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Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics2 Experiment No.

Name: Quirante, Jany Paulenne S. Date submitted: August 2, 2016

Subject & Schedule: CE 411BL/ Tue 1:30-4:30 PM Instructor: Engr. Michael Barriga



I. Objectives: To verify the applicability of Bernoulli’s principle as applied in pipe systems, and to
quantify the energy losses in pipe systems.

II. Apparatus/Equipment

• Hydrodynamics Trainer
• Different Pipe Diameters and Materials

Description of Hydrodynamics Trainer

Hydrodynamics Trainer allows experiment to be carried out in
flow and pressure measurement, as well as the determination of
flow losses and pressure curves in pipes and special pipeline
elements. The test rig structures is clearly arranged on a
laboratory carriage. Mobility and easy positioning of the test
rig on four castors, operation independent of the water mains is
possible. Pressure measuring system for measuring differential
pressure and fall, fault-free pressure dispensing via ring
chambers, simple and rapid connection between measuring
points and pressure measuring units via hoses with quick
release couplings. Many different flow-related measuring
objects that are visible with 6 different pipe sections permanently installed. Pipe sections are replaceable,
thereby also allowing the use of individual pipe sections, simple pipe selection via hoses with quick
release coupling with standard measurement length 1 m for pipe friction measurements.

Below are the list of the parts of the Hydrodynamics Trainer (refer to the next page for the schematic view
of the equipment)

1. switch box 9. variable-area flowmeters

2. water tank 10. six manometers
3. submersible pump 11. differential pressure gauge
4. interchangeable measuring objects 12. thermometer
5. various measuring sections 13. slanted regulating valve
6. annular chambers for pressure measurement
7. liquid-level manometer
8. drain valves
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics2 Experiment No. 4

Schematic View of Hydrodynamics Trainer

III. Theory

Bernoulli‟s principle states that the total head at the upstream portion of the pipe is equal to the sum
of the total head at the downstream portion and the head losses between these points.
Using the figure shown below, this principle can be expressed as

ρ1 v 2
Where: , and z are the pressure head, velocity head and elevation head, respectively.
ρg 2 g

The different terms in the above equation can be determined easily. The pressure at several points
is represented by the manometer reading, the velocity is determined using the known discharge and
the cross sectional area of the pipes, the elevation head is also determined from an arbitrary datum.
Hence, energy losses can be obtained.

IV. Experimental Procedure

With the duration of the experiment, five different types of pipe were used namely the GI, Copper
and two PVC Pipes. Each of the pipes has its own inner diameter and two of the PVC pipes have
changing inner diameters. Before the measurements were made, four different outlets of each pipe
were identified. Before water was allowed to flow, the entire system was switched off and hoses for
the different outlets were carefully and tightly attached. When it was made sure that water was ready
to flow, the system was turned on. Water was then flowing through the different hoses. Water is then
visible in the manometer and discharge in the flowmeter was already changing. The stability of water
in these devices was aimed before measurements were recorded. After having the water stabilized and
the measurements recorded, steps were repeated as to 3 trials were required for every pipe.
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics2 Experiment No. 4

V. Presentation of Results/Expected Output

Single Pipe
Manometer Manometer Velocity Velocity
Inner Experimental Theoretical
no. of Reading in reading in Discharge Discharge Head at head at Percent Type of
Pipe Diameter Head Loss Re(1) Re(2) f(1) f(2) Head Loss
trials the Inlet the outlet % (L/hr) the the Error Flow
(cm) (cm) (cm)
(cm) (cm) inlet outlet
1 8.5 6.8 24 254.4 0.494 0.494 1.700 5922.339 5922.339 0.045 0.045 2.223 23.532 Turbulent
GI 1.7 2 17.8 15 41 434.6 1.442 1.442 2.800 10117.329 10117.329 0.042 0.042 6.055 53.761 Turbulent
3 47.4 29 69 731.4 4.083 4.083 18.400 17026.724 17026.724 0.04 0.04 16.334 12.649 Turbulent
1 11.2 9.5 32 339.2 0.878 0.878 1.700 7896.452 7896.452 0.033 0.033 2.898 41.345 Turbulent
Copper 1.7 2 45 20.8 78 826.8 5.218 5.218 24.200 19247.602 19247.602 0.027 0.027 14.089 71.763 Turbulent
3 48.5 28.7 81 858.6 5.627 5.627 19.800 19987.894 19987.894 0.026 0.026 14.631 35.329 Turbulent
1 10.6 4 40 424 1.372 1.372 6.600 9870.565 9870.565 0.031 0.031 4.254 55.142 Turbulent
PVC 1.7 2 33 27 66 699.6 3.736 3.736 6.000 16286.432 16286.432 0.027 0.027 10.088 40.520 Turbulent
3 43.4 34.2 81 858.6 5.627 5.627 9.200 19987.894 19987.894 0.026 0.026 14.631 37.120 Turbulent

