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Due Date: 17-5-20 Assignment 3

By 11:59 PM

1. Consider the statement MOV AX, WORD PTR [EBX+25]

EBX=4A679H; DS=0018H; GDTR=00000000H ;

The following table shows the contents of a global descriptor table, in which single row
represents single byte. Here the first column is the address of an entry and the 2nd column give
the contents of descriptor. Calculate the linear address by showing the complete procedure to
be used by 80386

Consider the following format and solve the following

31 22 21 12 11 0

1. What value is placed in page table to redirect linear address 20000000H to physical address

2. Each entry in page directory translates how much linear address in to physical address

3. Consider a paged virtual memory system with 32-bit virtual addresses and 1 K-byte pages.
Each page table entry requires 32 bits. It is desired to limit the page table size to one page.

(a). How many levels of page tables are required?

(b). What is the size of the page table at each level? Hint: One page table size is

(c). The smaller page size could be used at the top level or the bottom level of the
page table hierarchy. Which strategy consumes the least number of pages.

Question 3 Memory banking in 80386

How many cycles are required a access a

i) word from memory placed at odd address

ii) double word from the memory places at odd address

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