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Colegio de San Bartolome de ovaliches

Quirino Highway cor. P. Dela Cruz St. San Bartolome Novaliches, Quezon City
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In this unit, you will be guided on how to prepare for the second phase of your IP. This stage
involves the search for literature (e.g., books, journals, magazines, other IP’s) that contains information
related to your selected area of study.
How Big is Your Problem?
The IP is a well-thought-of type of study that involves several steps to accomplish. Therefore,
researchers should focus on how significant the study is correctly assessing its impact to the community.
1. Search for related IP papers and other literature (e.g., books, journals, magazines)
2. Identify the problem in sample IP papers
3. Write the objectives of the sample IP papers
4. Describe the significance of the study
5. Determine whether the IP is practical and worthy
Materials: Science notebook, computer with Internet access
1. Each member of the group should find sample high school level IP’s using the Internet. These are
actual projects done by other students. Choose one among the IP’s that you found, particularly one
of the most interests you. Remember to cite the source, the name of the author, and the date of
2. Using your science notebook, write the problem statement of the study and the objectives.
3. Describe the significance of the study based on the discussion of the researcher. Make a list of its
benefit or impact to the community.
4. In a PPT make three columns and five rows. In the first to the third columns, write the problem
statement, objectives, and summary of its significance.
5. Study whether the significance of the study of the sample IP is practical and worthy of time and
effort. You may use the information below to guide you in evaluating the project.

The study can be done in a timely manner. 2 pts.

The resources or materials are readily available. 2 pts.
The financial investment is not high. 2 pts.
The study can help improve the lives of the people. 2 pts.
The study is helpful to the community. 2 pts.
Highest possible score 10 pts.
Guide Questions:
1. How did you look for related literature? What criteria did you use to tell that the literature you found
is related to your scope of study?
2. How will you know if the IP is significant or not?
3. Find the meaning of “bias in research.” How can you avoid “biases” in your
IP? IP Checklist:
In writing your review of related literature, the following guide will help you keep track of your
Are most of the sources from reputable, refereed (peer-reviewed) journals,
or other known publications?
Are recent developments in the literature emphasized in the review?
Is the literature relevant to the problem?
Is the review organized logically?
Are major studies discussed in detail, and are the actual findings cited? Are
major studies with similar results or limitations summarized as a group?
Are studies compared and contrasted? Are conflicting or inclusive result
Does the review of the literature help establish the significance of the

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