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T YPES A biomaterial is any substance that has

been engineered to interact with
biological systems for a medical
purpose - either a therapeutic (treat,

CERAMIC augment, repair or replace a tissue

function of the body) or a diagnostic
COMPOSITE A ceramic is a solid material POLYMERS one.
comprising an inorganic Plastics/polymers are made up
is a material made from two or
METALS compound of metal or metalloid of millions of repeated links to
more constituent materials with
and non-metal with ionic or
significantly different physical make long molecules or
covalent bonds. Common
Metals are comparatively or chemical properties that, networks that are tangled or
examples are earthenware, crosslinked together.Almost all Novel materials with unique or
malleable, optically when combined, produce a
porcelain, and brick. The polymers use carbon atoms in enhanced properties relative to
reflective, and electrically material with characteristics
crystallinity of ceramic very long chains. conventional materials.They enable
conductive.Most metals and different from the individual
materials ranges from highly technological innovations that can
alloys are easily shaped by components. The individual
oriented to semi-crystalline, benefit society.materials that have
forming. Their disassociate components remain separate
vitrified, and often completely been developed to the point that
electron bonding makes and distinct within the finished
amorphous. unique functionalities have been
them excellent conductors structure, differentiating
composites from mixtures and identified and manufacturers can test
of electricity and heat.
solid solutions. and validate in order to develop new

A substance with high electrical conductivity, luster, and

malleability, which readily loses electrons to form positive
ions (cations). Metals are otherwise defined according to
their position on the Periodic Table.
• Luster: Metals have the quality of reflecting light from their surface and can be polished e.g., gold, silver and copper.
• Malleability: Metals have the ability to withstand hammering and can be made into thin sheets known as foils. For example, a sugar cube
sized chunk of gold can be pounded into a thin sheet that will cover a football field.
• Ductility: Metals can be drawn into wires. For example, 100 g of silver can be drawn into a thin wire about 200 meters long.
• Hardness: All metals are hard except sodium and potassium, which are soft and can be cut with a knife.
• Valency: Metals typically have 1 to 3 electrons in the outermost shell of their atoms.
• Conduction: Metals are good conductors because they have free electrons. Silver and copper are the two best conductors of heat and
electricity. Lead is the poorest conductor of heat. Bismuth, mercury and iron are also poor conductors.
• Density: Metals have high density and are very heavy. Iridium and osmium have the highest densities whereas lithium has the lowest
• Melting and Boiling Points: Metals have high melting and boiling points. Tungsten has the highest melting and boiling points whereas
mercury has the lowest. Sodium and potassium also have low melting points.
• Electropositive Character: Metals tend to have low ionization energies, and typically lose electrons (i.e. are oxidized) when they undergo
chemical reactions They normally do not accept electrons. For example:
• Alkali metals are always 1+ (lose the electron in s subshell)
• Alkaline earth metals are always 2+ (lose both electrons in s subshell)
• Transition metal ions do not follow an obvious pattern, 2+ is common (lose both electrons in s subshell), and 1+ and 3+ are also observed

• Metals are shiny and lustrous, at least when freshly prepared, polished, or fractured.
• The electronic structure of metals means they are relatively good conductors of
 Transportation - Cars, buses, trucks, trains, ships, and airplanes.
 Aerospace - Unmanned and manned rockets and the space shuttle.
 Computers and other electronic device (TV, radio, stereo, security devices, etc.)
 Communications including satellites that depend on a tough but light metal shell.
 Food processing and preservation -- Microwave and conventional ovens and
refrigerators and freezers.
 Construction - Nails in conventional lumber construction and structural steel.
 Electrical power production and distribution -- Boilers, turbines, generators, etc.
 Farming - Tractors, combines, planters, etc.
 Household conveniences - Ovens, dish and clothes washers, vacuum cleaners,
blenders, pumps, lawn mowers and trimmers, plumbing, water heaters, etc.
• Examples: Gold, Silver, aluminium, titanium, copper, magnesium, etc.
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Composites, also known as Fiber-Reinforced Polymer

(FRP) composites, are made from a polymer matrix that
is reinforced with an engineered, man-made or natural
fiber (like glass, carbon or aramid) or other reinforcing
material. The matrix protects the fibers from
environmental and external damage and transfers the
load between the fibers. The fibers, in turn, provide
strength and stiffness to reinforce the matrix—and help it
resist cracks and fractures.
• Composites can be divided roughly into two groups: synthetic materials reinforced with short fibres, and synthetic materials reinforced with
long (continual) fibres.
• Composites offer many good qualitites that cannot be gained with other materials. The flexibility in design and the unique material
properties give designers, engineers and architects totally new kind of possibilities to bring their ideas alive.
• When using composite materials instead of traditional materials such as steel, for example, there are normally significant reductions in
weight due, in part, to the specific properties of the individual components and low dead weight, and partly because it is possible to produce
composites for specific purposes.
• Expense-Many composites can be manufactured with less cost than their traditional metal counterparts.
• Processability-As most of you know, metal processing requires high amounts of thermal energy (heat). Plastics and plastic based
composites require less heat to mold or process the products.
 resistance to chemicals
 electrical insulating properties
 thermal insulating properties
 high strength-to-weight ratio
 high fatigue resistance
 high impact strength

