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FMA Unit-4 MCQ's

Updated on 2018/02/23 19:32

FMA Unit-4 MCQ's PART-A (1 Mark Question)

Question    Serial communication is generally used for __________ communication.

A    Long distance
B    Short distance
C    Parallel
D    All of above
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Answer    A

Question    Speed of the ________ data transfer scheme is extremely high.

A    Series
B    Asynchronous
C    Parallel
D    Synchronous
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Answer    c

Question    Which of the following type of communication is very expensive?

A    Series
B    Asynchronous
C    Parallel
D    synchronous
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Answer    c

Question    The 8051 has two pins for transferring and receiving data by serial
    communication. These two pins are part of the ____________

A    Port 0
B    Port 1
C    Port 2
C    Port 2
D    Port 3
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Answer    D

Question    Serial communication is controlled by _________ register.

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Answer    D

Question    The Acronym UART stands for_______

A    Universal ASCII Receiver Transmitter

B    Unified Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
C    Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
D    Universal Asynchronous Receive and Transmit
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Answer    C

Question    Identify the byte addressable register out of the following.

D    IP
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Answer    B

Question The unit of Baud Rate is

A    Bits per second

B    Baud per second
C    Bytes per second
D    Data per second

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Answer    A

Question    To double the Baud rate set by the SCON Register________.

A    The bit TCON.7 should be set

B    The bit PCON.7 should be set
C    The bit SCON.7 should be set
D    Baud rate cannot be doubled
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Answer    B

Question    In MODE 0 of serial communication, baud Rate is equal to______

A    1/12 Oscillator frequency

B    Oscillator frequency
C    1/16 Oscillator frequency
D    1/32 Oscillator frequency
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Answer    B

Question    ________ bit in SCON register is set for multiprocessor communication.

A    SM0
B    SM1
C    SM2
D    REN
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Answer    C

Question    ______ behaves as shift Register with fixed Baud rate in serial

A    MODE 3
B    MODE 2
C    MODE 1
D    MODE 0
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Answer    D

Question    For Serial Communication an interrupt in 8051 is______.

A    TF0 ,TF1
B    INT0, INT1
C    RI, TI
D    None of the above
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Answer    C

Question    What is the role played by Timer 1 in serial communication?

A    It creates Time delay

B    Has no role in serial communication
C    It is used as Counter
D    To generate baud Rate
D    To generate baud Rate
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Answer    D

Question 8051 has built in UART.

C    May have or may not have
D    None of the above

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Answer    A

Question    What voltage levels are used for binary 0 in communication standard RS

A    0 Volt
B    +5 Volt
C    -3 to -25 Volt
D    +3 to +25 Volt
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Answer    D

Question    What voltage levels are used for binary1 in communication standard RS

A    0 Volt
B    +5 Volt
C    -3 to -25 Volt
D    +3 to +25 Volt
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Answer    C

Question    RS 232 is not TTL compatible, to make it TTL compatible _____ must be

A    Analog to Digital Converter

B    Line Driver ( Voltage Converter)
C    Latch
D    Digital to Analog Converter
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Answer    B

Question    ______ is used to set different Baud rates to transfer and receive data

A    counter0
A    counter0
D    Timer 1
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Answer    D

Question    In serial communication to set the Baud rate in Timer1, frequency

A    Oscillator frequency / 12/ 8 UART

B    Oscillator frequency / 12/ 16 UART
C    Oscillator frequency / 12/ 10 UART
D    Oscillator frequency / 12/ 32 UART
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Answer    D

Question    __________  allows variable Baud Rate.

A    Serial Mode 3
B    Serial Mode 0
C    Serial Mode 2
D    Serial Mode 1
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Answer    D

Question    In serial Mode 1 for each character a total of _______ bits are transferred.

A    8
B    16
C    10
D    11
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Answer    C

Question    In serial communication _________ Register is used to hold Data.

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Answer    A
Question    To transfer and receive data , the status of REN bit in SCON Register must

A    REN= 1
B    REN= 0
C    REN= tri-stated
D    None of the above
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Answer    A

Question    If the status of REN bit in SCON Register is 0, then

A    Data can be transmitted serially

B    Receiver is disabled
C    No serial data communication is possible
D    None of the above
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Answer    B

Question    In Serial communication when 8051 finish data transfer it raises ______ to
    indicate that it is ready to transfer another byte.

