Operation Briefing & Debriefing Trainees' Folder

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Operation Briefing & Debriefing

Trainees’ Folder

S/No Annex Titles No. of

1 A Assignment Contract 1
2 B Operation Order 4
3 C Action Plan 2
4 D Checklist – Operation Briefing 1
5 E Shopping Centre Sketch Plan 1
6 F Notification – Briefing & Debriefing 1
7 G Attendance – Briefing 1
8 H Feedback Form 1
Annex A

1. A ‘Meet & Greet event for Hong Kong Singer, AH LAM’ will be
held at the NTUC Shopping Centre, Podium 1 on ________from
1830 hrs to 2330 hrs. Expected crowd size is about 500 comprising of
mostly teenagers and young working adults.

2. Our security agency has been contracted to provide security

coverage for the event. To ensure the event runs smoothly the
assignment will require the services of 1 Supervisor and 6 Security

3. Security officers with specialized skills in conducting security

screening, crowd & traffic control, managing disorderly conduct &
threatening behavior as well as ability to handle terrorist and bomb
threats are required.

4. Details of the security duties are as follows:

a. Entry into the seating area is by invitation (people with valid


b. All persons entering the cordoned area are to be screened

using the metal detector.

c. Ensure smooth dispersal of crowd after the event.

d. Deal firmly with trespassers and trouble makers.

e. Handle any other emergencies such as fire outbreak, bomb

threat or medical-related incidents according to SOPs.

_________________ _________________
NTUC Operations Manager AA Security Manager
Date:__________ Date:_____________
Annex B


1.1 The Management of NTUC Shopping Centre is organizing a meet &

greet session of Hong Kong singer, AH LAM on _______from 1830
hrs to 2330 hrs at NTUC Shopping Centre, Podium 1.

1.2 The crowd size is expected to be about 500. The crowd will
comprise mainly of teenagers and young working adults who are
fans of AH LAM.

1.3 Our security agency has been tasked to control crowd and traffic
movement for this event without additional manpower support


Our mission is to provide security services and coverage so as to enable

the event to be held smoothly


3.1 Concept of operations

– Phase I (From now till 1830hrs,______) - Preparation for assigned
– Phase II (1830 – 2330hrs, ______) – Carry out assigned duties
– Phase III (2330 – 0030 hrs, ________) - stand-down & Ensure
smooth post event dispersal

3.2 Grouping & Tasks

– Ops Control established at the Security Counter and manned by
the Security Manager.
– Event Hall – security coverage by Security Supervisor (i.e. myself)
and 4 Security Officers
– Car Park Area – security coverage by 2 Security Officers

3.3. Tasks in General

• Allow entry into event venue to those with valid tickets
• Screening all persons and vehicles entering into the venue and car-
• Ensure smooth dispersal of crowd and vehicles after the event
• Deal with any trespassers and trouble makers
• Handle any other emergency such as fire outbreak, bomb threat or
medical related and other incidents

3.4 Detailed Tasks

S/N Officer Location Duty
1 Supervisor Stage area Overall in-charge of the crowd & traffic control

2 SO John Entrance to Phase I – Set up the screening station at the

& SO Eric Event Area Entrance to Event Area
Phase II – Conduct checking and screening
Phase III – Assist SO Jeffery & SO Zul at the
Exit area

3 SO Jeffery Step area Phase I – Set up metal barricade at stage

& SO Zul up to Stage area
Phase II – Observe and maintain crowd
orderliness and prevent unauthorised persons
from going up the stage; ensure no one
enters from ‘Exit’ point.
Phase III – Maintain orderliness for crowd

4 SO Car park Phases I & II – Take up position & control

Anthony entrance traffic. Direct vehicles to neighbouring car
parks when all car park lots have been taken
Phase III – Assist SO Lim at Car park exit
point to ensure orderly exit of vehicles.

5 SO Lim Car park Phase I & II – Take up position & control

exit traffic.
Phase III – To ensure orderly exit of vehicles,
assisted by SO Anthony.

3.5 Coordinating instructions

a. Management had Informed Bukit Merah NPC of the coming

event and request for frequent visit by police officers during the
b. Security sweep to be conducted at event venue 1 hour
before start of event
c. All preparations to be completed by 1600 hours,________.
d. Security officers to take up assigned duty posts by 1730
hours-Commencement of the event will be at 1830 hrs sharp
e. Security officers are not to leave their assigned duty posts
after the event at 2330 hrs until ordered to stand down by the
Security Manager.
f. Event Manager must be informed of any security and safety


