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There was a family who owns the largest oil company in United States. The family is headed by Mr.

Villamor and his wife

Mrs. Villamor they had one and only son named Christophe. The best friend of Mr. Villamor who already passed away
wants that his daughter Chloe should marry his son Christophe. Mr. Villamor agreed with. Little did they know that
Christophe already make up his mind to marry Ana the older sister of Chloe.

*After the date of the two them Christophe brought Ana home*

Chloe: Thanks for today Christophe! I’ve enjoy being with you all day!
Christophe: me too! I’ve enjoyed being with you. I wish I could spend more time with you though.
Chloe: uhmm… also I’d like to thank you for bringing me home tonight.
Christophe: Well…. It’s my responsibility as your boyfriend, to bring you home. By the way let’s hang out again next
Chloe: Sure! I think you need to go back to your home now, it’s late; perhaps your parents are mad at you now. Go
home now Christophe because I don’t want your parents to be suspicious just like before.
Christophe: I’ll get going then. Bye.
Chloe: Ok bye.
Christophe arrives in their house at 1 am and of course his parents are gone because he is too late to get home.
Mrs. Villamor: Where have you been?!!! It’s late.
Mr. Villamor: what time is it no?! It time for bed and yet you’re still wandering outside?!
Christophe: Sorry, I have to meet the client you’ve told me before dad.
Mr. Villamor: What? Hmmm… I don’t remember, did I ask you?
Christophe: Yeah. Maybe you already forgotten it dad because you are too busy in playing golf.
Mrs. Villamor: ok. Go to your bed then Christophe. Goodnight
Christophe: Goodnight.
*walk towards his room*
Mr. Villamor: Wait. Christophe before you go to bed I want to tell you something
Christophe: what?
Mr. Villamor: you know, in 4-5 I will be resigning as the presidents of the company, so as my son I want you continue my
Mrs. Villamor: your father wants you to prepare you to become a good leader son.
*Christophe noods*
Mr. Villamor: Son, when will you get a married do you even have girlfriend?? me and your mom wants a grandchild
already. *Mr. and Mrs. Villamor laughs*
Christophe: Mom, Dad ( look to them) listen be calm and be patient we will be there soon.
Mr. Villamor: Soon?? Look, son I’ve already chose the right girl for you.
Christophe: WHATT!!! No!
Mr. YES. Her name is Ana and she is the best girl for you son. She’s the daughter of my best friend.
Christophe: I won’t!!!

Christophe ran to his room and immediately sent a message to his best friend Sven. The next day, Christophe
And Sven meet up in a restaurant.

* Sven arrives*

Christophe: you’re late.

Sven: Sorry bro. I’ve been stuck in a heavy traffic.
Christophe: bro. I badly need your advice. My parents asked me to get married.
Sven: WOW. Your parents are very supportive dude! I wanna have a parents like your parents, imagine if……( Sven did
not continue his words)
Christophe: Shut up! You know I’ll be happy if i would marry Chloe but it’s not my parents want me to marry Ana her
older sister.
Sven: W-WHAT? Are serious??
Christophe: do I look joking? Of course I’m serious bro. I don’t know what to do should I refuse? I can’t take it bro. I
really love Chloe. (Sad look)
Sven: bro. you should refuse your parents.
Christophe: why? What’s the reason??
Sven: bro…. y-you have known me for a long time, and I know that you knew that i….I’m…I’m in…
*Phone rings and Christophe receive a call*
Sven talk to himself: I’m…I’m in love with Ana. God please don’t let Christophe marry Ana please. Although he’s my best
friend, I don’t wanna lose Ana because Ana is the only one I love.

Edward can’t believe what he hears from Christophe. His heart broke because of sadness he felt. Edward is in dilemma.
Who would he choose? Both of them were very precious to him.
On the other hand, Ana was so confused. Actually she didn’t want to get married yet because she want to achieve her
dreams first. Her sister Chloe, who was in love with Christophe didn’t know that Ana will have a arrange marriage with
his boyfriend.

Chloe: Hey Ana you look sad, is there anything wrong?

