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Dr. Hendra
2 11/28/2020

Dr. Hendra in brief

 USU Graduate Doctor in
Digital Marketing
 Academician, Chair of
Research & Community
Service Development in
Wilmar Bisnis Indonesia
Polytechnic and AMA
Medan DM
 Certified Digital Marketing
by Google, Inc. and
MarkPlus Facilitator + BNSP
of Marketing Brand, Sales
and Service
 Co-Founder of GoDigital
Solusindo Sejahtera
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Sumber: Kementrian Koordinator bidang perekonomian

8 11/28/2020

What is Digital Marketing

9 11/28/2020

Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is the act of
promoting and selling products and
services by leveraging online
marketing tactics such as social media
marketing, search marketing, and email
10 11/28/2020

Vs Traditional Marketing
Same or Different?
Both want to develop mutually
beneficial relationship with prospects,
leads, and customers.
Today, most purchasing decisions
begin online.
11 11/28/2020

Digital Marketing concepts in practice

“Perusahaan kami sebelumnya mengutamakan
iklan offline (OOH dan TV), tetapi setelah tahu
minat terhadap acara TV di penelusuran YouTube
tumbuh dengan pesat, kami memutuskan untuk
melakukan diversifikasi ke iklan digital dan
melakukan studi yang mengkonfirmasi hasil yang
lebih tinggi di platform Google, dengan ROI 3x
lipat dibanding saluran lainnya.”

-Fahroni Arifin-
SVP Head of Brand Management & Strategy,
12 11/28/2020

Digital Marketing Concepts

 Search engine marketing and advertising
 Display ad marketing
 E-mail marketing
 Affiliate marketing
 Viral marketing
 Lead generation marketing
13 11/28/2020

Search Engine Marketing and Advertising

 Search engine marketing (SEM)

 Use of search engines for branding

 Search engine advertising (Ex. PepsiCo)

 Use of search engines to support direct sales
 The click-through rate for search engine
advertising is generally 1%–4% (with an average of
around 2%).
 The top search engine is Google, (market share of
over 90%).
14 11/28/2020

Search Engine Marketing and Advertising

 Search engines are also used for:

 Strengthen brand awareness.
 Support costumer engagement.
 Gain more insights about costumer
awareness and behavior.
 Insight into customer search patterns.
 Competitors brand awareness.
15 11/28/2020

Types of search engine advertising

 Paid inclusion: for a fee,

guarantees a website’s
inclusion in its list of sites,
more frequent visits by its
web crawler, and
suggestions for improving
the results of organic

 Organic search: inclusion

and ranking of sites
depends on a more or less
unbiased application of a
set of rules (algorithm)
imposed by the search
16 11/28/2020

Types of search engine advertising

 Pay-per-click (PPC) search ads (primary type of
search engine advertising):
 Keyword advertising: merchants purchase keywords
through a bidding process at search sites, and
whenever a consumer searches for that word, their
advertisement shows up somewhere on the page,
usually as a small text-based advertisement on the
right, but also as a listing on the very top of the page.
(Ex. Google AdWords)
17 11/28/2020

Types of search engine advertising

 Pay-per-click (PPC) search ads (primary type of
search engine advertising):
 Network keyword advertising (context advertising):
publishers accept ads placed by Google on their
websites, and receive a fee for any click-throughs
from those ads (Ex. Google AdSense)
18 11/28/2020

Search Engine Marketing and Advertising

 Search engine optimization (SEO)

 techniques to improve the ranking of web pages
generated by search engine algorithms.
 the process of improving the ranking of web pages
with search engines by altering the content &
design of web pages and site.
19 11/28/2020

Search Engine Marketing and Advertising

 Social search
 Utilizes social contacts and
social graph to provide fewer
and more relevant results.
 Reviews your friends’ (and
their friends’)
recommendations, past web
visits, and use of Like buttons.
 Ex. Facebook Search
20 11/28/2020

Display Ad Marketing
 According to Google, the
top performing ad formats
are the large rectangle, the
medium rectangle, the
leaderboard, and the half-
page (Google Inc., 2016).