4.1 Meal arrangement – all to consume their dinner by 1730 hours.

4.2 Equipment

a. All security officers must be properly and neatly attired in the

prescribed uniform and to check their personal grooming before
commencing duty
b. Early dinner to be taken before 1730 hours
c. Necessary security equipment and systems must be signed
out and tested / checked by 1730 hours
d. All officers on duty must carry pocket book/pen and a whistle
Officers on duty at the car-park will wear reflective vests
f. Any detained person are to be brought to the search room
for temporary custody pending handing over to the Police

a. SO John & Eric – To draw Hand-held Scanner, Walk-
Through Metal Detector, X-Ray Machine & Plastic Trays

b. SO Jeffrey & Zul – to draw the metal barricades, 9 x “Q”

stands; 6 x “Q” ropes and two loudhailers
c. SO Anthony & Lim – to draw safety vest, traffic control gloves,
traffic wand & car park full sign
d. All SOs will be equipped with walkie-talkies and whistle


5.1 Command structure

All SOs are to take command from me (who will be in consultation

with the Event Manager).

5.2 Communication means & network

a. Means of communication will be via walkie-talkie sets or
mobile phones.

b. Call-signs
i. Supervisor - “Sierra”
ii SO John - “Charlie 1”
iii. SO Eric - “Charlie 2”
iv. SO Jeffrey - “Charlie 3”
v. SO Zul - “Charlie 4”
vi. SO Anthony - “Charlie 5”
vii. SO Lim - “Charlie 6”

c. Security Manager and Security Supervisor can also be

contacted through their mobile phone numbers as follows:

– SM Ismail – 97654321
– Sup (Myself) - 91234567

Name & Signature


Annex C
Event “Meet & Greet AH LAM Nite”
Time 1830 hours – 2330 hours
Venue NTUC Shopping Centre Podium 1
Expected crowd & 500 – Teenagers/Young working Adults

Date of Briefing
Time 1400 hours – 1600 hours
Venue Blk C, Room 304A
Participants SO ‘John’
SO ‘Eric’
SO ‘Jeffrey’
SO ‘Zul’
SO ‘Anthony’
SO ‘Lim’
Equipment & Presentation notes & handouts
Resources Slides & layout plan
Computer, slide projector
Projector screen & pointer
Whiteboard, flipcharts and markers
Table & chairs
Date of notification to
Follow-up briefing to
absentees on


Final preparation _________at 1300 hrs
check on
Date of Ops Briefing

Date of Debriefing
Time 1400 hours – 1600 hours
Venue Blk C, Room 304A
Participants 6 SOs involved in the event:
SO ‘John’
SO ‘Eric’
SO ‘Jeffrey’
SO ‘Zul’
SO ‘Anthony’
SO ‘Lim’
Equipment & All equipment as provided in briefing
Date of notification of
debriefing to
Follow-up debriefing
to absentees on
Compilation of post-
ops evaluation report
and submission to
Mgt by

Prepared By: _________________

Date: _________________

Signature: _________________
Annex D

Checklist on Preparation for Operation Briefing Tick

Prior to the day of briefing

1. Examine Assignment Contract (Show action of reading)

2. Prepare Action Plan (Read paragraph 2 – Outline Plan)

3. Prepare Operation Order & Site-plan of Venue

4. Prepare Briefing notes, slides, transparencies & handouts

5. Prepare Attendance List (Briefing)

6. Prepare Feedback Form (Incident Report/Shortcomings)

Book Briefing Room

Ensure sufficient chairs

Ensure availability of Presentation Equipment

Projector system with screen



Whiteboard with marker

Flipchart with marker

Send Notification
Notify security officers involved in advance and obtain their confirmation
to attend the briefing & debriefing

Name & Signature of Supervisor: __________________Date: _______________

Annex E
Annex F

“Meet-and-Greet Ah Lam Nite”on _________at NTUC

shopping Centre

Notification for Briefing/Debriefing

Venue for briefing/Debriefing: Block C Room 304A

Briefing on on
__________ _______at
S/N Name at 1400hrs Signature 1400hrs Signature

1 John

2 Eric

3 Jeffery

4 Zul

5 Anthony

6 Lim
Annex G

“Meet-and-Greet Ah Lam Nite”


ON ______________ at 1400hrs

Location: Blk C Room 304 A

Time- Time-
S/N Name Date in Signature out Signature

1 John

2 Eric

3 Jeffery

4 Zul

5 Anthony

6 Lim
Annex H
Debriefing Feedback Form

Event: “Meet-and-Greet Ah Lam Nite”

Date: ______________
Time 1830 – 2330 Hrs
Venue: NTUC Shopping Centre, Podium 1
Approx. Crowd Size: 500

S/N Date Time Location Incident/Area Action Recommended Follow-up Remarks

to look into Taken action action(If
By applicable

Name____________ Signature ___________________Date___________

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