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interfete seriale
I/O Synchronization
Scop: realizarea conexiunii dintre un uC si un dispozitiv extern

Marimi caracteristice transferului de date:

-LATENCY- (hardware delay+soft delay);
latency pt input device&output device

-REAL-TIME system garanteaza valoarea maxima a ‘LATENCY’.

-BANDWIDTH <bytes/second>

Moduri de realizare a sincronizarii
(blind; busy-wait;interrupt; pooling; dma)
idle, busy & ready states
interface a flag

• The hardware will set the flag when the hardware component is complete
• The software can read the flag to determine if the device is busy or ready.
• The software can clear the flag, signifying the software component is complete
• This flag serves as the hardware triggering event for an interrupt.
I/O bound-unbuffered nterfacing
Utilizarea memoriilor de tip
Buffered interfacing
First-In/First-Out (FIFO) Queues
Fifo_Put Fifo_Get

Source process FIFO Sink process

Producer Consumer

Order preserving
Producer(s) put (on tail end)
Consumer(s) get (from head end)
Buffer decouples producer & consumer
 Even out temporary mismatch in rates
FIFO Operation

• I/O bound input interface

Input busy done busy done
service b b
Main a c d a c d a
Elements empty 1 empty 1 empty

a- stare de asteptare
b- FIFO_put
c- FIFO_get
d-prelucrarea datei
FIFO Operation

• High bandwidth input burst (cpu bound)

Input busy done busy done busy done busy done busy done busy
service b b b b b
Main a c d c d
Elements empty 1 empty 1 2 3 2 3

a- stare de asteptare
b- FIFO_put
c- FIFO_get
d-prelucrarea datei
FIFO Queue Synchronization

Input ISR Output ISR

Read data Empty
from input TxFifo
Empty Output Not empty
RxFifo Full
RxFifo TxFifo_Get
Not empty Not full Full Not full Disarm
RxFifo_Get RxFifo_Put Write data output
TxFifo_Put to output
return ERROR
Arm output
Universal Asynchronous
Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
• UART (Serial Port) Interface
One frame

Serial port Start b b b b b b

0 2 3 4 b b 7
1 5 6 0V
– Send/receive a frame of (5-8) data bits with a single
(start) bit prefix and a 1 or 2 (stop) bit suffix
– Baud rate is total number of bits per unit time
• Baudrate = 1 / bit-time
– Bandwidth is data per unit time
• Bandwidth = (data-bits / frame-bits) * baudrate
RS-232 Serial Port
16 0.1F DB9 female
0.1F MAX 2 Vss
TM4C123 3 +5.5V
3232 5
4 6 -5.5V
0.1F 0.1F 9
5 4

PA1/U0Tx RxD 9 8 Sin 8

PA0/U1Rx 3
PB1/U1Tx TxD 10 7 Sout 7
PB0/U1Rx 2
PD6/U2Rx 6
DB25 RS232 DB9 EIA-574 Signal Description True DTE DCE
Pin Name Pin Name
2 BA 3 103 TxD Transmit Data -5.5V out in
3 BB 2 104 RxD Receive Data -5.5V in out
7 AB 5 102 SG Signal Ground

data terminal equipment (DTE) = calculator

data communication equipment (DCE))= printer
Serial I/O
• Serial communication
– Transmit Data (TxD), Receive Data (RxD), and
Signal Ground (SG) implement duplex
communication link
– Both communicating devices must operate at the
same bit rate
– Least significant bit sent first

Full duplex
Half duplex
UART - Transmitter

Stop 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Start
Shift 1 Data 0 U0Tx
Transmit shift register
FIFO TXEF Fifo empty flag

TXFF Fifo full flag

Write data UART0_DR_R
Transmit data register
UART - Transmitter

• Tx Operation
– Data written to UART0_DR_R
• passes through 16-element FIFO
• permits small amount of data rate matching between
processor and UART
– Shift clock is generated from 16x clock
• permits differences in Tx and Rx clocks to be reconciled
One frame

