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1. All the following are defense mechanisms of the ego, except:

Options - Correct answer: 4

(1) Projection

(2) Conversion

(3) Reaction formation

(4) Transference

2. Operant condition with paradigm pain stimulus given to a child for behaviour therapy is

Options - Correct answer: 3

(1) Positive reinforcement

(2) Negative reinforcement

(3) Punishment

(4) Negotiation

3. Psychoanalysis was discovered by

Options - Correct answer: 2

(1) Alder

(2) Bleuler

(3) Morton

(4) Sigmund Freud

4. Appropriate management of phobias includes:

Options - Correct answer: 4

(1) Systematic desensitization

(2) Chlorpromazine

(3) Bio feed base

(4) ECT

5. Mature defense mechanism is

Options - Correct answer: 2

(1) Denial

(2) Anticipation

(3) Projection

(4) Reaction

6. Mature defense mechanism is seen in

Options - Correct answer: 2

(1) Regression

(2) Altruism

(3) Repression

(4) None

7. That part of the mind which is working on reality prin¬ciple is

Options - Correct answer: 1

(1) Id

(2) Ego n

(3) Super ego

(4) Ego-ideal

8. One of the important defense mechanism is

Options - Correct answer: 3

(1) Anticipation

(2) Confabulatio

(3) Repression

(4) Suppression

9. Which of the following excludes painful stimuli from awareness

Options - Correct answer: 1

(1) Repression

(2) Projection

(3) Rationalism

(4) Reaction form

10. Psychoanalysis was developed to treat which mental disorde

Options - Correct answer: 4

(1) Hypochondriasis

(2) Depression

(3) Neurosis

(4) Hysteria

11. Which of the following statements is true of Freud’s seduction theory?

Options - Correct answer: 3

(1) It proposed that women developed hysteria as a result of seducing older men

(2) It proposed that hysterics only imagined or fantasized about early sexual experiences

(3) It proposed that hysterics suffer from memories

(4) Freud abandoned it because it placed too much emphasis on childhood sexuality

12. In Freud’s topographic model, the ‘çensor’ guards the border between

Options - Correct answer: 3

(1) the Conscious and the Preconscious

(2) the Conscious and the Unconscious

(3) the Preconscious and the Unconscious

(4) the Ego and the Id

13. According to Freud, the odd, magical quality of dreams reflects the influence of

Options - Correct answer: 1

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