 The top five display ad

companies in the United
States are Facebook,
Google, Twitter, Yahoo, and
Verizon (AOL and Millennial
Media), which together
account for almost 60% of
U.S. display ad revenue.
21 11/28/2020

Types of Display Ad Marketing

 Banner ads
 displays a promotional message in a
rectangular box at the top or bottom of
a computer screen.
 are the oldest and most familiar form of
display marketing.
 A banner ad is similar to a traditional ad
in a printed publication but has some
added advantages.
 Banner ads often feature video and
other animations.
22 11/28/2020

Types of Display Ad Marketing

 Rich media ads - more effective

than simple banner ads.
 ad employing animation, sound,
and interactivity, using Flash, HTML5,
Java, and JavaScript.
 exposure to rich media ads boosted
advertiser site visits by nearly 300%
compared to standard banner ads.
 Interstitial ads: a way of placing a
full-page message between the
current and destination pages of a
23 11/28/2020

Types of Display Ad Marketing

 Native advertising
 advertising that looks similar to
editorial content.
 In the online world, native ads
are most often found on social
media, as part of a Facebook
News Feed.
24 11/28/2020

Types of Display Ad Marketing

 Video ads:
 Online video ads are TV-like advertisements that
appear as in-page video commercials or before,
during, or after a variety of content.
 Far more effective than other display formats
25 11/28/2020

Email Marketing

 Direct e-mail marketing

 Messages sent directly to interested users
 in-house e-mail lists are more effective than
purchased e-mail lists.
 Benefits include
 Inexpensive - high response rates and low cost
 Average around 3% to 4% click-throughs
 Measuring and tracking responses
 Personalization and targeting
26 11/28/2020

Email Marketing

 Three main challenges

 Spam - unsolicited commercial (junk) e-mail -
averaged around 53% in 2016.
 Anti-spam software
 Poorly targeted purchased e-mail lists
27 11/28/2020

Affiliate marketing

 Commission fee paid to other websites for sending

customers to their website.
 Affiliate marketing generally involves pay-for-
performance: the affiliate or affiliate network gets
paid only if users click on a link or purchase a
28 11/28/2020

Affiliate marketing

 the advertiser pays the affiliate a fee, either on a

per-click basis or as a percentage of whatever the
customer spends on the advertiser’s site.
 Amazon has a strong affiliate program consisting
of more than 1 million participant sites, called
Associates, which receive up to 10% in advertising
fees on sales their referrals generate.
29 11/28/2020

Viral marketing

 Marketing designed to inspire customers to pass

message to friends, family, and colleagues.
 It’s the online version of word-of-mouth
advertising, which spreads even faster and further
than in the real world.
30 11/28/2020

Viral marketing

 Benefits of customer referrals:

 increasing the size of a company’s customer base,
 less expensive to acquire because existing customers
do all the acquisition work, and
 tend to use online support services less, preferring to
turn back to the person who referred them for advice.
 They use different online venues: Email, Social
31 11/28/2020

Lead Generation marketing

 uses multiple e-commerce presences to generate

leads for businesses who later can be contacted
and converted into customers.
 Services and tools for collecting, managing, and
converting leads.
32 11/28/2020

Lead Generation marketing

 Sometimes called “inbound marketing,”

 Lead generation marketing firms help firms build websites,

launch e-mail campaigns, use social network sites and
blogs to optimize the generation of leads, and then
manage those leads by initiating further contacts,
tracking interactions, and interfacing with customer
relationship management systems to keep track of
customer-firm interactions.
33 11/28/2020

Lead Generation marketing

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Customer retention strategies

Retargeting involves showing the same

or similar ads to individuals across
multiple websites.
35 11/28/2020

Where Digital Marketing concepts

begin and end?
36 11/28/2020

Guide for Business Growth

 Digital Marketing Strategy
Template – as strategic foundation

 Customer Value Journey – master

template upon DM discipline and tactic is
 Learn all 8 stages, use them to create
winning strategy for your business
37 11/28/2020

Digital Marketing Job

Move prospects and customers
seamlessly and subtly through
each stages of the Customer
Value Journey
38 11/28/2020