A    TI Flag
B    CY Flag
C    RI Flag
D    OV Flag
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Answer    A

Question    In serial communication to indicate that Data Byte is received in SCON

A    TI Flag is raised

B    CY Flag is raised
C    RI Flag is raised
D    OV Flag is raised
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Answer    C

Question    In multiprocessor mode (serial Mode 2) of serial communication; data is

    transmitted as _________ bits.

A    11
B    8
B    8
C    16
D    10
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Answer    A

Question    To double the Baud Rate; ______ bit of PCON register is used in serial

A    GF1
C    GF0
D    PD
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Answer    B

Question    When powered up, SMOD bit of PCON register is ______

A    0
B    1
C    Undefined
D    None of these
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Answer    A

Question    In serial communication, SMOD bit of PCON register should be ______ to
    double the Baud rate.

A    0
B    1
C    Undefined
D    None of these
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Answer    A

Question    In parallel data transfer ____ data lines are needed to transfer data.

A    16
B    11
C    13
D    8
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Answer    B

Question    ________ transmission is one way transmission.

Question    ________ transmission is one way transmission.

A    Simplex
B    Duplex
C    Half Duplex
D    Full Duplex
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Answer    A

Question    ________ is a character oriented data transfer in which one data byte is
    transfer serially at a time.

A    Asynchronous data transfer

B    Bulk data transfer
C    Byte Data Transfer
D    Synchronous data transfer
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Answer    A

Question    In ____ two separate clock input can be used for Transmission and Receiver.

A    Bulk data transfer

B    Byte Data Transfer
C    Synchronous data transfer
D    Asynchronous Data transfer
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Answer    D

FMA Unit-4 MCQ's PART-B ( 2 Marks Questions)

Question    The _________ allows baud rate to be variable and is set by _______ of

A    Serial Mode 0, Timer 1

B    Serial Mode 1, Timer 1
C    Serial Mode 2, Timer 0
D    Serial Mode 3, Timer 1
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Answer    B

Question    MOV SCON,#50H will select __________

A    Serial Mode 3 , REN enabled

B    Serial Mode 1, REN enabled
C    Serial Mode 2, REN enabled
D    Serial Mode 0, REN enabled
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Answer    B

Question    SETB SCON.4 will set ________ bit in SCON Register.

A    TB8
B    RB8
C    REN
D    SM2
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Answer    C

Question    CLR SCON.4 will reset ________ bit in SCON Register.

A    TB8
B    RB8
C    SM2
D    REN
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Answer   D

Question    In MODE 1 of serial communication after receiving data byte, start bit is
    discarded 8 bit data goes to SBUF while stop bit is saved into __________of
    SCON Register.

A    REN
B    SM2
C    TB8
D    RB8
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Answer    D

Question    Serial communication is _____ while parallel communication is ______

A    Half Duplex, Full Duplex

B    Full Duplex , Half Duplex
C    Full Duplex , Duplex
D    None of these
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Answer    B

Question    To maintain data integrity _________ is/are checked.

A    Only start bit

B    Only stop bit
C    Only parity bit
C    Only parity bit
D    Start, stop, parity bit
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Answer    D

Question Serial Mode 0 is _______

A    Synchronous and half duplex

B    Synchronous and full duplex
C    Asynchronous and half duplex
D    Asynchronous and full duplex

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Answer    A

Question Serial Mode 1 is _______

A    Asynchronous and half duplex

B    Asynchronous and full duplex
C    Synchronous and half duplex
D    Synchronous and full duplex

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Answer    B

Question Serial Mode 2 is _______

A    Asynchronous and half duplex

B    Asynchronous and full duplex
C    Synchronous and half duplex
D    Synchronous and full duplex

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Question Serial Mode 3 is _______

A    Synchronous and half duplex

B    Synchronous and full duplex
C    Asynchronous and half duplex
D    Asynchronous and full duplex

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Answer    D

WikiNote Foundation 
Questions by Prof Omkar Shete, Electrical Dept., Sinhgad's NBNSIT, Pune

Created by Sujit Wagh (/XWiki/sujitwagh) on 2018/01/28 18:30

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