Pipes in Series
Velocity Velocity
Manometer Manometer
Inner Head at head at Experimental Theoretical
no. of Reading in reading in Discharge Discharge Percent Type of
Pipe Diameter the the Head Loss Re(1) Re(2) f(1) f(2) Head Loss
trials the Inlet the outlet % (L/hr) Error Flow
(cm) inlet outlet (cm) (cm)
(cm) (cm)
(cm) (cm)
1 16 10.9 20 212 0.343 1.003 4.440 4935.282 6453.831 0.038 0.035 3.625 22.486 Turbulent
PVC 1.7 - 1.3 2 40.5 11.4 58 614.8 2.885 8.437 23.548 14312.319 18716.110 0.028 0.027 23.405 0.611 Turbulent
3 65.1 10.5 79 837.4 5.353 15.653 44.299 19494.366 25492.632 0.026 0.025 40.217 10.152 Turbulent
1 16.1 15 40 424 1.372 0.162 2.310 9870.565 5786.193 0.031 0.036 1.493 54.778 Turbulent
PVC 1.7 - 2.9 2 23.5 24.9 60 636 3.088 0.365 1.323 14805.847 8679.290 0.028 0.033 3.041 56.488 Turbulent
3 41 38 78 826.8 5.218 0.616 7.602 19247.602 11283.077 0.026 0.03 4.755 59.862 Turbulent
Sample Computations:

Single Pipe

1060 Q
Q= (24) = 254.4 L/hr V= =
100 A
254.4 L 1hr 1000 cm3 1 m3
( )( )( )( )
hr 3600 s 1L 1003 cm3 =0.
( )(0.017 m)2

v 2
(0.311 m/ s)2 100 cm
Velocity Head inlet=Velocity Head outlet = = ( ) =0.494 cm
2 g 2(9.81 m/s2 ) 1 m
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics2 Experiment No. 4

Experimental Head Loss= Manometer Reading in the inlet + Velocity Head Inlet – Manometer
Reading in the outlet – Velocity Head Outlet
= 8.5+0.494-6.8-0.494
=1.700 cm
254.4 L 1hr 1000 cm3 1 m3
( )( )( )( )
3 hr 3600 s 1L 1003 cm3
ρDv (997 kg/m )(0.017 m)( )
Re= = π =5922. 339
μ ( )( 0.017 m)2
(8.91 x 10 )

0.15 mm
=(−2 log (
17 mm
5922.339 √ f )
)→ f =0.045

( 0.045 ) (1.7 m ) 0.3113 m
( )
fL v = s 100 cm
Theoretical Head Loss= ( ) =2.223 cm
D2 g m 1m
( )
( 0.017 m )( 2 ) 9.81 2

|Theoretical−Experimental| |2.223−1.700|
% Error= ×100 = x100=23.532%
Theoretical 2.223

Pipes in Series

Q= (20) = 212 L/hr
212 L 1 hr 1000 cm3 1 m3
( )( )( )( )
Q hr 3600 s 1L 100 3
cm 3
V1 = = =0.2594 m/s
A π 2
( )(0.017 m)
212 L 1 hr 1000 cm3 1 m3
( )( )( )( )
Q hr 3600 s 1L 100 3
cm 3
V2 = = =0.4437 m/s
A π 2
( )( 0.013m)
(v 1)2 (0.2597 m/ s) 100 cm
Velocity Head inlet= = ( ) =0.343 cm
2 g 2(9.81 m/s 2) 1 m
(v )2 (0.4437 m/ s) 100 cm
Velocity Head outlet= 2 = ( ) =1.003 cm
2 g 2(9.81 m/s 2) 1 m

Experimental Head Loss= Manometer Reading in the inlet + Velocity Head Inlet – Manometer
Reading in the outlet – Velocity Head Outlet
= 16+0.343-10.9-1.003
=4.440 cm
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics2 Experiment No. 4

212 L 1 hr 1000 cm3 1 m3

( )( )( )( )
3 hr 3600 s 1L 1003 cm3
ρDv (997 kg/m )(0.017 m)( )
Re1= = π =4935.282
μ ( )(0.017 m)2
(8.91 x 10 )
212 L 1 hr 1000 cm3 1 m3
( )( )( )( )
3 hr 3600 s 1L 1003 cm3
ρDv (997 kg/m )(0.013m)( )
Re2= = π 2 =6453.831
μ ( )(0.013 m)
(8.91 x 10 )
0.0015 mm
√f 1
=(−2 log (17 mm
4935.282 √ f 1 )
) → f 1=0.038