Ana: Actually… there is something I wanna share with you. Our Dad’s best friend Mr. Arthur and his wife meet me 3 days
ago and they want me to marry their son.
Chloe: wow…I’m so excited to see him. By the way have you met the guy? What does he look like?
Ana: that’s the problem. I don’t know him and how he looks like so I doubt.
Chloe: So what’s your next plan?
Ana: Uhmm... actually I don’t know. This is our dads wish before he died; he wants us to marry one of the sons of his
best friends.
Chloe: then I guess he will be happy if you do what he wants. But I feel guilty for not obeying it; you know I really love
Christophe and as for now I haven’t met his parents.
While in the middle of the conversation Ana’s phone rung she felt nervous because it was a call from Mrs. Villamor
Mrs. Villamor: Hello? Is this Ana?
Ana: Yes it’s me, Mrs. Villamor what can I help you?
Mrs. Villamor: Do you have a spare time for tomorrow night? Let’s eat dinner together at Ricardos Restaurant
Ana: Tomorrow night? But…
Mrs. Villamor: be prepared I’ll ask my son to pick you up.
Ana: it okay Mrs. Villamor I can ask my driver to drive for me
Mrs. Villamor: Please let me ask him to take you…
Mr. Villamor: Don’t force her hon. Let her….
Mrs. Villamor: shhhhh.. shut up!
Ana: It’s okay Mrs. Villamor, don’t bother.
Mr. Villamor: (pick up the phone) okay, just be careful on your way Ana.
Ana: I will
Mr. Villamor: okay then, see you tomorrow, bye.
Ana. Can’t wait to see you too, byee.
*Mr. Villamor hangs up the phone*
Ana: Chloe can you accompany me tomorrow night?
Chloe: oh sorry, I can’t I’m going to help a friend of mine. She badly needs my help. I’m sure you’ll be alright and you’ll
enjoy it.
Ana: Okaayy…please pray for me Chloe
Chloe: I will. Goodluck.
The next day Christophe texted Ana to meet him in the plaza, unfortunately Sven is also there but when he saw Ana he
hid himself from her.
Sven: I hope Ana won’t accept Christophe.
Ana: he’s late. Doesn’t he know that girls don’t like to wait (talks to herself)
*saw Christophe walking*
Ana: Hey Christophe! Over here (waves her arm)
Christophe: did you got a phone yesterday night from Mrs. Villamor??
Ana: yeah… b-but how did you know that?
Christophe: well … she’s my mom
Ana: Whaaaat! You’re kidding me.
Christophe: I’m serious. I’m their one and only son. My dad and your dad are best friends.
Ana: I can’t do this. I can’t betray Chloe
Christophe: me too. I love Chloe so much. Okay so I need you to be calm. We should keep this a secret until the right
time okay? And the dinner tonight please don’t attend lets settle things first I’m not yet ready to get married tho.
Ana: Okayyy. But what should I tell to my sister if she asks me about you?
Christophe: try to lie, I know it’s hard but I know you can do it for our own good.
Ana: okay. I must go now then. Goodbye.

They both went home after they talked and fortunately they didn’t realize that Sven was there.
Sven: (talk to himself) Thanks God! Ana doesn’t love him and she still respects her sister. My love for her got deeper
she’s so kind.
Mr. and Mrs. Villamor made a plan again for next week
Mrs. Villamor: We have to meet Ana as soon as possible so we could talk and plan for the wedding.
Mr. Villamor: Isn’t too fast to talk about wedding? Look they haven’t known each other well and yet you want them to
get married.
Mrs. Villamor: They are mature enough already hon. So don’t worry
Mr. Villamor: Let them know each other first before we talk about marr…..
Mrs. Villamor: ssshhhhh I’m going to text her to come and visit us tomorrow.

Ana received the message. She looked stressed when she read the message that’s why Chloe grab her phone and read it.

Chloe: (Chloe grabs the phone and reads the message) Omggg!!! Ana it’s your time to meet the guy and I can’t wait to
come with you.
Ana: I can’t, I have to meet a friend tomorrow.
Chloe: Ana remember our Dad, his wish is more important than that.
Ana: fine but please… can I have favor?
Chloe: Sure. What is it?
Ana: Can I do this by myself?
Chloe: why?? I’m your sister it will be better if I come.
Ana: b-but….
Chloe: Goodnight Ana.

Ana can’t do anything, when her leaves the room he immediately message Sven and that message make Sven upset.

To Sven: Sven sorry because I cannot meet you tomorrow, Christophe parents ask me to visit them in their house. We can
still meet each other next time.
Sven: Arghhh!! That family sucks!! They always steal my chance to say how much I really love Ana! Smh

The most unexpected day has come. This moment would be a catastrophe for Christophe and Ana.