Serial port Start b b b b b b

0 2 3 4 5 b6
b 7 Stop
1 0V
UART - Receiver

Stop 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Start
Shift 1 Data 0 U0Rx
clock OE BE PE FE Receive shift register
RXFE Fifo empty flag
12-bit, 16-element
RXFF Fifo full flag
Read data UART0_DR_R
Receive data register
UART - Receiver

• Rx Operation
– RXFE is 0 when data are available
– RXFF is 1 when FIFO is full
– FIFO entries have four control bits
• BE set when Tx signal held low for more than one frame
• OE set when FIFO is full and new frame has arrived
• PE set if frame parity error
• FE set if stop bit timing error
One frame

Serial port Start b b b b b b

0 2 3 4 5 b6
b 7 Stop
1 0V
UART – Overrun Error

"A"=$41 "B"=$42 "P"=$50 "Q"=$51
s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s


17 frames transmitted and none read

=> overrun error
bitului de paritate
UART-esantionarea semnalului
Codul manchester
Codul manchester
Comunicatii seriale
• Este transmisa data si clock-ul asociat
• Conversia serie paralel se face cu circuite simple
• In sistem exista un singur Master si unul sau mai multi sclavi
Mod de selectie
mod de transmisie

• Rata<1Mbit/s
• Bitstart-cod operatie-adr-data
SPI (Serial Peripheral
• Rata <3Mbiti/s
• Cuvintele sunt de 8biti
• Are semnal de ‘HOLD’
• Poate transmite ‘blocuri’ de date
Network Communications

• Implica existenta unui bus de transmisie

• Pot exista mai multi ‘master-i’
• Dispozitivele care raspund cererii sunt ‘sclavi’
• Un dispozitiv poate fi si ‘master’ si ‘slave’.
• Un ‘master’ poate transmite informatii simultan
mai multor sclav.
• Viteza de transmisie e mica
I2C (Inter-Intercomputer
• Viteze maxime 100kbps si 400kbps;
• Modul de realizare al clock-ului
• Sincronizarea master master
• Sincronizarea master-slave
• Arbitrarea
• Este generata adresa sclavului
Conditia de START si STOP
Transferul de date pe I2C

-Generarea unei stari de tip ‘wait’

Modul de confirmare a
primirii datelor

-dupa fiecare Byte (daca nu e adresa)

Sincronizarea ceasului
Fiecare MASTER are un timp pentru LOW si unul pentru HIGH
Temporizarile se realizeaza cu un numarator
Numaratorul se reset-eaza automat ce linia isi modifica starea din H in L
Daca linia nu se modifica din L in H, sistemul intra in stare de asteptare
Arbitrarea pe magistrala
I2C write
Ciclul de write este singurul ce fixeaza adresa
I2C Read
Atresa este fixata de un ciclu de write
(Controller Area Network)
-insensibila la interferente electromagnetice deoarece este DIFERENTIALA
-simpla –are pini putini
-dispozitivele pot fi conectate si deconectate in timpul functionarii
-NU genereaza adrese ci TIPUL de date ce este transmis
Dialog pe magistrala
Sunt 2 stari;
Nivele de tensiune-codari
Realizarea fizica a BUS-ului
(pachete de date-mesaje)

Data frame-date transmise

Remote frame-cerere pentru un anumit tip de date
Error frame-se trimite cand o unitate detecteaza o eroare pe
CAN bus
Overload frame-trimis pentru a intarzia alte pachete de date
Interframe space-separa pachetele de date sau de ‘remote’
Data frame
• Start of frame-1bit=0
• Arbitration field (11-identifier, 1-Remote Transmision Request=0 pt date; =1 pt
• Control field (datele pot fi 0-8)
• CRC field-Cyclic Redundancy Check (include toti bitii de la start la CRC delimiter-
• ACK- Master-trimite recessive si slave pune pe dominant
• End of frame=7 biti
Arbitrare, prioritate
Bit timming
Exemplu de realizare
pentru ‘bit timming’
Ajustarea ratei de
Implementarea fizica si

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