• High strain composites are another type of high-performance composites that are
designed to perform in a high deformation setting and are often used in deployable
systems where structural flexing is advantageous.
• Composite materials used in tensile structures for facade application provides the
advantage of being translucent. The woven base cloth combined with the
appropriate coating allows better light transmission. This provides a very
comfortable level of illumination compared to the full brightness of outside.
 Composite materials are generally used for buildings, bridges, and structures such
as boat hulls, swimming pool panels, racing car bodies, shower stalls, bathtubs,
storage tanks, imitation granite and cultured marble sinks and countertops.
 Pipes and fittings for various purpose like transportation of potable water, fire-
fighting, irrigation, seawater, desalinated water, chemical and industrial waste, and
sewage are now manufactured in glass reinforced plastics.
• Examples: Mud Building bricks, Concrete, Fibre glass, natural composite- wood, etc.
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A ceramic is an inorganic non-metallic solid made up of

either metal or non-metal compounds that have been
shaped and then hardened by heating to high
temperatures. In general, they are hard, corrosion-
resistant and brittle.'Ceramic' comes from the Greek
word meaning ‘pottery’. The clay-based domestic wares,
art objects and building products are familiar to us all, but
pottery is just one part of the ceramic world.
• High melting points (so they're heat resistant).
• Great hardness and strength.
• Considerable durability- Good wear resistance (they're long-lasting and hard-wearing).
• Low electrical and thermal conductivity (they're good insulators).
• Chemical inertness- High resistance to corrosion and chemical attack (they're unreactive with other chemicals).
• High elastic modulus
• Low ductility
• High dimensional stability
• High weather resistance
• High working temperature
• Low thermal expansion
• Low to medium tensile strength
• High compressive strength
• Medium machinability
• Opacity
• Poor impact strength
• Low thermal shock resistance
• The crystallinity of ceramic materials ranges from highly oriented to semi-crystalline,
vitrified, and often completely amorphous (e.g., glasses).
• A ceramic material is an inorganic, non-metallic, often crystalline oxide, nitride or
carbide material. Some elements, such as carbon or silicon, may be considered
• Ceramic materials are brittle, hard, strong in compression, and weak in shearing and
tension. They withstand chemical erosion.
• Ceramics generally can withstand very high temperatures.
 Knife blades: the blade of a ceramic knife stay sharp for much longer.
 Carbon-ceramic brake disks for vehicles are resistant to brake fade at high
 Advanced composite ceramic and metal matrices have been designed for armoured
fighting vehicles because they offer superior penetrating resistance against shaped
charges and kinetic energy penetrators.
 Ceramics such as alumina and boron carbide have been used in ballistic armored vests
to repel high-velocity rifle fire.
• Examples: Boron oxide, Boron nitride, Earthenware, Procelain, Silicon Carbide, etc.
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Polymer, any of a class of natural or synthetic

substances composed of very large molecules, called
macromolecules, that are multiples of simpler chemical
units called monomers.The materials have unique
properties, depending on the type of molecules being
bonded and how they are bonded. Some polymers bend
and stretch, like rubber and polyester. Others are hard
and tough, like epoxies and glass.
• Polymers can be very resistant to chemicals.
• Polymers can be both thermal and electrical insulators.
• Generally, polymers are very light in weight with significant degrees of strength.
• Polymers can be processed in various ways. Extrusion produces thin fibers or heavy pipes or films or food bottles. Injection molding can
produce very intricate parts or large car body panels. Plastics can be molded into drums or be mixed with solvents to become adhesives or
• Polymers are materials with a seemingly limitless range of characteristics and colors.
• Polymers can be made to mimic cotton, silk, and wool fibers; porcelain and marble; and aluminum and zinc
• Polymers are usually made of petroleum, but not always. Many polymers are made of repeat units derived from natural gas or coal or crude
• Polymers can be used to make items that have no alternatives from other materials.
• The density of polymer materials is low because it mainly composed of light elements.
• Thermal expansion of polymers is relatively large. This must be considered in the design and use of polymer components, particularly when
used in conjunction with other engineering materials.
• Generally, solid polymers do not contain interconnected pores and may generally be regarded as practically impermeable. That is why
Polymers are frequently used as protective coatings, vapor barriers, sealants, caulking compounds and proof against gases and vapors.

• Polymers range from familiar synthetic plastics such as polystyrene to natural

biopolymers such as DNA and proteins that are fundamental to biological structure and
• Polymers, both natural and synthetic, are created via polymerization of many small
molecules, known as monomers.
 Polyethene is used for Carrier bags, shampoo bottles, food wrap.
 PVC is used to make Insulation for electrical wires, windows, gutters, pipes
 Polyvinyl chloride is used in clothing and furniture and has recently become popular for
the construction of doors and windows as well. It is also used in vinyl flooring.
 Urea-formaldehyde resins are used for making adhesives, moulds, laminated sheets,
unbreakable containers, etc.
 Glyptal is used for making paints, coatings, and lacquers.
 Bakelite is used for making electrical switches, kitchen products, toys, jewellery,
firearms, insulators, computer discs, etc.
• Examples: Buna-S, Bakellite, Glyptal, Teflon
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Any matter, surface, or construct that interacts with

biological systems. Biomaterials can be derived from
nature or synthesized in the laboratory using metallic
components, polymers , ceramics, or composite
materials. Medical devices made of biomaterials are
often used to replace or augment a natural function.
Examples include heart valves, hip replacements, and
materials used regularly in dentistry and surgery.

