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70 Inspirational

Light Quotes On
By Norbert Juma
Editor at Everyday Power.
Published on February 24, 2020 6:20

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Our latest collection of

inspirational light quotes
on Everyday Power Blog.

One of the best gifts you

can give yourself is to
discover the light within
you. When you find the
light inside you, you get to
the core of who you are
and discover that your
ultimate purpose is just to
be who you are.

Your light is your truth –

that spark of joy,
happiness, love, and the
unchanging state of
internal peace. We each
have our own light. So no
matter what challenges
might arise, we must step
into the light and move

Here are some uplifting

light quotes to help you
recognize the light within
you and find your path
towards a fulfilling life,
love, joy, peace, and

Don’t forget also read our

collection of quotes about
summer as well as these
quotes about rain.

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Inspirational Light
Quotes On
1. “Moonlight drowns out
all but the brightest stars.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien

2. “We can easily forgive a

child who is afraid of the
dark; the real tragedy of
life is when men are afraid
of the light.” ― Plato

3. “There are darknesses in

life and there are lights,
and you are one of the
lights, the light of all
lights.” ― Bram Stoker

4. It is during our darkest

moments that we must
focus to see the light. –

5. Sometimes that light at

the end of the tunnel is a
train. – Charles Barkley

6. “In order for the light to

shine so brightly, the
darkness must be
present.”- Francis Bacon

7. “Maybe you have to

know the darkness before
you can appreciate the
light.” – Madeline L’Engle

8. “May your feet ever walk

in the light of two suns…
and may the moonshadow
never fall on you… ” ―
Robert Fanney

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Quotes to Lift Your Stoner

9. There are two kinds of

light — the glow that
illumines, and the glare
that obscures. – JAMES

10. “It’s not easy to be Light

when you’ve been Dark.
It’s almost too much to ask

Light quotes to
inspire you to live
your dreams
11. “Pointing to another
world will never stop vice
among us; shedding light
over this world can alone
help us.” ― Walt

12. “You have to find what

sparks a light in you so
that you in your own way
can illuminate the world.”
― Oprah Winf rey

13. “Darkness will always try

to extinguish the light. The
light will always try to
repress the darkness.” ―
Morgan Rhodes

14. “There are two ways of

spreading light; to be the
candle or the mirror that
reflects it.” – Edith

15. “As we work to create

light for others, we
naturally light our own
way.” – Mary Anne

16. “Your path is

illuminated by the light,
yet darkness lets the stars
shine bright.” – J.L.W.

17. “It’s not necessary to

blow out your neighbor’s
light to let your own shine.”
– M.R. Dehaan

18. “When the Sun of

compassion arises
darkness evaporates and
the singing birds come
from nowhere.” ― Amit

19. “It is better to light one

small candle than to curse
the darkness.” – Eleanor

20. We’ve all got both light

and dark inside us. What
matters is the part we
choose to act on. That’s
who we really are. – J. K.

Also check these

inspirational energy
quotes to lift your spirits.

Inspirational light
quotes about life
and happiness
21. “Happiness is always
there. You just have to
choose to see it. There’s no
point dwelling in the dark
and ignoring the light of
the stars.” ― Carrie Hope

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Durant Quotes on Basketball,
Family and Faith

22. A smile is the light in

your window that tells
others that there is a
caring, sharing person
inside. – Denis Waitley

23. The artist vocation is to

send light into the human
heart. – George Sand

24. “Stories are light. Light

is precious in a world so
dark. Begin at the
beginning. Tell Gregory a
story. Make some light.” ―
Kate DiCamillo

25. “Love is not consolation.

It is light.” ― Simone Weil

26. “My first memory is of

light — the brightness of
light — light all around.” ―
Georgia O’Keeffe

27. “The people who love

you will guide you like
bright lights into the other
worlds.” ― Josephine

28. How far that little

candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a
weary world. – WILLIAM

29. “The moon will guide

you through the night
with her brightness, but
she will always dwell in the
darkness, in order to be
seen.” ― Shannon L.

30. “Just remember, a dark

shadow need light to exist
but light doesn’t need
darkness to be luminous.”
― Gwen Hayes

Uplifting light
quotes to inspire
growth and success
31. Following the light of
the sun, we left the Old
World. – Christopher

32. “Nothing can dim the

light that shines from
within.” – Maya Angelou

33. “There is no darkness so

dense, so menacing, or so
difficult that it cannot be
overcome by light.” – Vern
P. Stanfill

34. “When you possess

light within, you see it
externally.” – Anais Nin

35. “Most of us are

imprisoned by something.
We’re living in darkness
until something flips on
the switch.” ― Wynonna

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Woeful Wednesday Addams

36. “Life isn’t just about

darkness or light, rather it’s
about finding light within
the darkness.” ― Landon

37. “A man who refuses

light will remain in the
darkness even by the side
of light!” ― Mehmet
Murat ildan

38. He whose face gives no

light, shall never become a
star. – William Blake

39. Let your light shine.

Shine within you so that it
can shine on someone
else. Let your light shine. –
Oprah Winf rey

40. Be a light unto yourself.

– Gautama Buddha

Light quotes to
elevate your
41. “Darkness cannot drive
out darkness: only light
can do that. Hate cannot
drive out hate: only love
can do that.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.

42. Education is the

movement from darkness
to light. – Allan Bloom

43. Faith is the strength by

which a shattered world
shall emerge into the light.
– Helen Keller

44. “In Light there is Dark,

and in Dark there is Light.”
― Kami Garcia

45. “The sun does not

abandon the moon to
darkness.” ― Brian A.

46. Beauty is not in the

face; beauty is a light in the
heart. – Khalil Gibran

47. “I warn you, the trip will

not be easy. Once you
choose to walk in the light,
your path will lead you
places you do not want to
go.” ― Dave Wolverton

48. Look at light and

admire its beauty. Close
your eyes, and then look
again: what you saw is no
longer there; and what you
will see later is not yet. –
Leonardo da Vinci

49. “The more light you

allow within you the
brighter the world you live
in will be.” – Shakti

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School Quotes That Will Get
You Ready for The Year

50. “Either all lights are

turned off or one inner
light is missing.” ― Dejan
Light quotes to
illuminate your life
51. “Just as a painter needs
light in order to put the
finishing touches to his
picture, so I need an inner
light, which I feel I never
have enough of in the
autumn.”― Leo Tolstoy

52. “You can’t selectively

numb your anger, any
more than you can turn off
all lights in a room, and still
expect to see the light.”―
Shannon L. Alder

53. “May the sun come, it’s

a new day; In the pure land
of fantasy; That our
darkness enlightened.”―
Miguel Torga

54. “He who does not see

the light in others does not
see the light in himself.”―
Doreen DeVore

55. “No man can walk so

long in the Shadow that he
cannot come again to the
Light.”― Robert Jordan

56. “If we only look within,

we will see the Light as if
we were seeing our own
image in a mirror.”― Sri S.

57. “For a man who walks

in the light, to stay humble
is not to walk in the dark;
you don’t need to project
yourself to be thought an
honest man.”― Mike

58. “No truth, no light.”―

Suzy Kassem

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