Customer Value Journey

This is where digital marketing begins
and ends.
Does anyone want to build
relationship strategically with new
prospects and converts them into loyal,
repeat customers?
39 11/28/2020

Customer Value Journey

It is the process every prospect goes
through to become a new customer.
It is how strangers become buyers and
finally, Fanatic Fans of your business.
40 11/28/2020

Customer Value Journey

It is the process every prospect goes
through to become a new customer.
It is how strangers become buyers and
finally, Fanatic Fans of your business.
41 11/28/2020

Step 1 : Awareness
 Scenarios of ways a prospect could become
aware of your company, products and services
1. A new children holiday camp Facebook ad
was seen by a father of two
2. Manager searches Google for coffee
3. A University students watches IG video of
her friend raving about a new brand of
42 11/28/2020

Step 1 : Awareness

If you weren’t aware of canary, this Facebook Ad make you aware.

43 11/28/2020

Step 2 : Engagement
 Developing relationship
with your prospect, usually
through some form of content
that provides entertainment,
information or both.

 Itis not something you do

once and move on. It is a
continuous process along
44 11/28/2020

Step 2 : Engagement
1. Watching how to give baby a bath from
Johnson & Johnson through YouTube,
by a new mother
2. Owner of wine store become active in
FB community for wineries and other
wine retailers
3. Got email newsletter showing how to
save a child’s college tuition while
reduce taxes from financial advisor to a
grandfather of five
45 11/28/2020

Step 3 : Subscribe
Here, the person gives you contact
info, and grants you permission to
contact them again in the future.
“Ethical bribe”, promote a valuable
offer, ask for contact info, add them to
your subscriber list
46 11/28/2020

Step 3 : Subscribe
1. A young professional signs up for a
webinar presented by a local agent about
the best way to buy a first home.
2. A college girl fills out a form on a blog to
receive a free sample of a new face cream.
3. HR manager signs up for a demo of a new
application he can use to manage hiring of
new employees
47 11/28/2020

Step 3 : Subscribe
1. The young professional is sent
the time and URL of webinar

2. The college girl is sent a thank-

you email telling her face cream
is in the email

3. The manager is contacted to

schedule his demo

Salesforce’s offer is perfect for the Subscription stage

of their Customer Journey.
48 11/28/2020

Step 4 : Convert
 Prospect invest in either time or money
on you.
 Critical Stage of CVJ
 Earn Prospects is not same as earning
profit yet.
 “Entry-point offers”, give value to
prospect without giving them too much
risk to bear.
49 11/28/2020

Step 4 : Convert
1. VP Operations purchases a high-dollar
management consultant’s book for $8 on the
consultant’s website
2. A daughter of elderly parents schedules a walk-
through visit at the local retirement home
3. A man takes advantages of a $20 teeth whitening
service at his local dentist.

Notice price point of these offers from $8 to $20.

Your goal in Convert is not to make a Big profit, but
to shift them from subscribe o convert stage of CVJ.
50 11/28/2020

Step 4 : Convert
By offering a fantastic up-
front deal, GoDaddy easily
acquires the customer.

 Remember, One of the costliest (in time,

money, resources) marketing activities of
your business is the acquisition of
 Good news , once you get them, no need
to pay to get them again.
51 11/28/2020

Step 5 : Excite
 Make sure the first transaction, though
small one, is a good one, so the purchase
develops into good will and trust.
 How to create good experience?
1. Ensure your outstanding products /
services , or speed up failure process!
2. Ensure they get value , should create
52 11/28/2020

Step 5 : Excite
1. A married couple buys an air fryer
and uses the free potato servings and
Quick Start Guide to have an
amazing French-fries within minutes
of opening of the box
2. Spotify music streaming app new
user goes through an instructional
walkthrough teaching her how to
build a playlist of her favorite songs
53 11/28/2020

Step 6 : Ascend
 Not yet turn a profit? In a competitive
market? Losing money on the previous
 Remember, you are investing in future
profits and it costs more to get a new
customer than to sell to an existing one.
 Besides, first sale is not about profits,
but convert a prospect to a customer, so
you can begin a long and profitable
54 11/28/2020