• Biomaterials (for bone replacement) are usually porous and the sizes of the samples are small. Therefore, nanoindentation test is used to
determine the elastic modulus of these materials.
• Biomaterial hardness is desirable as equal to bone hardness. If higher than the biomaterial, then it penetrates in the bone.
• Strength of biomaterials (bioceramics) is an important mechanical property because they are brittle. In brittle materials like bioceramics,
cracks easily propagate when the material is subject to tensile loading, unlike compressive loading. A number of methods are available for
determining the tensile strength of materials, such as the bending flexural test, the biaxial flexural strength test and the weibull approach. In
bioceramics, flaws influence the reliability and strength of the material during implantation and fabrication. There are a number of ways that
flaws can be produced in bioceramics such as thermal sintering and heating. The importance is for bioceramics to have high reliability,
rather than high strength.
• Fracture toughness is required to alter the crack propagation in ceramics. It is helpful to evaluate the serviceability, performance and long
term clinical success of biomaterials. It is reported that the high fracture toughness material improved clinical performance and reliability as
compare to low fracture toughness.
• Fatigue is defined as failure of a material due to repeated/cyclic loading or unloading (tensile or compressive stresses). It is also an
important parameter for biomaterial because cyclic load is applied during their serving life. In this cyclic loading condition, micro crack/flaws
may be generated at the interface of the matrix and the filler.

• Biomaterials can be derived either from nature or synthesized in the laboratory using a
variety of chemical approaches utilizing metallic components, polymers, ceramics or
composite materials.
 Medical implants, including heart valves, stents, and grafts; artificial joints, ligaments,
and tendons; hearing loss implants; dental implants; and devices that stimulate nerves.
 Methods to promote healing of human tissues, including sutures, clips, and staples for
wound closure, and dissolvable dressings.
 Regenerated human tissues, using a combination of biomaterial supports or scaffolds,
cells, and bioactive molecules.
 Molecular probes and nanoparticles that break through biological barriers and aid in
cancer imaging and therapy at the molecular level.
 Biosensors in blood glucose monitoring devices and brain activity sensors.
 Drug-delivery systems that carry and/or apply drugs to a disease target.
• Examples: Collagen, Fibrin, Chitosan, Agarose
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An advanced material is a material which has

engineered properties created through the development
of specialized process and synthesis technology.
Advanced materials are a very broad area of the
sciences in general. These are a result of little bit of
chemistry, physics, biology and so forth. It means
developing, formulating or manufacturing advanced
alloys, coatings, lubricants, refrigerants, surfactants,
emulsifiers or substrates.

• Advanced Materials are a relatively new field in the sciences, that needs much more research to fully understand it. They could hold the
future for humanity but also lead us to our destruction.
• Some advanced materials are expensive and not cost effective to produce, however some are not only cheap to make but environmentally
• Advanced materials basically hold the future of mankind.
• Faster, stronger and more sustainable
• Long term success and profitability
• Used to improve product performance, capability and efficiency of production processes.
• Reduced costs and increased profitability. Advanced materials that are stronger, lighter and more durable will last longer and save money
on replacing parts or can compensate for operational and manufacturing challenges unsolved by relatively less functional materials.
• Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Because of their inherently improved properties, advanced materials can lead to final products
that better fulfill customer requirements and contain fewer defects, which will translate into increased competitiveness.
• Regulatory compliance and sustainability. Newer and more stringent regulations are making manufacturing and production more and more
arduous. Using advanced materials should help companies comply with regulations without sacrificing performance objectives.
• These are lightweight in nature.
• Companies can now incorporate advanced materials into thermoplastics that can be
used to build fully functional product components using 3-D printers.
• Polymer matrix composites offer manufacturers the opportunity to create lighter,
stronger and more corrosion resistant products— improving conductivity and durability
of products and ultimately positively impacting manufacturing and commercial success.
• Graphene, with its extraordinary and unique combination of properties, offers significant
potential applications in the field of electronics, aerospace, automotive, coatings and
paints, energy storage and more.
• Nanomedicine is a rapidly expanding field in cancer therapy. Nanoparticles themselves
are able to attack cancerous cells and have the ability to carry chemotherapy drugs into
the cells. Two types of nanoparticle are currently receiving considerable attention, gold
and magnetic particles.
• Silver as a nanoparticle fabric is used for its antibacterial properties. Nanoparticles
have the best evidence of increased bacteria resistance.
• Advanced materials are used in Active packaging incorporating e.g. bactericides or
oxygen scavengers. Intelligent package labelling including sensors enabling customer to
trace history of product e.g. length of time since packaging or environmental conditions
during storage.
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