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Once upon a time , not Long a ago there stood a beautiful and splendid kingdom the kingdom of

Palenia.The sun would always shine and the cool Breeze would always flutter flow making the weather
perfect.The flowers would rise there head up at the crack of dawn , to admire the sun rise .The soft dewed
grass dazed in the sun , making the scene more beautiful. This kingdom was not like any other kingdom ,
and was ruled by a very generous and kind king
King Harris. He would always help all his people and would respect and be equal to all his
courtiers.Everyone loved king Harris and were living a very happy life.King Harris also had a wife , but the
only problem with her that she was the typical opposite of king Harris.Queen Mary was something you
would say as evil and dishonest women. She would do anything to burn peace and prosperity in Palenia, as
she wanted to takeover Palenia and rule the kingdom.With the help of one of the courtiers , Azazel she
planned to take over the kingdom.Soon days and days passed on , and then Queen Mary decided to give
birth to a baby boy , prince Jacob. Prince Jacob’s upbringing was like any other child and would go to the
local school. He also used to learn archery , horse riding,sword fighting etc.Years passed , and now Jacob
was 18 years old . His father was getting really old and so was his mother.One day a really unfortunate
incident happened. Jacob’s father , King Harris peacefully passed away in the summers of the kingdom.A
wave of sadness washed over the kingdom and everyone was really sad.Except the only person queen
Mary .She was so excited.She had tried a lot to find ways to takeover the kingdom in the pass few years,
but all her tries went useless and now she was the new ruler.But the wish of queen mary was still not
fulfilled . According to the laws and establishments of kingdom, the kingdom would be given to the son of
the ruler.Queen Mary was both disappointed and angry.Queen Mary “ henchmen , go call my adviser
Azazel here immediately”.Henchmen “ Yes , queen”. Azazel “ Queen , why have you hollered me here”,
Queen “ Azazel , we immediately have to make a evil plan .Other wise My dream of being the queen and
your dream of being my chief will be ruined”.Azazel though was a just a adviser , she was really clever. She
immediately whispered a plan and evil grins spread across there faces .The next day , both of them decided
to begin there evil plan.Azazel “ Oh prince , your mother is being stubborn and angry she won’t budge till
she has eaten a piece of the golden apple” . Prince Jacob was also a man of kind heart and used to follow
his fathers footsteps. He loved his mother to the dearest and would do anything for her. Prince “ Oh maiden
, tell mother if she wishes a golden Apple her son will bring it for her” . Saying this he left for the jungle .
The thing prince Jacob didn’t know that he was being tricked. As he left Palenia , and went into the jungle
he started to shudder . “ oh my oh my , the jungle is filled with a lot of wild animals I must be careful. As
Jacob went deeper in the forest he started to hear crying and sad voices . But finally he found out the
creature who was in sorrow. Wolf “ Oww oww , this splinter is hurting my foot .Help Help”.As Price Jacob
was a kind and courageous person , he helped the wolf.As soon as he removed the splinter , the wolf
turned into a sprit in a flash of light . Spirit “ I am the spirit of peace and prosperity, I know what’s
happening all around the world . Who is bad and who is good. You have really helped me thanks”. Saying this
she told how she had turned into a wolf and about Jacob’s moms evil plan. Prince Jacob “ Oh friendly
spirit , my mom must be like this but I love her to my dearest heart” Spirit “ You indeed are a good son and
king”Saying this she left , leaving Jacob confused.At this point of time Jacob decided to go home and
explain his moms wish. As Jacob was there finding is way home , at the palace the new kings inauguration
had just started,and the citizens of Palenia were wondering were Jacob was.Everyone patiently waited ,
but after sometime everyone started to leave as Sun was going to set . Suddenly Queen Mary broke the
silence , “ Wait” she said and started to fake cry “ I sender Jacob to the forest to get me a golden Apple ,
he left in the morning and didn’t came back . I Guess you know what that means”.The whole inauguration
had turned into a funeral, suddenly Jacob opened the door and broke the silence . Then he ran and hugged
his mom , “ Mom ,you are the best” saying this they hugged tightly.Then Jacob told everyone her moms evil
plan , and Mary “ I really sorry everyone, I hurt your feelings I just wanted everyone to love me as you did
to Harris . I was being selfish .” Saying this everyone rejoiced and the ceremony was on.and everyone lived
happily ever after in the watch of the spirit of peace and prosperity

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