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Simab Ali Akbar

BBA 6th
Questionnaire Design process:
How convenient is the product/service?
 Not at all
 Slightly
 Moderately
 Very Extremely
How is the quality of the product/service?
 Unsatisfactory
 Poor
 Fair
 Good
 Excellent
How well do customer service representatives answer your
 Not at all
 Slightly
 Moderately
 Very Extremely
How likely are you to recommend the product/service to friends?
 Not at all
 Slightly
 Moderately
 Very Extremely
Why did you choose the company? Please comment below.
How much do you trust this brand?
 Not at all
 Slightly
 Moderately
 Very Extremely
How do you regard this brand?
 Negatively Slightly
 negatively Neutral
 Somewhat positively
 Extremely positively
How reliable would you consider this brand to be?
 Unsatisfactory
 Poor
 Fair
 Good
 Excellent
How satisfied are you with the overall product/service?
 Very dissatisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Neutral
 Satisfied
 Very satisfied
Is there anything that can be improved?
 Submit
 Powered by
How would you rate the support you received?


Question type: Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

CSAT surveys usually ask respondents to pick from two options, and scores tend to be high
(98%+) so a sudden drop can alert you to problems.
How happy are you with [product name]? (1-5)

 If they answer 1-3, ask ‘Sorry to hear that! How could we improve?’
 If they answer 4-5, ask ‘What do you love about [product name]?’

Question type: milestone survey

Send out milestone surveys at key points in the customer lifecycle, such as mid-way through
their onboarding, after several months as a customer, after one year as a customer, etc.
How likely are you to recommend [product name] to a friend or colleague? (0-10)

 How likely are you to recommend [product name] to a friend or colleague? (0-10)

NPS survey question

Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys are best used after customers have had a chance to experience
your brand and form an opinion. At HubSpot, we wait 90 days after onboarding to send our first
NPS survey.
How easy did we make it to solve your problem?

1. Very difficult
2. Somewhat difficult
3. About as easy as I expected
4. Somewhat easy
5. Very easy

Customer Effort Score (CES)

At HubSpot, we ask a CES question every time we close a support ticket. It helps us understand
not just the customer’s experience with the ticket itself, but with the whole support experience.

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