Step 6 : Ascend
1. A new dad buy a digital camera for
$2,000 and add a lens kit, camera
bag, and tripod to his purchase for a
bundle price of $299
2. A woman with a new brand new
Mazda buys an unlimited car wash
package for $30 per month instead
of paying for each car wash
55 11/28/2020

Step 6 : Ascend
Here’s how Southwest Airlines creates ascension by making an offer that will
improve your experience and increase the value of your transaction:
When you execute
this ascend stage
properly, they will
thank you for these
SW Airlines
customers who
want to board the
plane early are
happy to pay an
extra of $15 to
avoid hectic
Southwest’s ascension offer is an affordable add-on that improves their boarding
customer’s experience.
56 11/28/2020

Step 7 : Advocate
 After happy customer and profitable
purchase from you, next is: create
marketing encourage your most loyal
ones advocating your business.

 “Passive Promoter” speaks positively

about your brand, especially when you
asked them about you, they respond
57 11/28/2020

Step 7 : Advocate
1. A woman enters a contest to win a new
lip gloss from a beauty company by
shooting a video review detailing how
much she loves of the lipstick
2. Upon request, the Warehouse Manager
at a fruit supplier company writes a
glowing review of the local courier
service she uses to transport fruits
58 11/28/2020

Step 7 : Advocate
Designer Shoe Warehouse knows the value of the Advocate stage in the Customer
Journey. This email is designed to activate advocates by asking for a review:

DSW actively encourages customers to become advocates.

59 11/28/2020

Step 8 : Promote
Simply had a great experience and
want to share
Sometimes is because you have
created an incentive for them to do so.
Customers actively seeking to spread
the word about your brands, products
and services.
60 11/28/2020

Step 8 : Promote
This puts your message in front of a
new audience, the fans, followers, and
friends of the promoter.
Audience heard about you from a
trusted source who they already know,
high possibility become customers
61 11/28/2020

Step 8 : Promote
1. A man who runs a podcast about fishing
earns a 205 commission every time one of
his listeners buys fishing equipment using
his affiliate link.
2. A woman attends an international
conference for free because she arranged
for 5 of her co-workers to go as well

Promoters help you get more customers at a

lower cost. So, even when you reward them, it
is a win-win.
62 11/28/2020

Step 8 : Promote
This is an
attractive offer,
thousand of
new users
friends and
family, making
D turn into a
software giant
(valued at $10
By generously rewarding users who promoted Dropbox, word spread
billion in 2014)
about the new cloud-
storage service.
63 11/28/2020

Pesan Boleh Cara Berbicara

Sama Berbeda


Kunci Keberhasilan Penyampaian Informasi di Sosial Media

64 11/28/2020

“Bolunya Medan Par par ternyata enak
kali yah. Saya baru pertama nyobain,
karena lihat temen kantor pada sering
order. Duh, saya kemana aja yah
selama ini?”
65 11/28/2020

“Ketemu #oleholehmedan paling
makyus punyanya artis, sekali
nyobain gak mau berhenti.

A Thread”
66 11/28/2020

“lihatin Bolu ini koq aku jadi

pengen ya?
67 11/28/2020

“Gileee, setiap kali beli bolu Par
Par, gak sabar rasanya nunggu
sampe rumah, pengen langsung
68 11/28/2020

“Ini pengalaman terbaik saya
bersama chef pastry yang
berpengalman puluhan tahun”
69 11/28/2020

Daftar Pustaka
 Data Internal Google, 2019
 Data Google Trends, 2019
 Digital Marketer, 2020
 Laudon, Kenneth and Carol Traver. E-Commerce. Business
Technology Society. 2017. Pearson.
 MarkPlus Government Roundtable dengan tema: Jawa Barat –
Destinasi Investasi Prioritas Indonesia di Era COVID-19. 25 Juni 2020
 Setiawan , TribunNews Medan.
 We are Social 2019
 We are Social. Hootsuite. April 2020.
 Yuswohady, 2020. Mega Shifts Consumer Behavior in Covid-19.

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