. I do spend a lot of time in front of the screen! Are you interested in computer games?
B Yes, but I don’t spend a lot of time playing them. This photo here shows one of my favourite hobbies – shopping! If I’m
with my friends, we usually go shopping in town. We really like that. Then we come home and watch TV together. I do that
every evening.
A Yes, I do too. I enjoy sitting with my family then – we love all the soaps and quiz shows.
B Oh, yes, me too!

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1


The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction

0–1 Describes some Hesitates a lot and Does not Uses only very Lots of errors even in
aspects of the does not seem engage with basic vocabulary basic language, which
and grammar, impede communication.
photos but confident. Is not the listener.
with a lot of errors.
doesn’t really easy to understand.
personal likes
and dislikes.
Doesn’t fully
answer the task

1.5 Describes the Speaks with some Engages with Uses simple Generally accurate, but
photos and confidence and is the listener to vocabulary and with some errors,
basic grammar especially in more
mentions comprehensible. some extent,
structures advanced language.
personal likes Some hesitation, and makes an accurately. Uses
and dislikes. but not enough to effort to some more
Gives an impede communicate advanced
opinion and communication. effectively. vocabulary and
answers the grammar
task question. structures with
2 Describes the Speaks with Engages fully Uses a wide A few mistakes in more
photos in detail fluency, with very with the range of advanced language
vocabulary structures, but generally
and talks about little hesitation. Is listener, using
appropriately, and very accurate.
personal likes clear and gestures to uses a wide range
and dislikes. comprehensible. help express of grammar
Uses the photos Uses some meaning. structures
to speculate and intonation to add accurately and
give opinions. emphasis. appropriately.
Answers the
task question in

Task 2
Can narrate a story.

Student A
I can see a boy walking up a hill, pushing a bike. It’s quite a nice day, but he’s looking a bit worried. Maybe his bike broke
just before someone took this photo. It looks a bit difficult to cycle, there’s long grass. I think there’s a narrow path. Maybe
he was cycling along when he suddenly hit a stone and something happened to his wheel. So now he has to walk instead of
cycling. Or maybe he wanted to go out for a cycle ride and the hill is too high for him to ride his bike and he’s tired. He’s
wearing a green T-shirts, a helmet and possible trousers. I think it’s summer – so I hope he’s not too hot!

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2


Student B
I can see a man running down the street and he’s also not happy. He’s in a town somewhere – it looks quite sunny and
there’s a tall building behind him. There’s a bus is just leaving a bus stop ahead of him. But it’s too far for him to run – he
can’t catch it. He has his hand up to stop the bus but it’s too late. I think that maybe just before this he was having breakfast
or he finished work late and has to meet someone. Then he tried to run for the bus, but he was too late! So now he has to
walk home or to where he’s going.

The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken interaction Range Accuracy

achievement production and

0–1 Gives only short Hesitates a lot n/a Uses only very basic Lots of errors even in
answers to the and does not vocabulary and basic language, which
grammar, with a lot of impede communication.
questions. seem confident.
Doesn’t develop Is not easy to
ideas and doesn’t understand.
express opinions.

1.5 Gives clear Speaks with n/a Uses simple Generally accurate, but
answers to the some vocabulary and basic with some errors,
grammar structures especially in more
questions, and confidence and
accurately. Uses advanced language.
develops some is some more advanced
ideas with comprehensible. vocabulary and
examples. Gives Some hesitation, grammar structures
opinions. but not enough with errors.
to impede

2 Gives very full Speaks with n/a Uses a wide range of A few mistakes in more
answers to the fluency, with vocabulary advanced language
appropriately, and structures, but
questions, very little
uses a wide range of generally very accurate.
developing ideas, hesitation. Is grammar structures
expanding clear and accurately and
through examples comprehensible. appropriately.
and expressing a Uses some
range of opinions. intonation to add

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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