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Name: Jemay Basog Section: BTLE-IA-2C

Lesson: 5

Let’s get started!

Task 1

Instruction: Research the following:

Quantitative Item Analysis

Case Sample and Guide question

 A sample is a selection of cases from the population. The sample size is the
number of cases in the sample.
 Guide questions are questions to provide to students, either in writing or
spoken verbally, while they are working on a task.

Difficulty Level

 The quality of being hard to do or deal with understand or being

underestimated the difficulty of the task has difficulty reading climbs stairs with
 The relative difficulty of completing a task or objective.

Discrimination Index

 The basic measure of an item’s ability to discriminate between those who

scored high on the total test and those who scored low.


 The key (a word or piece of data) into a computer or other machine incorrectly
‘users often do not notice that thy have miskeyed a word’

 It’s to arrive or commit to an opinion about (something) without having
sufficient evidence to support the opinion fully to guess a person weight , to
estimate or conjecture about correctly, to guess what a word means.


 The quality of being open to more than one interpretation , inexactness.

Let’s do it!

Instruction: Solve the following problems. You may use the formula given

Problem 1.

There are 45 students in section Marcos of STNHS who answered the first item
(x) in their math exam, 17 of them answered the item correctly. What are the
difficulty index and the level of difficulty of the item?



P= No, of students who selected the correct answer

Total No. of students who answered the item


P=17/45=0.37 Therefore, the item is Difficult

Problem 2.

Get the Difficulty Index and Level of Difficulty of each item.

ITEM Option A Option B Option C Option D

First question 0 3 24 (correct 3
Second question 12(correct 13 3 2


First Question


P=12/30=0.40 Therefore, the item is Difficult.

Problem 3.

50 students in section Rizal are divided into 2 groups: 25 students in the lower group
ad 25 students in the upper group, In the upper group, there are 18 students who
answered item x correctly whereas, in the lower group, there are only 9 students
answered the item x correctly.

 What is the discrimination index?


Pu= 16/25= 0.72

PI=9/25= 0.36
D=0.72= 0.36

D=0.36, therefore the item is Reasonably good item but possibly subject
to improvement.

 Will the item be revised, rejected or retained? Why?

o The item be retained because the Difficulty Index: within 0.26 to0.75
and the Discrimination Index is 0.36.

And according to the formula if the Difficulty Index: within 0.26to

0.75and Discrimination Index : 0.20 and above the item be retained.

 Is the item a very good , marginal or a poor item? Why?

o The item reasonably good item but possibly subject to improvement
because when I subtract the result of difficulty index of upper group
(Pu) and Difficulty index of lower group (Pl) the discrimination index
result 0.36 which belongs to the reasonably good item in term

Today I learned that Assessment plays an important role in the process of

learning and motivation and one of the major task that a teacher has to do there a
lots of consideration should be need and what is the appropriately tools should be
needed . Assessment task that we or students to do determine how students
approach the learning task and what study behaviours they will be used.

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