Mrs. Villamor: I’m so excite to see my daughter-in -law

Christophe: Mom can I talk y…
Mrs. Villamor: shhhh… Just be patient son your future wife is on her way now
Mr. Villamor: (Look at Mrs. Villamor) why do you always cut someone words???
Mrs. Villamor: And why do you always critic me huh? You don’t love me anymore?
Mr. Villamor: oh come on ofcourse I do love you. You are the one and only girl I love (kisses her chicks)
Mrs. Villamor: I guess my daughter-in-law is here. Come on lets meet them at the front door. ( the three of them went
to the front door)

Ana look really pale, she’s nervous. When Chloe saw Christophe she was surprised.

Chloe: C-Ch-Christophe? So the guy is yo…

Christophe: wait… this is not what you are thinki….
Chloe: No!! I hate you Christophe …(starts to cry) a-all I did was to love you C-Christophe and yet you still broke my
heart and the worst Is you are going to marry my sister and that’s what make my heat break into many pieces seeing my
beloved sister getting married to the guy I love…..
Ana: Chloe please…f-forgive me…i-I don’t love him
Chloe walks out and cried. She did not believe in Ana or Christophe. Their house filled with silence Ana can’t utter a
word since she felt guilty on not telling to her sister that Christophe is the she will be marrying. Ana tried to apologize
but Chloe blamed Ana. Chloe didn’t answer phone calls from Christophe. Everything is in chaos. One day Sven called
Chloe and she answered it.

Chloe: what do you want?

Sven: don’t be mad Chloe please hear me out. Ana right now is so depressed the truth is Ana doesn’t really love
Christophe. Honestly speaking Ana and Christophe meet in Ricardos restaurant and when Ana knew that her Mom was
Mrs. Villamor she was shock and told Christophe that she can’t betray her sister.
Chloe: then why she didn’t tell the truth in the first place?
Sven: because she is waiting for the right time, she doesn’t want to shock you.
Chloe: too late, her ways are wro…
Sven: Chloe listen we need to talk at Plaza Burgos tomorrow. It’s up to you if you will come or not i just want to help to
solve this problem. Bye! (Sven hangs up the phone)
Chloe: S-sven…
Mr. and Mrs. Villamor, Christophe and Ana made a plan in order to fix the problem, Sven was ordered to call Chloe.
Mrs. Villamor: you can do it son
Mr. Villamor: we’ll stay here (points at the bench behind the tree)

Chloe was walking and Christophe comes to her.

Chloe: (talks to herself while looking to her phone) where’s Sven?

Christophe: ((stood In front of her) Hey Chloe! Can we talk?
Chloe: Sorry I’m waiting for Sven. I don’t want to hear anything from you! Get lost!
Christophe: Actually I asked Sven to contact so we could talk.
Chloe: what?! So Sven set me up? Arghh!!!
Christophe: (Holds Chloe’s hands) Alice hear me out, you are the only girl I love, no one can replace you because you’re
one of a kind, you’re so precious and so dear to me. I can’t live without my dear please forgive me. I promise that I
would never make you cry anymore. Chloe, my parents agree in our relationship because you are also the daughter of
their best friend and you know they feel sorry for breaking your heart.
Chloe: Are you serious?
Christophe: yeah actually my parents are here. Wait let me call them. (Christophe calls them)
Mr. Villamor: Chloe, I think you’re the best girl for my son Christophe. Christophe told me many things about you.
Mrs. Villamor: I know that your mom has 2 daughters but I don’t know that it was you. Our son is lucky to have you.
Honey, please forgive him.
Christophe: (bend his knee) Chloe, Will you marry me?
Chloe: (froze) uhmmm… to be honest it was dream to marry a guy like you Christophe so… Yes… I love you.
Christophe: I love you too Chloe (Christophe and Chloe kissed each other)

Meanwhile, Sven also prepare something for Ana

Sven: Ana, I’ve always wanted to tell you that I really admire your sweet smile, your jolly personality, your love for your
family most especially on your sister, and everything I about. So today I would not hesitate to tell you how much I really
love you Ana. Ana, (Sven Kneels) can you be my girlfriend?
Ana: Actually, you’re the guy I’ve always wanted to be with. So of course I would really love to become your girlfriend.
(Ana Hugged Sven)
Mrs. Villamor: Oh, how sweet (approach Mr. Villamor) this so this so nostalgic, I’ve remembered when you asked me to
marry you. (Mr. Villamor hugged Mrs. Villamor)

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