0.0015 mm
√f 2
=(−2 log (13 mm
6453.831 √ f 2 )
) → f 2=0.035
( 0.038 ) ( 0.5 m) 0.2594 m
( )
fL v = s 100 cm
Theoretical Head Loss1= ( ) =0.383 cm
D2 g m 1m
( )
( 0.017 m ) ( 2 ) 9.81 2
( 0.035 ) (1.2 m ) 0.4437 m
( )
fL v 2 = s 100 cm
Theoretical Head Loss2= ( ) =3.242 cm
D2 g m 1m
( )
( 0.013 m )( 2 ) 9.81 2
|Theoretical−Experimental| |(3.242+ 0.383)−4.440|
% Error= ×100 = x100=22.486%
Theoretical (3.242+ 0.383)


Single Pipe
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics2 Experiment No. 4

Pipes in Series (for 1.7 cm-1.3 cm)

Pipes in Series (for 1.7 cm-2.9 cm)

VI. Discussion of Results

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics2 Experiment No. 4

Data gathered from the experiment were tabulated as shown on tables 1.1 and 1.2. During the
entire experiment, different types of speed of water were being used to have different readings on the
manometer and in the flowmeter. The manometer reading gives us the pressure heads while the flowmeter
reading gives us the flowrate or the discharge of the water. The datum line for the pipes were the same
and the elevation head of each pipes was considered to be zero (0) since there was no change in height
between the pipes. Since the diameters of each pipe were given, its velocity head can be calculated by
manipulating the Q=AV equation. With the tabulated data, in can be observed that the velocity heads for
the single pipe are the same due to the instance that their cross-sectional areas are uniform given that it is
only a single pipe having non-changing diameter. Meanwhile, for the pipes in series it is the other way
around since its diameter is changing, thus it’s cross sectional area is varying. After obtaining the velocity
heads, pressure heads the values for head loss can be computed. These head loss values are considered to
be experimental since data from the experiment were used.

On the other hand, the theoretical head loss was determined using the Darcy Weisbach’s equation
of head loss due to friction. In order to do so, the specific parameters are needed: friction factor, velocity,
length of pipe and Reynolds number. The Reynolds number can be solved by using the table of values for
density and dynamic viscosity for a specific temperature found in Engineering Fluid Mechanics book by
Clayton Crowe. The corresponding values of density and dynamic viscosity for a temperature of 25
degrees Celsius are 997 kg/m3 and 8.91x10-4 N-s/m2, respectively. Having the Reynolds number being
determined, as seen on the tables, it was observed that the Reynolds Number increases as the diameter
decreases and vice-versa it was also observed that the type of water flow was turbulent throughout the
three trials in the single pipe same with the pipes in series. The friction factor is insensitive to moderate
changes in the flow and is constant for fully turbulent flow. Thus, it is often useful to estimate the
relationship as the head being directly proportional to the square of the flow rate to simplify calculations
and its value was determined using the Colebrook equation which demands the Reynolds number,
roughness coefficient and the diameter of the pipe. The reference used for table of values of the roughness
coefficient for the different types of pipes was found in the Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics book by Dit
Gillesania. Same situation with the Reynolds number, the friction factors are constant on single pipes
since the Re and diameter are the same and the other way around for the series in pipes. It can also be
observed that the friction factor decreases with increasing discharge.

Afterwhich, the percentage errors were then determined. The presence of greater percentage of
errors indicates the inaccuracy of data obtained. Thus, inaccuracy mainly are caused by human error and
also with the instrument’s inadequate performance which gives erroneous measurements and the like. The
errors were found to be varying with different types of pipe. In computing for the percentage error, the
difference between the theoretical head loss and the experimental head loss was divided by the theoretical
head loss and then multiplied to 100. The highest error was found to be 71.763% and the lowest to be

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics2 Experiment No. 4

The basic approach to all piping systems is to write the Bernoulli equation between two points,
connected by a streamline, where the conditions are known. Friction losses are a complex function of the
system geometry, the fluid properties and the flow rate in the system. The experiment allows us to
thoroughly test the implications of the model and to extract the relevant parameter associated with the
energy losses.

Based on the data, as Reynolds Number increases as the diameter decreases and vice-versa. It was
also observed that the friction factor decreases as discharge increases.

The friction factor often account for a major portion of the head loss, especially in process piping,
the additional losses due to entries and exits, fittings and valves are traditionally referred to as minor
losses. These losses represent additional energy dissipation in the flow, usually caused by secondary
flows induced by curvature or recirculation. The minor losses are any head loss present in addition to the
head loss for the same length of straight pipe.

VIII. Group Mate Ratings:

Ang, Rosie Marie T. 1.0

Gabutan, Arnel D. 1.0
Patrimonio, Bea Samantha D. 1.0
Yu, Lexiejoy D. 1.0


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