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Discussion 1: Discuss how broadband access (like LTE and soon, 5G) has affected some

aspect of how we meet human needs in our society, and what costs and benefits go along
with this change.
In recent years, the prevalent usage of internet has already reached even the most
distant places of the world as it links people, information, and news all together in a portable
device like our cell phones and computers. The broadband connections would refer to high-
speed internet that is accessible which is faster and more efficient than our traditional books
and encyclopaedias. It is already known to humans how broadband access has shaped our
society nowadays, it has helped global economy reach a higher trajectory in generating data
and information that provide humans literacy growth. Many companies would invest on
projects on networking since the primary market of these companies knew that people are
hooked on applications that would provide them social media accounts. Technologically,
broadband access is an instrument that processes or enhances the everyday aspects of life to
simplify them. A visual representation of this would be our vehicles. It is a product of
technology that simplifies the means of transportation of humans in our daily lives. The same
thing works for the Internet; it has greatly enhanced our way of living. Unfortunately, like
many of the great advantages of broadband access comes along great deal of its own set of
problems which are also as impactful as its disadvantages.
To cite some of the great enhancements the Internet provides, its fundamental benefit
to the world is its ability to connect billions of people became easy and possible wherever the
person may be. Before the existence of broadband connections, a person who is not around
the same room as you would be harder to call, a letter through snail mail would have to be
sent and it would take longer duration before the sender receives a reply. The Internet has
given solution to this, they made mobile phones making messages and calls instantaneously
effective. Another advantage is the online marketing which provide convenience to shoppers.
Instead of driving kilometres to your city malls or grocery stores, the Internet has already
provided you with online shopping sites that offer the same products found in stores. With a
few clicks on your screens, the items you wish to order will be delivered to your doorstep
sent by online retailers. Online banking has also been made accessible through applications
that are available for download. Prior to this, transactions are made easier to transfer and
receive funds wherever you go and anytime you want without worrying when the bank opens
or closes their service.
On another note, the disadvantages of easier connections would also mean easier
means for cybercriminals to harm and distribute scams and malwares. It is more accessible
for malwares to hide between sent email attachments that could potentially harm your PC.
This vulnerability can also help an attacker to get into your systems and infiltrate your
privacy that wreaks havoc to your security as well. When it comes to online shopping, it
might be the norm of people today, however this is also another means for people to steal
personal information that create fake websites to lure people into buying products that might
be a scam or malware. Lastly, online banking can expose you to lurkers who can possibly
hack your account and steal your hard-earned money. These hackers can hold your
credentials and phish through your bank and this are easier for professional scammers
without leaving any evidences of their evildoings. Using the internet may be really
advantageous and dangerous at the same time, what people can do is be knowledgeable to use
the benefits wisely to enjoy its full potential without facing its great consequences.
Discussion 2: Technological Determinism: Changes in technology are the most
important cause of social change.
From the Technological Determinism approach, what effects on one element of society
(e.g., the workplace, family, friendships, group relations, childhood, aging, education,
warfare, recreation, health, or any other aspect of society you can imagine) would this
technological innovation have?

Technological Determinism is a theory of reductionism that aims to give a causative

link to technology and the nature of a society. It further wants to define who or what can have
a power to control the affairs of human that correlates the interaction of technology and
people. The bigger bubble of this theory would want to determine how much can technology
influence a person’s behaviour (actions or thoughts). Thorstein Veblen coined this theory in
which he viewed that any society’s nature can revolve on the factors influenced by
technology. Upon his narrative, technology can be viewed as the determinant that shapes the
culture of a society to become what it was regardless of its history. In Langdon Winners
words, the technology is an influencer of how a society exists and changes in technology can
also root changes in the society itself. For example, agricultural tools and methods were
introduced to innovative instruments and practices but the effect of this changes is the
changes of traditional knowledge of farming decreases.
Advancements are made every day in the world that determines how technology
shapes our society. For example, in warfare, the invention of guns altered the system of
battles and combats. It is an essential weapon that incorporates metal tube where bullets or
any other explosive force are fired that make a loud, sharp noise that can fatally harm the
target. A gun would require less effort and skill to be maneuvered successfully, it basically
takes a bit force of trigger and press and the rest of the work is done. Earlier wars were fought
by using spears and bows and arrows which take longer to practice. The existence of guns is a
form of radical change in the weapons and machinery in the modern days used effectively in
wars. All discoveries transition the society to be different no matter how big or small the
changes appear to be.
Hence to that, the introduction of these weapons can also bring havoc if it is practiced
by the wrong hands. No matter how big the difference these guns have made to the warfare, it
has contributed more to crimes. It is made easier to use so even a child who has no idea of
what the weapon may cause can use it. Technology, looking at another view, is a mediating
function that changes a society is still controlled by humans. With this, it is said that using
technology is still a choice made by human beings as to which experiencing the effects of the
changes brought upon innovation still lies in the hand of the society, us. Without the
knowledge of a man, no technology would happen and without man, no one would
experience the use of technology. So this only shows that technology may be a determining
factor to a society’s nature however it never forces its way on the members of society, itself.

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