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Gilbert Fabian Moreno Moreno

Group: 212032-42
Date: November 21, 2020
Head of Agreement Structure
Definition of Concepts Group 1

This refers to who is
involved in the Duration
negotiation, and is
It refers to how long
made up of the
the license will last.
registered legal name
This can be according
and location of both
to the expiration of the
last of the patents or
less when there are
other variables
involved, such as
product price, market
size, etc. It is
important that both
parties analyze these
variables to choose the
appropriate duration
Start Date of the license.

This point refers to

the starting date of
the license, which has
been agreed between
the negotiating

Nature of the
Licensed IP
This refers to the type of
licensed intellectual
Work Schedule property being
negotiated, be it a
If necessary to carry out patent, copyright, etc.
any additional work to Only patents that cover
prepare the product for the specific product that
the market, either by the licensee wishes to
one of the parties or access should be
both, it is essential that provided.
both parties reach an
agreement with a work
schedule, which must
be defined before draft
the license agreement.

How important is to prepare the Head of Agreement document before

developing a technology negotiation in order to achieve the best results?

Its importance lies in the fact that this "Head of Agreement" contains a
lot of information and key elements that need to be as clear as possible
at the time of completion, since the success of the negotiation depends
on it. These elements will enter into discussion between both parties
and when broken down they will establish the main points of the

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