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Dubai Islamic Bank: Job Rotation


The Dubai Islamic Bank and its operations........................................................................................3
Problems witnessed by Dubai Islamic Bank.......................................................................................4
Job Rotations as a solution for Dubai Islamic Banking organization..................................................5


The concept of Islamic banking system it not a very new subject for the banking or the

financial sector at present, owing to the growth in the performance of this banking system has

rendered this sector to be one of the growing segments in the overall financial sector. The

Islamic banking system not only has its form foothold in the Islamic countries but also this

has been able to get a good hold in the non Islamic countries also. The Islamic banking

system operates on the basis Islamic principles of banking and the same have been framed in

context to help remove uncertainly and the reduction of risk involved with the financial

activities and this has also been considered from some of the angles, that the performance of

this banking system has been resulted to be better than the performance of the conventional

banking system (, 2015). Therefore, in the same manner the Dubai

Islamic Bank has also been able to make its mark in the sector and is continuing to be one of

the effective financial organizations by the way of following the Islamic banking principles.

However, the operation of the Dubai Islamic Bank is not only relied on the effective set of

principles but following of the same by the entire team in the effective manner would help the

business to be at par.

The Dubai Islamic Bank and its operations

The Dubai Islamic Bank is conducting its operations in the most effective manner and is

providing the Islamic banking facilities and services in the different parts of the world. Being

the fact that Dubai Islamic Bank has presented the Islamic banking system to the world

therefore, the activities and the operations of the bank is formulated by the core essence and

teachings of Islamic banking system. This is considered to be one of the main assets of the

business of Dubai Islamic Bank, is its transparency and accountability and at the same time

the banking organization is also bringing in diversification along with modernity for the

purpose to ensure greater stability and growth of the banking business conducted by Dubai

Islamic Bank (, 2015). From the time of the inception of the idea in the year of 1975, at

the present date the Islamic banking system is accounted as one of the fasted growing sector

of the world and there are over 400 banking organizations and which are managing the assets

over US $ 1 trillion on the global floor and the Dubai Islamic Bank is one among the major

Islamic banking organizations (, 2015).

Another main aspect that has enabled the banking organization to journey this far, is the

customer centric approach of the organization and the Dubai Islamic Bank group are trying to

implement a number of policies and banking products so as to meet with the varied

requirement of their customers, at large. Therefore, in this respect of providing better and

more developed banking services the management as well as the rest of the team working for

Dubai Islamic Bank need to be very active. However, in the process of providing the banking

management at times find this to be quite problematic in the management of their employee

staffs who the representatives of the bank and ultimate interactive segment of the bank with

the customers (Bristow, 2000). Moreover, owed to competitions which are being posed by the

conventional banks to this banking organization this has been one of the major factors for the

bank to have more expert staffs for the purpose to provide more effective services to the


Problems witnessed by Dubai Islamic Bank

Being the fact that the Islamic banking system is new field compared to that of the

conventional banking system therefore, to maintain uniform growth of the banking system

and also for Dubai Islamic Bank to be one of the leading banking organizations in the entire

banking sector this is very much required to have well set up of trained staffs who acts the

medium between the banking management and the customers of the business. This has been

further apparent to the management of Dubai Islamic Bank that the employee staffs are facing

problem in the process of handling teller operations and also in case of providing cash

services (, 2015). Therefore, for this purpose this is on to the banking management to

provide better training and the flexibilities to the banking staffs so as to make the

performance of the banking even more progressive in nature.

The problem can be further associated with the increase growth rate of the Islamic banking

system to a certain extent, as the growth of the sector or of this particular baking organization

is coupled with growing number of customers and clients of the business. Thus, this is

nothing unusual that the employees at times are failing to meet with the pressure of work and

thus they prove to be incapable at times to provide the most efficient services to their

customers. Thus, the management of Dubai Islamic Bank must implement better Human

resource policies such as the rotational job opportunities along with effective training to help

their employees to perform better and help the entire banking business to maintain the pace

with the market gaining competitive edge (Campion, 2013).

Job Rotations as a solution for Dubai Islamic Banking organization

Flexibilities of working is one of the main factors that enables the employees to perform

better and this also acts as the motivational factor for the employees to improve their

performance and from the angle of management of the banking business also the organization

would be able reduce the rate of employee turnover and help in the process of enhancing the

learning ability of the employees by the management of the business. Owing to the affectivity

of the job rotation this is considered as one of the useful tools in the hands of the management

and this is further recognized as an efficient management tools for the main stream businesses

to recent times (Jans, 2004). This type of program is very prominent from the angle of

development of the higher level executives, of- late this has been accounted by varied

business organizations for the purpose of injecting better working culture make the use of the

this HR management tool in the most productive manner.

Owing to the increased number of banking facilities and the financial services and products

this is quite challenging for the banking management as well as for the banking staffs to meet

up with the expectations of the providing the most effective services to their customers

without any fail. Thus, in case of employee staffs providing services like the cash services on

the daily basis and that too for the long extensive hours makes it all the more difficult for the

banking employee staffs to provide the same quality of service to each and every customers

all the time (Ortega, 2001). Therefore, under such a circumstance the concept of job rotation

can be used as one of the effective tools as it is with the help of job rotation process the

organization would be able to help the employee to get rid of the boredom of same job and

this would further help the organization to enable the employee to learn jobs handling of

other departments of the organization. This has been further apparent that from the facilities

of learning new jobs the employees also enjoy working with the organization and this further

broadens the knowledge base of the employees and would further help in managing more

effective teller system in the bank.

Moreover, from the context of the banking organization the use of this type of strategic tool

further facilitates the management of the business to reduce the rate of fraudulent in the

system of work among the employee staffs of the banking organization. In case a person is

working in the same department and involved in executing the same job type for the

considerable time period under such scenario, there is chance that knowing the ambiguities

the employee might make use of the situation for personal purpose by the way of

malpractices in work (, 2015). However, from the use of job rotation would

reduce the chances of such fraud due to the presence of other personnel in the same banking



Therefore, this can be concluded from the above study on banking operation of Dubai Islamic

Bank, that with the growth of the Islamic banking system the responsibilities of the banking

organization is also enhancing, and in such a scenario this is very much required that the

entire team of Dubai Islamic Bank have to work in the effective and organized manner. Being

the fact that this banking organization emphasizes to be a customer centric business,

therefore, training of the employee staffs and job rotational factors would help the

management to improve the performance of the employees at work and ensures better service

towards the customers of the banking business.


Bristow, N. (2000). Creating a knowledge advantage: making knowledge management

everybody's job.Strategy & Leadership, 28(1).

Campion, M. (2013). Job Rotation: Using Job Assignments to Differentiate and Integrate

Leaders.Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013(1), pp.16764-16764., (2015). Overview - About DIB | DUBAI ISLAMIC BANK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 May 2015]., (2015). Vision and Mission - About DIB | DUBAI ISLAMIC BANK. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 2 May 2015].

Jans, N. (2004). Career Development, Job Rotation, and Professional Performance. Armed

Forces & Society, 30(2), pp.255-277.

Ortega, J. (2001). Job Rotation as a Learning Mechanism. Management Science, 47(10),

pp.1361-1370., (2015). Islamic Banking: Problems and Prospects. [online] Available

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